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Orchard Publications, Fremont,

num=[0 1100 0]; den=[1 1100 10^5]; w=logspace(0,5,100); bode(num,den,w); grid

Steven T. Karris

Circuit Analysis IIwith MATLAB® Applications

Page 2: with MATLAB® Applications

Circuit Analysis IIwith MATLAB® Applications

Students and working professionals will find CircuitAnalysis II with MATLAB® Applications to be a con-cise and easy-to-learn text. It provides complete,clear, and detailed explanations of advanced electri-cal engineering concepts illustrated with numerouspractical examples.

This text includes the following chapters and appendices:• Second Order Circuits • Resonance • Elementary Signals • The Laplace Transformation• The Inverse Laplace Transformation • Circuit Analysis with Laplace Transforms • FrequencyResponse and Bode Plots • Self and Mutual Inductances - Transformers • One and Two PortNetworks • Three Phase Systems • Introduction to MATLAB • Differential Equations • Matricesand Determinants • Constructing Semilog Plots with Microsoft Excel • Scaling

Each chapter contains numerous practical applications supplemented with detailed instructionsfor using MATLAB to obtain quick and accurate answers.

Steven T. Karris is the president and founder of Orchard Publications. He earned a bachelorsdegree in electrical engineering at Christian Brothers University, Memphis, Tennessee, a mastersdegree in electrical engineering at Florida Institute of Technology, Melbourne, Florida, and hasdone post-master work at the latter. He is a registered professional engineer in California andFlorida. He has over 30 years of professional engineering experience in industry. In addition, hehas over 25 years of teaching experience that he acquired at several educational institutions asan adjunct professor. He is currently with UC Berkeley Extension.

Orchard Publications, Fremont, CaliforniaVisit us on the Internet

www.orchardpublications.comor email us: [email protected]

ISBN 0-9709511-9-1

$39.95 U.S.A.

Page 3: with MATLAB® Applications

Chapter 1

Second Order Circuits

his chapter discusses the natural, forced and total responses in circuits containing resistors,inductors and capacitors. These circuits are characterized by linear second-order differentialequations whose solutions consist of the natural and the forced responses. We will consider

both DC (constant) and AC (sinusoidal) excitations.

1.1 The Response of a Second Order Circuit

A circuit containing energy storage devices (inductors and capacitors) is said to be an nth-order cir-cuit, and the differential equation describing the circuit is an nth-order differential equation. For exam-ple, if a circuit contains an inductor and a capacitor, or two capacitors or two inductors, along withother devices such as resistors, it is said to be a second-order circuit and the differential equation thatdescribes it is a second order differential equation. It is possible, however, to describe a circuit havingtwo energy storage devices with a set of two first-order differential equations, a circuit which hasthree energy storage devices with a set of three first-order differential equations and so on. These arecalled state equations* but these will not be discussed here.

The response is found from the differential equation describing the circuit, and its solution isobtained as follows:

1. We write the differential or integrodifferential (nodal or mesh) equation describing the circuit. Wedifferentiate, if necessary, to eliminate the integral.

2. We obtain the forced (steady-state) response. Since the excitation in our work here will be either aconstant (DC) or sinusoidal (AC) in nature, we expect the forced response to have the same formas the excitation. We evaluate the constants of the forced response by substitution of the assumedforced response into the differential equation and equate terms of the left side with the right side.Refer to Appendix B for the general expression of the forced response (particular solution).

3. We obtain the general form of the natural response by setting the right side of the differentialequation equal to zero, in other words, solve the homogeneous differential equation using thecharacteristic equation.

4. Add the forced and natural responses to form the complete response.

5. We evaluate the constants of the complete response from the initial conditions.

* State variables and state equations are discussed in Signals and Systems with MATLAB Applications, ISBN 0-9709511-3-2 by this author.



Circuit Analysis II with MATLAB Applications 1-1Orchard Publications

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Chapter 1 Second Order Circuits

Example 1.1

The circuit of Figure 1.1 a known as a Multiple Feed Back (MFB) active low-pass filter. For this cir-cuit, the initial conditions are . Compute and sketch for .

Figure 1.1. Circuit for Example 1.7


At node :


At node :


We observe that (virtual ground).

Collecting like terms and rearranging (1.1) and (1.2) we get




Differentiation of (1.4) yields


vC1 vC2 0= = vout t( ) t 0>

vin vout

40 KΩ

200 KΩ

50 KΩ

25 nF

10 nFR2




R3v1 v2+


− −vin t( ) 6.25 6280tu0 t( )cos=


v1 vin–

R1----------------- C1



v1 vout–

R2-------------------- v1 v2–

R3---------------+ + + 0 t 0>=


v2 v1–R3

--------------- C2



v2 0=

1R1----- 1

R2----- 1

R3-----+ +⎝ ⎠

⎛ ⎞ v1 C1dv1

dt-------- 1



v1 R3C2dvout

dt-----------– =


dt-------- R3C2


dt2-------------– =

1-2 Circuit Analysis II with MATLAB ApplicationsOrchard Publications

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Chapter 2


his chapter defines series and parallel resonance. The quality factor is then defined in termsof the series and parallel resonant frequencies. The half-power frequencies and bandwidth arealso defined in terms of the resonant frequency.

