Page 1: Withers Advisory Committee Notice of Meeting & Agenda

City of Bunbury

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Western Australia

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Withers Advisory Committee

Notice of Meeting & Agenda

Friday 14 February 2014

Committee Terms of Reference

1. To review and progress the Withers Action Plan.

2. Make priority recommendations to Council.

3. Receive information from Council and the Withers Community to assist decision making.

4. To provide stronger community relations in Withers.

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Withers Advisory Committee

Notice of Meeting Dear Committee Members

The next Ordinary Meeting of the Withers Advisory Committee will be held in the Withers Community

Room, Withers Library, Hudson Road, Bunbury on 14.02.14 at 1:00pm.


Phil Harris

Director Works and Services

(Issued on: 10.02.14)

Agenda Friday 14 February 2014

The Withers Advisory Committee has delegated authority as per Council Decision 34/14

Committee Members:

Member Name Representing

Cr James Hayward Presiding Member

Cr Michelle Steck City of Bunbury Council

Cr Jaysen Miguel City of Bunbury Council

Douglas Fimister Withers Action Group

Mary Dunlop Withers Action Group

Glen Willets Convenor Withers Action Group

Joanna Hugues-Dit-Ciles Community Member

Jayden Prosser Community Member

Ex-officio Members:

Member Name Representing

Phil Harris Director Works and Services

Support Staff:

Name Title

James Shepherd Manager Civil and Open Space Operations

Deanna Sullivan Team Leader Community Development

Alison Baker (Minute Taker) Executive Officer Works and Services

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1. Declaration of Opening

2. Announcements from the Presiding Member

Withers Advisory Committee has delegated authority as per Council Decision 34/14 (PM-1, CEO-2).

“Disclosure of Interest” forms included with agenda (PM-2)

3. Attendances

3.1 Apologies

Doug Fimister

Jayden Prosser

3.2 Approved Leave of Absence

4. Declaration of Interest

IMPORTANT: Committee members to complete a “Disclosure of Interest” form for each item on the agenda in which

they wish to disclose a financial/proximity/impartiality interest. They should give the form to the Presiding Member

before the meeting commences. After the meeting, the form is to be forwarded to the Administration Services Section

for inclusion in the Corporate Financial Disclosures Register. (need to have some of these available for each meeting)

5. Confirmation of Minutes

The minutes for the Withers Advisory Committee meeting held on 23 December 2013 have

been circulated.


The minutes of the Withers Advisory Committee held on 23 December 2013 be confirmed

as a true and accurate record.

6. Reports

6.1 Update on Endorsed Withers Action Plan Projects

Bus Shelters and Public Access Way Lighting

File Ref: A05937

Applicant/Proponent: Internal Report

Author: Phil Harris

Executive: Phil Harris, Director Works and Services

Attachments: DWS-1, DWS-2, DWS-3


This report is to update the committee on the progress of the Withers Action Plan projects and

seek the committee’s approval for the location of Bus Shelters and Public Access Way Lighting.

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Executive Recommendation

That the Withers Advisory Committee confirm

1. The location of new Bus Shelters at the following locations in order of priority:-

• # 71953 Davenport Way before Hooper

• # 71936 Davenport Way after Hooper

• # 71960 Rendell Elbow after Lockwood

• t#79161 Sweeting Way after Rendell Elbow

• # 71903 Ocean Drive after Nampup

Bus Shelter Upgrades

• # 71772 Island Queen Street after Devonshire

• # 71954 Hooper Place after Davenport

• # 71772 Island Queen Street after Devonshire

• # 72090 Parade Road after Stallard

• # 71754 Thistle Street after Island Queen

• # 71959 Lockwood Cres after Whatman

• # 72475 Craven Court before Rendell Elbow

• #XXXXX Westwood St near School

• #XXXXX Devonshire Street between Wright and Sulphur

2. The location of Public Access Way Lighting as per the following locations in order of priority:-

• Jacaranda Court and Hudson Road

• Whitley Place and Hudson Road (F)

• Jacaranda Close and Davenport Way (A)

• Plowers Place to Moriarty Park (B)

• Craven Court to Lockwood Court (I)

• Whatman Way to Littlefair Drive (J)


At the Withers Advisory Committee meeting held on 23 December 2013, three projects were

endorsed for referral to council for approval. These projects were:-

• Install CCTV Cameras $40,000

• Install Public Access Way Lighting $25,000

• Install Bus Shelters $25,000

Council approved the Committee recommendation to commence delivery of these projects at its

meeting of 21 January 2014 (Council Decision 4/14).

