Page 1: wjy M L cS · 2019-11-22 · mortgage executed by Anson West to Wilhem Wiluuk, Wii'nr. e Van Meukeloni, J an Van Eeg-hen. Cornelia Isaac Vaudcr Vliet, Wilhem Wil liuk the younger

r » 4fe I system of weights thronghottt the who!

anarchy, as it had before lion, and in

rmany. riof 'stefl&of

in 4iir c


i t s

rf ne

speeches ou^partv I to make a nc\f law,

* n a good ctio toey" to reform ottr weights aud measures.




Th<y4|^i imb3r of the New York Tp$t pendent gives the names of thirty-four re­ligious papers which avowed their prefei-cnoe for Fremont, and says that there- are doubtless many others whose names have been overlooked. I t speaks thus of some of the distinguished clergymen of New York city: "And for the information, as well as the gratification, of those of our readers wh> have a special interest in the clergyman of New York city, wc will men­tion t ha t , as we have been quite reliably informed, Rev. Dr. DeWitt, Prof. Robbiu-aon, Dr. William Adams, Dr. Prentiss and several others still more conservative, inclu­ding Dr. Joel Parker, have come out on the right side.

THK FASHION.—\Vc have it on the in­fallible authority of Jenkins that it is no longer correct to say, "the height of the fashion." When ladies wish to convey the idea that any one of their aecqiinintnnee is at al! bien raise, they affirm that ";s1ie was dressed in the full breath of the fashion;" only perhaps it would bo more exact to put it in t i e plural, as a ladle's dress certainly takes now-a-days a great deal more than one "breath." However, the alternation in the term is a decidod iniprovmenl that, like the dress itself, is now quite "as broad as it is long."

A fellow was wending his way a short time ago, thiough some narrow passage, when ho met a protty, modest girl. "Pray my dear," said he, "What do you call this passage?" "Balaam's passage," replied the girl. "Ah! then," continued the poppy, ''I am like Balaam—stopped by an angle."— "And I," rejoined t\w. girl, as she poshed past hiui, "am like the angle—stopped by an ass!"

inert, ing reeeri County, on the 2d day of April, 1852, in liber of mortgages at page-J73. .p. .

Amounte lawnef l to t * * W , $ T 4 S PS. -•< Mortgaged Brcniisesaorth, east pnrtof lot nam-1

her forty-fodr in the tin rd township ami twelfth range of the Holland Land Company's survey,

| .inl'lioiintlei! nor th 'by lot nttmber forty-five, | twenty eigbt'ebnina, twenty-seven l inks; east by

lot number thirty-six, thirty, chains; south by land deeded to Timothy D. Copp twenty-eight chains, e ight Jinks; and wttfcJby hind deeded to /• urirt, i*w»trvtd«« .efi.iina, tjjfp^niu • four I n ulredths of an acre, be thesarte more or less . •

Notice is hereby given that the above described mortgag'd premises will be sold at public auction at the Chantanqnc Land Office in the village of Westfield, on the 2d,day of December, l&fiO. at noon.upoii tii • powei-s contained ius j jd moitgage and of the statute in ench case mode and provided.

Dated, September 2d. 18W. WILLIAM H.SEWARD, Mortgagee.

By his attorney, C E O . W. 1'ATTV.KSON.

•as •_

pon a o •' il-

_ olaaa Eeghen, Wilhem Wll-

,,.v «,, the 2d dav o r A i > r i l . l 8 y i . i n l i b ^ I . ^ f c f t r T c r ! V l ' e n ^ " " ' ™ W ^ ^ t a u ^ r * 1

4 B a J B a S a | k a m t L d f e a | l a B ^ f r " * ^ a M a a

i " i l f e fce^ga t%AMlWJ9t fe r l lH flniitlnni-i Tki TnHnnt TTiftT


M Oli'iUACF. made in Hi;

BALE.—Default having been payment of money dne upon a

mortgage executed by Anson West to Wilhem Wiluuk, Wii'nr. e Van Meukeloni, J an Van Eeg-hen. Cornelia Isaac Vaudcr Vliet, Wilhem Wil­liuk the younger and Pieter Von Eeghen, bearing date the ltiih day of December, 183;>, and record­ed in the Clerk's office of County on the 21st din of December lSi!!>, in liber 11, of mortgages at page 135.

Amount claimed to be due ST."> 71. Mortgaged premises part of lot number fifty,

three in the second township awd fourteenth range of the Holland Land Company's survey, and bounded south wesfcrTy by land deeded to Josiali Knowltoii, forty chains, forty-five links: north by lot number lii'iy-lour, twenty-nine chains 85 links; east by a line parallel to the west bounds of said lot number lifty-thvo, thirty nine chains, eighty four links: and swan by a line parallel to the north bounds of said lot num­ber fitly three, t'.vcntv two chains, cigii-ty - five links, ('••nt-.iiiiin-.j one Imridred and five acres, fat the same more or less.

Notice is hereby given that the abovs describ­ed mortgaged pr'cmis-s will be sold -A uu'.-.ic auction, at the I 'hautruq'ie I.aud office in the vil­lage of Westtield on the 2 1 day of December, lN">ii. at noon, upon tie' powers coataloed in said mortgage, and of che statute in such case, mads and providi••!.

Dated, Sept. I. I'SJff. «BO. V. L A V . A siren o,

I5v hL attotnsv. «;>:o. W. P A T T I usns.

j Van B e i ingh

'the Tfrim i!he 18th day of January 1837,in Liber 12, pig•• l.'i.;. Amoi»tc ia l ine . i to''«aiie--*M8,6l*-'-Mortgaged premises hortii part of lot nnttber S ^ f n l h o l s t T i } w 4 s h J n a i : J / ( i i ' a u | e p y i l i e Hol­land Corn-paw's earf ep, 1Wr**-rf- noMh by lot number :;j , swjy chains thirty <4*iiil ltuke,\ eaat by lo tnumber 2o, twenty-three ro'alna twoutv-thr-e l inks; MttWlef i'ttft parallel t«> the north boiiiids of said :Jot. ntuaber thirty-three, sixty cii ins twenty-one links; and west by lot nsmber

more or les NptUe IsherfjhV givett that the above describ-.

ed mo'rtg.ig ;1 premises wjfl bfe sOtd ritpobiTe miction at tlie C-Hantanqaa" Latxt OJflee « the .Tillage ol'.WestCeld onttliaia") day of October l6pii, at ooon, njimi Ihe powers contained in suiil mortgage and of the statute in audi case made and provided. .

Dated July 22, l^s".. John Dner,- "| Wfllhim 11. Seward I . .

Survivorsof S Assignees . Worrfg Robinson. J

By their Attorney Geo. t^'. Ti'ttersoBi


«dJio »tosarrr»M

(>f rf'Sfe'-SBtj tives

H. gfTUfn , PE0PR1ET0 P~. T n e > r f f « c a r t i : r t p e M i i l 7 ' ? n t » r i 8 ^ ,

well kflo«maodea*«ra >dio«j BMAU«/ honia. » w > ~SST ^.Tr^CC^K £>-$>A.9i£tfX Popvlar been litJitfc-.d and arr.iuied, br the p r j - c t yfft

prietar. ipr ; . . ' te .*Svomnjodation o i quests , 'p i tli?'mosnftvfrfng1sciileJl' ,rlie rooms tire alTfenre' i M ' « M I ' l « « M h H i — l l M l i l i i are; s»pptied-t «J^C? with uveiT comfort thought u»render their stny ' pkaaan^. Na esnenae HiU.hs »E9?Bi-^'i.I'lM9S5fi arid tlie proprietor would reai'e.efTur|ly askTi snSre-Of TmrrDlhi pntroha ge. Charefrt iSUvktjie. •

i ^ ? - Carriages alwajrs in readineft to convey passengers ariil bagifiigo to and from the earg. "'

f-if Kxteiisive at ibliag attached. Erie, I*A, i tly i">, 1831. l3-3m.

W . R. Morse & Co, Witl'.ont making mnelr noise about it, wotild

call attention: to thcir'sWek'which Is wow

P L E A S E B — ron « C«KX:OP nam.


, "Law, .<rnd School boolce for Jhe founty fimJtifttlftf firmed itM IlMtrcr-

uijFakiiy liihlesr^lfMf\ ^ M ^ ^ " urd atutSelrd poetry, «*d wtkQ&e wrrV-

3 v.. Vie- *Mfc Seta r M M S i***fct w'/a ' It contaiM a full dieaaHptlnaVof the best stand ard works o» thcja6ove, i » p o f tant saWects, w ith

UiU^t wf ot:r

•ifliHBTirriritmvi tm 5t(K*(o mfln«rmurV,uffI' STSiay •IW^t' CiUiiaul Will otaJXki 'tihua

'; cm&ucTni' irdlTairs^^sTSflTaiJed-

s W ' - . wid •(r,ar»afr,.<Jr aiifrMtt^MR*. Wwaw nicrpns to mention. Also, Coffins constantly oil

P1*flset9H anfl lodfc'foyf e*l9RTt?8.' 42 •>lt!THf i.i i' map ! » • ---I

their prices, finO lufotui4Cbni*nieBtX4r*cference and preservation. Every rualler and bo*t/»H}W tdiould have it. ^ r U BjiH send any books, Vo-^gaareuwA.oiU'ecfi i i t , of the nuvcr-tised price, wlrldt rifcf We ftntftrfrts » y * » ( ! ^

Onrs a r c thtf B e s t B o o k s - f e r A g e n t s *

complete with everjtbing osunliy kept bv thorn I because tlicy are a u w U ^ t p , % J^n,t!? ot the peo­ple. Full partic«lin~:ro» pr»«»e«l Instrnctions

m T F A L O & 9 . 1 . R A I L R O A D .

