Page 1: Women's Magazine Fall/Winter 2010 Edition


Fall/Winter 2010

Boulder & Broomf ie ld Count ies ed i t ion

Fall fashionThings we love to carry you through fall and the holidays

Stay fit in fall Top tips from fitness experts on moving your workout indoors

Holiday guide Great gift ideas, cocktails for every party occasion and the gift of charitable giving

Page 2: Women's Magazine Fall/Winter 2010 Edition
Page 3: Women's Magazine Fall/Winter 2010 Edition

content4 Stylin’ in black: 5 pieces for your little black dress

6 Fall fitness: It’s in the jeans

8 Rock and ballet: Girls get strong

10 Fall health: Staying healthy this flu season is

nothing to sneeze at

11 Surviving Halloween: Dental tips for the entire family

12 Fall fashion: Things we love

17 Mile high style tips

21 Halloween get-ups

22 Face time: It’s your face and it deserves a

little pampering

24 Oh the to surviving the winter season

24 10 ways to winterize your car

25 Tips to Adjusting to Daylight Savings Time

26 The Nutcracker: The essence of the holidays

27 Daily Deals: Great buys every day of the week

28 Holiday cocktails for every party occasion

30 Giving back: Giving to the community, an open door

31 Gift guide: Gifts for everyone, women, men and kids

32 Home inspirations: Ideas from recent home projects

39 Handweavers Guild

40 Things we love for the home


on the coverFall outfit from the Babette Collection availableat JJ Wells, 303.449.2112

Women’s Magazine is a feature of Prairie Mountain Publishing.

Special thanks to writers Judy Finman, Jeanine Fritz, Julie Kailus,

Lulu Tupper, L.L. Charles and Marian Rothschild. Design by

Greg Stone. For advertising information, call 303-473-1400.

Copyright 2010. October 23, 2010 3Women’s Magazine...

Page 4: Women's Magazine Fall/Winter 2010 Edition

5 pieces for your little black dress

stylin’IN BLACK

It’s party season. From bracelets

to earrings and pendants, check

out these recommendations for

the perfect compliment to

your black dress.

Mini-hoop diamond earrings,from $1,680.

Whimsical pear pendant, from $2,420.

Melrose collection by Rebecca,Cuff bracelet from $390,ring styles from $340.

Fulfillment round diamond earrings,from $2,420.

Bastian from Germany Pendantsfrom $315-$475

Available at Walters & Hogsett Fine Jewelers, 303.449.2626

4 October 23, 2010 womensmag.comWomen’s Magazine...

Page 5: Women's Magazine Fall/Winter 2010 Edition


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F A M I L Y D E N T I S T R Ywith aWomen’sTouch October 23, 2010 5Women’s Magazine...

Page 6: Women's Magazine Fall/Winter 2010 Edition

By Julie Kailus

This fall, feeling great is about really fitting inyour jeans. Not just because you dropped those10 “scale” pounds, but because you learned howto burn fat for your specific body composition.A recent Mayo Clinic study found that a lot of

Americans—some 30 million, actually—may fallinto a category called “normal weight obesity.”That means while you may not fit the typicalprofile of an obese person, a higher than normalbody fat to muscle ratio can still put you at riskfor obesity-triggered issues like cardiovasculardisease and high blood pressure.“The weight on the scale is not a great gauge

for health and fitness, because as we age we losemuscle and gain fat,” says Sarah Eley of Boulder’sReal Fitness Coaching. “So being 125 poundsin your 20s and 125 in your 50s could be quite adifferent picture.”Belly fat is especially dangerous, say

researchers. So if things are a little wiggly inthe mid section, it’s time to target fat—not justpounds—where you need it most. The best wayto actually alter your body composition is byeating and training specifically for fat loss.Eating for fat loss includes eating frequently

throughout the day, getting veggies at nearly everymeal, eating plenty of healthy fats, drinking lotsof water, reducing sugars and processed foods,eating protein rich foods throughout the day andeating starches when your body uses them for

energy and not fat storage,” says Eley.Exercising for fat loss should include total

body resistance training and metabolic intervaltraining, according to Eley, who believes focusingstrictly on cardio doesn’t work for fat loss. “Thisis a huge paradigm shift, as our members all comein believing they need to do more cardio.”For those who already have a favorite cardio

program but have reached a plateau with weightloss, adding some targeted resistance training canbe especially helpful. Mary Davis of Boulder’sJazzercise recommends a combination of 30minutes of cardio three to five times a week plusstrength work twice a week.“Strength training is critical to increase bone

density, decrease body fat, and improve posture,balance, and mobility,” she says. “Adults whodon’t strength train lose about a half pound oflean muscle tissue every year.” And we all knowthat more muscle leads to higher metabolism andbetter weight loss.A typical Jazzercise class, which includes

a gentle warm-up, 30-minute cardio section,strength segment with weights and a stretchfinale, packs all the goodies into one session andcan be adapted for women of all abilities.Whether in a fat-burning class or a gym,

fall is a perfect time—ah, yes, just before theholidays hit—to start a challenging, sustainablefitness program that will shake up your bodycomposition in all those jean-specific spots.

Women’s TrioThree great exercises to start targeting important areas for women: thigh, abs and glutes.


It’s in the jeans

Side-front-side plankWorks: obliques and coreSide plank: Lie on a mat on your side, with your elbow onthe ground below your shoulder. Place your feet behindyou, allowing both knees to be on the floor so you havea straight line from your shoulder to your knees. Lift yourhips in to the air and hold the position for 20 seconds. (Fora tougher progression, straighten your legs, stack yourfeet and lift your hips.) Front Plank: Place both elbows onthe ground below the shoulders and lift your hips to makea straight line from your shoulders to your ankles. Be sureto keep your belly button pulled to spine and don’t let yourback sag. Hold 20 seconds. Repeat the side plank on theopposite side for a final 20 seconds.

Lateral step upsWorks: thighs and glutesStand beside a high step or stable platform. Step up withthe leg close to the step and return to the floor. Repeat 12times per side.

Passive lock single leg bridgeWorks: Backside and spine-supporting back muscles.Lie on your back with legs bent and on the floor. Pull oneknee to your chest. Push from the heel of the foot on theground and squeezing in that same glute. Proceed to liftand lower your hips, focusing on tightening through yourbutt and the back of your thigh. Repeat 12 per side.

Sarah Eley, Boulder RealFitness Coaching

6 October 23, 2010 womensmag.comWomen’s Magazine...

Page 7: Women's Magazine Fall/Winter 2010 Edition

Are you ready to ROCK?Are you ready to ROCK?

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W l ! C October 23, 2010 7Women’s Magazine...