Phil Harris, Director of Works and Services distributed an email on 21 January 2014 advising the

committee of the locations for the bus shelters based on utilisation provided by the Public

Transport Authority (DWS-1). Committee members were requested to provide their priorities

locations from 1 to 11, copies of submissions received are attached (DWS-2). Committee members

were also provided with a map of the proposed location of Public Access Way lighting (DWS-3).

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The lighting can be easily relocated when Public Access Ways are closed. The Solar lights have been

ordered with delivery imminent.

Council Policy Compliance

The supply and installation of Solar Lighting and Bus Shelters will comply with Councils

Procurement Guidelines.

Legislative Compliance

Not Applicable

Analysis of Financial and Budget Implications

Not applicable as projects are approved in the 2013/14 Council budget.

Community Consultation

The Withers Advisory Committee have been updated via email on project information as it has

come to hand.

Joanna Hugues-dit-Ciles and Doug Fimister provided feedback regarding the location of Solar

Lighting and Bus Shelters. The PTA and local bus company provided details of highest bus usage


6.2 Update on the Closure of Public Access Ways

File Ref: SF/2535

Applicant/Proponent: Internal Report

Author: Phil Harris

Executive: Phil Harris, Director Works and Services



An update is provided on the status of the project to close 10 Public Access Ways in Withers.

Executive Recommendation

That the committee notes the status of the following Public Access Ways closures:-

1. Jacaranda Crescent to Whitley Place (C)

2. Jacaranda Crescent to Wilkerson Way (D)

3. Davenport Way to Open Space (G)

4. Littlefair Drive to Crews Court (H)

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Council Decision 271/13 requests the Chief Executive Officer initiate action to commence the

closure of the following laneways (Public Access Ways) in accordance with the request from the

Withers Action Group

a. Davenport Way to Jacaranda Crescent

b. Plowers Place to Moriarty Park

c. Jacaranda Crescent to Whitley Place

d. Jacaranda Crescent to Wilkerson Way

e. Whitley Place to Hudson Road

f. Whitely Place to Open Space

g. Davenport Way to Open Reserve

h. Littlefair Drive to Crews Court

i. Lockwood Crescent to Craven Court

j. Whatman Way to Littlefair Drive

Council has commenced the steps required to close the laneways. These steps include contacting

services provides (Western Power, Atco Gas, Aqwest and Water Corporation) and State

Government departments (Department of Lands and WA Planning Commission). As a result of this

consultation 4 laneways have been identified that can be closed in the short term. Staff are

working closely with the Department of Lands and the Department of Housing as many of

neighbouring properties are owned by the department.

Individual Public Access Way Closure Status summary

Jacaranda Crescent to Whitley Place (C)

Alternate route: Jacaranda Crescent to Hudson Road path

Issues identified : The portion of Laneway between Number 12 & 14 has City of Bunbury

stormwater infrastructure located within the PAW and will require ongoing access for maintenance

purposes. The Whitley Place end of the PAW forms part of City of Bunbury Reserve – Lot 5449

Jacaranda Crescent to Wilkerson Way (D)

Alternate route: Jacaranda to Davenport (A) or Jacaranda Crescent to Hudson Road path

Issues Identified: Owners of properties adjacent to PAW (A) have expressed verbal concern and

propose to raise objections to increased pedestrian traffic resulting from the closure of this PAW


Davenport Way to Open Space (G)

Alternate Route : Jacaranda to Davenport (A)

Issues Identified: This PAW connects to Open Space reserve with no connecting path network to

Either Hester Place or Poinciana Place. City of Bunbury stormwater infrastructure is located within

the PAW and will require ongoing access for maintenance purposes. Fences can be erected at

either end of this PAW to prevent pedestrian access.

