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Working with specialized functions and formulas in Excel

In this tutorial, we will tackle the basic and most useful string functions journalists

use when performing a variety of tasks such as cleaning data, separating or

combining the contents in columns, or preparing your data for grouping and

summarizing in a pivot table, a skill that we will learn in the next tutorial. These

skills will take you to a new level, far beyond the filtering and sorting that we’ve

learned thus far.

Though we’re focusing on the newest version of Excel, most of what is covered

applies to the other types of spreadsheets discussed in chapter four.


What gives spreadsheets like Excel their real power is the ability to use built-in

functions used in formulas to perform a number of tasks. Just like a formula, a

function begins with an equal (=) sign, then the function name such as SUM, then

an open parentheses, followed a list arguments to be included in the calculation,

and finally a closed parentheses.

Hence, the function that adds values in a specified cell range looks like this:

“=SUM(A1:A7). Functions use what are calls arguments, located in the brackets. A

spreadsheet needs the information supplied by the argument in order to calculate

the values in a range of cells, add values contained in separate cell ranges.

In this instance, the argument is the cell range A1:A7. Functions can use any

number of arguments, which are separated by commas or colons.

Example: SUM(A1:A7,A8:A20)

Translation: sum the values in contained in cells A1 to A7, and then sum the

values in cells A8 to A20.

Excel 2016 contains more than 300 functions. Fortunately, journalists typically

only use about a dozen or so, which we will discuss in this tutorial. To obtain a list

of functions in Excel, you can click on the function icon, highlighted in the screen

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grab below.

As you can see in the illustration, clicking the function icon produces a dialogue

box with a list of the functions. Selecting a specific function, produces a second

dialogue box with more information.

In chapter four, we learned about some of the easiest and commonly used

functions: mathematical and trigonometric calculations such as SUM and

AVERAGE; WEEKDAY, MONTH and YEAR functions when working with dates; and

LEFT, RIGHT, and MID for working with text.

We also covered the use of logical comparisons with the IF statement, a powerful

analytical tool.

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This tutorial is the most comprehensive of the ones that accompany chapter four,

in large part because a solid knowledge of functions, formulas and their

component parts are just that important. Also available is an Excel workbook that

contains the datasets in the explanations.

Before getting started, you’ll need to download the Excel workbook, The Data

Journalist – Getting the Story, that accompanies this tutorial.

What you will learn:

1. Formula elements such as operators;

2. Excel-supported operators used in formulas;

3. Reference operators;

4. Operator precedence;

5. Operator precedence in formulas;

6. Sample formulas that use operators;

7. The use of parentheses and nested parenthesis;

8. Functions used in formulas;

9. Math and trigonometry functions

10. Statistical functions;

11. Date and time functions;

12. Information functions;

13. Text functions;

14. Manipulating text: Using the ampersand operator to combine the contents

of two or more cells; using the LEFT, RIGHT, MID, FIND, SEARCH, LEN and

CLEAN, functions to extract characters from a string;

15. The use of the “text-to-column” feature to extract contents from cells

16. Logical category functions using the IF statement;

Task one:

*** For tasks one through five, please refer to the “Operators” worksheet.****

Formula Elements:

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Operators: They include symbols such as “+” (for addition), “*” (for

multiplication), “–“ (for subtraction) and “/” (for division)

Cell references: They include named cells and cell ranges. The cells can be in the

current worksheet, cells in another worksheet in the same workbook, or even

cells in a worksheet in another workbook.

Values or strings: These include numbers such as 49, or text such as ‘data


Worksheet functions and their arguments: These include functions such as SUM

or AVERAGE and their arguments, and are also known as a condition or criterion.

Parenthesis: These control the order in which expressions within a formula are

evaluated. i

Task two:

Excel-supported operators used in formulas

Symbol Operator

+ Addition

- Subtraction

/ Division

* Multiplication

% Per cent (this isn’t really an operator, but functions like one in Excel.

Entering a per cent sign after a number divides the number by 100 and formats

the cell as a per cent)

^ Exponentiation

& Text concatenation

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= Logical comparison (equal to)

> Logical comparison (greater than)

< Logical comparison (less than)

>= Logical comparison (greater than or equal to)

<= Logical comparison (less than or equal to)

<> Logical comparison (not equal to)ii

Task three:

Reference Operators

Excel supports another class of operators known as reference operators, seen

below. They work in conjunction with cell references.