Page 8: Women's Magazine Fall/Winter 2010 Edition

By Judy Finman

“The girls can rock just as hard as the boys!” asserts DenizDavis. He should know; Davis is manager of the School of Rock inBoulder, where girls and boys ages 7-17 learn to perform in rock-and-roll shows.“We have talented girls who are the stars of the band,” Davis

explains. “They have the same skill set as the boys. Girls tend to beeasier to work with, earlier to mature. Boys tend to be hyperactive.”The after-school program, which opened in June, aims for a 50/50ratio of boys and girls.“We do shows every three or four months. Shy girls tend to come

out of their shells,” Davis says. The shows are held on weekendsfor two performances. The kids imitate well-known bands, like theDoors, Led Zeppelin, and Kiss, and dress like them. There’s a stageelement of the shows, but no dancing. The school’s first productionwas Pink Floyd.“We teach all the rock instruments: keyboard, drums, bass,

guitar, and vocals. The boys and girls pick whatever instrument theywant and we train them on it. We’ve got girls on bass and drumswho are little angels; they’re talented and work really hard on theirinstruments. Others play guitars.”These kids are self-disciplined. They have to learn their parts in

five or six songs for an upcoming show. The teacher shows themhow, and they are expected to practice hard at home. Since theyperform as a team, the other kids are counting on them.“Playing these shows, the kids excel really fast,” Davis says. “Kids

who are shy get over their stage fright. Some kids come in alreadyproficient; we don’t favor a kid, though – everyone gets a chance.We make it a positive experience for every kid, even a kid who isstruggling.”School of Rock is a franchise, and Davis co-owns the Boulder

branch with his father, the general manager. Davis serves asmanager, music director and occasionally, teacher.Many of the teachers have degrees in music and experience

performing. “My teacher was in a rock and roll band,” Davis says.“My musical education started at Berklee in Boston, and I’ve beenplaying guitar for 25 years.”Some female rock stars the girls look up to are the lead singers

of the Pixies and Paramore bands. Add to these, Pat Benatar, theWilson Sisters, and Aretha Franklin – self-made professionals.“A good role model for the girls is Joan Jett, who sang in a band

called the Runaways,” says Davis. “She’s a singer, songwriter andsolo artist. Madonna is also a good role model; she’s not just anartist but also a shrewd business person, her own boss.”Kids 7-17 can test the rock-band experience for two weeks at

summer camp. Forget arts and crafts – instead, they get immersedin the fundamentals of rock and roll at School of Rock boot camps.Students learn how to perform and the art of being in a rock band.They take group lessons on an instrument of their choice (guitar,bass, drums, keyboards and vocals), music theory instruction,rehearsal techniques, performance practice and group bandrehearsals. All students perform in an all-ages rock show on the lastday of the program.

Ballet for LifeDiana Tepe, owner of Studio D Academy of Dance in Boulder,

started ballet lessons when she was 3 – and fell in love with dance.Studio D, which just opened in March, has been her lifelong dream.“Ballet is a major foundation for how we’ll act as girls, then

women and in our community,” Tepe says. “For the young kids, ithelps them break through shyness, trust an instructor, and it’s theirfirst time on their own away from mother. When they dance forthe first time, they think, ‘Wow! I can do this. I proved it to myself.’

Girls get strongrock&ballet

8 October 23, 2010 womensmag.comWomen’s Magazine...

Page 9: Women's Magazine Fall/Winter 2010 Edition

Then they do jumps in the air – it’s an analogy for life.”Tweens faced with peer pressures have built-in confidence

to protect themselves. “They think, ‘I’m happy dancing, andwhat would my instructor think of my drinking and the like?’A community of dance is a network of strength. It gives thestructure of having one stable thing in life. The dance experience,with music, is something they can always rely on.”When they’re older and past peer pressures, they ask ‘Who do

I want to be?’ According to Tepe, “Here’s where the leadershipcomes in: they give demonstrations for dance classes, and theyteach classes. The teacher is their role model, and now theybecome a role model. They have a sense of responsibility. There’sa sense of accomplishment and a commitment to stick with it.You learn perseverance to stay with something – like relationships– and confidence. It builds good leaders.”The dance instructors are central to a girl’s experience. “They

can see your true soul, the real spark of who you are. You put allyour shyness aside. A real connection develops. They’re anotherresource for these kids. In this dance environment a specialrelationship develops. That place of trust is huge.”If girls are interested in ballet, Tepe encourages them to

“Just try it. Try one class or one month. Take a summer class orworkshop. Test the waters.”As a role model for girls, Tepe, too, names Madonna. “She was

very young and viewed as defiant. But she’s always had that senseof confidence, saying ‘This is how I want to be.’ She’s passionateabout music and dancing, her art. She has aged very gracefully. Shecontinually reinvents herself and has stayed true to herself.”

“Playing these shows, thekids excel really fast”

School of Rock , 3280 28th St., Suite 1, Boulder,

Studio D Academy of Dance , 2691 30th St., Suite C, Boulder,303.444.1120, October 23, 2010 9Women’s Magazine...

Page 10: Women's Magazine Fall/Winter 2010 Edition

It’s Fall! Time to pull on the scratchy sweaters, carvea pumpkin or two, and enjoy the delights of autumn.Unfortunately, this also means that flu season is again in session.H1N1 swine flu was the newsmaker last year, and as anyone whosuffered through a bout of it will attest, it can be particularlydebilitating.This season’s flu forecast is still in the making, but the means of

avoiding this malady are well established. Getting yourself and yourchildren back into the right habits now will help ensure a healthy falland winter. It’s especially important for caregivers of children andthe elderly, who may have limited options in avoiding others who areunder the weather.“The single-most thing you can do to avoid the flu is to get

vaccinated,” says pediatrician Dr. Stephen Fries of the BoulderMedical Center. “Today’s vaccine covers the three most prevalentstrains of the flu, and the best form is the nasal spray, which providesthe broadest protection. It’s ideal for patients under 50 who don’tsuffer from asthma.” The flu vaccine can be the subject of greatcontroversy, especially in a town like Boulder, where many peoplerely strictly on natural remedies, Dr. Fries notes. “The flu vaccinehas been around for quite a while now, is effective and producesfew adverse events. Taking vitamin C and echinacea can help yourimmune system, but no studies have established that they will helpyou avoid the flu.”Children, who often spend most of their waking hours in crowded

classrooms, are a source for the flu, Dr. Fries says, and people whoare at the highest risk due to impaired immune systems or age shouldlimit their exposure if they can.Other common-sense rules include washing your hands frequently,

especially after you have been to public places like the grocery store.When you cough or sneeze, cover your mouth with a tissue or – ifyou have to – a shirt sleeve. Avoid touching your face, especiallyaround the mouth, eyes and nose. Stay hydrated and limit youralcohol intake.And by all means, stay home if you are experiencing flu-like

symptoms (chills, body aches, fever, loss of appetite) and do your co-workers or classmates a favor. “Give yourself time to heal,” Dr. Friessays. “Wait until your temperature has returned to normal and youhave the energy to get through a whole day of work or school.”