Half-Power Frequencies - Bandwidth

Parallel resonance is by far more important and practical than series resonance and therefore, theremaining discussion will be on parallel (or ) circuits.

The plot of Figure 2.1 shows the magnitude of the voltage response versus radian frequency for atypical parallel circuit.

Figure 2.1. Relative voltage vs.radian frequency in a parallel circuit

By definition, the half-power frequencies and in Figure 2.1 are the frequencies at which themagnitude of the input admittance of a parallel resonant circuit, is greater than the magnitude at res-onance by a factor of , or equivalently, the frequencies at which the magnitude of the inputimpedance of a parallel resonant circuit, is less than the magnitude at resonance by a factor of asshown above. We observe also, that and are not exactly equidistant from . However, it isconvenient to assume that they are equidistant, and unless otherwise stated, this assumption will befollowed in the subsequent discussion.

We call the lower half-power point, and the upper half-power point. The difference isthe half-power bandwidth , that is,





Bandwidth in Parallel RLC Circuit




e V



ω1 ω2ω0




ω1 ω2


2ω1 ω2 ω0

ω1 ω2 ω2 ω1–


Bandwidth BW ω2 ω1–= =

Circuit Analysis II with MATLAB Applications 2-1Orchard Publications

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Chapter 2 Resonance

The names half-power frequencies and half-power bandwidth arise from the fact that the power at

these frequencies drop to since .


The series-parallel circuit of Figure 2.2, will behave as a filter if the parallel part is made resonant tothe frequency we want to suppress, and the series part is made resonant to the frequency we wish topass. Accordingly, we can adjust capacitor to achieve parallel resonance which will reject theunwanted frequency by limiting the current through the resistive load to its minimum value. After-wards, we can adjust to make the entire circuit series resonant at the desired frequency thus mak-ing the total impedance minimum so that maximum current will flow into the load.

For this circuit, we want to set the values of capacitors so that will be maximum at and minimum at . Compute the values of and that will achieve

these values. It is suggested that you use MATLAB to plot versus frequency in the interval to verify your answers.

Figure 2.2. Circuit for Exercise 6


First, we will find the appropriate value of . We recall that at parallel resonance the voltage is max-imum and the current is minimum. For this circuit the parallel resonance was found as


0.5 2 2⁄( )2





f1 10 KHz= f2 43 KHz= C1 C2


1 KHz f 100 KH≤ ≤

2 mH




100 Ω

1 ΩvS 170 ωtcos=






LC------- R2


2π 43 000,× 12 10 3– C2×-------------------------- 104

4 10 6–×--------------------–=

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Next, we must find the value of that will make the entire circuit series resonant (minimumimpedance, maximum current) at . In the circuit below we let , ,

, and .


and (1)

where is found with the MATLAB code below.

format short g; f=10000; w=2*pi*f; C2=6.62*10^(−9); XC2=1/(w*C2); L=2*10^(−3);...XL=w*L; R1=100; z2=-j*XC2; z3=R1+j*XL; Zp=z2*z3/(z2+z3)

Zp = 111.12 + 127.72i

and by substitution into (1)


The expression of (2) will be minimum if we let at . Then, the capac-itor value must be such that or


2C2--------- 104

4 10 6–×-------------------- 2π 4.3 104××( )

2+ 104 2π 4.3 104××( )

24 10 6–××+

4 10 6–×-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------= =

C2 500 4 10 6–×

104 2π 4.3 104××( )2

4 10 6–××+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6.62 10 9– F× 6.62 nF= = =


f 10 KHz= z1 jXC1–= z2 jXC2–=

z3 R1 jXL+= zLOAD 1=

2 mH




100 Ω

1 ΩVS 170 0° V∠=







ZIN z1 z2 z3|| zLOAD+ +=

ZIN f 10 KHz=( ) z1 z2 z3||f 10 KHz=

zLOAD+ + z1 z2 z3||f 10 KHz=

1+ += =

z2 z3||f 10 KHz=

ZIN f 10 KHz=( ) z1 111.12 j127.72 1+ + + z1 113.12+ j127.72 Ω+= =

z1 j127.72 Ω–= f 10 KHz=

C1 1 ωC⁄ 127.72=


2π 104× 127.72×-------------------------------------------- 1.25 10 7–× F 0.125 µF= = =

Circuit Analysis II with MATLAB Applications 2-3Orchard Publications

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Chapter 2 Resonance

Shown below is the plot of versus frequency and the MATLAB code that produces thisplot.

f=1000: 100: 60000; w=2*pi*f; Vs=170; C1=1.25*10^(−7); C2=6.62*10^(−9);... L=2.*10.^(−3);...R1=100; Rload=1; z1=−j./(w.*C1); z2=−j./(w.*C2); z3=R1+j.*w.*L; Zload=Rload;...Zin=z1+z2.*z3./(z2+z3); Vload=Zload.*Vs./(Zin+Zload); magVload=abs(Vload);...plot(f,magVload); axis([1000 60000 0 2]);...xlabel('Frequency f'); ylabel('|Vload|'); grid

This circuit is considered to be a special type of filter that allows a specific frequency (not a band offrequencies) to pass, and attenuates another specific frequency.