Symbol Operator

: (colon) Range. Produces one reference to all the cells in between two


, (comma) Union. Combines multiple cell or range references into one


(single space) Intersection. Produces one reference to cells common to two


Task four:

Operator Precedence

This precedence is the set of rules that Excel uses to perform its calculations. It’s

normal practice to use parenthesis in your formulas to control the order in which

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the calculations occur; this will be covered in the next section. That being said, it’s

useful to know how precedence works.

The operations are performed in the order outlined in the accompanying table.

For instance, you multiply before subtracting. So if the formula is <=A1-A2*A3=>,

Excel would multiply A2 by A3 before subtracting the result from A1. The

accuracy of the answer depends on what we want to do. If, for instance, you want

to subtract A2 from A1 before performing the multiplication, then our answer

would be incorrect. The table shows that exponentiation has the highest

precedence—meaning it’s performed first—and logical comparisons have the

lowest precedence—which means they’re performed last.

Task five

Operator Precedence in Excel Formulas

Symbol Operator Precedence

: Reference operator 1

, Reference operator 1

( ) space Reference operator 1

^ Exponentiation 1

* Multiplication 2

/ Division 2

+ Addition 3

- Subtraction 3

& Concatenation 4

= Equal to 5

< Less than 5

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> Greater than 5

Task six:

***Open the worksheet entitled “Formulas that use operators.” ***

Column A contains the values. The content in the cells B2:G2 is the result of the

operation that was performed. For instance, clicking on B2 shows you the

calculation that was performed in the formula bar.

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Sample Formulas that Use Operators

Addition (B2)

The following formula adds to cell references:


Activate B2 to locate the result in the formula bar.

Division (C2)

The next formula divides two cell references:


Concatenation (D2)

Concatenation is the operator that simply combines the contents of A2 with the

contents of A3. Concatenation is usually used with text, but it can also be

employed for values, as in this example.


Logical comparison (E2)

The logical comparison operator returns true if the value in cell A2 is less than the

value in cell A3, Otherwise, it returns FALSE. These operators also work with text:


Task seven:

***Still staying with the same worksheet.***

The use of Parentheses (F2)

You can use parentheses to override Excel’s built-in order of precedence

described above. Formulas and expressions are always evaluated first

FORMULA: = (A2-A3)*A4

Excel performs the calculation within the parenthesis first, and then multiplies the

result by A4. Without the parenthesis, Excel would multiply A3 by A4 before

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subtracting – not the result you want. This is why you should use parenthesis,

even then they’re unnecessary. Doing so helps to clarify what the formula is

intended to do. In short, parentheses override Excel’s built-in order of


Nested Parentheses (G2)

You can also use nested parenthesis within formulas. In other words, put them

inside other parenthesis. Excel performs the calculations in the most deeply

nested parenthesis first (highlighted in yellow), and then works its way out.

FORMULA: = ((A2+ A3) + (A4+ A5) + (A6 +A7)) * A6

This formula contains three sets of nested parentheses that are in turn nested

inside the brackets highlighted in red in the screen grab below. Excel evaluates

each nested set of parentheses, and then sums the three results which become

the new value inside the brackets highlighted in yellow. Finally, Excel multiplies

that value by A6 to produce the result.

It’s important to note that every left bracket (highlighted in the red square) must

have a matching right bracket (highlighted in the red square). This formula would

not work if the second red bracket was missing. The matching brackets are

important because you can have many levels of nested parentheses— and Excel

must assign an order of preference to each set. Dealing with nested parenthesis

takes some getting used to, but don’t worry if you make mistakes. If the

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parentheses don’t match, Excel won’t let you enter the formula. Instead, Excel

will suggest a correction to the formula, which is usually accurate.

Task eight

**Please refer to the “Functions” worksheet**

Using Functions in Your Formulas

A worksheet ‘function’ is a built-in tool used in a formula.

A typical function such as SUM or AVERAGE takes one or more arguments and

then returns the result. The SUM function accepts a cell-range (A1:A7) argument,

and then returns the sum of the values in that range in B2. Functions are useful

because they help to: simplify your formulas; permit formulas to perform

calculations that are otherwise impossible; speed up editing tasks; and allow

conditional execution of formulas. iv

For instance, to calculate the average of the values of six cells, you would require

the following formula: <=(A2+A3+A4+A5+A6+A7)/6>

It is unwieldly, and you would need to edit this formula if you added another cell

to the range. This is why it’s preferable to replace this formula with “= AVERAGE

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(A2:A7)” that uses one of Excel’s built-in worksheet functions.