Staying healthy this flu season isnothing to sneeze about

By: L.L. Charles

1. Get vaccinated.

2. Wash your hands frequently, or use handsanitizers when washing isn’t an option.

3. Cover your mouth when you sneeze!

4. Eat right. Include healthy servings of fruitsand vegetables high in antioxidants.

5. Get enough sleep.

6. Avoid crowds and anyone sufferingflu symptoms.



10 October 23, 2010 womensmag.comWomen’s Magazine...

Boulder’s Unique Design and Furniture StoreSince 1960

Page 11: Women's Magazine Fall/Winter 2010 Edition

5 easy tips to keep that smile at its best.

Brush. Yes, you want to get that spinach off your front tooth.But you also want to stimulate the gums and battle bacteria. Holdyour brush at a 45-degree angle against the gumline and brushtowards the chewing surface in short strokes. Two minutes twicea day isn’t much to ask. And don’t forget to brush your tongueand the roof of your mouth; these are places where bacteriareally build up.

Floss. Flossing not only fishes out the popcorn kernels afterthe movie, it also helps to remove plaque between your teeth.Unwaxed floss may be easier to slide between tight spaces.Regardless of the floss you choose, be gentle and don’t force itinto the gumline, simply work it up and down the side ofyour teeth.

Get regular cleanings at the dentist, ideally every six months.You want to avoid the scarier tools at the dentist? Good. Startwith going often enough to ensure things don’t get out of hand.One in every 10 people tends to build up tartar (hardened plaquewhich is difficult to remove and damaging) quickly. Brushing nearthe salivary glands (inside lower front teeth and outside of upperback teeth) at home between cleanings is an excellent start, butyour dentist has the tools to get the really damaging tartar off.

Think about when and what you’re eating. Sugary foodsand starches do less damage when incorporated into an entiremeal. And try not to eat that candy bar before bed. Not onlywill it keep you up at night, but you produce less saliva (whichprotects the surfaces of your mouth) when sleeping, giving thatMars Bar more time to do damage.

Talk to your dentist. You don’t go to the doctor and makethem play “Guess What’s Wrong,” so help out your dentist too.For instance, you can battle sensitivity to heat and cold with thevarious toothpastes on the market, but TELL your dentist aboutit; it could be a cavity or nerve inflammation that toothpastealone can’t solve.

Keeping your teeth and gums in great shape isn’t just abouthaving a pretty smile. Recent studies are finding links betweendental and cardiovascular health, so do your whole body a favorand save the blacked-out tooth look for Halloween.

By Jeanine Fritz

It’s pretty fun to jam a piece of black licorice on your front tooth tomake it look like it’s missing. It’s also fun to smash a gummy orangeunder your top lip and smile. And with Halloween just around thecorner, there’s practically a guarantee I’ll be doing just that, and often.But it’s one thing to make it look like your tooth’s blacked out andanother to actually lose it. Wanna keep those chompers in tiptopshape for candy apple season?

Dental tips for the entire family

Call Chateaux Family & Cosmetic Dentistry, 303.465.4500

halloweenSURVIVING October 23, 2010 11Women’s Magazine...

Page 12: Women's Magazine Fall/Winter 2010 Edition

Elan Striped Grey and White Sweater, $72.00. Violette, 303-443-3976

things we lovefashionFALL

Babette Collection, JJ Wells, 303.449.2112

Chan Luu Necklace, call for price.JJ Wells, 303.449.2112

Chan Luu Bracelets, call for price.JJ Wells, 303.449.2112

Chan Luu Bracelets, call for price.JJ Wells, 303.449.2112

Chan Luu Bracelets, call for price.JJ Wells, 303.449.2112

12 October 23, 2010 womensmag.comWomen’s Magazine...

Page 13: Women's Magazine Fall/Winter 2010 Edition

Elan Dark Grey Sweater, $88.00.Violette, 303-443-3976

Elan Stone Sweater, Scarf, $36.00 Shirt,$18.00 Scarf. Violette, 303-443-3976

Elan Light Grey Striped Sweater, $58.00.Violette, 303-443-3976


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Tired of Shaving, Waxing, and Plucking? October 23, 2010 13Women’s Magazine...

Page 14: Women's Magazine Fall/Winter 2010 Edition

Cashmere Grey Sweater, Christina’s, 303.443.2421

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14 October 23, 2010 womensmag.comWomen’s Magazine...

Page 15: Women's Magazine Fall/Winter 2010 Edition

ISDA & Co. Top and Sweater, JJ Wells, 303.449.2112

Isda Funari, a California native, founded Isda & Co. in 1989 inSan Francisco. The company and clothing have evolved overthe years, but Isda’s basic ideal remains the same — to makebeautiful women's clothing for women of a wide variety ofages. Isda is always working to become more green and socially-conscious. Where possible they use certified organic,fair-trade cotton.

Cashmere Grey Sweater, Christina’s, 303.443.2421

Eileen Fisher Jacket, JJ Wells, 303.449.2112


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Congratulations to our female attorneys named inthe Best Lawyers in America® 2011 Edition! October 23, 2010 15Women’s Magazine...

Page 16: Women's Magazine Fall/Winter 2010 Edition




Eileen Fisher Scarf, JJ Wells, 303.449.2112

Jewelry designer Melinda Crocker’s handmade

jewelry has become so sought after that one could

say she has achieved cult status! She combines the

most beautiful of semi-precious gems with sterling

silver and hand wraps them to create unique works

of art that women have come to love! Her jewelry is

available at JJWells in Boulder.

Eileen Fisher Jacket, JJ Wells, 303.449.2112

16 October 23, 2010 womensmag.comWomen’s Magazine...

Page 17: Women's Magazine Fall/Winter 2010 Edition

Fall has always meant changes in color, temperature, daylight andfashion. Now is a great time to assess and shop for wardrobe piecesyou need in order to achieve your desired look.Start with an understanding of your own personal style, the

“look” you’d like to achieve. What style best describes you; classic,traditional, natural, sophisticated, chic, bohemian, whimsical, trendy?Now, you can mix and match elements of different wardrobe

styles. However, it’s beneficial and economical if you understandwhat your core personal style is so that your wardrobe pieces willexpress who you are and what message you would like to send toeveryone who sees you.To find what style best expresses your personality and essence,

look in age-appropriate magazines like In Style, More, O, as well asfashion magazines such as Lucky, Elle, Vogue, etc.Then, assess what pieces you need to fill out your fall and winter

wardrobe. Core pieces should be in neutral colors and be ableto mix and match with your other clothes to create at least threedifferent outfits. Knit tops, sweaters, blouses, and accessories likenecklaces and scarves can be in colors which flatter your skin tone,lips, cheeks, and eyes.Trend colors for this fall are camel, various shades of green,

and deep purple. Trend looks are short handles on handbags, themilitary influence, and mixed prints.

by Marian Rothschild

“Don’t just shoptill you drop,shop till youhave what youneed and love.”

Marian Rothschild is a Fashion and Image Consultant with Look Good Now. Visit for more style tips, and contact her at [email protected],720.933.9247 for a group presentation or private consultation.