XTOTlL^n^lheB.nhtwa} irraiana-^K,3r»«r«tbei U Dunkirk and Westfield Station as 4 > ! W s

MOBTCAOE SALli-^-Default having been made in the payment «f hioney dnehpon a

mortgage exeeuterf Viy Nathaniel A. Lowry to Wilhem Willink, Walrave Van lleiikelom, Nich- j olaas Vast Ileeftiugh, Jan Van Keghen, Wilhem j Willink, Junior, and Oerrit Schluiinelpenninek, j Rutger Jan's son. bearing clnre Xhvcinber 4th, | 183U, and recorded in the Clerk's ofiioo of icw«, uiin rcc.irueo in me i>iera a oiuoo u i , kiuds ol rroduee Chautauque County on the ,11th day of Novcm- y. . ^ i j rTa* r-c

in ths Un? of }),y troods, l l rosor i e i Shoes, «»r-peta ani oil cloths, summer hats, umbrellas Ac.

We will not try to tell ell that may be found.but n ill say those lawn's from la t o . 2s per yard are as good as can be found in town for the price and buttgc do U i n c s challis. ginirhanis, Ac.pi ints too. . Cull and sec them. Bonnets and llibbons with ail kinds of Miiiincry, goods.

S t a p l e G o c u s a t R e d u c e d P r i c e s ?tripe«, ticks, denims, mid goods for Summer •-••••r-r~^yhr'|ai*|it**,,*r*h or exohange, for all

ri CASH 7 t t

M: i l l ! . USE nil hi the

•',':•:•• . x e t u t e d h lem l t d ink. It alr-n v - : - . . >., I • i n e l i s Is.e l l ' i l i iuk the \ . . ! in

s VLB. —Deft ,.,-::•-u:-r,„


it baring l*en 'i v dne npo:i -

Id in dge i-'.'i-widl t r \\ il-fan Henkelom, Jan Van

\"attder Vliet, UVdiem uiid I'irter Van Eegli

,.:, and recorded !:. liiuo Conntv, on the U T -11 uf moilgaget

bearing date July 2 a * . 1 tlie Clerk's office of Chiuita Siith t\-.\ of Jul , I "•'. i.i li at page 3 Ac.

Amount .-la.HI. a in be due :•••••' •>•• Mortgaged promises east pint ef lot nam

in thelinH township and fourteenth raftge i liulland Laa-t Company's survey, and l»i north by lot number ten. twenty-four • seventy eight links; east by lot nutulier on< ty chains. Ufn links: south bv the IVnnsvl

Ternherv'tHiW,- rn liber H. piwre -Stto. — Amount claimefl'~to he dee iftat ::3. ^ b ^ m g e d prem- ; is.-;, west |;art of io; ri.inil.-'rtweaty^i-. township : number 1, range 111 of the Holland Land Comp.i- i uy's survey and bounded nartli by lot Bntulur j twenty-seven, eight rhalns twenty-one links: uagt ! by load deeded to James O. Morse and others, j sixty chains eightv Dine links: souihhy iot num-

"t-.ventv-nvo, s ight ehnltis f.vent»-<me-|ink*: ' 9 '1 , c made H


to Agents sent gratis, o n applJcatUm» to - -. . . • MI LLER, QBDOa, * I M i l -MJAW, llBbl ishers,

23 P a r t Bow, N c * Yora. , w 107 G e a w i - f ' -Auburn. ' -1 •'.•.. -vt-.f


• a,4o.#. M. i"»25¥. M.

• < M t , » , • * t- ., i l'hfriMii G O I A ' G " W E S T .

SPfMfrmfi IiJJiiug «««at»n: Lightning Express, - . J 2 i ! 0 M. Wiiy Express, - - - *yBQ r. V.

j Night Express, - - - TtTSr.m. l'4-eigfat, . . . . . i l s o n . w .

G O I X G E V S T . Night dxpicas , . ' M Way Express, - , -• Express 'Wail,* - -Lightning Express, Freight? - i. - i •-

her and ff.s' l>y lot Baiober thirl eighty five links, coiuaiuiug

-fotir. fiNty chain lifiy j^'ie.- L.c thi

same more or h.-.-;. Notice is herel.y given th :t ;'ie abov

ed mortgaged premises wiU be sfiid uictii.u at the (dijutuuij.ic l.;.::d i.P.iee la'ge ofWestfiel 1. on f i • 'J'.'ii day nfi.1 ' .it noon, n;ion the power* contained in Cli'S. ;:nd of the statute iu s:w'.i C-..--0 ;.-'-.• ' e l .

Ve.tetl July BSJ, lsV1.ii John Puer, ") Willbim II. d w i.-d, i

-.ii\ Ivors of J " M •: ris Itoe:u-r.:.

r.\ fin ir ALI.H::- V. •;••>. W. I'

" .VacviS. id pnblie

>!. the Vii-id. :-, | v - , . s .id mort JIIACY jari

CHAUTAUiJl'li OUUNTY COL'HT. THOJCAS Htrssini . ) ;t > rur'-vlosnre. B T.-V J.I B U S )

In ).iirF.U!iicc "i a judgment and decree oj I ho al eve entitled cause by tiie said I

I court, on the tv.e uv-thihl d:.y of July, l^oii I I J, the sole referee, ini- . iuted by tl ie-aid court,!

v-il! sell •• -'public awiiuii , at ihe hi.u.-e of E. W. I i Ibiswvll.ii: ihe t'uvn of 1'ii.iky, Ui^aid 'oeuti.y on j

lav •'id-vpu-iii.i.-.'i. xt . t ten ocl.Dtk j


P r o f . C H A S . b e G B A T I I ' S

" T ^ T .TCTt J^L'Jtt^C P I T l . "

r p i l l S Oil is the only *urt remnly in the world 1 for the cure of Rheumatism, Gout, Tains in

the Back, Brenst or side, Palpitation of the Heart Paralytic Stroke, Toothache, Headache, Cramps in the Stomach.Kcrofula, Frosted, haads or Feet Sore Eves. Tiles. h'praJns or bruises. Sores or l.inns, "stillness in the Joii.ts., Tetter, or Salt Rheume, Neuralgia. Sore Li<-as!, or any Diseases that are HiweJte CaiMfuLii the. cnjjutrticfe cv brought before the ptib'Ji perfectly in Lor.i tb i fe to

WBgrrrar-K I >'2-'rf*:-ii.

, 7 3» A , n . ;

7 4K r. M. ! It: J8 r.' M. '

I o i a a ^ i t 13 4J y . I « 2" r. st '

12.2.) A. 3'. . II S3 i i x ,

" n~utuo*> *>i"U tctr oftk*enrtl\,

' Nnvefepoald -thislia tuM.wtih mnaa itanthahan i t how ^ p U u k to tkia ftinc4yiftu>a9aMi*a«*Itbak

1 Throat am! I.ujsgs. O^bJWJaa^Jb^lJMB^^ajijiJ I powei .avknowkdgc lis snpltOMIcy, WjSite both the

eM-mrtir ,t ;d^ti i<% lvtee WiTOa^o^cHiW rfrvTrVee to own its mastery qfcwiMiittajtiaM * M A • • » # baffled their art. Those,, of exalted stations are net ashaincd tu ~~

Dunkirk, May T, Is . C. C LKNN1S, Suptv,

: that r.iil do its w t v . t n v uiinutes.

i k W'v1;

; the tiiti" i in the forcnooa of 1 ed piemises, t> tvi I eel of Innl s i t u ' of Ripley afor: •'• I tirtoanth nHHf! •" i Survi v. and !>.> e

ill , the f xt ,-t i.:i dlov ing

belli Bse< he best 1

This Oi • f pure v<



to 1»

tn.i e or par-he lown on"

:- n

mtigh'est ,:i:. 'v at c; ;:.- i-.

u.. • r..

.li 1 ompsnv

II - tgas WH!iuk7

A <; . i . i : . — i -

; CJLec . A' ! ' '. I Wi.lravc T K I I :: ' l is Is it • V votuigi ran I .1 inii-o • 1st.

H e : . : • . ' • '

1 il


i - i \ -uiia

Fiud fault wlion you timsl fiad fault, 1:1 private, if possible; and sonic time after the ottbnse, hither than al t'. 0 time. The blamed are less inclined to resist when the} are blamed without witnesses. Both par­ties are calmer, and tlie accused party is struck with the forbearance of the accuser, who has seen the fault, and watched for a private and proper time for mentioning i( —Life Illustrated.

A "stuck up" sort of genius entered a shop in Philadelphia^, and turniua np hi.-nosc at somee«nppJ(68 in the window, ex­claimed :

"Are those tipples fit for, a hog ,to eat':" "I dflrfyyiow, try tbem -and &o,'' w .-is

**-**>*-«-,e what the

line L.vt uty lour chains, s'-\ srest by a line parallel t o t ! lot number nine, - T v ; d u l l Containing one hiiudrcd an:] Sfly acres, i- ths: sam • more '•;• I..- .

Notice is her»!\ygiven ilim ed mortgaged premi- s v.ill a:t lion a', lite Cii" ttaa^ae ! n: la ic of llcxllicbi. oa i.i:e S.I day of l ieo imb 181', at noon, upoq the ]'cv . - i mtain mortgag.', an I uf the statu:, in such e.i .,11 -1 provided.

