Page 1: Wish Trees - Book Units Teacher...wishes and offerings. Many of these trees possess a special spiritual value. By placing wishes on the tree, humans hope to gain a blessing from nature’s

Wish Trees A wish tree is an individual tree that is distinguished because of its species, position, or appearance. People use the tree as a place for wishes and offerings. Many of these trees possess a special spiritual value. By placing wishes on the tree, humans hope to gain a blessing from nature’s spirit in the fulfillment of a wish.

©Gay Miller @ Book Units Teacher

Page 2: Wish Trees - Book Units Teacher...wishes and offerings. Many of these trees possess a special spiritual value. By placing wishes on the tree, humans hope to gain a blessing from nature’s

Money Tree near Bolton Abbey, North Yorkshire

Coin Trees

The tradition is that a wish will be granted for each coin that is driven into the tree.

©Gay Miller @ Book Units Teacher

Page 3: Wish Trees - Book Units Teacher...wishes and offerings. Many of these trees possess a special spiritual value. By placing wishes on the tree, humans hope to gain a blessing from nature’s

Madron Well, Cornwall

Clootie Well

One Celtic tradition that has been passed down is the practice of leaving an offering to the local nature spirit. People make a pilgrimage to a clootie well and tie strips of cloth or rags in the trees nearby as part of a healing ritual.

©Gay Miller @ Book Units Teacher

Page 4: Wish Trees - Book Units Teacher...wishes and offerings. Many of these trees possess a special spiritual value. By placing wishes on the tree, humans hope to gain a blessing from nature’s

The Shoe Tree in Morley Field, San Diego

Shoe Tossing

In the United States, shoes are tossed into designated trees in hopes of good fortune.

©Gay Miller @ Book Units Teacher

Page 5: Wish Trees - Book Units Teacher...wishes and offerings. Many of these trees possess a special spiritual value. By placing wishes on the tree, humans hope to gain a blessing from nature’s

Tin Hau Temple – Shrine in Hong Kong

Four Wishing Trees in Lam Tsuen

People must hurl their wishes in the form of oranges and sticks with notes into one of four trees. If the object stays in the tree, the thrower’s wish will come true.

©Gay Miller @ Book Units Teacher

Page 6: Wish Trees - Book Units Teacher...wishes and offerings. Many of these trees possess a special spiritual value. By placing wishes on the tree, humans hope to gain a blessing from nature’s

©Gay Miller @ Book Units Teacher

What is Four Corners?

Four Corners is a teaching strategy that provides students with the opportunity to discuss controversial topics. The teacher asks students a question or provides a debatable statement. Students then express their opinion to the topic by moving into groups with students who have similar opinions.

How to Implement this Strategy

The teacher prepares the activity by taking four pieces of paper. Label each piece with one of the following: strongly agree, agree, disagree, or strongly disagree. Post these pieces of paper in the four corners of the room.

The teacher next thinks of a controversial statement. During the activity, this statement may be written on the board or displayed on the SmartBoard for students to use as a reference.

The teacher then reads the statement to the students. Students determine what opinion they have and move next to the posted paper that best conveys their opinion.

Once students are divided into four groups, they discuss their feelings about the topic. A recorder makes a list of reasons why their opinion is the best.

A spokesperson is then elected.

The spokesperson expresses the group’s reasons why they are right on the topic to the class.

Finally, allow time for students to move to a new corner if opinions were changed after hearing the discussion.

Page 7: Wish Trees - Book Units Teacher...wishes and offerings. Many of these trees possess a special spiritual value. By placing wishes on the tree, humans hope to gain a blessing from nature’s

©Gay Miller @ Book Units Teacher

Four Corners Questions to Introduce Wishtree by Katherine Applegate

• When a ladybug lands on you, should you sing the verse -- "Fly, fly, ladybug, bring me the happiness?”

• Do you look for the wishbone when eating turkey or chicken?

• Is it a waste of money to throw coins in a wishing well?

• Do you feel Friday the 13th will bring bad luck?

• Should you avoid bad luck superstitions – not walk under a ladder, don’t let a black cat cross your path, avoid breaking mirrors, and so on?

• Do you believe that objects such as horseshoes, a rabbit’s foot, finding a four-leafed clover, ladybugs, the number 7, seeing a rainbow, having a cricket in your house, and so on will bring good luck?