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Littlefair Drive to Crews Court (H)

Alternate Route : Via existing road networks

Issues Identified: This PAW has Aqwest water mains which require ongoing access. The PAW can

only be closed by fencing with gates for access purposes.

A status report on other Public Access Ways will be provided to Committee members at the


The next step is public consultation which has begun. A letterbox drop of nearby residents has

been completed with approximately 300 letters and maps delivered. The public consultation

includes media releases, City Focus, website, Town Hall Social quick poll and display at the Withers

library. There will be a public meeting in February and all comments are required to be submitted

by 12 March 2014.

Results of the public consultation will be presented to the next Withers Advisory Committee

meeting on 14 March 2014.

Council Policy Compliance

Not Applicable for this project status update.

Legislative Compliance

Closure of Public Access Ways will be in accordance with Section 58 of the Land Administration Act.

Analysis of Financial and Budget Implications

This project is approved and funded as a Withers Action Plan Project to the value of $50,000.

Community Consultation

As detailed above.

6.3 Construction of Footpaths

File Ref: A05937

Applicant/Proponent: Internal Report

Author: Phil Harris

Executive: Phil Harris, Director Works and Services

Attachments: DWS-4, DWS-5, DWS-6


This report is to provide additional information as requested at the Withers Advisory Committee

meeting on 23 December 2013 relating to the construction on Paths in Withers.

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Executive Recommendation

That the committee approves the construction of the following paths:-

• Construct New Path Devonshire Street $170,000

• Construct New Path Littlefair Drive $105,000

• Construct Path connecting PAW (F) to

o Jacaranda Place to Hudson Road path $9,000


At the Withers Advisory Committee meeting 23 December 2013, 9 (nine) projects that were able to

be delivered in the short term were presented to the Withers Advisory Committee. The Committee

endorsed the commencement of 3 (three) projects and requested further investigation of the

remaining 6 (six).

Devonshire Street and Littlefair Drive have been identified in the various Withers Reports and

other correspondence as priority linkages for the construction of paths in the Withers area.

A 2013 condition assessment inspection (DWS-4) has confirmed that of the 11,480 meters of

roadway without paths in Withers twelve (12) have been assessed as priority one for construction

based on connectivity to

• Educational facilities

• Traffic volumes

• Public transport routes

• Shopping facilities

• Medical facilities

• Community facilities including libraries

• Senior Citizen complexes

• Recreational facilities

Council Policy Compliance

The Withers Advisory Committee has delegated authority to approve projects subject to conditions

of Council Decisions 34/14.

Legislative Compliance

Not Applicable

Officer Comments

The Committee requested additional information of the proposed construction of Paths Projects at

its meeting of 23 December 2013. Committee members have received via email details of the

proposed path alignment and details on costing. Further details of each proposal are:-

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Devonshire Street Path – DWS-5

A 760 meter link connecting retail, community, medical, educational, recreational facilities and

public transport infrastructure. There are residents of Devonshire Road who are forced to drive

mobility devices on the road which also utilised by trucks and buses.

The path construction will is estimated to cost $170,000 inclusive of site preparation, traffic

management and reinstatement of verges and driveways.

Littlefair Drive – DWS-6

A 400 meter section of path that provides linkages to retail, community, medical, educational,

recreational facilities and public transport infrastructure. The road alignment and existing property

driveways will result in higher construction costs per meter when compared to the proposed

Devonshire Street path.

The path construction will is estimated to cost $105,0000 inclusive of site preparation, traffic

management and reinstatement of verges and driveways.

Additional Path Construction

Following recent feedback from community members it is proposed that a short section of path be

constructed between PAW (F) that connects Whitley Place to Open Space behind the library and

the existing path that connects Jacaranda Place to Hudson Road. At the present time the PAW path

terminates behind the library and is not a suitable route for people on mobility devices.