Dated, Sept, I, 1 •.-..•. c.v.i. n : L A V . \-

l!y li;s; attorney. (!i:o. II" T r i m -

:y eight lin' s t bounds Bi'tv eight

Jtc above di.-< r be sold at p i b 1 oiriti in tie ,

ii in

h n, Co link tin '.ii ' dale, j inn-i'ry 1st, T-i u rs's ..;. of 1'';. 111 ,-day of .iuac, 1 -:;•-, in l ib

A m .nnl 1 lain;, il to I c ^ Mortgaged premhus, pa;

• i. . t o township a:..! 12 Land ( ompany's survey, dee led !•> [Sols rt !\' vri -•; I • l..t mine • 1 "-" - '•

; 1 i ii.:. ;h I y land di ed il to . ift} - i_V i t . ' : . :' ' •

I -: nnra u r 1.'. .-.'• •.••!> .-' -:x:v-ci,'!it acres l i .r

Notice U he.v'uy si-, . •• 1 mo. t_: < TO premised ....

in,1, at ihe 1 di.'i::..;-: g.- o;' w, -•::••:'. • '• . IS5P, al in. 11 upon th 1 i.i irtgage ;.ri 1 of thi t.i i pl.iv idi d.

l>-i-.-d Jn\<-<^.- >;,\ Jol n j . . . -.. Willi no li.

- \"li 1 Vi


'11: :.SON.

having ii . :: II. ..' dnc I!) • •:

tin to Wilhem . Jon V«n £«.-•> !, WWll ::i Vi l ­

li l i .II--n. ! as-. I-I rd.-d i.i the

intv en theSUi u -i-te. I .'ii. t intui'iK-r i l in tf th- Holland an led south by ii.ii:> till link.-: . s i ; - 54 links: i •! S, Habbard. : : and rast l\

". 1 ithlic .1 if-!c . in the vii-;• of (>.-t.d-r. taitit d i;i s.,1 ' u h case mad

•u,-' ni| Lino I lands •• : - . : . - . ; i . i

State I. th, -. • It s. id I'lloU] r'.i-t: t h e s e r ids and t'ire oi the Srs t ; . . ly at ri^iit an ry a Lee ' s lull v i the n irth

li>i r-t» id.. - i.



1 oiiteieie Striti

's 1101: : onuinp *.li > , ... t nks;

•i t••

;r t H b lat

by thtujajnia .i.i-i •luedy ever iiisi.j.-v : . ,! . ai ;s en the 5ys> m «itii | r> puraiion, not :,;d; i::;: il eutvt;,i-i.iy or .1 c'-ii.iii:i ut c-...\, in t

stv ti:i::uie?. 1 .:-,.:• loaisl of En. e; c a a c : discoyar-

sen! in t-.e Aide:aj .iu tloii tit the !'!.'•'-

• . : . iii i::;..i e-';—.1 stem-; ut'- i;.'" iii ut disle mo-' tjie ' t." i" rt e".ee ae-Ig. BO •tii vi", ;e.r--i:"r

'J 1 u -1 .A '. t 1 V.i ^

f t M

d d..- rrv ! I

111 i

i Lite-: ing tar<

- in

• ptther-said Ma­li 11 i e i .

and State : contain-• the same ilcfcrtc.

( 'hi D liS

. I ' l l .

, 0 ....

I 1' .-. So . "••' ' -::.t* Idiii-* u t e s n p i l i i :•-.-. "o .is.,

•: .-, thin

V. I I Co.

la. I ecu:ry Li oi'-•I. Wl.i l . s lie ami 1 ami SI j * - Pottjr. give this one siiu]

M.i.vrr.icTOTtv. On .Vn:;i Stmt, apf osiMhe Agrirxiturnl .W'cirts.

11.LI AM < IIANI-'ALL has been for sever.. aro'en^-Tgi-tl iu caii-vlng on the' fliove

! lui'-it'C-ss.'and ke< psconstfliitly on hand, and W'H ] nu'liufactuie In or ;er, nil hinds of woik in Lis

ine. T-ti- III f i r i n g done on short notice.' I M"o s.lieid..Av.ii..;.i. Iboc. . _tM...

P R O C I i A M A T I O l f . SttK'tr y's O'Tri-?:. OrAT'TAtv,-? r CoTv-

i r t , s— S«:tl'« is lietebv giina that a l : Cota-t (< Ojer atl 1 T«.r;,iiiier ai;-l (JjeBfejal.j Jail Delivery will be tieW al lite Court j

I House in ifcc viilgo^" of A'-:\VIII'-. I eortnty, m the 3ij Monda'ts,' (i\-t July, i--".;i, at 10 oVhx-k in the

I of that -lav, :ii«i all peneds who wotdil p*t>s-: cento -Miy perapa or {j^rspas la then tlie'-o j

li. prosecute as shad be jnst, end ^Ll per-|s.iu:;bimnd by r.•cognizance; and all Jiisti j cea of ike Peace, Coroner;*, Met" oi'trr "fii c r s who have taken anv if ei^nzaners C>r

:r <lo)tv' a S , # ^ 4 ^ ^ c ^ J r - r l % i h f ^ of t inir experknjsj t f j^K t t ^ s t h i g & f t p r ^ B e f l a

N\ ltness the foflowing: - w . [Trahslllioh.f _

d : n *lA|fhWllWf-M^ frfr mi. Mens t « J ? u J , C , A«; i t ; - -1 have jkhtte.aaade.

freqnefit nse of yftnr ( th lrty-pTSc-tiee, sin! am hap •}> teintbrltt / c » tkatitk no easjh yet has it failed me. 1 Lave made some signal" cures of Laryngitis ar.d TBipnilyitis with_jL*n<l have coinplerelf eftre'd Lnc'csai* '«" fffiMBl^Rnca wivhstooii aveiy otftft'r mstli^i.ial.noBhJesJiplfjjt,,

Acajept, Fir', the assurances ..',' B V distinguished eousidfcriniiiB. ' . : • ->- • s : ' ' ^ . ' : « : l<M

4J;jr«^,Cr1ArJ).(iC«0tJBT, UvSth,„ T.iite Siirgeott of the Hoyal Marine, r'ninee,-

Extract from A letter of' o i » S in i s ter at <6» Court of the Sublime I'orte. jl,

l ega t ion of the V. ft X.,'^btisfSrrrrnorflei TnT? key. *

Dr. J..C; Ay«r. Bear iS l f :— t t \o rheB-jrTec-toral received, from voc for ths Snljan. bas.lieen. deOvereiPto bis private f W r e f t r y r tht" pirftct;/ nud yon wall donbUess hcur.ft-om it il tlae m Tint y'ori Ver6 so Vind as to send l i e . hai giw-n to ft i.anls, wtei haVc in many it excVedi.lglv useful. . . .

Yours, respectfully, " "CEO: P. MAWfflf.-Mii.istcr l'leniiotentiary of the C»S. A. to T a t '

kcJ'- • . : • ; , . - - • . - • ! . • • . CuracOT, Xaxch 5vl8 i ! .

Dr. J. C. Arer:—I nse tn*V^*crrir PfcWoraF daily in luyi'tactice, edy TI liicn must meet es t : j> j.rolation.

C. 1 R j A C E H E E B . M j t " . .

R<>sidmt rmirt FWysfettto •' Among the eminent Editors wliutcrfit^tOitb^ir

personal experience ami Rnowh dge' uf the woi.-ilcrful cures and imtneuse^scfulneissof the Cherry Tectatfel in the fr tac t loas Wc artsy mention^-

Iloitrhtoni'cCo., nffUc tvilej-al L'uion,iUlltilge* vriV, ft:'.' 1 ' »

L. Tiitti:i,(.!y iktian A'iiocatr. Knoxvi'iJe^TennJ '.T. R. Dui,.-<,n, American Trcs|.vteri::ii,.(:rcen-

v.'Me,itTeasi • " .'- . • .L B. Samson, Democrat McCejineUs'-jurg, Pa. J. Riifs, Jr.. «led!ryvii»c Nev.-sT ( 1111. Harvey, McKcnny&Co, State Cazettc, BnrIiniS#-

, and a'm.satislied^ Mjsjem>- • t'in'every country tKe, !'J^n-•.

in said

day) of vrer.oon ! lonj Iowa!

J. ,':n.ibli & di.. Journal, Heading, Pa. 1'iivm.nd. I f s r p e r ^ Co.. !Vew-Vork Times:

Ciiii.-.iitui Iiveiuaij, lio.-1.>u. k. "is . Cliristian Chro

>1 A X C I S ,

-.- »Et.ECTtnc Oil," sold fc St: •• --.

• ; ; ie.v on Stir nsrn st::r:^ di:, ; t'. A-1 id' C.i-.en s ;>..,•• .-.,,- C i c s i KS Pi: 13

• •• ;.-t ("oe.t

iul «Mp-« , ;

. ,i uls i.: • [ireparc 1 :

l ine I !o

Id a: d i ... 1 > ;h

I ,..

SI. .1 t 1 isf.11 iii.1.

C'lUU, .us uci- i ;

CO. X. V. •-: into ajMifc cti'i!'.'- iaforra s \ i. inity rli •' ir \\ slits ill tii.'

h for Whi-tit— . .. r V>'!.. .11 and aed lb L-:\C eat-

•. . . ' ! nrP

r . ;-. Y.

.' t h !'ll~.-



\-tt. rthi

rimn n



M UKTGAOE KALE.—Default h.ivin_' been le in the payionnt ni nio 1 \ die- upon a

! mortgng.. I-.\I-I iited'uj- Taniali T.i'x to Wilhem Willink, li ii'fn'- Vollen Hov.-. , Rntg: t- Jar

I Schiiuiuelpennin. i:. V.'iili m Willinh tbcyoiingr-i. j Jan Wiilink ti..-1 ouugi r, son et Jan. Jan (iubriii ! Van Staphorst. Carnslis Vo'lcn Hnven. dud Htn I drik Beye, hearing date January tijsi, Isjo, and j recorded in the ( lerk's otSce of Clmittanqar ; County en Ibe lUlu day id' Au/ust , 1-2U. in Ubei ! I, pages :;e- and 310. . -

Amount • ! l invd to be due $1?,Ci »2. Morig.igi •! premises » e s t part of lol iiui:i'....r

: forls-soii•'.'. iiU.h« ">tli towlL-.hsp#«ii Hkeii'th rangi I of tlio l loiland Ijuid Contjniiiy's s i r . e v , and

bouniieds-oiith bv part of let numKr -|e, "l.-, ••'•, -chains 97 links; west by part of lot number 54, foitys:ij{ht>liaii.s tweiity-livc links: uortbwis,t"r-

| ly by the Kri-' IJoad, 1 j chains :',i links: ami cis i I Ii\ a line parallel to tie.- wefct bounds of said lot ! number forty—even, sixty-one chains twenty-two i links, containing s.-v aty-one acres be the s a n e


pper.iuu5Lard,saJi 'a what rrammy alwavs

more or I. -1, the ca.-i fifty toforc diseliar

Nieii-.- i- ii- 1.

