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G 124 Interactive Presentation: Working Through the Draft

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Directions1. Have a piece of paper or an open document2. Number items Knowledge Check 1-103. Review the presentation in the Module 8 Course Hacks4. Make note of the answer for each knowledge check

based on the content.5. At the end, review all the answers. Make sure they are

correct.6. Follow the directions at the end to enter the

information in the live classroom link.

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Week Eight Assignment: Draft of the Persuasive Essay

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For this assignment, you will Build your 3-4 page essay draft in a single Word

document, Include an introduction paragraph of at least five

sentences that ends with a thesis statement. Include at least three body paragraphs (at least five

sentences each) that each focus on a separate major detail.

A conclusion paragraph that summarizes your main ideas and puts a bow on the essay.

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Stop and answer the following question!

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Knowledge Check #1

Your persuasive essay must have at least how many body paragraphs?A.5B.3C.2D.1

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In addition:•Include an APA Style Title Page•Apply all aspects of APA Formatting•Have in-text citations for all References listed on the Reference page•An APA Style Reference Page with at least five credible resources

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Videos: APA Style Formatting and Referencing – Course Hacks

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Stop and answer the following question!

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Knowledge Check #2

Your persuasive essay must have at least how many credible sources?A.5B.3C.4D.6

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Video:Braiding Method In Module 8 Course Hacks

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Drafting Your Essay

. 1. Keep the assignment instructions, all research notes,

planning activity, and reference information close by while you write.

2. Remember the introduction is like a “mini preview” of the paper.

3. It should start generally, and narrow to a specific point.

4. The persuasive thesis with a pattern for development is the last sentence of the introductory paragraph.

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Stop and answer the following question!

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Knowledge Check #3

Which part of your paper serves like a mini-preview?A.Title PageB.ThesisC.IntroductionD.Conclusion

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1. Remember to paraphrase and summarize your source support for the most part.

2. A good rule of thumb is to only use a direct quotation when the information is so important it can’t be said in different words without changing the meaning.

3. No more than 10-15% of a paper should be directly quoted. That means for a 1,000 word paper, no more than 100- 150 words can be directly quoted.

4. No matter whether you paraphrase, summarize or quote, the source must still have an in text citation!

5. Be sure to proofread, revise, and edit your paper. 6. Something many do not realize—a rough draft is not

an unfinished paper—it is an UNPOLISHED paper. 7. he better your rough draft is, the more effective

your feedback from the outside source will be.

Drafting your Essay

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Stop and answer the following question!

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Knowledge Check #4

Which percentage of your paper is maximum for quotations?A.5%B.25%C.10%D.15%

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Avoiding “floating” quotes when incorporating sources into your essay


INCORRECT:Petrarch notices how quickly time goes by; therefore it makes him question why he waited so long to change his ways to reach eternity in heaven. “Long since I should have opened mine eyes…and true it is that I have delayed too long” (Jones, 2011, p. 74).

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Example of the correct way to incorporate a quote.

CORRECT:Petrarch notices how quickly time goes by; therefore it makes him question why he waited so long to change his ways to reach eternity in heaven. This is evident in his statement, “Long since I should have opened mine eyes…and true it is that I have delayed too long” (Jones, 2011, p. 74).

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Stop and answer the following question!

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Knowledge Check #5

You have to cite a research source – whether it is a quotation, paraphrase or summary?A.FalseB.True

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How to give (and take) constructive criticism

For example: • That was a GREAT paper, Mary. I like the way that it was organized. It made it easy to follow

(affirmation #1). You might want to be sure to run spell check before submitting papers in the future. I noticed a few spelling errors (suggestion, with supporting reason). You also cited key points from our textbook to illustrate that you read it. That really helped demonstrate the validity of your key points (affirmation #2).

• Note that the suggestion above doesn't condemn Mary for not running the spell check. That is, it doesn't contain a negative judgment like "Boy, Mary, you really messed up. I saw lots of spelling errors in your paper." Instead the example above tactfully suggests a way that Mary can improve her paper, while identifying a fact (there were spelling errors) that she can check and independently verify.

When asked to give constructive feedback to your peers, it is important that you both 1.encourage one another and 2.suggest ways to improve. There are a couple of standard methods for giving feedback. One is the "sandwich" because people commonly sandwich a suggestion between two affirmations (things you liked).

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Accepting Constructive Criticismfrom your peers, instructors and others

1. When you receive negative feedback or lots of marks on your paper from someone else, don't overreact, get mad, and fire off a nasty response.

2. Take time to look at what has been marked. Remember, this is not about YOU—it’s about the words on the page.

3. Constructive criticism is not a personal attack. 4. Be quick to help and slow to anger is probably a good motto. 5. If you do feel offended by what someone wrote, it's best respond to them

privately (or speak to the instructor first) to explain your reaction and why you feel the way you do.

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Try to look at all the marks this way1. Every mistake marked on your

paper is just one more point saved for your final draft grade.

2. You should be hoping for lots of marks on your rough draft.

3. Without the mistakes pointed out, you won't be able to fix them.

4. When reviewing someone else’s paper, think of it as your best friend's paper.

5. You want to help your friend get the best grade possible before the instructor gets it and starts marking on it.

6. Be thankful for the help!

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Stop and answer the following question!

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Knowledge Check #6

One method of giving constructive criticism isA.The book methodB.The sandwich methodC.The “I am right” methodD.The only “tell them what they want to hear” method

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Module 8 Persuasive Draft Checklist

IntroductionStarts generalPresent tenseThird personBecomes specificFirst sentence grabs attention3-5 supporting sentences of at least 5 words eachLast sentence – declarative thesis with blue print

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Stop and answer the following question!

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Knowledge Check #7

The introduction should include a first sentence thatA.Is the thesisB.Mirror the thesisC.Grabs attentionD.Only tells them what they want to hear

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Module 8 Persuasive Draft ChecklistBodyAt least three paragraphsMain ideas in order as presented in the pattern for development in the thesis.Starts with a transition sentence Include reminder of the thesis, point or points argued, and main idea (in order from the thesis)Present tenseThird personIncludes examples and evidenceHas at least one summary, paraphrase or quote that is cited.3-5 supporting sentences of at least 5 words eachLast sentence – transitions to the next main idea

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Stop and answer the following question!

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Knowledge Check #8

The body paragraphs shouldA.Repeat the thesisB.Be all newC.Follow the order from the pattern for developmentD.Follow the order from best argument to worst argument.

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Module 8 Persuasive Draft Checklist

APA Reference PageNew page – same margins and fonts as all othersContinuous page number since the title page References in full APA alphabetized by first work No bulleting or numberingAt least five referencesDouble spaced within entriesNo extra spaces between entriesFollow APA modules exactly

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Stop and answer the following question!

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Knowledge Check #9

The Apa reference page shouldA.Have three referencesB.Number referencesC.Put references in order from the pattern for developmentD.Alphabetize references

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Module 8 Persuasive Draft Checklist

ConclusionStarts specific but not with anything like “in conclusion”Clearly is the end Starts with declarative re=stated thesis with blue print (same ideas but all new words)Present tenseThird personBecomes generalNo new informationLas sentence provided closure3-5 supporting sentences of at least 5 words eachLast sentence – Clincher

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Stop and answer the following question!

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Knowledge Check #10

The conclusion should A.Repeat the thesisB.Start with in conclusionC.Be all newD.Include no new information

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Live Classroom AssessmentList the full answer to each knowledge check below in the Live Classroom area in Module 8. KC 1:KC 2:KC 3:KC 4:KC 5:KC 6:KC 7:KC 8:KC 9:KC 10:

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