While it is acknowledged that theses PAWs have been identified for closure until suitable road

connections are constructed closure of PAWs C, D and G will increase pedestrian movements on

this path.

The proposed path length is 60 meters with an estimated cost of $9,000.

Another path key linkage identified as a Priority One during the condition assessment survey and

modelling is the continuation of the Lockwood Court (Washington Avenue to Littlefair Drive

section). The 225 meter gap is a pedestrian route for children accessing St Joseph’s School or the

people who utilise the child care facilities on Lockwood Court

Analysis of Financial and Budget Implications

Footpath construction is an approved project funded as a Withers Action Plan.

Community Consultation

The Withers Advisory Committee has been provided with drawings showing all roads in Withers

with and without paths. The Devonshire Street footpath has previously been raised at Council and

subject to discussion with the City of Bunbury Access Committee Executive Officer due to the

complaints about people on mobility devices having to drive on the road.

Littlefair Drive was included in both Withers Action Plan and Withers Urban Renewal community

consultation feedback.

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6.4 Review of Priority list from Withers Action Plan

Maze – Construct Graffiti Wall Stage 1

File Ref: A05937

Applicant/Proponent: Internal Report

Author: Phil Harris

Executive: Phil Harris, Director Works and Services



At the Withers Advisory Committee meeting on 23 December 2013 the committee suggested that

the project to construct Stage One of the Graffiti Wall be removed as a priority from the list of

Withers Action Plan Projects.

Executive Recommendation

That the committee :-

1) Approve the removal of the Graffiti Wall – Stage 1 (Maze) from the Withers Action Plan

Priority projects.

2) Transfer the allocated funding of $60,000 in 2013/2014 to the CCTV Installation Project.


At the Withers Advisory Committee meeting 23 December 2013, 9 (nine) projects that were able to

be delivered in the short term were presented to the Withers Advisory Committee. The Committee

endorsed the commencement of 3 (three) projects and requested further investigation of the

remaining 6 (six).

The Maze Project was identified in the Revised Withers Action Plan as a priority in 2012 with a

capital cost to construct estimated to be in excess of $200,000 To spread expenditure over a

number of years City officers staged the project over three years with the intent of modular


Council Policy Compliance

The Withers Advisory Committee has delegated authority to endorse recommendations or to

amend recommendations subject to conditions as per Council Decisions 34/14.

Legislative Compliance

Not Applicable

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Officer Comments

Following advice from the Withers Advisory Committee meeting of 23 December 2013 that the

project was not a priority further feedback from Committee members has been received that the

$60,000 identified for this project be reallocated to the CCTV Project.

Analysis of Financial and Budget Implications

Funding is available within the approved Withers Action Plan Projects. In accordance with Council

Decision 34/14 the change in priorities will need to be reported to Council.

Community Consultation

The following feedback has been received from Committee member Joanna Hugues-dit-Ciles

Construct Graffiti Wall – Stage 1 $60,000

As the Withers Committee all agreed at our inaugural meeting that the graffiti wall was not

needed and certainly not a priority, could the money be diverted to more urgent matters such

as more CCTV cameras and also towards maybe footpaths.

6.5 Withers Kitchen and Waterwise Garden

File Ref: A05714

Applicant/Proponent: Officer Report

Author: Deanna Sullivan, Team Leader Community Development

Executive: Stephanie Addison-Brown, Director Community Development

Attachments: Nil


The City of Bunbury and the South West Development Commission (CoB & SWDC) in conjunction

with the Withers Community have proposed the development of a Kitchen and Waterwise Garden

at the Withers Library.

Executive Recommendation

That the Withers Advisory Committee note the allocation of $10,000 from PR-3260 ‘Placemaking

Strategies’ for the development of a ‘Kitchen and Waterwise Garden’ at the Withers Library in

partnership with the City of Bunbury, South West Development Commission and the Withers



Following the development of the Withers Urban Renewal Strategy (WURS) it is clear that there is

bipartisan interest in improving quality of life for Withers residents and improving the perception of

Withers by both the City of Bunbury and the South West Development Commission. With this in

mind it is suggested that both agencies partner in funding the development of a Kitchen and

Waterwise Garden at the Withers Library.