1'iin; and reseninJJ therefrom ir acres and a itnirter acres here-ed from s ;\.\ nn'i'tga.":.'. dij itiven that tne above descril ed

A fellow just rctttmitio; from swfighli in which he came off second best was tiActJ what made him look so sheepish. "Be­cause," said he, "I have been out and got; lammed?

mortgaged p r e m i s s ivjil 1,-.. gold at public ; lion ai tin chant luetic Land OfiiHe in the viil of Westfield on the I»:h day of i.iitolier. Is.'s noon, upon Ore powers contained in s,;Hj | i ; gage and of thi s.tatti - in sti \ ease made provided.

Dated July ;c>i!. lH.iii. J.del i.'ir. r. "j •fifiii -11 II. >i iva.d,-! . .

Survivors of .' '^signei Mor: - li ddnsou.


Morns :;..-. liivii' .'iiUiii.ey, i i * i

aid, { t 1

11. I 1'a.i 11.

M w

fault ha Oli lXJAGESALa-! ' . emit aaviiig i..--t.uia. iu the payment of money due npon a M-u't-

g ige , e.\" iitert l y Johi -Hi l i Ui l t o i c i t (diaries JOIHISOB, which mortgage i s i laud the tiiaj day of Maicii 01 i-t'iuusan-l eight hnndred and fifty •>t,e, end is recorded in ine Clerk's Otfice oi ;di.iuL'ii.|ac t'i>u*tv on tjie -n lUitii dav 11I Maroli.ltsul. i.i liber 17. page 'UK aa.lwiii.-h" sa i l Mortgage has !«•! ii :irn[..-rrv ,a*s^i#d »-. ;;..->.i-1 WsTisil Charles Johnson to John i.. Tjlc •:: ofth» • itv uf U.ittaiio. mid the sui^ ^•signnu sir ir :o»> oril .d inth'--<!. ,k's'tdh>i afoj • - id, on (he .«.• id Tth day' , .r Wi,; 1<".1. jfl Tf^r ff.^^ tTT.' — A v e n t claimed t'i be d le, .-'T^ !<-.

Mortgugssl preniifes tmM part iiit. liii-i-... iii the lililt to,11:.-hi; i-angi- i,r the Holland Laud (. anfl bounded n-itth ' y OH n tivnt .ysix 1 bain; six:y-ti,:ii! i Wmil 1 s forU-ii-..-. piity 1 ' nuinl ••• SOy-lwu, twi nr -• . 11 links: :evli>.-«t liv laud .'.'-,..

Id, • liu '.11.— v, i.i I..- 1 mil !..i:,'. ai i ig lib »-•• long and n il 1 s bii.* w giiirsutaa; tlie low 'h • "-he-.' wii't 'vi;-,ch he 1 m iv '"'• 11 I h 1 liei'.tu*.' ti! ii •.: :i:i.•• i i i. .- mv 'has t - ' .

:.; ijrcpr.V .i"u. TI. und«: sigiiod .. in'

II -d j exchange, uf grii 1. .re 1 oim-nien* t« .he ai jest ti) the dchiys si

ted I

bs-st !

1 "Mill • _ i ,

v ILv.Tidm rul practi. e ostdnbj fivur '•v'.red: an 1 d a d i g id ! r U«+f an­

te •- .. ; .-; and \ \ \ - : t , .

i:i:u Id

Sin:: 1 r. ' ered musi

• 51 :--..

KY, 1 1 rt >r

• • 1. : . : s • '

.:' the !'• ,-tll hold hi '•r •i-iri 1™ :ss. -. an

. 1 • -

' • !


am aranee of any pewoa ;i: Mich court i'i v.l.'j have tak

ntion of any ]• 5 i'0£jtiiz3r.e< s, ino • tw* -avl entlrt : ;e rirst day of its and ut my ufijee >y • fjune, 1-5

' i l l 8w-3

1 nay iniiuteitiviU orcsatu son or witnesa, return .-fleli |Uisttioi s and examinations it tlwopenitijr thereof on is'tiini'. (ijvr n niider mv

in MayvjJii', this Hull

Ww. !'. !•Ilia-

lion. d. m

lis c . E . mere.

V. « . > J. M. |i Ceo. ii. li. ,n. S.

)-!• r Indi Can

. 1;.

d e , Thilader-

ntn-orth, 31. C. Democrat, Chicago,

Itecsc, Methodist Trotistiuit, IJalti--


I'igldmar. t'hrlstian Advoente, *. C^ omie'il. Daily >• ws. Savannah, Ua. Wenass , L"iiis-. iile Journal. Kv. ' l i i i i n t i d i i x , M. (., South Bend H e p

sea. • liiinr'. Chrrrtilin Mirror, Porlland, Me. Bartlett .\: ( J„ Kcpabljoan, Hartford.

1CK ' . t:;r- Pi

W.N rn. Cnited Kiiipi

ace, Lebanon,

and Tatriot,


. \:-• n obri


of lot uunilii i' : :.»•! e l e v e n til

nip: ; y's survey, <rt)* - tifiy-biui, :ii-: east i v bit

us 1-1.

lis in -.c.i. >i:. and

N • i l l

1 n p huiii'i or I. -s.

d :d ! esp' i .i a'tcfit: in ts for floit., i••., as b- ing miller, V«IM thea is uut | I tronbte uf stojipag-.s d

'ry frUi, »a.1 mHi-ii asorc e-oaomiciil i'<T tr« b m e ^ v,!» have the ta lceo: ' their grist wle't'n 1 ' l.rge-tir s:«ati right n l ia i iwi thoutthe lo^s of littie "tberivi.-' ansvolilaHej' i l f t er -l»t waHine while t i u i w o i k l f desjeor in t%ui**rniest>. t'. \\\\K

N Tt.^^lourjind ii^ii in J'-kto -Mi. "ii i i t u u u a n ! . . . A * i O r . - l <&•«./ f, .

: MV."\V*A*t:*sA- FUAJtrTT^. -WestftVd, Mat. ti 'Jo. 1-Vi. 4v-tf

E c t e e f l e Pl^. 's ielai: T.- f>nr?«:oti. It. li nili.V, 101 n.irly ii-.' !••• hoio,id, .'>'. I!., i

periuaii'?•' bic. it i d in iLi~ p-.n ••- all-' . suu[iiT-<t i i ims' i : ' a i" ii n--1 lu-. ; i-i . i i .eu' . :uej p a r e ( Medii in. -. H'- is 1 n paced Ip « u nd to nil I -i-i- j i i i . ' , , - • s»ioH. He-., i'i be at hisoffice rriiiu s tU' \r \ , -J. ..a. h d . ; . j

N. P. s; s -i d .:• j ..; |...:,' ;., Cti.-oii: : J ' i - c -• , es, -ue', ;..- ' , i".' ds. i':'u.i :-. Pi--.

Id and n si: We­

il .ir 110 pay. 1 I? left at the P"e-i>:>i -.-.

stin-e of .'. Carlisle the sale of lf--";.-. «•• - f t o l c e Compana" s

i s hoard P la in f-n rt I'.iti. •' t.i 1 'I it". Held, Jan, i s . It5«

T,a. -: -. :•-.' -n Chereh in

ill - !l il ;-i--:di:-' -« to ; u the voice; Sore -iu7 :u„ '-!iiJ'S f^r sa-

»e end n j 'i; f*i no I'ortes t r. 'rice, ae.l with -:vU!'ac-• s ' Ssi not !' . I Oder- tnai l", Ko. 'J!J. ^r St t'ueel uli-

[ J T E T 5 3J I

will l e

'.- ivanl '-•' • Fir l :::-' of • ood 1 i--t'..;--delivered brthetlMli of Jnae forwhii

tntb • h •. ;u-i

ft Co. s r e d

1 S'T n'so agent '; (tray'S spli 11-

i . i . . Oiff<ljglltcd. '.1 I will soi.-.H

iid-- 'lank 1: 1

h ::,

far XT. P. yo'\- :F & r n

"Weed Land. t" sell two htmitird HCTTS

. ing a little ei -t ei the l lay I ..• -•• I live mill s fr-.:u tiii

BaiMackJh Knight

1 h:t red a.

t'hoa | - un .1 i'. - !d -. C. v.',

CftarltKt/oak, Detnnerat, Pasnflle, P.i. JLJI : iiiitu.. Il< i .'•• iat, Alklttev. Il l'a. P-herm in-'* Hartnv.State Oasiette, f r<nr7in,X. J", I f t i f i i f i Ue.iiii, i 'miiie l-anuer, ( hii Ign, HI. Thi s • genlTeiaen have n d onlv certified to tiu-sc :ia i-s n s in tt> ir paper* to the piridlcM tt'nVre-

lent r.n ' K i )>ersnr,al litters, to the tflett.Uikb. :>, . i,-:r« ;.,,,,,-] j , . - . p;-i ].era:ion an article ot rn - t public utility. < ''

S-HI•••! ;i il admit full testimonials here, but ".e agents belli.', n.imed -.viilfurnished my .tmer-an, "ratis, to all who ask {or it" wberc- .

in are full and indisputablrproorsf hi -• statin ni ls , ; 4iii-M



F'-:- lin- uu'tirraniuta >it* ii ..ii-i i!,- MiUrr***T msffifri $ub*ti Wc;• hrit#* 1 !***= in- d i^ tl;;tt \V;iik» r'« Ml iU rjrr l i . ivt i * f n s i n . p th * K'ti -Stepped mo:-» :h:til m**

Ai.-o. t!»;U thi* Mi.!-* •

p. T •.I

ablic in g i ner.'d ! h: ; I lie I J] iiiloiie.iug thenj ; i

'.• *i*ij<l rntiuins; orttrr alio .•t »-pt_ not having IKCU t.y in tin: time. a :o. and

1 entire A<-M &te-k of Fami 1 'I imd see ns, ::t the stoni • rest 01 liariin'.ton A? Son*- I

at the si_:i i t i«c Au.eri- :iu I J i ' . i -

doiur a- IA5

- . - . I l:;.i.'ii Mi in street .

ini-d•• ii c

—cheap, a; H'esilii Id >'. 1] "e. It in Sli

is tttt!/ vtkers t t ft,.. en, call al l ! ate fu

• •eh grindiiigr. ai.d as w -.1 /1114-11. r'or tuith r in: o .1 ' ii.ur^eivi-s.