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Chapter 3

Elementary Signals

his chapter begins with a discussion of elementary signals that may be applied to electric net-works. The unit step, unit ramp, and delta functions are then introduced. The sampling andsifting properties of the delta function are defined and derived. Several examples for expressing

a variety of waveforms in terms of these elementary signals are provided.

The Delta Function

The unit impulse or delta function, denoted as , is the derivative of the unit step . It is alsodefined as




To better understand the delta function , let us represent the unit step as shown in Figure3.20 (a).

Figure 3.1. Representation of the unit step as a limit.

The function of Figure 3.20 (a) becomes the unit step as . Figure 3.20 (b) is the derivative ofFigure 3.20 (a), where we see that as , becomes unbounded, but the area of the rectangleremains . Therefore, in the limit, we can think of as approaching a very large spike or impulseat the origin, with unbounded amplitude, zero width, and area equal to .

Two useful properties of the delta function are the sampling property and the sifting property.

Tδ t( )

δ t( ) u0 t( )

δ τ( ) τd∞–


∫ u0 t( )=

δ t( ) 0 for all t 0≠=

δ t( ) u0 t( )

−ε ε


Figure (a)

Figure (b)Area =1






ε 0→ε 0→ 1 2⁄ ε

1 δ t( )1

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Chapter 3 Elementary Signals

Sampling Property of the Delta Function

The sampling property of the delta function states that


or, when ,


that is, multiplication of any function by the delta function results in sampling the functionat the time instants where the delta function is not zero. The study of discrete-time systems is basedon this property.


Since then,


We rewrite as


Integrating (3.37) over the interval and using (3.38), we get


The first integral on the right side of (3.39) contains the constant term ; this can be written out-side the integral, that is,


The second integral of the right side of (3.39) is always zero because


Therefore, (3.39) reduces to


δ t( )

f t( )δ t a–( ) f a( )δ t( )=

a 0=

f t( )δ t( ) f 0( )δ t( )=

f t( ) δ t( )

δ t( ) 0 for t 0 and t 0><=

f t( )δ t( ) 0 for t 0 and t 0><=

f t( )

f t( ) f 0( ) f t( ) f 0( )–[ ]+=

∞ to t–

f τ( )δ τ( ) τd∞–


∫ f 0( )δ τ( ) τd∞–


∫ f τ( ) f 0( )–[ ]δ τ( ) τd∞–



f 0( )

f 0( )δ τ( ) τd∞–


∫ f 0( ) δ τ( ) τd∞–



δ t( ) 0 for t 0 and t 0><=

f τ( ) f 0( )–[ ] τ 0=f 0( ) f 0( )– 0= =

f τ( )δ τ( ) τd∞–


∫ f 0( ) δ τ( ) τd∞–



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Sifting Property of the Delta Function

Differentiating both sides of (3.41), and replacing with , we get (3.4)

3.1 Sifting Property of the Delta Function

The sifting property of the delta function states that


that is, if we multiply any function by , and integrate from , we will obtain thevalue of evaluated at .


Let us consider the integral


We will use integration by parts to evaluate this integral. We recall from the derivative of productsthat


and integrating both sides we get


Now, we let ; then, . We also let ; then, . By substitu-tion into (3.46), we get


We have assumed that ; therefore, for , and thus the first term of theright side of (3.47) reduces to . Also, the integral on the right side is zero for , and there-fore, we can replace the lower limit of integration by . We can now rewrite (3.47) as

and letting , we get (3.10)

τ t

δ t( )

f t( )δ t α–( ) td∞–

∫ f α( )=

f t( ) δ t α–( ) ∞ to +∞–

f t( ) t α=

f t( )δ t α–( ) t where a α b< <da


d xy( ) xdy ydx or xdy+ d xy( ) ydx–= =

x yd∫ xy y xd∫–=

x f t( )= dx f t( )′= dy δ t α–( )= y u0 t α–( )=

f t( )δ t α–( ) tda


∫ f t( )u0 t α–( )ab u0 t α–( )f t( )′ td




a α b< < u0 t α–( ) 0= α a<

f b( ) α a<a α

f t( )δ t α–( ) tda


∫ f b( ) f t( )′ tdα


∫– f b( ) f b( ) f α( )+–= =

a ∞ and b ∞ for any α ∞< →–→

Circuit Analysis II with MATLAB Applications 3-3Orchard Publications

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Chapter 4

The Laplace Transformation

his chapter begins with an introduction to the Laplace transformation, definitions, and proper-ties of the Laplace transformation. The initial value and final value theorems are also discussedand proved. It concludes with the derivation of the Laplace transform of common functions

of time, and the Laplace transforms of common waveforms.

