Page 1: Words are the building blocks of sentences: Use them … words... · Words are the building blocks of sentences: Use them precisely ... • Use plain words ... – Ernest Gowers,


Presented by:Mary Nishikawa, MA, ELS

Editor and Trainer, AcademiaCactus Communications K.K.

Words are the building blocksof sentences: Use them precisely

Lecturer Introduction


Understanding the concerns researchers andacademics have and helping them publish intop SCI journals such as Science and Cell

Mary NishikawaBoard Certified EditorTrainer, AcademiaOver 25 years of experience in the review,editing, and rewriting of biomedicalresearch reports

Page 2: Words are the building blocks of sentences: Use them … words... · Words are the building blocks of sentences: Use them precisely ... • Use plain words ... – Ernest Gowers,


Aims of seminar


• Use plain words

• Write sentences that are clear and concise

• Position sentences in a paragraph properly

You will learn how to


Plain, easy-to-understand words shouldNOT be used in academic writing

Is this correct?

Page 3: Words are the building blocks of sentences: Use them … words... · Words are the building blocks of sentences: Use them precisely ... • Use plain words ... – Ernest Gowers,


1. Does the use of “plain” words in a research reportmatter?

2. Does the choice or omission of words affectmeaning?

3. Does position of words in a sentence matter?

Questions to ask



“Writing is an instrument for conveying ideas

from one mind to another; the writer’s job is

to make his reader apprehend his meaning

readily and precisely.”

– Ernest Gowers, The Complete Plain Words (1954)

1. Does the use of plain words matter?

Page 4: Words are the building blocks of sentences: Use them … words... · Words are the building blocks of sentences: Use them precisely ... • Use plain words ... – Ernest Gowers,


• Avoid abstract nouns– Use descriptive subjects and active verbs

• Avoid “elegant” words– Be direct and to the point

• Avoid verbose phrases and vague words– Be specific

1. Does the use of plain words matter?


Sentence 1.

In consideration of the requirements for flat-rolled

aluminum products, there is the observation of an increasing

demand in the market for tight dimension tolerance,

especially for thickness distribution along the strip length

and profile (thickness distribution along the strip width).

Which one is easier to read?


Source: Bagheripoor M, Bisadi H. Production and Manufacturing Research. 2014;2:128-141.

Page 5: Words are the building blocks of sentences: Use them … words... · Words are the building blocks of sentences: Use them precisely ... • Use plain words ... – Ernest Gowers,


Sentence 2.

Recently, customers are demanding tight dimension

tolerance in flat-rolled aluminum products; especially, they

require an evenly distributed thickness along the strip

length and profile (the width).


Adapted from: Bagheripoor M, Bisadi H. Production and Manufacturing Research. 2014;2:128-141.

1. In consideration of the requirements for flat-rolled aluminum

products, there is the observation of an increasing demand in

the market for tight dimension tolerance, especially for

thickness distribution along the strip length and profile

(thickness distribution along the strip width).

2. Recently, customers are demanding tight dimension tolerance in

flat-rolled aluminum products; especially, they require an evenly

distributed thickness along the strip length and profile (the



Which one is easier to read?

Page 6: Words are the building blocks of sentences: Use them … words... · Words are the building blocks of sentences: Use them precisely ... • Use plain words ... – Ernest Gowers,


Use descriptive subjects, active verbs


observation of increasing demandCustomers are demanding

In consideration of the requirementsThey require


Page 7: Words are the building blocks of sentences: Use them … words... · Words are the building blocks of sentences: Use them precisely ... • Use plain words ... – Ernest Gowers,


• Avoid abstract nouns

– Use descriptive subjects and active verbs

• Avoid “elegant” words

– Be direct and to the point

• Avoid verbose phrases and vague words

– Be specific

1. Does the use of plain words matter?


Description 1.

Data collection from the National Health and Nutrition

Examination Survey between 1999 and 2001 showed a

great contribution towards the elucidation of individuals

who had reported injection drug use in the past year,

47.1% purchasing their last syringe at a pharmacy.

Which one is easier to read?


Page 8: Words are the building blocks of sentences: Use them … words... · Words are the building blocks of sentences: Use them precisely ... • Use plain words ... – Ernest Gowers,


Description 2.

