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. ".Th-e {_.llnwiiJgJ:iiR'I;1rV111:'hiis nn<i criti~:;m;; "'m 1J6 fomtd tu t~kc!n s;rvm~l tHil:S d Bllwipwe, :~;~il wlll P,., with Utii;Lm's l;lh:S!illi\!, ,"both us;;inl'>nd intm-elriing to i:h!>$\l 'Nlw ~sl' ril. il:~ovli:SU~t.-1 · !Ullt ~an.l'Ch<intu . ~~tru~< i~L-ce d H:.<:l hl8pirvd w(irifs. cl tiie Nc,;,: 'l'c":~titmrt~t mt'S!;Iut$ ;!WS·!mro1ilU1tsnhl<!ets.\ .

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mc::w to prore, L1y ;:vitience, V; an:· r('.:tdf:r ut ordin:try intelligence, that with :1:i ir~ pl'c:.,,n:'inm, it is a tiwlly and pili:thle tT!lb.slation of the sacred Book.

"lYe -o!Jdl in ddng this try to pl"es.e'rnt s;:une order, and commencing with m:<tters of !es;;er rnom,;nt :tst>e1!d up ta those of the grentest moment. The r.J::r:>rlrremE>nt theu will he r.s iuHows :-.

· !. \\'·e the Authorisecl V ;;J•si'm is needl~i;'siy changed, :md for it :t h:tt•sh an.d uncouth phra,eolOJ?:'· snhstitutec!~

2.. \VherH the fore~ of tl!e (;righml Tefb; in thnt. which prof\!SBP.S to hrr ;t revised, trM>I:1.tioi1, is wholly dil;re!!;nrdeil, onln iu phces where <'pcc!:d str<:ss shoald be h<id upo" it. ~

;3. \Vhere int.erp1·eh1tlm1s nre put tbt trnnl'ilatii"Jii~ CT>!U in ntnl pus":~ge::; ;md ~uppll'rted b;r the aid of t:-.lse- rendiJtings of Sl.ll'ipturf!. .. .

The;;e nte s,et;ioa; c:h.u·g~, Jiarticuta.rly the Ins~ but we mean to suJrport them. 'by dlrec~ c,•idclice.