Excel 2016 includes more than 300 functions with the option of buying additional

specialized functions from third-party suppliers. However, as we mentioned

earlier, journalists may only need a dozen or so to perform basic calculations and

clean up text. Once you increase your familiarity and confidence, you’ll use a

greater variety of functions to perform more complicated tasks. The following are

some of the most commonly used functions:

Task nine

****Please refer to the “Function_List” worksheet for more details about


**** For this task, we’ll use SUMIF(S) worksheet, which contains the salaries of

employees of Hydro One Limited, the company that owns and operates the

transmission lines that carry electricity to the province’s customers.

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Math and Trigonometry Functions

This category contains a wide variety of functions that perform mathematical and

trigonometric calculations. v

SUM Adds the values in the cells.

SUMIF Adds the cells specified in a given criterion.

SUMIFS Adds the cells specified by

As we have already seen, SUM is straightforward function using one argument

that simply adds the values in a chosen range of cells, as in the following formula

in E21: <=SUM(E1:E19)>.

But what if you wanted to place conditions on your calculation, limiting it to

employees who earn more than $1 million? Or what if you only wanted to add the

salaries of those employees with “Vice President” in their job title? This is where

the SUMIF comes in handy.

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Cell E22 uses the SUMIF <=SUMIF(E1:E19, ">1000000") to produce the calculation

on the three highest salaries. You’ll notice that unlike SUM, SUMIF in this

instance needs two arguments separated by a comma: the first argument is the

cell range (E1:E19), which defines the cells to be added; the second argument

specifies that you only want those with values greater than $1-million


In SUMIF, the RANGE argument is the range of cells that will be used to set the

criteria for the calculation, in the case the salaries in column E.

What if you wanted to perform a calculation based on a criterion contained in a

separate column from the one containing the values? Well, the SUMIF function

will require a third argument.

Here’s how it works.

Say we want to limit the calculation to those salaries earned by everyone with

‘Vice President’ in his or her title. The syntax would look like this: <SUMIF(range,

criteria, range to average)>. Specifically, the formula looks like this:

<=SUMIF(D1:D19, "*Vice president*",E1:E19)>. The first argument defines the

range of cells that will be used to define the criterion, “Vice President”; the

second argument is the actual criterion (“Vice President”). The third argument

defines the cell range ((E1:E19) that contains the salaries Excel will add up.

Finally, you’ll notice that the term “Vice President” has an asterisk (*), or wild

card, at either end. This is because no one is called “Vice President”. Rather, job

titles simply contain the term “Vice President”. You’ll find the result in E23 and

the function in the formula bar.

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In this case an asterisk with the expression “Vice President” gives us all the

employees who have “Vice President” in their job title. The criterion with a wild

card on either side is placed between quotation marks. If you omit the quotation

marks, Excel will not let you perform the calculation.

What if you wanted to add a number of conditions? For instance, two conditions:

the person must have ‘Vice President’ in her title; and she must earn less than $1

million per year. Excel allows you to do this with the SUMIFS function. It’s used to

calculate a conditional sum using multiple criteria (“*Vice President*” and

‘<1000000’) vii

SUMIFS is comprised of arguments reflected in the following syntax: (sum_range,

criteria_range1, criteria1, [criteria_range2, criteria2], . . .) viii

Complicated? Not really. Let’s break it down.

The first argument, ‘sum_range’, is the range that contains the salaries; the values

you want to count. The second argument, ‘Criteria_range1’, returns the range of

cells that will meet your first criterion, “*Vice President*”; the third argument,

‘ciriteria1’, contains the actual criterion, “*Vice President*”. The fourth argument,

‘criteria_range2’, contains the range of cells that will meet your second criterion

of ‘>1000000’. Finally, that criterion, ‘<1000000’, is contained in ‘criteria2’, the

last argument. You’ll find the result in E24.

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Task ten

Statistical Functions

Functions in this category perform statistical analysis on a range of data. For

instance, you can calculate the average salary, or count the number of vice

presidents of a particular government agency who earned more than $1,000,000

a year. This is one of the most useful functions for journalists, especially those

working with tables containing many numbers. First, let’s take a look at the ones

journalists typically use.

AVERAGE Returns the average of the cells in a range

AVERAGEIF Returns the average of the cells specified by a criterion

AVERAGEIFS Returns the average for cells specified by multiple criteria

COUNT Counts the number of cells

COUNT BLANK Counts the number of blank cells

COUNTIF Counts the number of cells that meet a criterion

COUNTIFS Counts the number of cells that meet multiple criteria

MAX Returns the highest number in a range of cells

MEDIAN Returns the median of the given numbers

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MIN Returns the minimum value in a list of arguments

MODE Returns the most common number

RANK Returns the rank of a number in a list of numbers ix

The use of AVERAGE, AVERAGEIF, and AVERAGEIFS is similar to the SUM functions

discussed above. You can find the results in E25, E26, and E27 of the “SUMIF(S)

worksheet .