The National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey

(1999 to 2001) found that 47.1% of people who had

reported injecting illicit drugs in the past year bought

their last syringe at a pharmacy. Hopefully, this will

clarify pharmacists’ perceptions and encourage them to

reach out to illicit drug users who care enough to buy

clean needles.



Avoid “elegant” words




Page 9: Words are the building blocks of sentences: Use them … words... · Words are the building blocks of sentences: Use them precisely ... • Use plain words ... – Ernest Gowers,



• Avoid abstract nouns– Use descriptive subjects and

active verbs• Avoid “elegant” words

– Be direct and to the point• Avoid verbose phrases and vague

words– Be specific

1. Does the use of plain words matter?


Page 10: Words are the building blocks of sentences: Use them … words... · Words are the building blocks of sentences: Use them precisely ... • Use plain words ... – Ernest Gowers,


What does this mean?


• Engineering services of the military have

unsurmountable difficulties because of

barriers in the stoppage of funding arising

from governmental bodies.

Ask the right questions


Engineering services of the military have unsurmountable

difficulties because of barriers in the stoppage of funding arising

from governmental bodies.

Who are having difficulties?

What are the difficulties?

Why are there difficulties?

Page 11: Words are the building blocks of sentences: Use them … words... · Words are the building blocks of sentences: Use them precisely ... • Use plain words ... – Ernest Gowers,


Answer the questions


Who? – Ecologists in the US Army corps of

engineers (USACE)

What? – Ecologists are loosing their jobs

Why? – Congress is contracting out to

private companies for coastal and water

resources engineering

After asking the questions


• Engineers in the army corps are loosing

their jobs because US Congress has

stopped funding for waterways services

provided by the USAC.

Edit the sentence by

including the specifics

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Avoid verbose phrases


Stopped fundingStoppage of funding

Avoid vague words


Provided by“Arising” from

Page 13: Words are the building blocks of sentences: Use them … words... · Words are the building blocks of sentences: Use them precisely ... • Use plain words ... – Ernest Gowers,


Be specific in your writing


US Congress?Governmental “bodies”


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Check your understanding.Is anything wrong with this sentence?


Preventive services implementation had unsurmountable

difficulties because of barriers in the cessation of funding

arising from governmental bodies in healthcare.

Ask the right questions


Preventive services implementation had

unsurmountable difficulties because of

barriers in the cessation of funding arising

from governmental bodies in healthcare.

Who is implementing the services?

What are the difficulties?

Why are there difficulties?

Page 15: Words are the building blocks of sentences: Use them … words... · Words are the building blocks of sentences: Use them precisely ... • Use plain words ... – Ernest Gowers,


Answer the questions


Who? – Physicians

What? – Trouble implementing preventive


Why? – Dept. of Health and Human Services

stopped funding

After asking the questions


• Physicians have had trouble implementing

preventative services in 2014 because the

Department of Health and Human Services

stopped funding the program in that year.

Edit the sentence by

including the specifics

Page 16: Words are the building blocks of sentences: Use them … words... · Words are the building blocks of sentences: Use them precisely ... • Use plain words ... – Ernest Gowers,


Check your understanding:Should we fix this sentence?


Academic counsel can exert a powerful influence on nuclear

weapons proliferation that concerns those who purchase

weapon grade uranium because the negotiations helps in the

termination of the proliferation, according to the provision of

information related to institutions.


Academic counsel can exert a powerful

influence on nuclear weapons proliferation

that concerns those who purchase weapon

grade uranium because the negotiations helps

in the termination of the proliferation,

according to the provision of information

related to institutions.

We’d better know what this means!

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Ask the right questions


Who? – members of the national academy of sciences

What? – influencing world leaders in the IAEA

Why? – to stop buying weapons grade uranium and end

the proliferation of nuclear weapons

How? – present atomic energy commission simulations

of worst case scenarios

After asking the questions


Members of the national academy of

sciences presenting atomic energy

commission simulations of worse case

scenarios can influence world leaders to

stop buying weapon grade uranium and

end the proliferation of nuclear weapons.

