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Honorable Do’s of WKU


From braids to dreadlocks to highlights the possibi-lites are endless when it

come to hairstyle.

One of the many things that connects us all as a human race is the interest and pride we take in our hair. Even when you’re running late and do nothing but comb your fingers

through it, your hair represent who you are.

Although we all may have hair, different cultures around the world have views that vary widely from ours here in the United States. While we emphasize glamour and image in

our popular culture, places like Isreal prefer spimplicity and traditionalism.

I took a little time to venture around campus to admire not only the beautiful fall scenery but the beautiful unique hair-styles of the many students here as well. After an awkward look or two an a little explanation I got to meet some great

perople and get their opinions about hair.

“ This wasn’t my plan

B-- I always wanted

to do hair”

“Are you wearing your dreads or are they wearing



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Greg KohlerGreg Kohler, a history major, has a do that isn’t hard to miss. His natural curly hair sits perfectly perched above his forehead giv-

ing him a classic 60’s look. He told me that he gets stopped quite frequently by people asking what he does to get such great hair.

“It’s mostly natural“ Greg said. “I just kinda let it do its own thing. My only secrets are a

good daily brushing and a little Murray’s hair pomade if I want it to look extra good“

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According to Natural red hair is the rarest color there is, only being found in 1% of the world’s popultion. Sopho-more, Morgan Turner, say she

loves her hair and wouldn’t wish for anything different. “I don’t wanna say I get too many compliments, but it’s almost an everyday thing to say that in the most humble

way possible.“ Morgan prefers the Aussie brand of products when she styles her hair but

I caught her on an all natural kind of day.

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Haddy Badjie

Broadcast major, Haddy Badjie has taken one of the boldest and bravest steps in hair for women, the

complete natural fade cut. “I originally cut my hair to keep it from getting

damaged and then I just felt empowered by this look and it’s stuck with me ever since.“

Nicholas Christensen

“I’m an Axe man. A little gel is typically all I wear in my hair to get a little spike “ said architech-ture major, Nicholas. Although

his choice of hair-do may be rather common and simple in a

way it still reflects his personality and interest. Why wouldn’t an

architechture major want spikey hair?


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Love it or hate it, the true beauty of hair is that it’s yours. Cut it, dye it, spike it, curl it, or shave it until your heart is content and if all else fails... buy it.

Hairpiece On EarthGoodwill Towards


Yours Truly

I’ve been writing about hair for a semester now and I only feel it’s right to show my own mane for this final project. It took me a really long time to accept my hair for what it is. Long, curly, and thicker than any you’ve ever dealt with before, my hair has a texture, color (and mind) all its own. I’ve broken many combs and brushes in efforts to get my

hair under control over the years but the scoreboard remains ME-0 HAIR-1. I damaged my hair trying to get the perfect look until I realized I should just worry about making my hair work for me. My hair has been chemical free for over

two years now and although I’ve done the weave thing a time or two, nothing feels more satisfying than my own-grown.


Three Crazy Facts About Hair

1. Gender can not be deter-mined by hair.

2. Ancient Greece associated blonde hair with prostitution.

3. You shed anywhere from 40-150 strand sof hair a day.