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The Withers Urban Renewal Strategy – A Village in the City (Draft December 2012) identifies the

need to establish a Place Management Team and supporting structure to facilitate delivery of the


“Placemaking is a multi-faceted approach to the planning, design and management of public

spaces. It involves looking at, listening to, and asking questions of the people who live, work and

play in a particular space, to discover their needs and aspirations. This information is then used to

create a common vision for that place. The vision can evolve quickly into an implementation

strategy, beginning with small-scale, do-able improvements that can immediately bring benefits to

public spaces and the people who use them."

"Placemaking capitalises on a local community’s assets, inspiration, and potential, ultimately

creating good public spaces that promote people’s health, happiness, and wellbeing… this process

is essential–even sacred–to people who truly care about the places in their lives.”

Council Policy Compliance

Not Applicable

Legislative Compliance

Not Applicable

Officer Comments

Ownership of a Community Garden concept can often be a stumbling block for some

communities’ especially those with limited capacity to understand and be involved in the start-up

of a project of this nature. This can often mean that projects like this fail to even get off the ground

as people agree on the general concept but don’t have the capacity to work together, negotiate

and come to a consensus about how it might look, feel, operate and be built. It is intended that by

agencies (SWDC & CoB) “kick-starting” this project once established there gradually be enough

impetus- as community capacity increases- for the handover of some of the ownership to a

supported community committee to occur, similar to a the process employed by the Healthy

Communities project.

Analysis of Financial and Budget Implications

This project is approved in the 2013/2014 Budget and is funded separately to the projects for the

Withers Action Plan.

Community Consultation

The purpose of this report and recommendation is to provide the Wither’s Advisory Committee

with the opportunity to provide feedback into the proposed Community Garden.

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Joanna Hugues-dit-Ciles has submitted the following feedback which supports the introduction of a

Community Garden at the Withers library, with the addition of fencing.

It would be really worthwhile putting a fence around the library stopping movement

behind, increasing security of the building. The area fenced behind the library could be

turned into a garden, community garden which would add value to the newly revamped

library and create a valuable social hub bringing people together through gardening and

related activities. This would create a great forum to introduce also in the library

workshops on healthy eating and growing food in one's garden.

6.6 CCTV Installation

File Ref: A05937

Applicant/Proponent: Internal Report

Author: Phil Harris

Executive: Phil Harris, Director Works and Services

Attachments: DWS-7


The report provides an update on the CCTV project which was approved by Council in January 2014.

Executive Recommendation

That the committee :-

1) Note the proposed CCTV Zones as indicated on DWS-7.

2) Approve the installation of CCTV in Zone One 1 (Red) on DWS-7 as priority 1 with the Zone

Two (2) Pink, Zone Three (3) Blue and Zone four (4) Yellow to follow subject to available


3) Note the transfer of $60,000 from the Graffiti Wall Project to the CCTV Project

4) Request officers continue to seek grant funding to supplement and accelerate the

extension of the CCTV network in the Withers area.


At the Withers Advisory Committee meeting 23 December 2013, 9 (nine) projects that were able to

be delivered in the short term were presented to the Withers Advisory Committee. The Committee

endorsed the commencement of 3 (three) projects including this CCTV project.

Works & Services staff have been working closely with Police, the City’s Community Law and

Information Technology staff to investigate and develop a program for the installation of a CCTV

network in the Withers area. The network would be hosted at the Withers Library with a wireless

link via the South West Sports Centre to the City’s CCTV data storage and monitoring area in the

Stephen Street Offices and the Bunbury Police Station.

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The CCTV systems within the City are monitored on a limited basis with all vision recorded for

review should an incident occur outside monitoring periods.

Four distinct zones have been identified and are currently with company to confirm the suitability

and cost of the proposed network. The cost of all four zones is estimated to be in the vicinity of

$300,000 however it is possible to install as zones, extending as funds become available.