1. To. begin hmvever with :the Iesset. and exiumiie some of those pU:.'5snges in w·hich the authori::ed ·versiou is needles~ly 6bituged, o:tnd tor. it- a har<ch ni1i1 <meouth diel}oi1 put, the 'foUoW!ng tak~n frm:n :(mlny other;; Hl:J:Y l?e suffi­;:ient. . We i;;nnrmt ~ee what ntlvnntage ni:J: En~Jilili renda~; gnin~; iu hiving 'l'•'llitil;rdh~ ' pu.t. for ' City Mag istrat~ (,!~ts ;ttvii. s), or ., Bn~hy' put ·.for •l;>~:o.yillG.e.' (~lets xxiil. 34), or 'Qb:iliar£ths' p!I't fm:' OhiE:i Qil:ptti.i.ns' {Ants ;,:xt 37)~ '],'he t\Mli9ising p£Gree~ wordS .th:Us isc, uninteUigihle to mast .readers; Or jn, trn:ils.lli'ting the words tif Demetriu» wbo ~>ilver shrii:n::s.fQtthe gadcle~s, •i\fen~Jil1l know.that our w:ethJi,,in:gnris~ frrimthi!;'wm;k' inste:id(}f the' ~nunfut and te<,:hnicnl rendering of the c\;mmoit E!lgli;,lt te:.i::r; l~ifli.· ye knmv th:it 4Y t!lis craft we ;have our wealth' (A<:ts:;xu; 25). 'Our wcll-liviri,!.{' i;; rA~er un · · ·.is it n~tf 01" fu making ~aulat A~~el}~ lif1!: •Beiii$. "i:4erej':O~;e the· g of God we ought; :not tu:th1nk that·whtclt t.<; dn:m~ to he ~e gql(i. tc., in~te(lt} of, ' ~hlit the Deity . . ·unto goijl or sil~et: et~" 'Tf:\nt which •is ulvine.' Mr. D. ~ba~itU:te$; .. · . , ii,ldi!e~i~ the tvGrd ' Godb;ead • ntig;}jt be eon:ected, •fort~ i11t~o .itqS@(:t; hut ins~d of tbnHtyi;;. mfid~ 1J1!)t~ ~~tiact. ':Pie G:i:eek T(! ':t:lieifm is not• ' the ~Q{ih<mdi' u~t· ; tj:~\l,t whl!'<h is. !)i.virii.l;' bnti simply • th:eDeity•' T:he SJlostlei? .il · · Athenlari$ on an abstrncti:ou, l:iut placing l,) f;h~ni !le. · · . .. •. . .. . . resemblltnce n9t tp the lower (lnimahs,; not to inaili~te . . . liut fu·• his oft~ ~.Jll'lngi .. he i1sits the term To. Tlll:iv"; ~term f!llri'illiu: to the Gr~sf(}t­<' ~tJ;onnl Goct, • th; J)ilify.! 8Cfl Z£dtlbll mld Sc~Jtt'~> Lexieo.U. · Q91;:. lee~i~ noun$ in Greek nre Q-fte:n tltus fcttnd;...,.fc/ CTI~!, th;e e:rief.iiy; ''(* niiutili.tJn;; the na.vru force. The tei"m Ulic<liil, i.!O:ncrtiti!, mit; :m il,b&ttli.U:tiiitt; i~!;-r1F i~ "Godh<mil '.it winlid be flteot~.t, iis hi OQJ; iL ft lt is nltogi:ther :1 mistake, t;lt~furi!, to ~aJ.t;<:i the ~pQs.tte Paulrepre;;ent Gocl :to litis audie11ce <tt .Actll:e'il$ :;$an ent~ ~listrncticm, and men ns the oft$11r~!lg uftltat entin: tt~stta~ti~ll· .·

ill th~ ru:e.ount o£ tl!e tumult at ~ri!ii!lius, it ~~ .s~d'ae(:o~dmg't9iih:e' 9ur Ltngti,nge, 'Som~ the~<:fore cried ou~ fhing an•l ~ll:ilte :in•:iilier! f thil> ¥1.~. ~by lt:ts the .ha~h soumling ~v.:trjis ' l)ifterent per$(1:1~·

a . .:Iilf~terit :wing.' . (AcJB xix. 3:£.) · A!! It lmppens .the G~~ . ·. . . .. t eterdi. So th(l.~this reVis~d r\(lndering m;it1iersnit>;tt1~ ()l·i'~i.i~

no,r'the English •.. The1luthm·il\ed,ien~ing is .l'!Ut pr~fera~le •. No,rtne Wtrd • r!fJ!!eretU;' (eler~l!) UOI$ OC{:IU' iJ1 li remar~afile pii$$nge refaTing tQ JoscJ;fh nutl HrJ¥'A!Jh, wlt~e ~t ls sa.i«:l, ' .i\ilotl.ier Jting ll'rosr: who knew not Jo~~h: · R;;,r~ it Sb,~n141:i<! 'a diii\ii'eni;{ eif!rQ.V):king nruse;.'<~tq,; for J;he G~.k Iailgt~,!l.ft?· •.llas :l:i'i'o word!! fi:lr .. this eXI».'(!.,"Sion. T'here niny b~ 'some' (l,fi.d '<ttln~:r· of~~ .S~i.\! .. kmCi; o1• .?f 4fJtcre:llt ~inlJ!s ,:; a:ud ih~ . · :Who ~~w- ilm~ Jose_ph, ~~ not-:lllollier long ~etcly like: the fol'!ner '~)ut nn~ther- :king of a dilf'erl)lnt kind •. Th.e w(lrdJ:teroll is QYel.'looked1 butnQted in. ilie fo.rmet:' ®Se,,Wlif!:l~ it, ~t~pdti_$:1S.t· (4cts ~itls.J .. . · ·. . . . . . ·