F l o u r , M e a l , P r ^ s h G r o u n d P l a s t e r ,

, M..

tlie store V. Jnci. and i.Ui.'iii:^.

Sg? 1 excc.fai the stone

.1 -oi tin nt liuHdhls-.y

d'aliltinds an-1

ia street, Wcst-J I . M i

Upwards of thirty newly-marred couples were at Niagra Falls, within a weelt,* Ais summer. Hot weather and matrimony— well, what next.


ports of Cincinnati, for the past year, reach «t75,295,901; and the exports f<<r the same period, 150,744,70.

The man who docs most has the least time to talk about what he he does. *"-•-'

their At" nee.

jus, containing . li- the same 1.1

nttee is Iicre'; given ihnt Ihe ;.! » \v des • d iiiortgaj el pr-'in' ••* will i-e sold' al-pulili u n. at the 1 haul' .;.• uf \Vc, •..-;. '•'. •• at

(Ji:o. W. PAir i ia so j .

lliiille Mu

E LECTION NOTICE.—SnEit i t i ' s , O F F K it, COUNTY OF CHAUTAUQUE, S S . - Xotice is here­

by given, pursuant to the statute of this State, and of the annexed notice from the Secretary of State, that the Ueueral Election will be held in this county oh Tuesday succeeding the first-Mon­day o f November n e x i at which eleoljon the of­ficers named in the annexed notice wiU bo elec­ted. MILTON SMITH, Sheriff

STATE OP NEW YOKK. ) A L B A N T , SECRET A B Y'S OFFICE. 5 August 12 th, 185C

To tlie Sheriff of Die County oj Ciuiutauyat SIB;—Not ice is hereby given, that the Gener­

al Election to be held in this State on, the l u e s -day succeeding "the first Monday of; .November 1 next, the following Officers are to" be elected, t o wit: aGo ernor in the place of Mxron H. Clark: wLieutcnaht-Gov m o r in place of HenrySj; Be.v-a ond; a Canal Cmomissioner in place Of "Cor-uiclius Gardinicr; uu Inspector ol state Prisoti-in the place of Thomas Kirkpatriek; a Clerk of the Court of Appeals in the place of Benjamin F. Ilarwood deceased; al! whose terms of office will expire "on the lest day of Decern ber"rio:vK^

Thirty-five Electors ot President au|jVi'ce-> "resident of the . United States; u Keprfiseirta-Ive in the rtifty-Pifth Congress of 4h* ijrnl-•d States for the Thirty-Third I'l.iieTensiOiial' istriet Composed of the counties of Cautarangns

Jid Chautauque. ^. . . •• TT. .

County. Officers a so to be Elected fur said County, Two Members of Assembly: a SuperTntelidarili

of Use Poor in the place of John ChandfeT: aJJis-trict Attorney in the -place of l ieorge » r k i - r : two Jostiees of Sessions in place of EdWB Baton and Albert J. Andrews; Two Coroners i i r the place fit .Wi^iajB L Carpenter ajid Sumner AIL n: all qrwhawtertnS of office will "expire an the last day of December. Also a Coroner in the p laceotWi lHam H. Gardner, who has fujletl to. qualify; alsh a State Senator in and for the Thir-' ty- Second Senatorial District to fill a vacancy occasioned by the death of Roderick Whit*. -

Yours respectfully,. ' K Y. STANTON, J c s n .

Deputy Secretary of State, • io-t f

M.'i: S\I,K. Lefault having h e r ni th.- payment of money due linen

rtgage executed by Welcome Colvin, bearing date February 2MB, 1R10. and reeordcsl it he Clerks Office "f Chadtauqoe Co., on the 1st due of August 1M0, in LilierlT, page l i d . \monid •. !-iiuieitto hcdnoSlOVtL ' Mortgaged n mlse:--s"nth-cart p a i t o f lot nmnl-er 19, in tie 5th town-ship i l i r n n g e of the Holland Land Company's Survey; bonnded noith by a line parallel to the south bieandd of said lot nnmbi p ];i, at the dis­tance of ten chains thirty live links narin there­from,) nineteen chains seven links; eiisl by bit number II, ten chain-thirty-live links; south by lot r.umber Is. nineteen chains ten links; west by a line parallel to tlie west bouuds of said lot snninber It, (at the distance of thirty eight chains eighty-eight links east, therefrom,) ten chaius thirty-five links: containing nineteen acres and seventy-five hundreds of an acre,

Notice is hereby given that that the above de-scrib'd mortgaged premises will be sold at public auction ut the Chautauque Land Office in the vil­lage of Westfield on the 25th day of October, 1856. at noon, upon the powers contained in said mortgage and of the statute in such case made and provided.

Dated July 2i, lS.".fi. John Dner, *\ William IL Seward, i , , ••• . "

Survivors of ' [Mortgagees . Morris Robinson, J

P.y their Attorney Geo. \V. Patterson.


iiioit in i.ur-iia mortgage, end • n i ]ii"\ ided.

Land iiiiiec iu th.-'-Vitil d:-.\ ••!' October, I .1 power contained statute 'ti such eas •

and Skin aN .

ti nstof xr.-H-i ni"in-. Mother'

Ibj li.isa'..^, a g-.. with his office, tiie accomatodatian

Dr. Uouiii bavin)!

' sujiply .if Ei lei tie .11 I," Cough Pri

f t h e Kv.


an i-Mu

P. S. T!


i n ! 1

' HtS JiOliN !

Attiraev f . s e >.:.(.'• ITT. A--i.'nee.

. P.tT'iei.,oN.


MOETGAE SALE—Uy virtue of a Mortgage-bearing date September 27, A. D. ls,"iL>. Sal

111011 C. Riley, of Portland, Cbaotanqiie Conntv, N \ . conveyed to Philip Mericle of the same place. certain premises described in said mortgage follows: c -

AH that piece or parcel of land situate lying and beingin the town county and State a f o u a i i b and being p u t of lot number 25, tilth town­ship, and thirteenth rang.-of the Holland Land Company's survey: and also distburnished on a i.ia.i or sarv y <•( part of said lot m. !o bv Timo-tby Judson for Abncr H. lieclie and olheVs as lot nunilier tiiiity; and Uonnded North b) the origi­nal line ot said lot number twenty'five, three chains. Ka>* by lots number twenty-seven and twenty-nine of the said last mentioned suivevs. •thirteen chains, 25 links; South by the een-t r of the nortli l ine Road, four chains and nine-ty-six l inks; and west by lot number thirty-one of the lloiland Company's surveys, lifteeu chains, forty-six links: Containing five and forty hnn-dretlis, acres, be the same more or less. And also all that certain other piece or parcel of land situate Ijing and being in the said town of Port land and bounded as follows to wit : Mcgiuning in the ceuter of the north Erie lioad onthc west line of a certain lot of land conveyed by James Dunn to Simeon Wuitcomb, and running north on said Wl i tcomVs line, twenty-six chains, twenty-seven links; thence wrst on the south lincof lot unniber thirty-two, three chains, sixtv-Uve links; thence south, twenty-eight chain* fifty-six links. thence north fifty-three degrees east! four chains thirty-ona liks tu the place of beginning: contain­ing ten acres oi Ian L with the exception of one

Oini . 'Ai .r; FAI.rT—Defaalt hating U-n mode in tiie p 1-. IUI at of i::o:i' y due upon a

i. ttg.ige execute i by 'Jhadius i . Purtnu to i'h. ma- il'iutcr, lieaiing date the twelfth day on Xnvem •• 1 on" thousand, eight imndivd lifty-tlii -e and r e c e led. in tlie I'lerk's offiec uf Chaatanqne Conntv, "ii the 12th day of January, IS54, in liiici-J i of kiohg 1 -eajritfiage 2' 7. :\ hieli >aidmortsttg-e wi s giccu to si cure tha Vaymcat • / die auii 01 nine i.u:idied do-llars and interest h o w the firs: d'V of.LniM.-v, Ii-5-l. uu 1 has been propeily a ---igue ! iy tiie said Hunter In Itnasell Snudeidin. which a- "'gunii'i was reeofd'd iti the Clerks office on t h e ! J.'; d_y 1.: J antral y Is u j n l i l e t - j j of Mort !5 'ges, p.'g" 57 I.