Boutique 9 “Rochele” Oxford available at Nordstrom, $129.95.

Thank goodness, comfortable oxford shoes are back!The old classic men’s shoe style, updated for the youngat heart. They can be worn with either pants, or verycasual skirts for a look that’s fresh, funky and fun.

Comfort is back.

style tipsMILE HIGH October 23, 2010 17Women’s Magazine...

Page 18: Women's Magazine Fall/Winter 2010 Edition

Cashmere Grey Sweater, Christina’s, 303.443.2421

Cashmere Grey Dress, Christina’s, 303.443.2421

18 October 23, 2010 womensmag.comWomen’s Magazine...

Let the holidays begin...


thanksgiving weekend

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Page 19: Women's Magazine Fall/Winter 2010 Edition

Rose of Venus French Twist Earrings, Barbara & Company, 303.443.2565

Heart Belt Buckle, Barbara & Company, 303.443.2565

Cross Belt Buckle, Barbara & Company, 303.443.2565

Virgins, Saints & Angels Belt Buckle, Barbara & Company, 303.443.2565 October 23, 2010 19Women’s Magazine...

Page 20: Women's Magazine Fall/Winter 2010 Edition

Eileen Fisher Dress, JJ Wells, 303.449.2112

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20 October 23, 2010 womensmag.comWomen’s Magazine...

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Page 21: Women's Magazine Fall/Winter 2010 Edition

get-ups from FascinationshalloweenBy Jeanine Fritz

Ah, Halloween…kids dress as princesses or superheroes and parentspass out candy dressed as witches or goblins. But if you’re like me,you wanna ratchet the costume up a bit because you’re not trick-or-treating; you’re going OUT!

It’s a funny thing the girls and I like to do every year: figure out whatwe’re going to dress as and then figure out how to “sex” it up.

This is tough if the original costume idea is say, a banana, which iswhat I’m seriously considering this year. How I’ll get that bananacostume sexy, I can’t say. Maybe I’ll do something with the peels.

Luckily for you, I’m not in charge of your costume. Check outsome of the great classic – and sexy – Halloween get-ups fromFascinations. They know what they’re talking about when we’retalking about sexy.

Cutie Construction WorkerFascinations, $45.99

EskimoFascinations, $45.99

Gangster BabeFascinations, $45.99

PirateFascinations, $69.99

AliceFascinations, $54.99

AstronaughtyFascinations, $44.99


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Thank you to our sponsors 303-442-1044 October 23, 2010 21Women’s Magazine...

Page 22: Women's Magazine Fall/Winter 2010 Edition

Healthy BaseThe first step to a beautiful face is taking

care of your skin. Consider your daily routine– cleansing, toning, moisturizing – as well asyour diet. “Proactive, preventative skincare isvital,” advises Dr. Peter Schmid of the Instituteof Aesthetic Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery.“Particularly sunscreen … and avoiding tanningand tanning salons. Ultraviolet radiation causes agreat deal of damage.”If you have questions about which products

and practices are best for your skin – because,after all, no two faces are the same – our areais home to many qualified dermatologists andaestheticians that provide skincare analysis.

Smooth PaletteHumans are born with an average of 1,000 hair

follicles per square inch of skin, about as manyas chimpanzees. It’s not surprising that unibrows,mustaches, beards and other hairy outcroppingsappear on our faces. But that doesn’t mean wehave to live with them.Tweezing, shaving, waxing and laser treatment

are all options. However, electrolysis is the onlytrue permanent hair removal method and theonly permanent treatment recognized by theFDA. That’s because it has been proven effective

on all hair types, including very fine and light-colored hair.“We are a great beginning as far as

improvement of self esteem - how you presentyour face to the world,” says Rebecca Feldman,owner of Advantage Electrolysis. “Anywhere awoman or a man would hold back, where they’dbe embarrassed to have a conversation withthe sun behind them. My commitment as anelectrologist is to get rid of that hair.”Electrolysis requires a commitment from

clients as well. A typical course of treatmentinvolves weekly 15-minute visits for up to a year,allowing the electrologist to cycle through allthe hair during its growth phase. “It isn’t just aone-time deal,” says Feldman, which is why it’simportant to find a good provider. Her processincludes a free 30-minute consultation “spendinggood time with this person, seeing if we’re agood match. Then I give a free treatment to seehow this is going to go – how the person reacts,how the skin reacts. I want to know what we cando to be totally successful.”

RejuvenationThe Fountain of Youth may be a myth, but

giving your face a more youthful glow is veryachievable. Anti-aging technology has come a

Face TimeIt’s the first thing people see when they meet you.It’s your main form of expression, a billboard of emotion.

It’s what stares back at you in the mirror every day.

It’s your face, and it deserves a little pampering.

By Lulu Tupper

22 October 23, 2010 womensmag.comWomen’s Magazine...

Page 23: Women's Magazine Fall/Winter 2010 Edition

Finding a Qualified Electrologist

By Rebecca FeldmanBe very wary of a salon that is doing permanent makeup,massages … all different types of services. Electrolysis is afine art that requires extensive training. The two questionsyou want to ask when you’re looking for an electrologist are,“How long have you been doing it?” and “Have you beendoing it every day?” That’s the person who’s going to nailthat hair. You also don’t want an electrologist who is in arush. So what if they can go fast? It’s much more importantto be effective and make sure the client’s skin is OK.Feldman owns Advantage Electrolysis in Boulder, has 25 years ofexperience in electrolysis, and trains and certifies electrologists in thestate of Colorado.

For more information contact:Advantage Electrolysis, 2885 Aurora, Suite 15D, Boulder,

303.444.6861, www.advantageelectrolysis.comInstitute of AestheticPlastic&Reconstructive Surgery, LLC, 1305 Sumner Street,

Suite 100, Longmont, 303.651.6846,

Aesthetic Procedure ConsultationBy Dr. Peter SchmidThe primary goal of a consultation is to communicate whatthe patient’s needs are – who they are and what they want toachieve. Then I work on understanding diet, habits, skincare,what procedures they have had in the past, and what non-surgical and/or surgical options they would like to considerfor the future. If patients are willing to undertake responsiblelifestyle changes to take care of their skin, I move on to aphysical examination of the surface of the skin. I also use an

ultraviolet lamp to assess sun damage. Then we work together as patient and physician todecide what level of treatment they want to have, discuss the recovery period and makea game plan. Schmid owns the Institute of Aesthetic Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery and is theNational Board Examiner for the Facial Plastic Surgery section of the American Osteopathic Board ofOtolaryngology, Ophthalmology, and Head/Neck Surgery.

long way in the past few years.“Recent research has shown that individuals

who seek noninvasive therapies – such as Botox,facial fillers and resurfacing technology – canlook 6 to 8 years younger,” asserts Schmid.“In the past, a lot of people didn’t want togo through a procedure because of a fear ofrecovery time and having an ‘operated-on’ look.Now there are a lot more options for maintaininga very natural appearance.” The idea is to looklike you, only better.Fractional CO2 laser therapy is one of the

newest skin treatments available and was dubbedthe anti-aging breakthrough of the decade by

national health website The body’snatural collagen production is boosted by boringminiscule holes in the skin with micro-ablativecolumns of energy. The result of a skillfulprocedure is tighter skin and a reduction ofwrinkles, sun damage and discoloration.“It really respects the pigment in the skin,”

says Schmid. And whereas traditional CO2resurfacing necessitates an extensive recoveryperiod, fractional CO2 laser therapy requireslittle downtime. “There is a very low risk forcomplications, and I’m very impressed by thequickness of the recovery. Most patients arehealed and ready for makeup in seven days.” October 23, 2010 23Women’s Magazine...