Initial Value Theorem

The initial value theorem states that the initial value of the time function can be foundfrom its Laplace transform multiplied by and letting .That is,



From the time domain differentiation property,


Taking the limit of both sides by letting , we get

Interchanging the limiting process, we get

and since

the above expression reduces to


f 0−( ) f t( )s s ∞→

f t( )t 0→lim sF s( )

s ∞→lim f 0−( )= =

ddt----- f t( ) sF s( ) f 0−( )–⇔

Lddt----- f t( )

⎩ ⎭⎨ ⎬⎧ ⎫

sF s( ) f 0−( )–ddt----- f t( )


∫ e st– dt= =

s ∞→

sF s( ) f 0−( )–[ ]s ∞→lim d

dt----- f t( )



∫ e st– dtT ∞→ε 0→

lims ∞→lim=

sF s( ) f 0−( )–[ ]s ∞→lim d

dt----- f t( )



∫ e st–

s ∞→lim dt

T ∞→ε 0→


e st–

s ∞→lim 0=

Circuit Analysis II with MATLAB Applications 4-1Orchard Publications

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Chapter 4 The Laplace Transformation


Final Value Theorem

The final value theorem states that the final value of the time function can be found fromits Laplace transform multiplied by s, then, letting . That is,



From the time domain differentiation property,


Taking the limit of both sides by letting , we get

and by interchanging the limiting process, we get

Also, since

the above expression reduces to

sF s( ) f 0−( )–[ ]s ∞→lim 0=

sF s( )s ∞→lim f 0−( )=

f ∞( ) f t( )s 0→

f t( )t ∞→lim sF s( )

s 0→lim f ∞( )= =

ddt----- f t( ) sF s( ) f 0−( )–⇔

Lddt----- f t( )

⎩ ⎭⎨ ⎬⎧ ⎫

sF s( ) f 0−( )–ddt----- f t( )


∫ e st– dt= =

s 0→

sF s( ) f 0−( )–[ ]s 0→lim d

dt----- f t( )



∫ e st– dtT ∞→ε 0→

lims 0→lim=

sF s( ) f 0−( )–[ ]s 0→lim d

dt----- f t( )



∫ e st–

s 0→lim dt

T ∞→ε 0→


e st–

s 0→lim 1=

4-2 Circuit Analysis II with MATLAB ApplicationsOrchard Publications

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and therefore,

sF s( ) f 0−( )–[ ]s 0→lim d

dt----- f t( )



∫ dtT ∞→ε 0→

lim f t( )ε


∫T ∞→ε 0→

lim= =

f T( ) f ε( )–[ ]T ∞→ε 0→

lim f ∞( ) f 0−( )–==

sF s( )s 0→lim f ∞( )=

Circuit Analysis II with MATLAB Applications 4-3Orchard Publications

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Chapter 5

The Inverse Laplace Transformation

his chapter is a continuation to the Laplace transformation topic of the previous chapter andpresents several methods of finding the Inverse Laplace Transformation. The partial fractionexpansion method is explained thoroughly and it is illustrated with several examples.

5.1 The Inverse Laplace Transform Integral

The Inverse Laplace Transform Integral was stated in the previous chapter; it is repeated here for con-venience.


This integral is difficult to evaluate because it requires contour integration using complex variablestheory. Fortunately, for most engineering problems we can refer to Tables of Properties, and Com-mon Laplace transform pairs to lookup the Inverse Laplace transform.

5.2 Partial Fraction Expansion

Quite often the Laplace transform expressions are not in recognizable form, but in most cases appearin a rational form of , that is,


where and are polynomials, and thus (5.2) can be expressed as


The coefficients and are real numbers for , and if the highest power of is less than the highest power of , i.e., , is said to be expressed as a proper rationalfunction. If , is an improper rational function.

In a proper rational function, the roots of in (5.3) are found by setting ; these arecalled the zeros of . The roots of , found by setting , are called the poles of .We assume that in (5.3) is a proper rational function. Then, it is customary and very convenient


L1– F s( ) f t( )=

12πj-------- F s( )

σ jω–

σ jω+

∫ estds=


F s( ) N s( )D s( )-----------=

N s( ) D s( )

F s( ) N s( )D s( )-----------

bmsm bm 1– sm 1– bm 2– sm 2– … b1s b0+ + + + +

ansn an 1– sn 1– an 2– sn 2– … a1s a0+ + + + +-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------= =

ak bk k 1 2 … n, , ,= m N s( )

n D s( ) m n< F s( )m n≥ F s( )

N s( ) N s( ) 0=

F s( ) D s( ) D s( ) 0= F s( )F s( )

Circuit Analysis II with MATLAB Applications 5-1Orchard Publications

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Chapter 5 The Inverse Laplace Transformation

to make the coefficient of unity; thus, we rewrite as


The zeros and poles of (5.4) can be real and distinct, or repeated, or complex conjugates, or combina-tions of real and complex conjugates. However, we are mostly interested in the nature of the poles, sowe will consider each case separately.

Case I: Distinct Poles

If all the poles of are distinct (different from each another), we can factor thedenominator of in the form


where is distinct from all other poles. Next, using the partial fraction expansion method,*we canexpress (5.5) as


where are the residues, and are the poles of .

To evaluate the residue , we multiply both sides of (5.6) by ; then, we let , that is,


Example 5.1

Use the partial fraction expansion method to simplify of (5.8) below, and find the time domainfunction corresponding to .