Anioaiit . tainted to bo nnpaid on said mortgage on the day of the first pafclKStion of this notice is ten hundred and tiftv-six dollars and forty-five

f. I'il!-. l ' ! . :s ! , i . A : .i.i'Ili l j ll-'l.-c fiM'ii cteil 1 II v. ill Is- kept in read in *tfor ' if tbo-e « iio wisii l*i u-e il.i treated succcs-:\iey tor a .

number of y e a i s diseases of the in every loriii. e.oiill rcsi-cciiidly enli the .'.'.i. utiou m' the t publie to iiis I'ollyiiuin for the re:: n..i 01 T:'->s i Sunl u n . l-'i.'.-kie". |.ivi r S;io*\ 6'!u»j - i'iu_...ies> ; Of ll.c !>kJ!l, AC. I i i -ed-n a l C i l e..j il!g ioi children, and ran ! •• n»ed at ::!l ti m sjui-h sarrty • Otaee >'o. 12. South I'mtjgi; street, Westftehvd Cham. «'o.. \ . V. i f - 1

W A N T E D , at .1. II. WALKKfi'S :

now in running ordci lone, v. iii do well to cal .

Those ivi-'re.« rll b- fori m . .

M *

• h, ing

>r I"!

| . : : • •

- uv v.Ai.Ki-.i;.

well »1

11. W.

r. is ...rvb

R e a l E s U t e F o r S a l e , r i ^ l l e Subsfiiber 08k is for sale rn

I terms ami on ttui- i 1 f i t tot-T-.vo New Dwt'lii ig L u-i- 1*L< -ii: ua •-!, in th" villag ef Westneld:

Those to pwibaot will di> eai in. A C S . IN #3

V.i deb! Al riliO IS55.

y s i t


1 , 0 0 0 Mili. wh'i- his Tii ii-o wanting Soaring do

For Sale.

M L cS V


R t i . c


:. I .-- . j s ot tne; • i stulu la

' I . u si kind ig. Main 1

l-.'iil.—' a m p " i.c

I . 11 -.:.. i ii. V e • • 11 be

.—i:-:d 1'. • i t s lie 1. Tu'i.s.

1 can : trect.

I Htiiaing Fluid. Can- ' ; Talivtv. by the 1 ox or ,

. ! ! iid .e.i- ; audit V.'ii ' . s i n ?;. : Nd B:H1 M.ickeraT,« goodar- 1 uiiiid at the scr .e buibiius'. 1

,. y . . , t ...,t„ „f fi, ! 1 d •*.•:. >lnln stre puiis and Baskets.


svreKrOM .v7'.. cr.Ey£i.i.\nf <>, D I H T i O T O P S :


n. I.

II '•• Ki W. ( \. \

li i d \ ieto A. liii

1 11. Le



Hoa, Hon

KM Es'ii

N. K. Hall, m. V.'ui. A . Moscley, •n. Washington Hunt ii. S. (J. Havens, li. Steele, Esi>, iin L. KimUrlv, Esit , V. Ifc-ed. !•>,.,' ti 1- A. roiti-r, Esq , n . s p i t i ' i , .

i 'anara and id at the stoue kuiluing, Ma


: in-, 1 itn on wffl !'

.-, Xu.megs. id a! the S!

( iuvi s. and H. Tfrvunt. A Pr"!b-so: I'. Strut!on, ,- 1 uuuts.


of the Science of Ac-iiid Lecturers on Buai-

triler seeds.— he I'j 01 nape: ti ,- .ti . iii.

Rochester 'd st the store

2't [ding H . L i a t K i


sttie'd. S ptrm' "r ".. !•<•"".

F o r Sa l e o r t o B e a t .

S iip No. . iu the

wis! a r to .-ell a g • id House aed lot conveuient barn and oathnildiiig-.—

i' . 1 . .1. -iiitntcu iKiav thi-liisl corntus on tin ..,..-iii< oi the creek. T o b e . s e l ! uav—or \vt

.voelil exchange the name for western buds, I'.AlitOi'Kst KXKiHT.

Westfield. July 7th. Wei. 12-if.


las. \V w. r. •


I.ii,!:. iptnce

1 (less custom,.

Instructors in Pusinessand Or-uantenul 1\ uuiansjiip, ami Li

V lout'10 acres wood land, situated near \ \ . stti Id an i ciiauiiiiiiue Pla

mites fietll tii' tii!:: itanque e OI W. A l ! : 1

stfleW. CK & XiCii

Hiir.'i ^l-'i hil Ler'inors. Kinauc.e, Ac., Ac.

!i- v. J. Hyatt Smith, and is on Politictil Peonoinv.

e is in Mercantile C o t y , 1 I'ncv, Ac: '' ~'*' ) rospoBe

.Mann, and l ion. Geo. \Y. Clint**-, .

Bantisi Church in this village. April. 17, ls.'ei KAKi'tM'K ,'c KNHT.


ARE YOU iSUFFKHING cents. The amount claimed to be uetnallv due ' _ _ . . . , . , _ . , -. , , - . . , , . and anpaid is three bwndred i thirty-two dollars W i t h t n e P i l e " , I n w a r d l y OT OUtWaVTaly? a 77c. Mortgaged premises p u t lot uunil -er twe ty two, In ihe first tov.n.-uiii and fifteenth run ofth


c o.laiid Land Company'ssmvey,and boumi-

d ul 1:01 tii l.y lot number "twenty-tiiree, fifteen chains aud one liuk: east by a liue paia 1 1 to the east louuds oi s:id lot tweiity-t'.in.i.iti th, distance of twcnty-fiVe chains six links wes-therefroni liily-nine clinins ninety-six Jilnk south by lot number twenty-cue,fifteen chains ot.e: link, and west by a dne parrailol to the • m bounds of the land herebyconveyed,sixty chains twenty-one links—containing ninety acres of laud, more or less—excepting twenty acres of land now occupied by l'bilo S, liiiwley. ' Notice is hereby given, that the above described mortgaged prem­ises will be sold at public auction, at the West held House, in the villHge of WcstfitUl, now kept by Asa Farnsworth, on the 20 day of Sept. Is/it-', at noon, upon the powers contained in said mort- | gage, and of the statute in such case made and; provided. Dated Jnae 25th Is.Vi. ti 13w &USSELL SUNPE2L1N, Assignee.

The aliovo sale is por.fponod to the 29th hist., at the same place and time of dav.

KL'SSELI. SCNDEULLX, Assign j . Bept 20, liJC.

DB. IF so, t 'si:

DL"I'RIF-S? CKLI:;:I;ATI:D RKMLDV. Warranted to Care in all Cases.

Th" above i= the only remedy that has ever effectually. City references and testimon­

ials given . If vou have the Piles inwardly,

of Dr. IVs Pills—only 50 cents. Ifyi.ii have the Piles outwardly, :

of Dr. D / s Ointment—onlv .70 cent

ask for a Box

k for a Bex 'i-dm

FABM TOU SALE. u»Utiu..:,in' i'^!, » * • » - -iioiVj*. 'j^mi uid l e i n ? in the biwn of iQafcy—abc-at

,..< s 01 which arc iuiprurveii. A hyu.-e anil i'liiii thereor—alao -a young mcliard. To he sold low. and a lilit'ral creilit given for a part of the purchase monev if desired.

UABCOCK&KXIGIIT. _.Tnno 7, lB*.ii. Wfc

F O R S A L E O K T O R E N T . rT^HE Suliscriber has four Dwellings snd T.o:=.

1 . Pleasantly Located In this Village for sai . , at low rates for prompt pay. If not sold they will be rented from the 1st of April next.

A. wn.Es Westfield, March 3 Ls.'.n.


telf->ra!i;is rndt and \rgrtal>:r • experience dnring'tlis ; ast vea

j iievs, I and >:. I K-iiies.

M. L. U. P. W. Hca.-o

fac v,i.

C*Jt. iu'uiaa

Olive, et tu:11

I i For rhft

P a r n t for S a l e ! Q I T P A T E D , lying and iwiag in the town of 01! i | i ' ey . containing 100 acres, about in improv­ed, with :i .'-in-i hMbte and barn thereon. A lib­eral credit d-ey if desire i.

esifield, June 2. tB5*

n for a part of tlie pnrchasemon-BAllCOCK.t KNHiHT


ra '" . . J : * »•> ••.'..

. • 1 »i . ,•." m —. . .•

AT SURROGATE'S C O B J « - * e l A iat fiinb I acre lj ing in the Souih east corner of the" above elarville in a n d f o r the County of TXIBORr!" - , i e s ' ' ' ' ' ' •• l A d . flP.e.°.n^g-****&**$•, BmtiiailWAlbcr I s ' ,i mortgaeewKh f!:o power of sale therein HMrtimiMid, Srtrrojrato of said Conntv, ' cnn..uned '• i ''d iu the CleitL'i ollice of the matter of the application of Hugh John- • f ' ' " '• " : ' 'h e' - 10. the-11th tier oTfVcto-ston administrator of James Itasse't deceased. ' ber A. 1'. 1 •••! at II o'c

TO I M T V a L I D S Laboringitnder ASVctiona of ihe Throat orLungs

Doct. Calvin M. Fitch, FOnUEllf.Y OP 714 BROADWAY, N.Y

Author of tlie Invalid's Guide, and Consnmp five's Manual. A c , having re tenth- returned from Kuropj' would inform his i'utieiits at tiie We; t, and all Interested in the announcement, that he will open on the FTR-T OS" Jl'.N'E a permanent ollice

At Ho. 459 Main St., Boffilo, N. Y. Where he may be consulted Daily (Sabbath ex­cepted) from nine to five; for-

^Throat and Pulmonary Diseases, More Particnlarly

Consumption, Asthma, and Chronic Bronchitis,

In the treatment of which a judicious combina­tion of. Remedial meas".r«s, the employment of Mechanical an 1 GomV.itn'* Wedielmil and Srli -i .