The syntax for COUNT is straightforward: =COUNT(cell range). Just like SUM and

AVERAGE, the argument defines the range that contains the values you want to

count. AS in SUMIF and AVERAGEIF, COUNTIF contains a second argument.

If you wanted to count the number of job titles with the term “*Vice President*”,

your ‘cell range’ would be the one that contains the job titles; the second

argument would be the criterion, the actual job title. Unlike SUM and AVERAGE,

a COUNT can also be performed on a cell range that contains text. Please see E29.

If we wanted to place a criterion on the cell range that contains salaries, that

would be fine, too. For instance, we could limit our count to the cells that

contained earnings of less than $1,000,000. Please see result in E30.

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Task eleven

***Please use the “Dates” worksheet for this task.***

Date and Time Functions

The functions in this category will allow you to analyze and work with date and

time values in formulas. For instance, the YEAR strips out the day and month, just

leaving the year. This comes in handy when you want to determine how

something behaves from year to year, allowing you to tell stories about an event

that’s increasing or decreasing. There are a variety of functions that allow you to

work with dates in many different ways.

Function What It Does

DATE Returns the serial number of a particular date.

DAY Converts a serial number to a day of the month.

DAYS360 Calculates the number of days between two dates, based on a

360-day year.

HOUR Converts a serial number to an hour.

MINUTE Converts a serial number to a minute.

MONTH Converts a serial number to a month.

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NETWORKDAYS Returns the number of whole workdays between two dates.

TODAY Returns the serial number of today’s value.

WEEKDAY Converts a serial number to a day of the week.

YEAR Converts a serial number to a year. x

To get an idea of how some of these functions work, we’ll use the Manfacturer

and User Facility Device Experience Database (MAUDE). The U.S. Food and Drug

Administration uses MAUDE to track medical devices that injure and kill people.

This is a useful dataset for journalists, because most medical device

manufacturers are based in the United States, where adverse events are likely to

show up first.

Column B contains the exact dates the manufacturer received the complaint. If

we wanted to pull the year out of that date, we would use the YEAR function, the

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result of which is in column C. Clicking on cell C2 shows us the formula.

As is the case with some of the functions we’ve seen so far, the syntax is fairly

straightforward: <=YEAR(CELL REFERENCE)>. Pulling the year out of the date

comes in handy when we want to group events by year in a pivot table, for

instance, or a chart that we want to upload to our blog post.

We can use the same syntax to extract the month and day. In each instance, we

have to be sure to format the number as either “general” or a “number” (without

a decimal place) before copying the formula down the rest of the column.

As we saw in chapter four, another useful thing we can do with dates is calculate

the number of days between each date by simply subtracting the most recent

date from the one before it. For instance, calculating the difference allows us to

calculate that time that elapsed before a company took to pay back a government

loan, the length of time it took to build a critical piece of infrastructure like a road,

or in the case of the MAUDE dataset, the length of time that elapsed between the

date the manufacturer received news about its problematic medical device and

when the event was recorded by the Food and Drug Administration. Lengthy time

lapses can be newsworthy, particularly if people died.

The difference between the date the manufacturer received the information,

column B, and the date the Food and Drug Administration received the report,

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column D, is contained in E2.

As you can see in the formula bar, we have simply subtracted one date from the


Task twelve

Information Functions

The functions in this category allow you to determine the type of data stored

within a cell. For instance, the ISTEXT function listed below returns TRUE if a cell

reference contains text. Or you can use the ISBLANK function to figure out

whether a cell is empty. xi

ISBLANK Returns TRUE is the value is blank.

ISERROR Returns TRUE if the value is any error value.

ISTEXT Returns TRUE if the value is text.

NA Returns the error value #N/A.xii

Task thirteen

****Please refer to the worksheet called “Clean_2” for this example.

Text Functions

The text functions allow you to manipulate text strings in formulas. For instance,

the MID function extracts characters beginning at a character position. Other

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functions allow you to change the case of text (convert to uppercase, for

instance.)xiii Journalists also find text functions useful for tasks such as splitting

names and addresses, or pulling certain numbers out of strings of text—tasks that

we’ll explore later.