Page 24: Women's Magazine Fall/Winter 2010 Edition

By Jeanine Fritz

Remember that dude back in 2002 who crashed into a snowyravine in West Virginia and survived for nearly a week on TacoBell border sauce packets he found in his car? Well, winter’sacomin’ and you know it’s smart to plan ahead. So after fillingthe glove box with border sauce (my own personal tip), the folksat Import Specialists of Boulder who actually know what they’retalking about have some tips that might both help keep your car intip-top shape over the winter AND keep that border sauce in theglove box untouched.Owner Carol Hughes and Service Manager, Rick Hughes

put together a list of things to check off before it gets coldoutside, baby.“Preparing your car for winter is always a good idea for

reliability for the long, cold weather to come,” said Rick. “Nothingis worse than having your car not start or be stuck on the side ofthe road when it's ten degrees out. Checking the basics is simple,and should not cost a lot to inspect.”

Import Specialists suggest the following:• Battery: test cranking amperage and the capacitancefor cold starting

• Antifreeze: check temperature protection level and pHacidity) level

• Tires: check the tread depth and look for uneven wear andtire pressure

• Fluids: check the level and condition of engine oil,transmission fluid, power steering fluid, brake and clutchfluids, and the transfer case and differential fluids

• Belts and hoses: check belts for cracking and hoses for leaksand bulges

• Exhaust: make sure no exhaust is leaking into the car to avoidcarbon monoxide poisoning

• Brakes: check pad/shoe thickness and the condition ofrotors/drums

• Wiper blades: you can’t drive if you can’t see!• General health: tune condition (spark plugs) air filter, fuel filter• Cabin air filter: it cleans the air you breathe in your car

10 Ways to Winterize Your Car

“Most shops charge a nominal amount for checking these items,” said Rick. “Taking the time to have [them] inspected will give youpeace of mind that your vehicle will give reliable service all winter long!”And also help you avoid a border sauce diet.

Import Specialists of Boulder can be reached at 303-449-7981 or at [email protected].

tips to surviving the winter seasonoh the weather...

24 October 23, 2010 womensmag.comWomen’s Magazine...

Page 25: Women's Magazine Fall/Winter 2010 Edition

By Judy Finman

Spring forward, fall back. We all know the formula for movingbetween daylight saving time and standard time. At 2 a.m., Sunday,Nov. 7th, we’ll observe the annual ritual of setting our clocks back anhour. For many people, it’s a gift of an extra hour of sleep that night.But for some folks, returning to standard time from Daylight SavingTime can mean darker days and darker moods.“When we’re ‘falling back,’ we’re [experiencing] normal seasonal

change,” says Holly Jensen Widmar, LCSW, of Full Circle Counselingin Louisville. “Most people find it easier than springing forward. Theysay, ‘I’ll get that extra hour; I’ll sleep late.’”But some people don’t adjust well to the change in routine. “They

may just feel out of it,” says Widmar. “The more people maintaintheir routines, the better they do. They can anticipate the change anduse certain tricks to adjust.”For small children on a sleep routine, Widmar suggests adjusting

their schedule by 10-minute increments for several nights. “For aregular 7 p.m. bedtime, on the Tuesday night before the one-hourchange put the child to bed at 7:10, Wednesday 7:20, and so on. Thenon Sunday, when the time changes, they’re back to 7 o’clock.” Tostick to routines, she says, you can do the same thing with the child’smeal times; if dinner is regularly at 6 p.m., start it at 6:10 on theprevious Tuesday.For the whole family, try switching the clocks during the day on

Saturday, so everyone makes the change and goes to bed at the sametime as always.“Aside from that tweak of the clock, maintain as much consistency

as possible. Do our regular routines and don’t mess with our internalclock. Get exercise and plenty of sleep, more water, good nutrition.These help us to be the most resilient.”But, she cautions, “If after two weeks of standard time, people are

truly having difficulty, feeling down, unable to sleep or sleeping too

much, maybe it’s time to see someone, like a doctor or therapist.”Widmar distinguishes between temporary feelings of discomfort

at the lessened daylight, and issues like seasonal affective disorder(SAD), a mood disorder related to the seasons. “Some people comein thinking they may have SAD, which is linked to people feeling bluefor a chunk of the year.”According to Lynda Hilburn, MA, LPC, CCH, hypnotherapy is an

effective tool to overcome the discomfort resulting from time change,which she regards as seasonal affective disorder. “Hypnotherapyworks with the imagination. The brain can’t really differentiatebetween something observed and something imagined. It will act asif [it’s real]. With hypnotherapy, have the person imagine a scene inwhich the sun is shining brightly on them, and what they feel, see,smell. Have them look around in nature, capture scenes in their mindand have them for reference. One way to learn to imagine is to storereal scenes in their memory bank. What are the sounds of summer,the feelings? “It’s not a magic bullet, but can be included when usedwith effective repetition.”If these tricks don’t lift the mood and remind you there’s light

at the end of the tunnel, it might be time to consult a professional.“Have a professional create a tape for them. Maybe the persondoesn’t know how to do it, or isn’t confident enough to do itthemselves. It’s wonderful to let a good practitioner do a guidedsession with them. They can relax. They’re creating a scene to workwith over and over. They’re really in this sunny place and not goinginto a deficit situation. After all, it’s a normal human inclination:When days are dark, we want to hibernate.”

Holly Jensen Widmar, LCSW, Full Circle Counseling, LLC, 608 MainSt., Louisville, 303.803.5853.

Lynda Hilburn, MA, LPC, CCH, P.O. Box 20443, Boulder,303.939.8832,

Time for a Change

Tips for Adjusting to Daylight Savings Time October 23, 2010 25Women’s Magazine...