L. P A R S O N S , MAIX-ST., XEXT TO Tin: S T O S E BrruMxu [

General Dealer i t dCS A MF.DICLVKS.IDVE-STlirFS, PAINTS I Oils, Viirnisln s, lVrfumery

Ftsx F A M v AKT Iu>t. uuieu*.

Ciieiiii. -i:s, Purgiial

A c , A c '

Wood Mil ls! V. are manufacturing Weodm.lls of t':e most approved patents—with our a p p r o v d

Saw guide attached—at the shop formerly o f ' .pi­ed by T)ioiuas".ludd, ns a bedstead factory, nun' mileuort h of Cetiii 1 vi.''e. in the town of Por t land, L'iui'.itiiUi[ue tin.: and. would say to those in wan! of the article that we shell- not be iiitiioue. eiii:-c iii uuikiuauship oi- piii ics. Wt* l ikenis-l'ur::i,!i ThtTshrh* M*f%rp?i nnd Feed Cnttr-i-s th. i tmnybe pr»t;><,t1,.d by the fame power; wc on hand plows, cultivators; T in best Cornstalk Cutter c. ix iiu'eiiicd, (o»i • that .will cut Iraop-

SFI.F-SEAT.TNG iKlrTTCASS, and the universal saiisfaction anil certificates of j parties who have purcbsi.ied and tested those of ; vai ions makers have givi n curs the decided pret- i erence over all others.

The sul.-si-i Hers offer to"tho public, the BESTS I . F - S F . A ! . [ \ I ; CAN.

eve.' inaented', la presvere Fruits, Vegetables, I A c

T H E S E A M N f C I S A L W A Y S T I O H T . j 11 others reqiide sd.-er or • eiiieni.

A l h ' ojening lias been enlarged to admit a FCI I. S1ZK1) PKACH.

Kverv can is tested before it leaves our manu­factory, and stamped wiiii our name.

T A Y L O R fc I I O D G E T T S itanufacturers of ri-ini-hed Tin A Japanned wan

No. CO I*e"ktiT!tn Sf:, xow York.

lOddm. I

$40 CO 25 0 9

5 00

Mr. II. Alkin*, LeptUPf .

Tlioitq sen, G. -W. l iosamr k, Lecturers on Mercantile

Ar-r. JL J, Onfmsn and E. f ^ o r t c t A j y s ou Couinivicial Computations. „ . . - . . - .

TKU.VS: i-enr.-r—time'tttdi in Tted—includ­

ing all dcpuiUucOts of Look-Keeping, l .cdurcs and Dre-ii -.' I'l-nmanship,

For same coarse '.; '. -.-' <lr}-.artmewt. Persons taking Pei.n m,iiip alone will re­

ceive twenty lessons tor For various styles « f t'rnnmcntal Penmansliip

as may be agreed npon. . , 5._ For i.'istrnction in business Arithmetic only Ca­

per egiccr.un!. ,- .. .-.ids. i The ei -ign ofthe InstltntKin is to afforfl perfect",

i.c ilitics fo'r acquiring in an expeilhioosmanaor, < thorough knowledge of Commercial Science and Art, os practically employed in the Ceinrfng I Room an 1 nsiness pursuits, generally. ».. -, ;

The Hook Keeping Department Is under the pi'iMinal sin-eriutendence of the mort ( ream-plishci! Act euntaiits and Teachers, aud it i» be­lli veil that no Mercantile College In the Vtiitrd SJotes possesses superior ndrantagetj for ia: part- r

:nd practical knowledge oTCpnii

p i i K V i V - i I All in tii

iornll I and

lor authority to mortgage, lease or sell the I mo* real estate of the said loeeasoufor the pavme. : o f h i s d e b t a . ^ ^ „ , On reading«ftMI1l4g4ife appllcation-of Hugh

Johnmtim administrator of the estate of Jauies BaaBrtlpBSjeWeWaMBeld in the County of Chau-tan<««Vdaa«na*a>«nl authority to mortgage, lease or sail t a * real estate of the said deceased for the payBBMB-oUiiadebts. I t i a ordered that all per-aon» antemtcd i n the estate of the said James Bas—tt aasMmed, appear before the Surrogate of thel>o»ylo^.CfcButeuque at his office iu Sin-c lean i l l e on the 21st'day of Jnry next at twelT* o'cloek.^M,iotctimt dor, then and there to show P*at«flW«ata«mtT abovhl not be given to the "fSWJJJJ*0* to Mortgage, lease or sell so much

r^tmU^ti\leme»enf,riU> pay hianebw. i t o ^ w h e r e o f J , l a v e heresmte set m y hand e « b W W q M t » « « t h « day «nd year first above » « • ) • • « -roM t. -

-•-J^JWCBJIOND, Surrogate. [ L S.] . »•«»''• . 3 7-7iv.

51. iu Liber i',2 of ages it page Tin. 'Hie amount due on said

mortgagei th - time 8 f the first npblication of thisnoUe, . -i.Jf.,2:;,and th-re will remain nn­paid, and to become dna upon said m o r t c a n fiK-Sf''nnrth('„'1f {^-nU * e '»rther"su,n Of$,0O|00. Default h.,• tn.g been made in the payment o f the amount due and secured by said mor...age, and no suit having been instituted at law to recover the same, or any part thereof, Now, therefore byvirtae ofthe power of sale con­tained in said mortgage, notice is hereby given that the above desajbe-l.jf-cmisfs will be sold at .public aaetfcaao the highest bidder on Saturday the 14th day of June A. D. 185B,at one o'clock P. M a t the Westfield House, in Westfield village, Ghaataaana'OMntr. » • Y . Dafed March, 17, 185*. at 'BHlfrl iBi i trOT^librrgagee.

SMITH A CHADWICK. A try's. lSw-|S. The nhove s a | e Is postponed till Saturday the

tfeofOcttober next, at tha name place and time

ile medies, 'de riihalatious. give

'1 can never attend •dil iese Affections.—

• • it>i| for all derange. ti ', or giving rise to . . . r l y

-,'••'. Cnr.//;eness, and (' yiplaiats. • . suit, but unable to visit r ..ending him a written e—and Foreigner* unae-

quainte^l wlili English may address him cither in Prenen or frerman. .-I personal examination is however preferable, as important •fymptinus are sometimes overlooked- by tlie padje'nt; and also as constant practice in consultation enable Dr. F. to determine the condition of the 1 jinga v i t a great accuracy; thus of course enabling him more successfully to modify and adapt treatment to udividnal cases. , ' . , ,

B o o k s a n d Nt . t t io i i ery .

TCT "Ei -XTXT T 3 O O 3 S 1 I S . 1 > M A U D TAYLOR'S TRAVELS. Scenes in | I "> the Practice of a New Fork Surgeon. Wid­

ow Medott Paper-. Vi'oiiert's ltooat Sunshine • on Daily Paths. - D i e k . i i . - " Pbnt Prints of the Creator. The Neweom-s. Sunny Hemeries of j Foreign Lands. American Statesman, A c

VMILY Toilet and Sdiaviug Soaps at L. Par- :

sons' Drug Store. ANXttCnGHlEP and Flavoring Extraete— *

nno assortmenr, at L Parsons', No. 17 i Main Street. • - - j

1)PiOF. DcGrath's Electflc Oil—rtlie Iiest iirticle j in the world for Rheumatism, Sprains, Brui­

ses, A-., at LJParsoim' Xo. IT, Main-st 1 ) i rKET Mwlicinc (Jasos, Metioalos, Drafting

!nstrom*I«s, -ehea]i, at L Parsons', No. 17, J Main-,;.

(^ OLD PENS, Card Cases, and rortmonnaics, 1 \X at No. 17. ' f

•s when cornstalks are seurcv.) together uitli rt^nts. C-yl

JIT-D & Co.

poi a general 1:


Bsortmeat of imni THOMAS

M:v 27. 1858. '

N u it

Western TJ i .auds (situat. ai and tow.i) Ii

I (Ml. d ill iiite.

I-!IT.MO!!K. ANTI l'.l'CHANAN. 'i' 1.1 for "Prince's Protnun Pen,

I new improvemeiii has recei.t'y 1-cen added t j this .invention, whicB makes the I'm perfect iim! j fe. which to griidiuite the flow of ink. Evervwri-

tcr should have this Pen. The material is incor-i-i II1 le—iu ad • under Goodycar's patent—filled v i ih east?, wi it • from 1 f 1 "id le-urs, constqnl tise —snvii g h.'df the lime. Ttidncements to local it-gents and trade. : iu-ie pens sen'i by mail, on receipt of .-. le >> or g-yio. The gold m u warrant­ed one year with fatTTrsagp. T'i C. STEARNS,

id tt'! Agi n5j 290 Broadijray, for Reade-st. Ko?1v-Vrlt.



F 7i

d t f U S K • U i in i i i

- i c


him a degree of succi aiaerehr partial t ivati ' . Dr. FITCH may al-ai I. ments o f the system ;- -Pulmonary Disease p -i

Catarrh, l);/>.p< r


Persons""n i ihing to Dr. Fitch,"cr>n do so statement of their c.

"^ r.t.SlTRflAiP.VLMEn'SSarsaparilla—the best i .Vl . article in Market, at a reiluecd price, aud ail 1 the pormfaJ Vrftent Medicines for Sale atT.. Par-1 sons' Drug-mid i looS Store. No. 17. 40

WeslfieM. Jannarv 2dd, lK.",ii.

-T;iM)iXi; IY t;:aTi:u KLOCK. far l'alilic and frttiti I.iirari ••• Magazines, t -., bound in Piein. IV--

aiai iilidA«l'.i(|lies«\de and Ed e i i i '1-ieul-ir attcntiioi paid !•• lilank Hooks

for Ranks, -Merchants. Insurance Companies, ,'ce., and Ruling of all kinds of Blanks and Papers. Scrap Bookn Cloth and Leather Qaae, Ac.