* The partial fraction expansion method applies only to proper rational functions. It is used extensively in integra-tion, and in finding the inverses of the Laplace transform, the Fourier transform, and the z-transform. Thismethod allows us to decompose a rational polynomial into smaller rational polynomials with simpler denomina-tors from which we can easily recognize their integrals and inverse transformations. This method is also beingtaught in intermediate algebra and introductory calculus courses.

sn F s( )

F s( ) N s( )D s( )-----------

1an----- bmsm bm 1– sm 1– bm 2– sm 2– … b1s b0+ + + + +( )

sn an 1–

an-----------sn 1– an 2–

an-----------sn 2– …


a0an-----+ + + + +

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------= =

p1 p2 p3 … pn, , , , F s( )

F s( )

F s( ) N s( )s p1–( ) s p2–( ) s p3–( ) … s pn–( )⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅



F s( )r1

s p1–( )------------------ r2

s p2–( )------------------ r3

s p3–( )------------------ …

rns pn–( )

------------------+ + + +=

r1 r2 r3 … rn, , , , p1 p2 p3 … pn, , , , F s( )

rk s pk–( ) s pk→

rk s pk–( )F s( )s pk→lim s pk–( )F s( )

s pk== =

F1 s( )

f1 t( ) F1 s( )

F1 s( ) 3s 2+

s2 3s 2+ +--------------------------=

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Partial Fraction Expansion


Using (5.6), we get


The residues are




Therefore, we express (5.9) as


and from Table 4.2 of Chapter 4




The residues and poles of a rational function of polynomials such as (5.8), can be found easily usingthe MATLAB residue(a,b) function. For this example, we use the code

Ns = [3, 2]; Ds = [1, 3, 2]; [r, p, k] = residue(Ns, Ds)

and MATLAB returns the values

r = 4 -1p = -2 -1k = []

F1 s( ) 3s 2+

s2 3s 2+ +-------------------------- 3s 2+

s 1+( ) s 2+( )--------------------------------- r1

s 1+( )---------------- r2

s 2+( )----------------+= = =

r1 s 1+( )F s( )s 1–→lim 3s 2+

s 2+( )----------------

s 1–=

1–= = =

r2 s 2+( )F s( )s 2–→lim 3s 2+

s 1+( )----------------

s 2–=

4= = =

F1 s( ) 3s 2+

s2 3s 2+ +-------------------------- 1–

s 1+( )---------------- 4

s 2+( )----------------+= =

e at– u0 t( ) 1s a+-----------⇔

F1 s( ) 1–s 1+( )

---------------- 4s 2+( )

----------------+= e t–– 4e 2t–+( ) u0 t( ) f1 t( )=⇔

Circuit Analysis II with MATLAB Applications 5-3 Orchard Publications

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Chapter 5 The Inverse Laplace Transformation

For this MATLAB code, we defined Ns and Ds as two vectors that contain the numerator anddenominator coefficients of . When this code is executed, MATLAB displays the r and p vec-tors that represent the residues and poles respectively. The first value of the vector r is associatedwith the first value of the vector p, the second value of r is associated with the second value of p,and so on.

The vector k is referred to as the direct term and it is always empty (has no value) whenever isa proper rational function, that is, when the highest degree of the denominator is larger than that ofthe numerator. For this example, we observe that the highest power of the denominator is ,whereas the highest power of the numerator is and therefore the direct term is empty.

We can also use the MATLAB ilaplace(f) function to obtain the time domain function directly from. This is done with the code that follows.

syms s t; Fs=(3*s+2)/(s^2+3*s+2); ft=ilaplace(Fs); pretty(ft)

When this code is executed, MATLAB displays the expression

4 exp(-2 t)- exp(-t)

F s( )

F s( )



F s( )

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Chapter 6

Circuit Analysis with Laplace Transforms

his chapter presents applications of the Laplace transform. Several examples are given to illus-trate how the Laplace transformation is applied to circuit analysis. Complex impedance, com-plex admittance, and transfer functions are also defined.

6.1 Circuit Transformation from Time to Complex Frequency

In this section we will derive the voltage-current relationships for the three elementary circuitdevices, i.e., resistors, inductors, and capacitors in the complex frequency domain.

a. Resistor

The time and complex frequency domains for purely resistive circuits are shown in Figure 6.1.

Figure 6.1. Resistive circuit in time domain and complex frequency domain

b. Inductor

The time and complex frequency domains for purely inductive circuits is shown in Figure 6.2.

Figure 6.2. Inductive circuit in time domain and complex frequency domain

c. Capacitor

The time and complex frequency domains for purely capacitive circuits is shown in Figure 6.3.


vR t( ) RiR t( )=

iR t( )vR t( )




Time Domain

vR t( )iR t( )



Complex Frequency Domain

VR s( ) IR s( )

VR s( ) RIR s( )=

IR s( )VR s( )



Time Domain

LvL t( ) iL t( )

vL t( ) LdiLdt-------=

iL t( ) 1L--- vL td





Complex Frequency Domain



LiL 0−( )

VL s( )IL s( )

VL s( ) sLIL s( ) LiL 0−( )–=

IL s( )VL s( )


iL 0−( )s


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Chapter 6 Circuit Analysis with Laplace Transforms

Figure 6.3. Capacitive circuit in time domain and complex frequency domain


In the complex frequency domain, the terms and are called complex inductive impedance,and complex capacitive impedance respectively. Likewise, the terms and and are called com-plex capacitive admittance and complex inductive admittance respectively.