CLEAN Removes all non-printable characters from text

MID Returns a specific number of characters from a text string,

beginning with the number you specify

PROPER Capitalizes the first letter in each word of a text value

REPLACE Replaces characters within a text

RIGHT Returns the right-most characters from a text value

TEXT Formats a number and converts it to text

TRIM Removes excess spaces from text

VALUE Converts a text argument to a number xiv

Dealing with numbers and text can be especially tricky when importing, or

downloading datasets from the Internet. At times, columns may have what are

known as strange (frequently called unprintable) characters, or spaces before or

after a string of text, or a series of numbers.

For instance, leading or trailing spaces are problematic because Excel treats them

as characters. If the first character in a date is a space, Excel will treat the entire

date as a text, which makes it impossible to sort, filter or perform counts before

dates that we learned in task eleven. Removing the space, allows Excel to treat

the value is a true date.

The TRIM function removes all the leading and trailing spaces, and even replaces

multiple spaces between characters by a single space. xv

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For instance, when downloading Quebec political donation data, the names in the

first column contain leading spaces.

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To get rid of the leading spaces, we would again use the trim function.

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Now copy the formula for the entire column.

Extra spaces cause havoc with names. If, for instance, you have identical names,

but one contains a leading space, Excel will think they are different names and

treat them separately. This becomes a problem when we wanted to count the

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political donations of individuals. Because Excel thinks they are two different

people, it would provide separate totals for each name, when in fact they are the

same person. Getting rid of spaces is a large part of the kind of cleaning that we

will learn in the appendix that tackles cleaning data.

Tip for Entering Functions

When you enter a function, Excel converts the function’s name to uppercase.

Therefore, it is wise to use lowercase when typing functions. If Excel doesn’t

convert your text to uppercase when you press enter, your entry isn’t recognized

as a function—which means that you spelled it incorrectly or the function isn’t

available. For instance, it may be defined in an add-in not currently installed. xvi

Task fourteen

***Please refer to worksheet “Joining_Cells” for this example.

Manipulating Text

Joining Cells

Although Excel’s claim to fame is working with numbers, it is also adept at

manipulating text.

Joining two or more cells: Excel uses the ampersand (&) as its concatenation

operator. Concatenation is a fancy term that describes what happens when you

combine the contents of two or more cells. For instance, A2 contains a person’s

last name, SMITH; A3 contains the first name, HARRY. See the formula below.

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Syntax: =A1&A2

Result: SmithHarry

The result is not exactly desirable. There is no space between the first and last

names, making it too difficult to read. Hence, we must introduce a space, using

the following syntax.

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Syntax: <=A1& “ ” &A2)

Result: Smith Harry

The result is a little better because in this formula, we added a space, which is

contained between the two quotation marks. But there’s still one more thing to

do. To make it even easier to read, we should add a comma in addition to the

space, as in the following example.

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Syntax: <=A1& “, ” &A2)

Result: Smith, Harry

Extracting Characters from a String

***Please refer to worksheet “Extracting_Text” for this part of the task.***

Here, we are trying to do the opposite of joining cells. That is, we’re extracting

characters from a string. Let’s stay with the example of SMITH, HARRY.

LEFT returns a specified number of characters from the beginning of the string.

There are two arguments within the brackets as you can see in the screen grab

above: the first being A2, the ‘text’ in the cell address; the second argument

instructs Excel to return 5, the number of characters in smith.xvii

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Syntax: =LEFT(A2,5)

The result: <Smith>

RIGHT returns a specified number of characters from the end of the string, in this

case the person’s first name, Harry. As in the case of the LEFT function, there are

two arguments within the brackets: text and number of characters, in this case


Syntax: =RIGHT(A1,5)

The result: <Harry>

MID returns a specific number of characters from a text string, starting at the

position you specify, based on the number of characters you specify.xviii Let’s say

that our name field listed the person’s middle initial. So instead of <Smith, Harry>,

IT IS <Smith, Harry C.>. In this case, we would use the MID function extract Harry,

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which is situated in the middle of the text string.

Because this is slightly different from the LEFT and RIGHT, let’s explain how the

example works. The MID function that you can see in the screen grab above, uses

A3, the first argument to identify the entire text string; the second argument, the

number 8, identifies where the name HARRY is positioned within the text string,

which in this case 8 characters counted from left to right; the third argument, the

number 5, counts the number of characters in the name that need to be


Generic Syntax: MID(text, start_num, num_chars)

Example: =MID(A3,8,5)

Result: <Harry>

RIGHT, LEFT and MID are fine when working with cells that contain a set and

predictable number of characters such as dates that a particular inspection or

accident occurred, or identification numbers of an adverse drug reaction. But

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frequently, we work with text containing words that vary in length. Hence, it’s

important to learn a few more functions that can be used in combination with


FIND locates a substring and returns its starting position, counting from right to

left. The function takes two arguments (character to be located, and the cell

address). You use this formula for case-sensitive text comparisons. It does not

support wildcard comparisons. Using the same example, we will locate the

substring or number of characters to the left of the letter <H> in Harry.

