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Wonderlic Basic Skills Practice Test for

Westwood College Verbal Skills

Form VS-A


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Wonderlic Basic Skills Test–Verbal SkillsForm VS-A


Correct answers are provided on the last page of this document.

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1. Haveyou______thepaintingyet?

A.hanged B.hang C.hanging D.hung

2. Kay______typingatschool. B.studies C.studying D.bestudying

3. I______thelaughterfromthe conferenceroom.

A.hear B.hears C.hearing D.ishearing

WBSTSampleQuestions—FormVS-A Page1

For questions 1-4, choose the verb thatcorrectly completes the sentence.

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4. Thissetofbooks______onthat shelf.

A.goes B.go C.going D.gone

5. Hystericalmeans:

A.outofcontrol B.introuble C.veryloud D.toodifficult

For questions 5-7, choose the word orphrase that best indicates the meaningof the underlined word.

6. Toigniteisto:

A.paynoattention B.makefunof C.setonfire D.runanengine

7. Aninaccuracyisa:

A.mistake B.typeofmedicine C.prison D.chancehappening

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Use the completed order form below to answer questions 8-11.

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8. Theitemnumberformen’s socksis______.

A.541B B.412R C.271D D.768U

9. Thecostofoneboy’sshirt is______.

A.$45 B.$40 C.$120 D.$20

10. Theorderformdoesnot showasizefor______.

A.item541B B.item412R’ssocks D.boys’shirt

11. Thecolorofthemen’ssweaterbeing orderedis______.

A.white C.gray

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A.Weimposea$10chargeforany checkreturnedtousbythebank. B.Foranycheck,weimposethe bankbya$10chargereturnedto us. C.Foranybank,weimposebythe checka$10chargereturnedus. D.Weimposetousa$10chargefor anyreturnedbythebankcheck.

A.Themanagersignedtheregister, beforegoingtotheirrooms,the guests. B.Beforetheregister,themanager askedtheroomstosignthe guests. C.Signtheroomtothemanager, theguestsbeforegoingtotheir register. D.Themanageraskedthegueststo signtheregisterbeforegoingto theirrooms.

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For questions 12-14, choose thesentence that is most correctly written.

For questions 15-17, choose the wordthat best completes the sentence.

A.Thecarsoonaftertherobbery speedingdownLarkStreetwas| seen. B.DownLarkStreetthecarwas seenaftertherobberyspeeding soon. C.Thecarwasseenspeedingdown LarkStreetsoonaftertherobbery. D.SpeedingthecardownLark Streetwasseensoonafterthe robbery.



15. Wewaiteddownstairsfortenminutes. Atlast,the______arrived,andwerode ituptothetenthfloor.

A.bus B.package C.elevator D.neighbors

16. Althoughwewouldlikeabiggerand betterapartmentsomeday,thisoneis _______,andwe’resatisfied.

A.terrific B.passable C.dreadful D.gigantic

17. Weheardstrangemusiccoming fromtheemptyhouse.Wealsosaw bluelightsthere.Itwasquite_______.

A.unwise B.expensive C.familiar D.mysterious

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Refer to the Park Mall Directory below to answer questions 18-21.

18. Thestoresinthedirectoryare listedby______.

A.alphabeticalorder B.size C.location D.storetype

19. Whereisthemaindrinkingfountain located?

A.insidetherestroom B.outsidethechildren’sclothingstore C.nexttothemovietheater D.abovethepublicphone

20. Whichtwostoresmightyougoto firsttobuyabirthdaycard?

A.AandC B.HandK C.BandD D.FandM

21. Atthismall,youcouldprobablynot buy______.

A.ahamburger B.shampoo C.aman’ssuit D.abouquetofroses

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A.Tostayfit,youmusteatright. B.Thatpianowillneverfitinhere. C.Doesthatshirtstillfityou? D.Inafitofanger,Ibroketheplate.

22. Spencerlooksfitnowthathe jogseveryday.

For questions 22-24, choose thesentence in which the underlined wordhas the same meaning as it does in thesentence within the brackets.

25. Wind,waterandanimalsallaidinthe dispersionofseeds,sometimes carryingthemgreatdistances.

A.destruction B.development C.scattering D.recovering

{ }

A.Tom’sdoubletorightfieldwon thegame. B.Theactor’sdoubledoesthe dangerousscene. C.Hesaid,“Pleasedoublethepaper alongthedottedline.” D.Youcandoubleyourpaycheckby workingovertheweekend.

23. Tomaketwicethenumberof cookies,doubleallingredients.{ }

A.Wefilledoutanorderformatthe store. B.Theathleteswillformanewteam. C.Thebasketballplayershotwith greatform. D.Hervalentinecardwasdrawnin theformofaheart.

24. Thedancerslinedupinthe formofacircle.{ }

For questions 25-27, choose the wordthat best indicates the meaning of theunderlined word.

26. Freshairandgoodfoodhada salutaryeffectonthesickboy,and hewassoonabletogetoutofbed.

A.uncertain B.healthful C.dangerous D.unexpected

27. Thenewspaperstoryaboutgraftat cityhallsoonforcedthemayorto quit.

A.politics B.awards C.bribery D.speeches

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WBSTSampleQuestions—FormVS-A Page6

Read the steps below for painting a room and then answer questions 28-30.