Edit the sentence by

including the specifics

Page 18: Words are the building blocks of sentences: Use them … words... · Words are the building blocks of sentences: Use them precisely ... • Use plain words ... – Ernest Gowers,


Use descriptive phrases


influenceExert a powerful influence

National Academy of SciencesAcademic counsel

Use descriptive phrases


presenting simulationsProvision of information

Atom Energy CommissionRelated to institutions

Page 19: Words are the building blocks of sentences: Use them … words... · Words are the building blocks of sentences: Use them precisely ... • Use plain words ... – Ernest Gowers,


Use plain words




Use plain words



Page 20: Words are the building blocks of sentences: Use them … words... · Words are the building blocks of sentences: Use them precisely ... • Use plain words ... – Ernest Gowers,


1. Does the use of “plain” words in a research reportmatter?

2. Does the choice or omission of words affect meaning?

3. Does position of words in a sentence matter?

Questions to ask


Check your understanding:Is a critical word missing?


Pharmacist counsel can exert a powerful influence

on drug usage that concerns those who purchase

needles at pharmacies because the counseling helps

in the cessation of IV drug use, according to the

provision of information.

Page 21: Words are the building blocks of sentences: Use them … words... · Words are the building blocks of sentences: Use them precisely ... • Use plain words ... – Ernest Gowers,


Ask the right questions


Who? – Pharmacists

What? – reaching out to illicit drug users

Why? – to help them stop using

How? – advise users to visit

methadone clinics

After asking the questions


Pharmacists reaching out to illicit drug

users who buy needles at their shop

help users stop using IV drugs by

advising them to visit methadone


Edit the sentence by

including the specifics

Page 22: Words are the building blocks of sentences: Use them … words... · Words are the building blocks of sentences: Use them precisely ... • Use plain words ... – Ernest Gowers,



1. Does the use of “plain”words in a research reportmatter?

2. Does the choice or omissionof words affect meaning?

3. Does position of words in asentence matter?

Questions to ask




Page 23: Words are the building blocks of sentences: Use them … words... · Words are the building blocks of sentences: Use them precisely ... • Use plain words ... – Ernest Gowers,


Does position of words matter?


• Sentence 1. Deoxyribonucleic acid, DNA, isthought to be the blueprint of life.

• Sentence 2. The blueprint of life is thoughtto be deoxyribonucleic acid, DNA.


Writing easy-to readdefinitions

Page 24: Words are the building blocks of sentences: Use them … words... · Words are the building blocks of sentences: Use them precisely ... • Use plain words ... – Ernest Gowers,


“When readers see a technical term for the first time,

particularly a term that they will not instantly recognize,

they can best grasp that term if it appears not at the

beginning of a sentence, in its topic, but at the end.”

Move technical words to the end


– Joseph P. Williams, Style: Ten Lessons in Clarity and Grace (1996).


The blueprint of life is thought to bedeoxyribonucleic acid, DNA.

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“Roundabout (Robo) family proteins are

immunoglobulin-type cell surface receptors that are

expressed predominantly in the nervous system.” [1]

One way to define a term


1. Stem Cells. 2009 January ; 27(1): 183–190. doi:10.1634/stemcells.2008-0292.


Immunoglobulin-type receptors expressed

predominantly on the surface of neuronal cells

are the roundabout (Robo) family proteins [1].

Place term at the end to improve readability


1. Stem Cells. 2009 January ; 27(1): 183–190. doi:10.1634/stemcells.2008-0292.

Page 26: Words are the building blocks of sentences: Use them … words... · Words are the building blocks of sentences: Use them precisely ... • Use plain words ... – Ernest Gowers,


Be kind to your readers


Use plain words in sentencescontaining technical terms

Be specific: Revise yoursentence to reveal the maincharacter and action

Position the main charactercorrectly, at the start or end

Bringing it all together


How do I writereadable



Page 27: Words are the building blocks of sentences: Use them … words... · Words are the building blocks of sentences: Use them precisely ... • Use plain words ... – Ernest Gowers,


1. Does the use of “plain” words matter?

Yes it does!

2. Does the choice or omission of words matter?

Yes it does!

3. Does position of words in a sentence matter?

Yes, it does!

Now we know the answers!


• Joseph M. Williams. Style: Toward Clarity and Grace. TheUniversity of Chicago Press, Chicago and London; 1990.

• Wayne C. Booth, Gregory G. Colomb, Joseph M. Williams.The Craft of Research. The University of Chicago Press,Chicago and London; 2008.



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Contact Details


Mary Nishikawa, MA, ELSBoard Certified Editor in the Life SciencesTrainer in Academic Communications

[email protected]

Tel: 03-5542-1950 Fax: 03-4496-4557URL:

Dr. EddyTM personifies our efforts to support authors with good publication practices.He can be found at Editage Insights Japan