Syntax: FIND(“H”, A2)

Answer: 8

Because this formula is used for case-sensitive text comparisons, we must specify

that the <H> be uppercase. If you wanted to locate the first <H>, irrespective of

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whether it was upper or lower case, you would use the SEARCH function.

SEARCH returns a substring and its starting position, counting from left to right.

You can also specify the character position at which to begin the search. Use this

function of non-case sensitive text, or when you need to use wildcard characters.

Syntax: =SEARCH(“h”, A2)

Answer: 5

In this example, the function locates the first ‘h’, which happens to be the last

character in the family name, Smith, and not the capital H in Harry. This function

is useful when you don’t want to bother with specifying whether a character is

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upper or lower case. It’s also useful, when you want to use wild cards.

As you can see in the screen grab above, we want to locate the substring that

ends on a three-character combination < space, character and period>, which in

the case of <Smith, Harry C.> would be <, C.>

Syntax: =SEARCH(“?.”,A3)

Answer: 13

Notice in the example that we use a question mark to represent the character

<c>. You can also use an asterisk (*) for a sequence of characters that comprise

parts of a word. xx

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As you can see above, you can now use the LEFT and FIND in combination to slice

off the family name of <Smith, Harry>.

The formula would look like this:

Syntax: LEFT(A1,FIND(“,”,A2)-1)

To get a sense of what we’ve just done, let’s pull apart the formula.

LEFT instructs Excel that we are going to extract the name to the left of the string,

in this case the last name. Because the last names in any database vary in length,

FIND tells Excel to go to the comma in each name, and count the number of

characters to the left. That gives us our variable character length for names such

as Smith, McArthur, etc. But because the character length includes the comma,

we must subtract that character; hence, the <-1> in the FIND function. FIND, then

gives us a variable character length that makes up the second argument in our

LEFT function.

As we can see in the screen grab above, the same rationale applies for extracting

the first name: the RIGHT function is used with FIND as in the following example:

Syntax:=RIGHT(A2,FIND(“ “,A2)-2)

Let’s pull this one apart. RIGHT instructs Excel to extract the substring to the right,

Harry. FIND locates the starting position of ‘H’, which in this case is right after the

space represented by the space between the two quotation marks. Finally, we

must subtract 2, which moves over two characters to the right to begin the count

at the first letter in the name—in this case the ‘H’ in Harry.

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There are many times when the names we receive in a database of campaign

contributions or salary disclosures contain many parts: a first name, a middle

initial, and a last name last; a double last name and a first name, and so on. In

these instances, it is not enough to use the RIGHT and LEFT in conjunction with

FIND and SEARCH. We must add a third function which we seen above: LEN.

The LEN function produces the number of characters in the cell.

Syntax: =LEN(A2)

Answer: 12

RIGHT, LEN, and FIND are used in combination to extract the person’s first name

in a text string that contains first, middle, and last names such as “Smith, Harry C”

in A3. The formula looks like this:

Example: =RIGHT(A3,LEN(A3)-FIND(“,”,A3)-1)

Looks complicated, but once we pull it apart, it’s easier to understand.

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RIGHT instructs Excel to extract the person’s first name. For the second argument

in the RIGHT function, we must use LEN and FIND to determine the variable

character length. LEN gives us the number of characters in the text string. From

that we subtract a sub-string, which is all the characters to the left of the comma;

finally, we subtract the number 1 to exclude that comma from the sub-string. LEN

and FIND, thus, give us a variable character length that becomes the second

argument in the RIGHT function.

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For a more complete look at how to use these functions, please see the

worksheet “Clean_3”.

Task fifteen

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***Please refer to the “Text_To_Columns” worksheet for this task***

As we learned in chapter four, Excel uses the ‘Text to Columns’ feature to pull

apart, or parse the names into their component parts. What we have just

described are formula-based solutions, which have the advantage of allowing you

to update columns without having to re-type.

In the federal political donations example above, we have the candidate names in

column B. It’s important to look for patterns in data before deciding your next

move. In this case, the comma separates the first and last names in every entry.

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There are no middle names or initials to worry about. Because it separates the

first and last names in the column, the comma is the separator. You can find this

command in the data tab.