Example 6.1

Use the Laplace transform method to find the voltage across the capacitor for the circuit of

Figure 6.4, given that .

Figure 6.4. Circuit for Example 6.1


We apply KCL at node as shown in Figure 6.5.

Figure 6.5. Application of KCL for the circuit of Example 6.1




Time Domain


vC t( )iC t( )

iC t( ) CdvCdt


vC t( ) 1C---- iC td





Complex Frequency Domain



VC s( )

vC 0−( )s


IC s( )

1sC------ IC s( ) sCVC s( ) CvC 0−( )–=

VC s( )IC s( )sC

------------vC 0−( )


sL 1 sC⁄sC 1 sL⁄

vC t( )

vC 0−( ) 6 V=





1 F

1 Ω

12u0 t( )


vC t( )






1 F

1 Ω

12u0 t( )


vC t( )



iR iC+ 0=

6-2 Circuit Analysis II with MATLAB ApplicationsOrchard Publications

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Circuit Transformation from Time to Complex Frequency



The Laplace transform of (6.1) is



By partial fraction expansion,


vC t( ) 12u0 t( )–

1------------------------------------- 1


---------⋅+ 0=


--------- vC t( )+ 12u0 t( )=

sVC s( ) vC 0−( ) VC s( )+– 12s


s 1+( )VC s( ) 12s

------ 6+=

VC s( ) 6s 12+s s 1+( )-------------------=

VC s( ) 6s 12+s s 1+( )------------------- r1

s---- r2

s 1+( )----------------+= =

r16s 12+

s 1+( )------------------

s 0=

12= =

r26s 12+


s 1–=

6–= =

VC s( ) 12s

------ 6s 1+-----------–= 12 6e t––⇔ 12 6e t––( )u0 t( ) vC t( )= =

Circuit Analysis II with MATLAB Applications 6-3Orchard Publications

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Chapter 7

Frequency Response and Bode Plots

his chapter discusses frequency response in terms of both amplitude and phase. This topic willenable us to determine which frequencies are dominant and which frequencies are virtuallysuppressed. The design of electric filters is based on the study of the frequency response. We

will also discuss the Bode method of linear system analysis using two separate plots; one for the mag-nitude of the transfer function, and the other for the phase, both versus frequency. These plots revealvaluable information about the frequency response behavior.

Note: Throughout this text, the common (base 10) logarithm of a number will be denoted as while its natural (base e) logarithm will be denoted as . However, we should remember

that in MATLAB the function displays the natural logarithm, and the common (base 10) log-arithm is defined as .

7.1 Octave and Decade

Let us consider two frequencies and defining the frequency interval , and let


If these frequencies are such that , we say that these frequencies are separated by oneoctave and if , they are separated by one decade.

Let us now consider a transfer function whose magnitude is evaluated at , that is,


Taking the log of both sides of (7.5) and multiplying by 20, we get



Relation (7.6) is an equation of a straight line in a semilog plot with abscissa where


x( )log x( )lnx( )log

10 x( )log

u1 u2 u2 u1–

u2 u1– log10ω2 log10ω1– log10ω2ω1------= =

ω2 2ω1=

ω2 10ω1=

G s( ) s jω=

G s( ) Csk----=

s jω=

G ω( ) Cωk------= =

20log10 G ω( ) 20log10C 20log10ωk– 20klog10ω– 20log10C+= =

G ω( ) dB 20klog10ω– 20log10C+=


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Chapter 7 Frequency Response and Bode Plots

and shown in Figure 7.1.

Figure 7.1. Straight line with slope

With these concepts in mind, we can now proceed to discuss Bode Plots and Asymptotic Approxi-mations.

7.2 Bode Plot Scales and Asymptotic Approximations

Bode plots are magnitude and phase plots where the abscissa (frequency axis) is a logarithmic (base10) scale, and the radian frequency is equally spaced between powers of such as , ,

, and so on.

The ordinate ( axis) of the magnitude plot has a scale in units, and the ordinate of the phaseplot has a scale in degrees as shown in Figure 7.2.