Page 26: Women's Magazine Fall/Winter 2010 Edition

The Nutcracker:The Essence of the holidays

By: Julie Kailus

There’s just something about The Nutcracker. Without it theholidays—at least for the female persuasion—just wouldn’t be thesame. This season, the warmth and the whimsy of Boulder Ballet’sThe Nutcracker performance will continue to inspire and delight inthe way only this timeless tradition can.“The Nutcracker is such a quintessential classical ballet because it

appeals to so many people,” says Katelyn Burgess, Boulder Ballet’sproduction and outreach coordinator and marketing director. “Itcombines all of the things associated with the holiday season—spending time with family, getting dressed up, doing somethingunique together, and wraps it into a single, beautiful package.”While Boulder Ballet’s full-scale version of The Nutcracker is

traditional, it includes a live orchestra playing Tchaikovsky’s alluringscore and plenty of surprising choreography by Boulder Ballet’sPeter and Ana Claire. Expect out-of-the-box circus arts (unicyclesand juggling), a fresh take on the party scene and more than 80student performers from Boulder Ballet School to keep the paceand atmosphere fresh and lively.Boulder’s version of The Nutcracker focuses on Clara’s rich story,

a dream sequence following her changes from child to adult. WithClara at the core of the performance, women of every age will findsomething they can relate to. “I think the element of ballet itselfis so appealing to women and daughters,” says Burgess. “Ballerinasrepresent such beauty and strength, and the Nutcracker is a greatopportunity to watch dancers at their best.”Whether experiencing it for the first or fiftieth time, The

Nutcracker is a production made more magical by sharing it withsomeone. And like icing on the cake, it’s best with all the fixins’:dinner, dresses and dreams of sugar plum fairies.

The Nutcracker with the PhilharmonicOrchestra and Boulder Children’s ChoraleNovember 26-28Macky Auditorium on the CU-Boulder campus

The Nutcracker with the Longmont Symphony OrchestraDecember 4-5Vance Brand Civic Auditorium, LongmontTimes & tickets:

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26 October 23, 2010 womensmag.comWomen’s Magazine...

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Page 27: Women's Magazine Fall/Winter 2010 Edition

By Jeanine Fritz

The U.S. Census Bureau recently releasedAugust numbers and guess what? We spend$363.7 billion dollars on retail and foodservices. That’s a lot of dough.But it’s probably safe to say that if you

had the chance to eat oysters at ramen prices,you’d go for it. Well, get your lemon sliceready because now you’re able to do justexactly that!Daily Deal has started popping into

people’s inboxes all over boulder county,giving folk 24 hours to save big on swankyrestaurants, favorite local retailers, luxury spaservices, entertainment and more.To participate in the Daily Deal, retailers

and restaurateurs have to dig deep and offerup saving of 50% or more. For instance,your favorite sushi place might give out $30gift cards but only charge $15 for them. Youget the deal in your inbox, make some calls

to get the girls together that night and printout your coupon. When the bill comes, who’sgonna look like a genius?Yeah, you.Every day, you’ll get a new deal: mani-

pedis uptown, a massage on the west side, adinner deal downtown or two-for-one movietickets at the theatre - and every day, you’lldecide if that’s a deal you want to spring on.The specials won’t be offered to the

general public, only to those who registeredfor the Daily Deal.You might be wondering what the retailers

are getting out of it. This is a great way forlocal storefronts to get new people throughtheir doors. Maybe you’ve never been to thatfancy South American restaurant. But maybeparrillero-fired asado at cheeseburger pricesis what’s gonna get you through that doorand give the locally famous restaurant a try.You can sign up for theDailyDeal at

bocodeals.comand start enjoying the deals now!

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Counseling WON’T WORK...without the right therapist for YOU! October 23, 2010 27Women’s Magazine...

Page 28: Women's Magazine Fall/Winter 2010 Edition

for every party occasioncocktailsHOLIDAY

Would You Care for a Cocktail?

By Judy Finman

“As the holidays approach, festive cocktails are a way to brighten the season,”

suggests Tiffany Lough, liquor buyer for Liquor Mart in Boulder. “Bourbon,

Scotch, brandy, rum, and liqueurs are in the forefront this fall season. At your next

gathering share these fun, festive, and warming fall cocktails.”

What is a cocktail? If you’ve limited your imbibing to beer and wine, you may

not know. It’s simply a drink made up of one or more kinds of alcohol, usually

mixed with juices, fruit, spices, syrups, dairy products, and more. Wine and beer are

still popular, but mixed drinks are enjoying a resurgence.

Cocktails are a must for every party occasion, and especially for the ubiquitous

holiday cocktail parties. Following are some of the most delicious and sought-after

drinks you may want to include in your holiday party menu.

When your guests arrive, show how hospitable you are. Greet them with these

welcoming words: “Would you care for a cocktail?”

Nutty PumpkinMartiniWhat could be more perfect for Thanksgiving orautumn-themed parties than this variation on theever-popular martini?

Ingredients:1/2 oz. vodka1 oz. Hiram Walker PumpkinSpice liqueur

1/2 oz. Frangelico liqueur1 oz. Half & HalfPreparation:Combine ingredients in a shaker with ice andshake vigorously.Strain into a martini glass.Garnish and serve.

Hot ToddyThis traditional brew, served hot, is a well-loved antidote fora cold or even the flu. It brings to mind the archetypal Britisharistocrat ordering his butler, “Jeeves, bring me my hot toddy.”

Ingredients:1 oz. brandy, whiskey or rum1 tbsp. honey1/4 lemon1 cup hot water1 tea bagPreparation:Coat the bottom of a mug or an Irish coffee glass with honey.Add the liquor and the juice of the lemon quarter.On the side, heat water in a tea kettle and add the tea bag tomake hot tea.Pour the steaming tea into the glass and stir.

28 October 23, 2010 womensmag.comWomen’s Magazine...

Page 29: Women's Magazine Fall/Winter 2010 Edition

Hot Peppermint PattyIf you like the taste of peppermint patty candy, you’ll like this.The blend of hot chocolate and crème de menthe reproduces theflavor of the candy.

Ingredients:1 oz. peppermint schnapps1/2 oz. dark crème de cacao1 tsp. crème de menthehot chocolatewhipped creamshaved chocolate or chocolate sprinkles for garnishPreparation:Pour the liqueurs into an Irish coffee glass.Fill with hot chocolate.Top with whipped cream.Garnish with shaved chocolate or chocolate sprinkles.

Hot Apple PieTuaca is an Italian liqueur with a hint of citrus and vanilla flavors.When combined with hot apple cider, it is comforting and sooth-ing – perfect for chilly autumn evenings.

Ingredients:2 oz. Tuaca liqueurhot apple ciderwhipped creamcinnamon stick for garnishPreparation: Pour the Tuaca in an Irish coffee glass. Fill withhot apple cider. Top with whipped cream. Garnish with acinnamon stick.

Crockpot Mulled WineThis traditional Southern drink is a delicious example of slowcooking. You can start cooking it about 2-½ hours before partytime; it will be ready when the guests arrive. Leave it on the stoveand let your guests ladle their own.

Ingredients:2 bottles dry red wine, like a Cabernet Sauvignon1 cup light corn syrup1 cup water1 square (8 inches) double-thickness cheeseclothpeel from 1 orange1 cinnamon stick, broken into 2 or 3 pieces8 whole cloves1 whole nutmegorange slices, optionalPreparation: Combine red wine, corn syrup, and water in thecrockpot. Rinse cheesecloth and squeeze out water.Wrap orange peel, cinnamon stick halves, cloves, and nutmeg incheesecloth. Tie securely with cotton string or a long narrow stripof cheesecloth; add to slow cooker.Cover and cook on HIGH for 2 to 2-½ hours.Discard spice bag and ladle into mugs or heatproof glasses.Garnish each glass with thinly sliced orange, if desired. October 23, 2010 29Women’s Magazine...