Because you’ll be extracting the first name, we must create an extra column to

the right of B, which we will name once we’ve populated with the first names we

will extract.

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Select column B and click the “Text to Column” command to produce a “Convert

Text To Columns Wizard” dialogue box.

The wizard is comprised of a number of dialogue boxes that take you through the

steps to convert a single column into two columns. The wizard defaults to the

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“Delimited” option, which in this case is a comma. Select the “Next” tab.

Excel defaults to a “Tab” delimiter. We want a comma. So check the box to the

left of comma. (NOTE: it doesn’t matter if you select or de-select the tab


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Select the “Next” tab.

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In this final step, Excel defaults to a general format. However, you can select

different options, depending on the nature of your data. In this case let’s stick

with general and select the “Finish” tab.

Name column C “First Name”, and rename column B, “Last Name”.

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You’ll notice that column C has retained the space before each first name. We can

create a new column, and then use the trim function that we learned in task

thirteen to eliminate the leading space. (NOTE: to make the column as clean as

possible, we could then use the paste-special option we learned in an earlier

tutorial to get rid of the TRIM formula and just retain the actual names.)

The “text-top-column” command also comes in handy when downloading csv files

where the institution has placed all the data in one column, which is commonly

done so that the files take up as little room as possible. Let’s take a closer look at

the Quebec political donation data in the “Clean_2” worksheet.

Column B now contains a cleaned-up version of the first name thanks to the TRIM

function. However, there’s a problem with the rest of the data is contained in

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column C.

We can see the result in the formula bar. The rest of the columns – Given name;

Total amount; Number of payments; Political entity; fiscal year – are all squished

into one column. Institutions typically do this with the csv files they upload to

open data sites in order to save space, especially with large files with hundreds of

thousands of records. Using the Text to Column command, allows us to split the

information into its component parts.

Because there is no data to the right of column D, there is no need to create new

columns. We can simply highlight column D to obtain the wizard we used in the

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previous step.

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As we can see in the preview box, the delimiter is a semi-colon. We’ll have to

select this option in step two.

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Complete the remaining steps to obtain the final result.

Task sixteen

****Please refer to the LogicalIFFuncion” worksheet.****

Logical Category Functions

As we learned in chapter four, this category consists of only seven functions (the

common one used by journalists, IF, is listed below) that enable you to test a

condition (for logical TRUE or FALSE). IF specifies a logical test to perform.xxi You

will find this function useful because it gives your formulas simple decision-

making capability. xxii

We have already explored other logical categories using the IF statement. In this

task, we’ll use it to reach conclusions about political donations to political parties

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in 2013 and 2014.

Column D contains the most straightforward manifestation which uses the

greater than logical comparison operator “>”, in this case to compare donations in

2013 and 2014 with a formula that contains the syntax: <IF(logical_test,

value_if_true, [value_if_false])>

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If the 2014 donation is greater Excel returns a condition of either true or false.

To perform more a complicated task that we can see in column E, we use the IF

statement. Now we’ve attached conditions to the formula, which you can see in

the formula bar above. Translated, it means If the value in C2 if greater than the

value in B2, then, as a condition, assign the number one, if the amount is smaller,

then assign the number two. Doing this, could allow us to filter the dataset for

parties that raised more money in 2014, or use the COUNTIF, or SUMIF functions

we learned in Task nine to determine the number of parties that met a certain

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We can also replace the numbers with statements contained within brackets as

we see in column F. So if the amount raised in 2014 exceeds the value in 2013,

then assign it the phrase “Increased their donations”. If the amount is inferior,

then it’s “Received less money”.

In some cases, you may need to use an IF statement that combines the “AND”

and “OR” criteria. In the case of the former, two conditions have to be met in

order to deliver a result. In the later, one condition or the other must be met in

order to achieve the result.

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We can see the result in column G. Translated into English, this means if the

amount in 2014 is greater than 2013, and is less than $1,000,00, then classify it as

a “small donation gain”. If it fails to meet this criterion, then classify it as “Other”.

Using this formula, we might want to weed out the larger donations, and just

focus on the instances where smaller donations increased.

We can achieve similar results using OR.

Though we have covered a lot of ground in this tutorial, we have only scratched

the surface. To learn more, there are numerous online tutorials, books such as the

one quoted in these end notes, and, of course, listservs such as NICAR. Mastering

the tasks outlined in this tutorial will help take your Excel skills to a new and

powerful level, and lead to better and more memorable stories.