W . M A S S E J f B B R O , Hiiving cfablislfed a Hook Bindery in Center Block, over Koswocth'sJewel:".- Store, mould as-sure th.- ,,indie ofbhsentii rajietcncy in c 1.-. ryiii" ou tiiaf bitsfWSs.frr.l would fostlbrtfuKi solicit , • ,

J'RACTtCAL EffCOVRA GKVEXT. In the form of increasing;ia re,

Fredonia, Jane Tl.lSSft, s-tf

• an ; > •

a iia

FOE SALE. •1 of Li i barm,

' ing :: thorough ; ! i.iereiiil S< irnce.' j The Co'.hfcietc Coprse v iii embrace the ; i approved and practical forms. for.,keepiBK In

ly Dotfble Entry in the vai ious i l ^ r i d A I Trade and (tomtnerce, including OeSeraV1'

-i'i- and Retail, Mercantile Kli I'SUgjg'fiamiaiBii 1 ,'. n, Maniieactiiring, Riu'trosd,BanJunjt.Pfintte*.^ Mining, shipping, Stca m Vol lr^nr , ' f i^ ,^*SaT«^7'* nerstiip. and Compoand OompuiiT Bastike'ss. U P luutmsciipts from v 'uch the Student copies M:, wnttep m a 1 old rar-.Id busfners hand, which w i l d ' serve as a^s-eat onxilfaTy In securing to him an excellent siyjp,of-.»»ting, , . »

Daily Ltcttwes will be delivered nppnihrf^»<*i cuce of accounts, Commercial Law, Poljtiaal. Kcononiy, Commercial Calculations, Baiiking, Mercantile. Cusloms, Commercial Ethics, Bal l - ' roading, l!n»irie;i Correspondence, Mining, Coar.-!.

acres of laraf, w<ffl watered _ good orchard, all thing,

e-ie.venicut. Silnated about one v. /it w e village nt Westfield

JAM S CltOSSCItOVR 1 T<C. . • _ s;•/>_ in-.iw. *

Wistn i i i i

i store o lent ECttlemcntis desired,

V.'Il.LlAjf Oii'f.K 11 tii'dO. Till I.MAS BOOTH

increc, Commercial Geography, e t j . Per.uianship.'praetJcaCsnd ornamental, will be .

naughl "in the'tnest enVctiral manner by Lo<*'. • Spencer ami Cooper;| gentlemen lof. the U-u,; ttm aecompiisl-.nKnts, aa.nstcmatic and, rapMc-i'J,'rS* uesspenmen—the former bf whom la N e w - j C t i ' , and the latter both In Ohio snd Mlchigi)*." < i * a f first premiums on'business and 01 nameatal :' Tsui mnr.ship the presenti'caj- We gueiaatff t 5 * ^ , . part to our ngtronsto a more Beueril extern* " is ilono «t any similar instltnlivn, d M l f t f 1 ***< tn every: respect adapted ip business ptraat

SCPBE.ME . John i:.i-

C'liCHT. cH.uT'.rqrB CO;.'.\TV.— 'ti Pbiiii.ili', rgvinst Frank S. Ste-

CCNSfTiTATinv W.I'-L. • r ^ P e t o n a a i i / E . t o Pefeudent. S in: You are t i .NSUi . rAl lOX. - FULL. aerehy Suiartr.nvd td answer the complaint iu

Dr. C. BE FTTCH'has-issr„.i:,t(.il w'th himsi-'ft ' ?','* ' ^ ' - ^ which was tiled ia UioClenk'sofliicof practice Dr. .LW.SYKKS for a Ion" t in , ' his ' • l'; ,' lt:"!'l"'- eyaaty on the L'th day of August

, fa Court of Oyerand Terminer end fcenerai ' ?"*?*«*. * , « e n t l e W l B whose professional .Ml- J ".' .^u t 'd'»' ' «?T[?»«»JV o t >™' W"*J* « e

Jail Oel iemviri l i be held at tlie Court l lonse ift^J}% '.' ' "i1/ !:'".nigJle»reonSdeii'-e: nn'l he further j t i i -vi l lage "of Mawille, in said oouutv, on th'el "•v""f>? '* oistmcfly understood that ho has no

1>i;oCLAMATION.—SatiiitK's O r m m Cavif-T i t ( i i E - , ss ._No.tiee 's hereby givou-j

4th Mondav, (27th' dav) of I letober. l"s.>r,, »«' Id T w ! ." '^ r ,aTl.v I'r*ffc*»lcnal connection witn Dr. S. S o \ lo.-k in*tbc forenoon of that dav, and all per- '",!, } thateommtlnleaflon= will liereafUir sons who woaid prosecnte anv p e r s o u w persons ' " ' U ' ^ s e d o .CALVIN M. FITCH, M. D



lated. S-pt. ).t, ]g,-„; PHILIP MKRICLE. Mort-sgee. MDWICK, Attc's.

W^ C H I ' R C H S U P .

are wishing to sell Slip No. 3, in the Bap-t i n tdinrcii in tiii village. To lie sold low.

HAUCOCK A KNICHT. March 12 lioZ. as-n,

BrtMaeaie any persouorperso; beflien there to prosecute as shall be just, and all persons bpund by recogiiizanci! or otherwise j _ ""u- , to appeal; a t said coiirt, be then there according j " . .'• r ~ to the condition of their recognizance; and all j ' P l t f J $ I»*J>0« JustteWInf the Peace, Coroners, and other offi- TT-^OR Sale 160 Acw>« mt vrtnuM ners M o h a v e tekep anv recognirances tor the Jh " , d - , U » i f e * A a ^ S l i i l l n i trnniearanceofany^enionatsnch court or • g f g , T S M S T i i i i T r i n I l l B " ^ T j have taken any inquisition or examination «*T v ' " ' b ' l * * * * S L * ' " * B » _ « r < W

<59 Main street. Buffalo N.Y.

ofL anyjMTsoa or witness, 1 eturn su :h recognizances, r it.t|«lsitions and exam nations 11 tiie said court i attlfe'nprtjB'ffBereordnthe'fl-'ti lav'of Its s i t - ! ting. I?l$!th under mr hand at my otuce in i l ay villc. this 16th day pi trtiuk ]•?#,

22-tiM,^ M.ILTO.J FMITil, Sbuiilb

Sept. 5, 1866.. BAbVOOOK 4 KNIUHT.

,VW?A V l'piy to Juha-Fiwil 's , or at the Clen

WCSttlald, Ju'y !l, -ojgl Mills

twenty dayj after the e\ci ' . , i ' .c of tlie tlay of snph ser-:t fail to answer the complaint as IVu.vriFF will take Judgement twoi v'.o»s»iid, d>» Jinaared jjol.(

lars, and »nt-re«t from the first day of March, du,c,' tluni-iand eight hnndred ami liftv three aad co i t uf this action, W, S". HlNf-KJ-ET, ,

P!afr's.AW3v ' M e d Wcsttiiid N. V.. Aug. 11, i a » .

at. Westli, Id N. service hereof, vice; and if y . afoiisald, the against yon for

Oenthmaii and ladie? wjshlng <o rahsJjfeJLA f c . . . , --dies for ^ . •o ' l . ingpea i j i i a .4hrp , ' \ v imf a 5 H : y , ' v ' f:cilitie.» at this College. -••• 'irt»«p«j« •?•••

The Suite of Rooms ocenpied by the OakVamAl are spucious, ek-gfatly ftHaitaf-LJ>^L o j a . t \ cnth armagc-d Tor punning every doparrmenl 1 [Mercantile Edncation. .*•*«•!<>**>.•* *A *** *•'<

The Indies' department!* *nt*W* sepsn ' fruni the gcuacn>eu's,aBiy».^ttfd&ATB>iBJ ItMBaVM and eoiiv nient manner. 1

Throneh the fexteoVi^mslsiM ic iaalptam.' V >

ofthe p.incip:it«Mna>r'a»th# —uVjsalOn gfad. • •'* a t ! V S « , ' * . « ! a ^ i « ^ ' » 9 M i » * t u a # « » ! v t»e . i>

r InTattnatl^n, send by mail, for 1 1- or further triTarnTatfon, send Sw mail, for «a>, ogiie aml'efrcirtlrrV^rtrtly: | s ^ e a \ h r c V w l l F b 0 " promi^foriBaBdoAfcee.of.ohaSge.':: '. ly s i

T T A T W B L^jj , . h e ^ frbW"the w*rteraHWft l *' i ; 1 JUWto;j£ iiiu* * * e r j « n V > k « t r Inform oar pld .cptpmer*. «m^h<

17-G^-, 'ally, that we ranf he fa»ind* at par 1 — ' - — ' staivtlv on oMidnMWy to watt ape

H T - i t A V f i D W O U r I V . O V A.VQ. I { S T , 1 , "nji ,1 ,11 » l l i i l i r f t rV fclliittllfflil 1 fl

I^iomdUe pVtiltlses nf Han-dy May.^wo ox tVes^eld^djiij- 28,l8jiV .,. j-nj ritfe> I^ihooitt 1 I'omfert si yeail^-jfleldjl Colt^iJlIk bay, withi — ~ f Pomfert si yearly fieldta Colt,

1 * a r in the f o r c i n g f i X i n t S J Anv person who will give infor

f>«lLiee«. ing the said colt to Henry May,

w ill lie liberally rcv.tudcd IS-Sr..* f. JvOrton

rredonia, Any. 14.

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formiitToii respect \ f^\na new aoubfe saatad BagaWv-iaiiai M « tdi nkl , or the mibscribe / V ^ t r e e s - e u i t e U . t u f l n a *Wm>H&lkt*7*J7rtt U

«8dtak$MHN "« one rtolMley wsgg

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