It is convenient to express the magnitude in so that a transfer function , composed of prod-ucts of terms can be computed by the sum of the magnitudes of the individual terms. For exam-ple,

and the Bode plots then can be approximated by straight lines called asymptotes.

slope 20k dBdecade------------------–=

intercept C dB=

20 dB decade⁄– 6 dB octave⁄–=

G ω( )










G ω( ) axis intercept

20 dB decade⁄– 6 dB octave⁄–=

ω 10 10 1– 100

101 102

dB dB

dB G s( )dB

20 1 jω100---------+⎝ ⎠

⎛ ⎞⋅

1 jω+---------------------------------- 20 dB 1 jω

100---------+⎝ ⎠

⎛ ⎞ dB 11 jω+--------------- dB+ +=

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Construction of Bode Plots when the Zeros and Poles are Real

Figure 7.2. Magnitude and phase plots

7.3 Construction of Bode Plots when the Zeros and Poles are Real

Let us consider the transfer function


where is a real constant, and the zeros and poles are real numbers. We will consider complexzeros and poles in the next section. Letting in (7.7) we get


Next, we multiply and divide each numerator factor by and each denominator factor by and we get:


1 110 100 10 100Frequency ω r/s

0 0



de (



e A











−45° Frequency ω r/s

Bode Magnitude Plot Bode Phase Angle Plot

G s( )A s z1+( ) s z2+( ) … s zm+( )⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅

s s p1+( ) s p2+( ) s p3+( ) s pn+( )⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------=

A zi pi

s jω=

G jω( )A jω z1+( ) jω z2+( ) … jω zm+( )⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅

jω jω p1+( ) jω p2+( ) jω p3+( ) jω pn+( )⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------=

jω zi+ zi

jω pi+ pi

G jω( )A z1

jωz1------ 1+⎝ ⎠

⎛ ⎞ z2jωz2------ 1+⎝ ⎠

⎛ ⎞ … zmjωzm------ 1+⎝ ⎠

⎛ ⎞⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅

jω p1jωp1------ 1+⎝ ⎠

⎛ ⎞ p2jωp2------ 1+⎝ ⎠

⎛ ⎞ … pnjωpn------ 1+⎝ ⎠

⎛ ⎞⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------=

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Chapter 8

Self and Mutual Inductances - Transformers

his chapter begins with the interactions between electric circuits and changing magnetic fields.It defines self and mutual inductances, flux linkages, induced voltages, the dot convention,Lenz’s law, and magnetic coupling. It concludes with a detailed discussion on transformers.

Impedance Matching

An ideal (iron-core) transformer can be used as an impedance level changing device. We recall frombasic circuit theory that to achieve maximum power transfer, we must adjust the resistance of the loadto make it equal to the resistance of the voltage source. But this is not always possible. A power ampli-fier for example, has an internal resistance of several thousand ohms. On the other hand, a speakerwhich is to be connected to the output of a power amplifier has a fixed resistance of just a few ohms.In this case, we can achieve maximum power transfer by inserting an iron-core transformer betweenthe output of the power amplifier and the input of the speaker as shown in Figure 8.1 where

Figure 8.1. Transformer used as impedance matching device

Let us suppose that in Figure 8.1 the amplifier internal impedance is and the impedance ofthe speaker is only . We can find the appropriate turns ratio using the relation





N2 N1<



i1 i21:a

v1 v2N1 N2AmplifierSpeaker


80000 Ω8 Ω N2 N1⁄ a=


a 2--------------=

aN2N1------ ZLOAD

Zin-------------- 8

80000--------------- 1

10000--------------- 1

100---------= = = = =

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Chapter 8 Self and Mutual Inductances - Transformers


that is, the number of turns in the primary must be 100 times the number of the turns in the second-ary.

N1N2------ 100=

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Chapter 9

One- and Two-port Networks

his chapter begins with the general principles of one and two-port networks. The , , , and parameters are defined. Several examples are presented to illustrate their use. It concludes

with a discussion on reciprocal and symmetrical networks.


In the two-port network of Figure 9.56, the voltage source connected at the left end of the net-work is set for , and all impedances are resistive with the values indicated. On the right side ofthe network is connected a DC ammeter denoted as . Assume that the ammeter is ideal, that is, hasno internal resistance.

a. Compute the ammeter reading.

b. Interchange the positions of the voltage source and recompute the ammeter reading.

Figure 9.1. Network for Example 9.9.


a. Perhaps the easiest method of solution is by nodal analysis since we only need to solve one equa-tion.

The given network is redrawn as shown in Figure 9.2.

T z y hg


15 VA

Z1 Z3




vS 15 V=

Z1 30 Ω=

Z2 60 Ω=

Z3 20 Ω=Z4 10 Ω=


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Chapter 9 One- and Two-port Networks

Figure 9.2. Network for solution of Example 9.9 by nodal analysis

By KCL at node ,



The current through the ammeter is the sum of the currents and . Thus, denoting the cur-rent through the ammeter as we get:


b. With the voltage source and ammeter positions interchanged, the network is as shown in Figure9.3.

Figure 9.3. Network of Figure 9.57 with the voltage source and ammeter interchanged.

Applying KCL for the network of Figure 9.3, we get:

Z1 Z3




vS 15 V=

Z1 30 Ω=

Z2 60 Ω=

Z3 20 Ω=Z4 10 Ω=






aVab 15–



Vab20--------+ + 0=



Vab 5 V=



IA IZ3 IZ4+VabZ3-------- V

Z4-----+ 5

20------ 15

10------+ 0.25 1.50+ 1.75 A= = = = =

Z1 Z3




vS 15 V=

Z1 30 Ω=

Z2 60 Ω=

Z3 20 Ω=Z4 10 Ω=






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The current through the ammeter this time is the sum of the currents and . Thus, denotingthe current through the ammeter as we get:


We observe that (9.1) and (9.2) give the same value and thus we can say that the given network isreciprocal.