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28. Whenusingarollertopaintwalls, youshould:

A.Paintaroundwindowsanddoorslast. B.Paintinstrips3feetwide. C.Rollupanddowninazigzagpattern. D.Usetwocoatsofpaint.

29. Thedirectionssuggestpaintingthe ceilingfirstbecause:

30. Whenpaintingwitharoller,work fromadryareatoawetarea because:

A.Ituseslesspaint. B.Itcutsdownonunnecessary movement. C.Ithelpstoavoidlapmarks. D.Itmakestherollerlastlonger.

A.Dripswillmatterless. B.Thelapmarksaremoreobvious. C.Itismostdifficult. D.Arollerorabrushcanbeused.

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A.Anotherdinnerofreheatedleftovers! B.Awaywego. C.Asmallerpuppyunderthekitchenradiator. D.Tocleanupthebrokenglassinaisle3.

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For questions 31-33, if there is an error in one of the underlined sections below,choose the letter below the line as your answer. If there is no error, choose D.

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31. TheSanAndreasFault,whichstretches750milesalongtheCaliforniancoast,hascaused

manyearthquakes,landwestofthefaultslipsnorthwardabout2incheseachyear.Noerror.A. B.

C. D.

32. HowpleasedIwastolearnthatyourfatherhasbeenchoosenasthenewpolicechief!

Noerror.A. B.



33. MyfamilygoestothemoviesonSundays,andsometimeswegoouttoeatafterwards.

Noerror.A. B.



For questions 34-36, choose the group of words that forms a complete sentence.

34. A.Thedrugstoreclosesat9:00p.m. B.Thelastcattleinthevalley? C.RacingwildlytowardtheschoolbusonRoute9! D.TofinishthegaragebyOctober.


A.They’rehere—thered,theblue,andthegreen. B.Tall,thinmodelsatthefashionshow. C.Bytheendofthesummer,certainly? D.Tryingandtryingtostarttheoldlawnmower.


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Refer to the article below to answer questions 37-42.

37. Whatchange,ifany,isneededin line1?

A.Changeshedstoshed. B.Changemilliontomilion. C.Changetheperiodtoaquestion mark. D.Makenochange.

38. Whatchange,ifany,isneededin line2?

40. Whatchange,ifany,isneededin line5?

A.Changereceivestorecieves. B.Addacommaafterodors. C.Changelargertomorelarge. D.Makenochange.

A.ChangePeople’stoPeoples. B.Addacommaaftertrail. C.Changeimmediatelyto imediately. D.Makenochange.

39. Whatchange,ifany,isneededin lines3and4?

A.Addacommaafterscent. B.Changeit’stoits. C.Changepassestopass. D.Makenochange.

41. Whatchange,ifany,isneededin line6?

A.Removethecommaafter addition. B.Changehavetohas. C.Changetheperiodtoacomma. D.Makenochange.

42. Whatchange,ifany,isneededin lines7and8?

A.AddacommaafterOverall. B.Changescenttosent. C.Changethantothen. D.Makenochange.

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For questions 43-45, choose the sentence that best joins the sequence of eventsstated in brackets without omitting any details or changing the meaning.

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A.RitalostherjoblastMayandwasonunemployment;hernewjobbeginsinthree monthsinNovember. B.AfterlosingherjoblastMay,Ritawasonunemploymentforthreemonthsuntilher newjobbeganinNovember. C.WhenRita’snewjobbeginsinNovember,shewillhavebeenonunemploymentfor threemonths;shelostherjobinMay. D.LastMay,Ritalostherjobandwasonunemploymentforthreemonths;hernewjob beginsinNovember.

43. RitalostherjoblastMay. Shewasonunemploymentforthreemonths. HernewjobbeginsinNovember.{ }

A.Iremovedandwashedtheoldwallpaperandplasterwalls;thenIpatchedthecracks. B.Iremovedtheoldwallpaper,andIwashedandpatchedthecracksintheplasterwalls. C.Iremovedtheoldwallpaper,washedtheplasterwalls,andpatchedthecracks. D.Iremovedthecracks,washedtheplasterwalls,andpatchedtheoldwallpaper.

44. Iremovedtheoldwallpaper. Iwashedtheplasterwalls. Ipatchedthecracks.{ }

A.AglassjarwithwaterinitcrackedafterChrisputitinthefreezeranditfrozesolid. B.Chrisputwaterinaglassjarandputthejarinthefreezer;thewaterfrozesolidand crackedthejar. C.AglassjarcrackedbecauseChrisputitinwaterinthefreezerandthewaterfrozesolid. D.Chrisputwaterinaglassjar,putitinthefreezer,anditcracked.

45. Chrisputwaterinaglassjar. Heputthejarinthefreezer. Thewaterfrozesolidandthejarcracked.{ }

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Read the news story below then answer questions 46-50.