1 John Walkenbach, Microsoft Office Excel 2007 Formulas (Wiley Publishing Inc.,

2007), 34.

1 John Walkenbach, Microsoft Office Excel 2007 Formulas (Wiley Publishing Inc.,

2007), 39.

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1 John Walkenbach, Microsoft Office Excel 2007 Formulas (Wiley Publishing Inc.,

2007), 40.

1 John Walkenbach, Microsoft Office Excel 2007 Formulas (Wiley Publishing Inc.,

2007), 99-100.

1 John Walkenbach, Microsoft Office Excel 2007 Formulas (Wiley Publishing Inc.,

2007), 112.

1 John Walkenbach, Microsoft Office Excel 2007 Bible (Wiley Publishing Inc.,

2007), 794.

1 John Walkenbach, Microsoft Office Excel 2007 Bible (Wiley Publishing Inc.,

2007), 180,250

1 Excel Help using search term “SUMIFS” found in the “Math and Trigonometry”


1 John Walkenbach, Microsoft Office Excel 2007 Bible (Wiley Publishing Inc.,

2007), 794-796.

1 John Walkenbach, Microsoft Office Excel 2007 Bible (Wiley Publishing Inc.,

2007), 787.

1 John Walkenbach, Microsoft Office Excel 2007 Formulas (Wiley Publishing Inc.,

2007), 112.

1 John Walkenbach, Microsoft Office Excel 2007 Bible (Wiley Publishing Inc.,

2007), 791.

1 John Walkenbach, Microsoft Office Excel 2007 Formulas (Wiley Publishing Inc.,

2007), 112.

1 John Walkenbach, Microsoft Office Excel 2007 Bible (Wiley Publishing Inc.,

2007), 797.

1 John Walkenbach, Microsoft Office Excel 2007 Bible (Wiley Publishing Inc.,

2007), 791.

1 John Walkenbach, Microsoft Office Excel 2007 Formulas (Wiley Publishing Inc.,

2007), 112.

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1 John Walkenbach, Microsoft Office Excel 2007 Formulas (Wiley Publishing Inc.,

2007), 107.



1 Excel Help

1 Excel Help

1 John Walkenbach, Microsoft Office Excel 2007 Bible (Wiley Publishing Inc.,

2007), 216.

i John Walkenbach, Microsoft Office Excel 2007 Formulas (Wiley Publishing Inc., 2007), 34. ii John Walkenbach, Microsoft Office Excel 2007 Formulas (Wiley Publishing Inc., 2007), 39. iii John Walkenbach, Microsoft Office Excel 2007 Formulas (Wiley Publishing Inc., 2007), 40. iv John Walkenbach, Microsoft Office Excel 2007 Formulas (Wiley Publishing Inc., 2007), 99-100. v John Walkenbach, Microsoft Office Excel 2007 Formulas (Wiley Publishing Inc., 2007), 112. vi John Walkenbach, Microsoft Office Excel 2007 Bible (Wiley Publishing Inc., 2007), 794. vii John Walkenbach, Microsoft Office Excel 2007 Bible (Wiley Publishing Inc., 2007), 180,250 viii Excel Help using search term “SUMIFS” found in the “Math and Trigonometry” section ix John Walkenbach, Microsoft Office Excel 2007 Bible (Wiley Publishing Inc., 2007), 794-796. x John Walkenbach, Microsoft Office Excel 2007 Bible (Wiley Publishing Inc., 2007), 787. xi John Walkenbach, Microsoft Office Excel 2007 Formulas (Wiley Publishing Inc., 2007), 112. xii John Walkenbach, Microsoft Office Excel 2007 Bible (Wiley Publishing Inc., 2007), 791. xiii John Walkenbach, Microsoft Office Excel 2007 Formulas (Wiley Publishing Inc., 2007), 112. xiv John Walkenbach, Microsoft Office Excel 2007 Bible (Wiley Publishing Inc., 2007), 797. xv John Walkenbach, Microsoft Office Excel 2007 Bible (Wiley Publishing Inc., 2007), 214 xvi John Walkenbach, Microsoft Office Excel 2007 Formulas (Wiley Publishing Inc., 2007), 107. xvii xviii Excel Help xix Excel Help xx John Walkenbach, Microsoft Office Excel 2007 Bible (Wiley Publishing Inc., 2007), 216. xxi John Walkenbach, Microsoft Office Excel 2007 Bible (Wiley Publishing Inc., 2007), 791. xxii John Walkenbach, Microsoft Office Excel 2007 Formulas (Wiley Publishing Inc., 2007), 112.