Page 30: Women's Magazine Fall/Winter 2010 Edition

“Boulder is filled with nonprofits, so theopportunities for women to get involved isextensive,” says Janet Beardsley, executivedirector of the YWCA of Boulder County.“There is an open door for volunteers inall nonprofits. The community supportsvolunteers. A culture of volunteering existsin Boulder – for example, walking dogs andtaking care of cats at the Humane Society.”On the other hand, she says, “It doesn’t

necessarily translate to giving dollars,though. We in Boulder don’t give at thesame rate as communities with less incomeand education.”The community benefits from volun-

teer efforts because the work needs to getdone. “Government hasn’t been able totake on the work for those who are needy,so the nonprofits are the safety net for thecommunity; for example, early childhoodeducation. If we put efforts there, we’ll seefewer kids in jail. The career center at theYWCA supports people and keeps themoff unemployment. When people are outof work, there’s an increase in drinking,domestic abuse, and crime.”How do we train the next generation

to get involved? Beardsley points out thatwomen are the major donors – they givethe most money. “They need to be trainingtheir kids and grandkids on volunteeringand financial support of nonprofits. Theycan provide for nonprofits in their wills.”To inspire people to give money and vol-

unteer, she asks: What are they passionateabout? “Perhaps someone’s mother died of

breast cancer, or they are concerned aboutservices for kids. Search within yourselffor what you care about. Use your heart,hands, head, voice for advocacy, and yourpocketbook.”The giver benefits, too. “Think when

you’re the gift giver and not the receiver.Or, there but for the grace of God go I. Wesee people at the Y who have lost their jobs;you may also be at the receiving end sometime – there could be a time when it’s youor your family. Giving back is important forthe continuity of life in our community.”The YWCA offers many opportunities to

give. “Some women want to give with theirmind – doing advocacy work in early child-hood education. Or by giving money; forexample, for scholarship funds for peoplegetting career counseling who can’t affordthe sliding-scale fees. Nonprofits are aboutcreating self-sufficiency. We’re the arm ofsupport for people in transition, to helpthem maintain their self-sufficiency.”

From the Givers’ ViewpointSharon Caulfield, a member of the law

firm of Caplan and Earnest, brings theperspective of a business that has been inBoulder for more than 40 years. “We madea choice to be connected and to be active inthis medium-sized town. It’s easy to get toknow others and make a difference.”The firm has focused its philanthropy

on areas where it can make a difference andwhere it has practice areas as well: educa-tion, health care, and the Boulder business

community. “We have given the lead giftfor the new outdoor labyrinth at BoulderCommunity Hospital’s Foothills Campus.Our firm has represented the hospital since1985. In addition, we have a number ofvery highly qualified women in the firmout in the community. Some are on theboard at the Y, where they are trained to bevery good board members. As lawyers ourexpertise allows us to be very helpful, so it’sincumbent upon us to participate.” For thelast five or six years, Caplan and Earneststaff has taken part in a backpack project.“We have filled 1,000 backpacks over theyears,” Caulfield says.She suggests a good way for people to

get involved in the community: Contactthe Volunteer Connection, an informationand referral center, where volunteers arematched with the right volunteer opportu-nities in Boulder County. It engages youngpeople in volunteerism, too.Whatever way you get involved in a

nonprofit organization directly impacts thecommunity – and, you are likely to find,also benefits the giver.

YWCA of Boulder County,2222 14th St., Boulder, 303.443.0419,www.ywcaboulder.orgCaplan and Earnest, One Boulder Plaza,

1800 Broadway, Suite 200, 303.443.8010,www.celaw.comVolunteer Connection, 2885 Aurora

Avenue, Suite 32, Boulder, 303.444.4904,

Giving to the community: An open door

giving BACK

By Judy Finman


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30 October 23, 2010 womensmag.comWomen’s Magazine...

Page 31: Women's Magazine Fall/Winter 2010 Edition

gifts for everyonegift guide

Gurgle Pot, Small $22, Large $42 Fruehauf’s, 303.449.9551 Dog Pillow, $37.50, Bartlett Interiors303.442.5194

East Enterprises 18” Lamp, $123.75Bartlett Interiors, 303.442.5194

Flatirons Painting by Jennifer Bowman, 58” x 34”$4000 Original Painting, The Frame Up, 303.442.4938

Paintings by Steve Lowtwait13”x13” (Set of 2) $1400.The Frame Up, 303.442.4938

Department 56 “Dayfield's Store"$120, McGuckin, 303.443.1822

Inbal Aromatherapy Candles, $2.49-$16.99 McGuckin, 303.443.1822

Flower Suncatcher, Price VariesMcGuckin, 303.443.1822

Cookie Cutters, Assorted, $.89-$1.49.McGuckin, 303.443.1822

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Page 32: Women's Magazine Fall/Winter 2010 Edition

gifts for womengift guide

1940s Double Stacked Glass Set Necklace in Blue & Charcoal,$85.00. Classic Facets, 303.938.8851

Michaelian Home Rugs (2-Foot and 3-Foot), $97.50Bartlett Interiors, 303.442.5194

Tokyo Miilk, $29.99Fruehauf’s, 303.449.9551

Chan Luu Bracelets, Price varies,JJ Wells, 303.449.2112

Carhartt for Women Jacket. See store for selection and price.McGuckin, 303.443.1822

Flirty Little Secret Caviar Scrub, $24Fascinations, 303.442.7309

Iron Fist Shoes, Call store for price,Fascinations, 303.442.7309

Umbra Wall Flowers, Set of 25 polypropylene flowers, $19.99McGuckin, 303.443.1822

32 October 23, 2010 womensmag.comWomen’s Magazine...

Page 33: Women's Magazine Fall/Winter 2010 Edition

gifts for men

gift guide

Wildwood 27” Lamp, $322.50,Bartlett Interiors, 303.442.5194

Fire Pits, Assorted Styles, from $299.99Fruehauf’s, 303.449.9551

Weber Gas Grills, $699 and up, Fruehauf’s, 303.449.9551

Aspens by Jennifer Bowman45” x 45” painting on canvas $2980.The Frame Up, 303.442.4938 October 23, 2010 33Women’s Magazine...

Page 34: Women's Magazine Fall/Winter 2010 Edition

gifts for kidsgift guide

Webkinz, from $15, Fruehauf’s, 303.449.9551Rody Horses, Regular $55.99, Max $139.99Fruehauf’s, 303.449.9551

Ugly Dolls Classic “Moxie” $24.99Fruehauf’s, 303.449.9551

Hammond’s Candy Lollipop, $6.99Fruehauf’s, 303.449.9551

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34 October 23, 2010 womensmag.comWomen’s Magazine...