Council Policy Compliance

The Withers Advisory Committee has delegated authority to endorse recommendations or to

amend recommendations subject to conditions as per Council Decisions 34/14.

Legislative Compliance

There is Legislation covering the use and monitoring of CCTV networks.

Officer Comments

The type, quantity and cost of the equipment required may not be confirmed until early March

when a further report will be bought to the committee.

The City is investigating other funding options at a State and Federal level to supplement and

accelerate the CCTV program in Withers.

Analysis of Financial and Budget Implications

Funding is available within the approved Withers Action Plan Projects. In accordance with Council

Decision 34/14.

Community Consultation

The following feedback has been received from Committee member Joanna Hugues-dit-Ciles

Construct Graffiti Wall – Stage 1 $60,000

As the Withers Committee all agreed at our inaugural meeting that the graffiti wall was not

needed and certainly not a priority, could the money be diverted to more urgent matters such

as more CCTV cameras and also towards maybe footpaths.

6.7 Upgrade of Moriarty and DC Foster Parks

File Ref: A05937

Applicant/Proponent: Internal Report

Author: Phil Harris

Executive: Phil Harris, Director Works and Services

Attachments: DWS-8, DWS-9

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The report provides an update on the Upgrade of Moriarty and DC Foster Parks.

Executive Recommendation

That the committee approve the upgrade of Moriarty Park and DC Foster Park as Withers Action

Plan projects.


At the Withers Advisory Committee meeting 23 December 2013, 9 (nine) projects that were able to

be delivered in the short term were presented to the Withers Advisory Committee. The Committee

requested further information be provided on other projects.

Council Policy Compliance

The Withers Advisory Committee has delegated authority to endorse recommendations or to

amend recommendations subject to conditions as per Council Decisions 34/14.

Legislative Compliance

Not Applicable

Officer Comments

The upgrade of Moriarty and DC Foster Parks is a three part proposal with the City replacing some

of the existing playground equipment. It is proposed that the Withers Action Plan project will fund

additional equipment, paths and lighting at these locations.

Plans for DC Foster Park – DWS-8 and Moriarty Park – DWS-9

Staff are seeking additional funding from the South West Development Commission for further

improvements to parks within the Withers area.

Analysis of Financial and Budget Implications

Funding is available within the approved Withers Action Plan Projects.

Community Consultation

The Withers Action Plans and Withers Urban Renewal consultation processes identified the

upgrades of parks in the Withers areas as priorities.

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7. General Business

Meeting Friday 11 April 2014

The Withers Community Room has a prior booking at 1:00pm on Friday 11 April 2014.

Committee to consider the following options:-

• Meeting time to be changed for this meeting to 2:30 held in the Withers Community Room.

• Venue to be changed for this meeting to the Ocean Room at the City of Bunbury Stephen

Street Office and time of meeting to be 1:00pm.

Questions from Committee Members

1. Why in the Withers renewal process, no one had asked the question why the home west housing in

front of Whitley place that was torn down over 8 years ago is not being rebuild for low socio

economic housing . In addition, now that the walkway along this area has been closed, the small

reserve at the back can also no longer be accessed by residents from Jaccaranda.

This area would be ideal for building flats for homes west as infrastructure is already present from

the previous houses that were on Whitley place. Can this be looked at ?


The questions will be referred to the Department of Housing.

2. Is there a 'formula' used to decide the number of lights and lamp posts in any one street in and

around the city of Bunbury? ie every second or third post must have a light or every corner must

have a light, etc.


In many older suburbs which are fitted with overhead power lines, Western Power installed a

wooden pole on every second property boundary. The City of Bunbury chose to have streetlights

installed on every second wooden pole. As the typical quarter acre block had a frontage of 20.12

metres this meant that streetlights were spaced every 80.48 metres, along with streetlights placed

at each intersection. This was a theme undertaken by many Local Governments until 1986

The Australian Standard relating to street lighting is AS 1158 which contains five different

categories of vehicle lighting ( V1 – V5 ) based on the road hierarchy, i.e. Freeway, District

Distributor, Local Distributor, Collector or Access Road. AS 1158 also provides three different

categories of pedestrian lighting ( P1 – P3 ).

