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Page 1: Wisdom From A Laugh 3, 4

Something PositiveA husband and wife in their fifties were getting ready for bed. The wife approached a full-length mirror and looked at herself.“Well, my dear,” she said to the husband. “When I look into the mirror, all I see is an old woman with gray hair, a wrinkled face; her shoulders are hunched, her breasts are sagging, her body and legs are flabby. Oh dear, please tell me something positive about myself to cheer me up.”“Honey,” the husband remarked from the bed, “I can say for sure that your eyesight is very good.”Reflection* The words one uses can hurt the feelings of another even though the insult or ridicule may not be direct.* One has to be mindful of the words one uses with others -- different people react differently and relationships may be strained through the use of wrong speech.* Right Speech must have the following elements:1. the absence of lies that cause hurt, pain and suffering.2. the avoidance of slander that brings down a person's dignity, integrity or reputation.3. avoiding harsh speech that hurts the feelings of others.4. the avoidance of gossip and empty talk which can through carelessness or a lack of mindfulness cause another suffering or bring about negative mental states in others.

Page 2: Wisdom From A Laugh 3, 4

‘You Are Fired’A company, feeling it was time for a shake-up, hired a new CEO. This new boss was determined to rid the company of all slackers.On a tour of the facilities one day, the CEO noticed a guy leaning against the wall. The office was full of workers and he thought that this was his chance to show everyone he meant business. The CEO walked up to the guy and asked, “And how much money do you make a week?”Undaunted, the young fellow looked at him and replied, “I make $200 a week. Why?”The CEO then handed the guy $200 in cash and shouted, “Here’s a week’s pay. Now GET OUT and don’t come back!”Feeling pretty good about his first firing, the CEO looked around the office and asked, “Can anyone tell me what work that slacker did here?”With a grin, one of the office workers muttered, “Pizza delivery boy.”Reflection* Jumping to conclusions without proper investigation can bring embarrassment or negative consequences to a person.* How often have we made assumptions without a clear logical basis? This can cause suffering mental states and interpersonal conflicts.* People who are of a suspicious nature, the cynic, and people with minds greatly defiled by greed, anger, hatred and delusion/egoism often make assumptions (negatively) about other people and happenings that bring about much Dukkha.* One should try to apply the Teachings of The Buddha in 'The Kalama Sutta' ( The Charter of Free Inquiry ). One's mind will then attain more and more peace, compassion, wisdom and freedom.With Metta,Bro. Oh Teik Bin