Page 35: Women's Magazine Fall/Winter 2010 Edition

Kitchen RemodelChallenges: Old, land-locked kitchen needed natural light and updating

After: New bright and spacious kitchen captures space from previous adjacent office and opens toward living-dining areas; energy efficientclerestory windows bring in natural light

Architect: Lawrence and Gómez Architects, Builder: 303-499-9505, Cottonwood Custom Builders, Cabinets: Studio 3

Porch/BackyardChallenges: Old screened porchblocked light and views fromhouse interior

After: A new attached gazeboprovides an elegant outdoor sittingarea. The interior expands towardsthe yard allowing in light and viewsof the pond and Front Range.

Architect: Lawrence and GómezArchitects. 303-499-9505Builder: Cottonwood Custom Builders

Before After

home inspirationsideas from recent home projects

Fall is typically the time of year I stand in myliving room, or my kitchen, or my bedroom

-- fists balled at my side as I survey the scene. Iknow you do it too. And when you’re standingthere, I bet you ask yourself the same questions.

Do I like it? Does it simply need a new twist?Would simply changing the color or pattern ofa throw pillow do the trick or are we looking atpaint? Lighting? Total overhaul? Only you know.But take a gander at these lovely confectionsfrom Lawrence and Gómez Architects, andParagon Granite and Marble and see if anythinggets the creative juices going.

It's fall -- you're going to be inside a lot and it'simportant your home is cozy, inspiring –and totally you.

Before After October 23, 2010 35Women’s Magazine...

Page 36: Women's Magazine Fall/Winter 2010 Edition

Gable House InteriorChallenges: Low ceilings, small rooms

After: Without expanding footprint, fewer walls and raisedceiling allow for spacious, elegant rooms that take advantageof the views.

Architect: Lawrence and Gómez Architects, 303-499-9505Builder: Whitehead Construction

Gable House Front ElevationChallenges: Vintage roof, exposed upper deck, After: New roofs give house volume and street appeal; deck treatments provide shading.

Architect: Lawrence and Gómez Architects, 303-499-9505, Builder: Whitehead Construction

Before After

Before After

36 October 23, 2010 womensmag.comWomen’s Magazine...

Page 37: Women's Magazine Fall/Winter 2010 Edition

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Page 38: Women's Magazine Fall/Winter 2010 Edition

Granite CountertopsDarling –Cambria Wilshire Red with6cm Chiseled Edge Island.Paragon Granite and Marble, 970.535.0473

Marble CountertopsSmiley –White Venetino Honed Marble

with a Cove/Dupont Edge.Paragon Granite and Marble, 970.535.0473

Cascade Fireplace and Family RoomChallenges: Dated fireplace, oddly shaped room

After: New stone fireplace surrounded by custom cabinetswith doors to enclose the TV and Craftsman ceiling trim.

Architect: Lawrence and Gómez Architects, 303-499-9505Builder: Classic Work Construction



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HandweaversGuild of Boulder39th Annual Show and Sale

Come enjoy this unique show and sale put on by over a hundred

local artists. The 39th Annual show starts November 3 and is put

on daily from 10am-6pm daily through November 7 at the Boulder

County Fairgrounds. You’ll find household items and wearables,

both large and small, by weavers, knitters, bead artists, quilters, spin-

ners, felters, basket makers, and more, including unique clothing,

artwork, jewelry, ornaments and kitchen items! This free admission

show includes a juried exhibit of work by artists of national stature.

For more information,

“Prairie Wind”. A coiled basket of wool and rayon ribbon on acompressed paper and nylon core. 9" Diameter, 4" high. $98Mary Balzer, [email protected], 303-521-7869

"Nebulous " This small wall hanging is a silk painting using French dyeson silk similar to using paint on canvas. $60Sally Stevenson, [email protected], 303-443-0613 October 23, 2010 39Women’s Magazine...

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Mini-Quilts (Potholders) to Wall Art Quilts - designed, constructed and free-motioned quilted bythe artist to reflect the beauty of Colorado. $20 - $320+Amy Mundinger, [email protected],

“Tropical Lagoon”. This is a small art quilt.Dimensions 25x25 inches approximately.Abstract rendition of a tropical lagoon, artistpainted silk, done with organic Rozometechnique with Dupont silk dyes., with handand machine stitching. $750.Phillippa K. Lack, [email protected]

Rug, woven in tapestry technique with handdyed wool by 36" x 60". $1200.David Johnson, [email protected]

“Blue Mountains”. This weaving was inspiredby the Blue Mountains outside Sydney,Australia. 24” wide X 34” long. $200Elizabeth Shoeman, [email protected]

These are table runners which vary in lengthfrom 2'-5',approximately 14" wide, woven ofcotton, linen and rayon which are hemmed.The price is determined by the length varyingfrom $15-$60.Judith Taylor, [email protected]

The Handweavers Guild of Boulder39th Annual Show and Sale

Over 100 local artists including the following:Amy Mundinger (art quilts), Linda Farrelly (lace), Judith Taylor (table linens), DenisePerreault (beads), Elizabeth Shoeman (tapestry), David Johnson (tapestry/weavings),Mary Balzar (coiled pots), Sally Stevenson (silk), Linda Lugenbill (basketry),and Phillippa Lack (silk). For more information on the 39th Annual HandweaversGuild Show and Sale, visit

40 October 23, 2010 womensmag.comWomen’s Magazine...

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If you'd like to be one of our Daily Deal Providers, call Kelly Hendershot

at 303.473.1415 or e-mail [email protected]

Visit and become a

member, and we’ll e-mail a fantastic, money-saving

deal to your inbox every Monday through Friday.

Each deal will feature a special from a local

restaurant, health and fitness provider, entertainment

venue, travel/vacation source or retail store. You

purchase what you want with one easy click, we send

you the coupon. It’s never been so easy to save!

IT PAYS to be part of the club. October 23, 2010 41Women’s Magazine...

Page 42: Women's Magazine Fall/Winter 2010 Edition

for the homethings we love

CD Designs and Chelsey Textiles Pillows, from $144Bartlett Interiors, 303.442.5194

Bienville Damask Frame,4x6, $60The Frame Up, 303.442.4938

Pastel by Diana Tripp, 11”x14” $85The Frame Up, 303.442.4938

Joan Baker Designs Suncatchers, Price VariesMcGuckin, 303.443.1822

Dessau Home Bear Bookends, $83.50 eachBartlett Interiors, 303.442.5194

Bedford Cottage Throw, $75Bartlett Interiors, 303.442.5194

Beehouse 22-ounce Teapots, $29.99McGuckin, 303.443.1822

42 October 23, 2010 womensmag.comWomen’s Magazine...

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Page 44: Women's Magazine Fall/Winter 2010 Edition

15th & Canyon • Downtown Boulder • Open 8am-11:45pm Sundays 10am-8pm










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