Once you have selected the appropriate category, the design of compliant lighting can then be

achieved in many different ways depending on the type of luminaire chosen ( i.e. 50watt, 80watt,

125watt, 250watt ) and the height of the pole chosen (i.e. 4.5m, 6m, 10.5m, 14m ).

All newer subdivisions created with underground power have had street lighting installed which is

compliant with AS 1158.

Over the last several years the City of Bunbury has installed AS 1158 compliant street lighting along

Ocean Drive, Sandridge Road, Blair Street and Picton Road. These street lights are at approximately

60 metre centres.

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3. How is it determined which streets have/get footpaths?


All new sub divisions have path network constructed as standard practice. The suburb of Withers

was designed and constructed at a time when footpaths on every road was not a standard

condition of subdivision.

With exception of the Withers area the City is concentrating on the repair and reconstruction of

existing paths that are in very poor condition. Agenda Item 6.3 details some of the criteria for

determining path construction priorities.

The breakdown of suburbs in the City of Bunbury without paths in linear meters is

• Bunbury – 7,750m

• Carey Park – 20,790m

• College Grove – 4,500m

• Davenport – 300m

• East Bunbury – 20,500m

• Glen Iris – 14,550m

• Pelican Point – 3,300m

• South Bunbury – 30,550m

• Usher – 11,000m

• Vittoria – 2,250m

• Withers – 11,480m

If all of the above areas were to have paths constructed from concrete with a width of 2m, the

estimated cost for the city is $28,003,800

8. Urgent Business

9. Date of Next Meeting

Friday 14 March 2014

10. Close of Meeting

Actions Required after Meeting

1. Minutes of meeting to be sent to Council for noting.

2. Report provided to Council outlining any decisions made under delegation.

3. Any other actions required


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Page 39: Withers Advisory Committee Notice of Meeting & Agenda
Page 40: Withers Advisory Committee Notice of Meeting & Agenda


Page 41: Withers Advisory Committee Notice of Meeting & Agenda

Declaration of Interest Form Sections 5.65, 5.66, 5.67 & 5.68 Local Government Act 1995

This form is for use at meetings of the Bunbury City Council its Advisory Committees and

Working Groups.


1. Complete this form and give it to the Presiding Member or an officer at the meeting before the meeting commences.

2. Leave the meeting when the agenda item in which you have an interest is discussed (unless the meeting has declared your interest

'trivial' - refer to Parts A & C below).

3. The Presiding Member will call you back into the meeting at the conclusion of the vote and debate on the item.

Discloser's Name:


Discloser's Title: [ ] Mayor

[ ] Councillor

[ ] Committee Member (where not an elected councillor or City employee)

[ ] City of Bunbury Employee - please state your position title below:


Name & Date of Meeting: Type of Meeting (tick one)

[ ] Briefing Session

[ ] Council Meeting

[ ] Committee of Council: (insert name of Committee below)


Date of Meeting:

........../ .........../ ............

Insert the heading (or title) of the

agenda report in which you wish

to disclose an interest:

State the Type of Interest:

(please tick one of the boxes in

Part A or Part B)

Part A

If you disclose an interest in this Part A but consider your interest to be trivial and you would like to

stay and participate in discussion at the meeting, YOU MUST reveal the full extent of your interest in

Part C of this form (as well as the nature of the interest) and leave the room while the decision as to

whether you can stay, is put to the vote. If the meeting agrees with your request, you will be called

back in.

[ ] Financial Interest

[ ] Proximity Interest

[ ] Other (please specify) .......................................................................

Part B

If you disclose an Impartiality Interest (Part B) you can decide yourself whether you would like to stay

and participate in discussion and vote at the meeting:

[ ] Impartiality Interest - Reg. 34C Local Government (Administration) Regulations 1996 refers

State the Nature of Your

Interest: ...................................................................................................................................................


Full Extent of Interest: Part C: Complete this section only if you are requesting the meeting to consider (and vote) on

whether your interest is trivial / insignificant.





Addendix PM-2