Vab 15–

20--------------------+ + 0=



Vab 7.5 V=



IA IZ1 IZ4+VabZ1-------- V

Z4-----+ 7.5

30------- 15

10------+ 0.25 1.50+ 1.75 A= = = = =

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Chapter 10

Three-Phase Systems

his chapter is an introduction to three-phase power systems. The advantages of three-phasesystem operation are listed and computations of three phase systems are illustrated by severalexamples.

10.1 Advantages of Three-Phase Systems

The circuits and networks we have discussed thus far are known as single-phase systems and can beeither DC or AC. We recall that AC is preferable to DC because voltage levels can be changed bytransformers. This allows more economical transmission and distribution. The flow of power in athree-phase system is constant rather than pulsating. Three-phase motors and generators start andrun more smoothly since they have constant torque. They are also more economical.

10.2 Three-Phase Connections

Figure 10.1 shows three single AC series circuits where, for simplicity, we have assumed that theinternal impedance of the voltage sources have been combined with the load impedance. We alsohave assumed that the voltage sources are out-of-phase, the load impedances are the same, andthus the currents and have the same magnitude but are out-of-phase with each otheras shown in Figure 10.2.

Figure 10.1. Three circuits with out-of-phase voltage sources

Figure 10.2. Waveforms for three out-phase currents


120°Ia Ib,, Ic 120°







−Va Vb VcIa IbIc

Za Zb Zc


Ia Ib Ic


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Chapter 10 Three-Phase Systems


In the circuit of Figure 10.40 the lighting load is balanced. Each lamp is rated at .Assume constant resistance, that is, each lamp will draw rated current. The three-phase motor draws

at a power factor of lagging. The secondary of the transformer provides balanced line-to-line. The load is located feet from the three-phase transformer. The resistance andinductive reactance of the distribution line is and respectively per ft of thewire line. Compute line-to-line and line-to-neutral voltages at the load.

Figure 10.3. Circuit for Exercise 2


The single-phase equivalent circuit is shown below where

and thus


500 w 120 V

5.0 Kw 0.8 208 V1500

0.403 Ω 0.143 Ω 1000






R 0.403 Ω 1000 ft⁄ 1500 ft× 0.605 Ω= =

XL 0.143 Ω 1000 ft⁄ 1500 ft× 0.215 Ω= =

ZLINE 0.605 j0.215+=

Ilamp1 Ilamp2PratedVrated-------------- 500

120--------- 4.17 A= = = =


MVan 208 3⁄( ) 0° V∠=

120 0° V∠=

1500 ft

j0.215 Ω0.605 Ω


4.17 A4.17 A


5 3 Kw⁄0.8 pf

VM Vload=



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Three-Phase Connections

We recall that for a single phase system the real power is given by

where . Then, we find the motor current in terms of the motor voltage as

and since , the motor current is expressed as

The total current is

and the voltage drop across the line is




We solve this quadratic equation with the following MATLAB code:

p=[1 114.95−1.79j 1277−398.7j]; roots(p)

ans = 1.0e+002 *

1.0260 + 0.0238i

0.1235 - 0.0417i

Preal VRMS IRMS θcos=

θcos pf= IM VM

IM5000 3⁄0.8 VM------------------- 2083

VM------------= =

0.81–cos 36.9° lagging pf( )–= IM


------------ 36.9°–∠ 1VM------- 1666 j1251–( )= =

Itotal Ilamp1 Ilamp2 IM+ + 2 4.17 1VM------- 1666 j1251–( )+× 1

VM------- 8.34VM 1666 j1251–+( )= = =

1500 ft

Vline Itotal Zline⋅ 1VM------- 8.34VM 1666 j1251–+( ) 0.605 j0.215+( )⋅= =

1VM------- 5.05VM j1.79VM 1008 j358.2 j756.9– 269.0+ + + +( )=

1VM------- 5.05VM 1277+( ) j 1.79VM 398.7–( )+[ ]=

Van 120 0°∠ Vline VM+1

VM------- 5.05VM 1277+( ) j 1.79VM 398.7–( )+[ ] VM+= = =

120VM 5.05VM 1277+( ) j 1.79VM 398.7–( )+[ ] VM2+=

VM2 114.95 j1.79–( )VM– 1277 j398.7–( )+ 0=

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Chapter 10 Three-Phase Systems

Then, and . Of these,the value of is unrealistic and thus it is rejected.

The positive phase angle in is a result of the fact that a motor is an inductive load. But since aninductive load has a lagging power factor, we denote this line-to neutral of line-to-ground voltagewith a negative angle, that is,

The magnitude of the line-to-line voltage is

VM1 102.6 j2.39+ 102.63 1.33°∠= = VM2 12.35 j– 4.17 13.4 18.66– °∠= =



VM Vload 102.63 1.33° V–∠= =

Vl l– 3 VM× 3 102.63× 177.76 V= = =

10-4 Circuit Analysis II with MATLAB ApplicationsOrchard Publications