46. WhereistheBatteauHouselocated?

A.Middleton B.DowsLake C.SheldonPark D.Makepeace

49. Whichofthefollowingisthebesttitle forthisarticle?

A.Dr.BatteauWinsSolarDesign Awards B.Day-LongTourtoBeginat8:00a.m. C.TourtoFeatureAreaSolarHomes D.MiddletonGets100Solar-Powered Apartments

47. WhatdoesHarveyHousefeature?

A.asolarsystemtoheathotwater B.anundergroundheatstorage battery C.12solarenergycollectorsperunit D.originalsolarceilingwindows

48. Themainpurposeforthetouris probablyto_______.

A.popularizesolarenergy B.helpownersofsolarhomessell theirproperty C.haveanoutingonasunnyday D.raisemoneytobuildasolarhome

50. Whichofthefollowingstatements fromthearticleisanopinion?

A.Twelvesolarenergycollectorsper unitprovidemostofthehotwater andspaceheating. B.Reservationscanbemadeby calling555-9809. C.Thegroupwillalsostopatthe BatteauHouseinSheldonParkand theDowsLakeMiddleSchool. D.Kenwoodhaslongbeenaleader increativehousing.

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Question # Wonderlic Basic Skills Test Sample Questions Profile–Verbal Skills Form VS-A Question #

Language Level* Primary Skills Set Required Full Correct Answer Correct Answer

1 1 Complete a sentence with an appropriate word in context hung D 1

2 1 Complete a sentence with an appropriate word in context studies B 2

3 1 Complete a sentence with an appropriate word in context hear A 3

4 1 Complete a sentence with an appropriate word in context goes A 4

5 2 Recognize word meanings out of control A 5

6 2 Recognize word meanings set on fire C 6

7 2 Recognize word meanings mistake A 7

8 1 Locate specific information in various formats 271D C 8

9 1 Locate specific information in various formats $20 D 9

10 1 Locate specific information in various formats item 412R B 10

11 1 Locate specific information in various formats blue D 11

12 1 Recognize standard sentence structure. The manager asked the guests to sign the register before going to their rooms. D 12

13 1 Recognize standard sentence structure. The car was seen speeding down Lark Street soon after the robbery. C 1314 1 Recognize standard sentence structure. We impose a $10 charge for any check returned to us by the bank. A 14

15 2 Complete a sentence with an appropriate word in context. elevator C 15

16 2 Complete a sentence with an appropriate word in context. passable B 16

17 2 Complete a sentence with an appropriate word in context. mysterious D 17

18 2 Locate specific information in various formats location C 18

19 2 Locate specific information in various formats outside the children’s clothing store B 19

20 2 Locate specific information in various formats A and C A 20

21 2 Locate specific information in various formats a man’s suit C 21

22 2 Recognize multiple meanings of words used in context To stay fit, you must eat right. A 22

23 2 Recognize multiple meanings of words used in context You can double your paycheck by working over the weekend. D 2324 2 Recognize multiple meanings of words used in context Her valentine card was drawn in the form of a heart. D 24

25 3 Recognize word meanings scattering C 25

26 3 Recognize word meanings healthful B 26

27 3 Recognize word meanings bribery C 27

28 3 Understand and use “how-to” instructions Roll up and down in a zigzag pattern. C 28

29 3 Understand and use “how-to” instructions Drips will matter less. A 29

30 3 Understand and use “how-to” instructions It helps to avoid lap marks. C 30

31 2 Recognize common errors in standard sentence mechanics earthquakes, land (earthquakes. Land) C 31

32 2 Recognize common errors in standard sentence mechanics your father has been choosen (chosen) B 32

33 2 Recognize common errors in standard sentence mechanics No Error. D 33

34 1 Identify a complete sentence. The drug store closes at 9:00 p.m. A 34

35 1 Identify a complete sentence. Away we go. B 35

36 1 Identify a complete sentence. They’re here—the red, the blue, and the green. A 36

37 2 Recognize common errors in standard sentence mechanics Change the period to question mark. C 37

38 2 Recognize common errors in standard sentence mechanics Add a comma after trail. B 38

39 2 Recognize common errors in standard sentence mechanics Change it’s to its. B 39

40 2 Recognize common errors in standard sentence mechanics Make no change. D 40

41 2 Recognize common errors in standard sentence mechanics Change have to has. B 41

42 1 Recognize common errors in standard sentence mechanics Add a comma after Overall. A 42

43 3 Compound and complex sentence construction Last May, Rita lost her job and was on unemployment for three months; her new job begins in November.

D 43

44 3 Compound and complex sentence construction I removed the old wallpaper, washed the plaster walls, and patched the cracks. C 44

45 3 Compound and complex sentence construction Chris put water in a glass jar and put the jar in the freezer; the water froze solid and cracked the jar.

B 45

46 2 Locate specific information in various formats Sheldon Park C 46

47 3 Use literature and other written information an underground heat storage battery B 47

48 3 Use literature and other written information popularize solar energy A 48

49 3 Use literature and other written information Tour to Feature Area Solar Homes C 49

50 3 Use literature and other written information Kenwood has long been a leader in creative housing. D 50

* Language levels established in accordance with job-related General Education Development (GED) skills content published by the U.S. Department of Labor in the Dictionary of Occupational Titles (DOT).

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