Thf;ll• thebqy Jesui!' (Luki;!< it 47}, lfild < U:erQd's gi'®de:es :tn~ , (l'liwk yt. 21) <J.oe.S nC:t s(?~m. t~ hilye ~y •rt(! V:lJl~~ Q:ver '.the cliiJd · lfud 'J:l:.erotl~l~s n.nq l1!gh. capm;ns,' I}Xf.lept that one .sounds le!i!l .revet"![l;lr; .:l!)lll'

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the other more pedantic than the ~:cn!l.nH~H Yf;.t·zio~L . ...:lnd we conf~~ ta ( dulness in not being able t<t unn:·;;"i"'" the e:q·elkn1:Y "''"'' th~ ~ld v~O>it'il ot the following passage known ,,:; "(,n:ry 0!\<: : .• Xnr d(i ni'en pttt liCIY' wme int.G t)ld skins, otherwise the skins burst and the w;uc~ i~ poured. rmf., :md the :;klns wiil be destroyed: but they put uew ;1·in0 intq new ;;kiru:, both ru:e .IJreSel~ved together: (.4\l!ttt. i:.;. n.)

As it hnppeu<i tbe Greek word asl;oi does not mean skins, which would be· dermata, bu6 battli'!smade of skins or leather; and it might be su'pposed that readers who l1nd !lltch words before them as eparchy, and polita1·chs, and chilia,·ch.Y, would have been able to understantl that bottles in old time were made ofleather, without being obliged to use the bare word' skins,' in ordel' to inform them of it.

#gain,in the Loru's J?r,•ye:r (.John xvii.) lnsteat!of' I pray for them, I pray n,ot fo~'the W(\Hd,' etc.; "uillther pr:ty I tor tlre»r; nl<m~,' etc. we have the harsh expr~~rm, 'I.<f\~ruanJlcqhcerniugth~u.; I do utttlerur.nd concerning the world,' •etc., and. 'I do not deiumw t{H" thC$!.\ mriy,' elc. V ei'se;; 2-20. N 0\V, ho'v would this wor•i oound in .the, mo<1th of di•! ntthlen1nn :whn 'besou!!ht' the Lord to come :tnd heiu his:chilit? {Joha ix, 47,) ftshm1ld be, •aemand(ld' (?roro}!ilm to (,.'QillG; ~1' Wbf:n l:he LordSfljt$, 'and I wm Ii !SO) !:40. :h),~iic.r, an~ he shall. •rilrec·yoJ:t l}U~.~her t;:i;inrlbrtci-,' he ~hti !JG!'.llli,li:l of th~ F$ha·;' etc. 'The word in e~Ch <:;:;!le i$ the ~ame:, . D:why~lu:4l,k;;:fiiollll:itj,~erinP', it so in the last pnsilage (;Tohn xiv.ll)) whero he h:.$-' ®.dJ: t:he:Fllither' et~~ m.~eh more propei• rendering Hwo that given: in Chnp; x:vil,,.\Vll~e p~yer itself is, made. .EM wh{i:t the advantage 1s i;h:l~ t.fif!si! 1111d, ·ll:tipP..Jike rende.tin.g;; hJti'O: over the col;lllllQ:n Englillh vi;i:'$ion we eo~~ (ln~lyes lJ.t 4; loss to epn?clvc,: ~~lan~a~~ .i£ .needl~~y rihaltge~: iind #' llii~h. gllq,:iVh«:ill)" wrong ~h:ction'sup;n;ttoted wnt by way o!tmprovement. .. . .

..:\ll!l I:i,riW'' befqre p::ocet:d,hig to the \i~:mtp:le.; of m~co.tJJ:;tFue~i(!Jl: oftl~l,r.(lreek. te~~ undet< th.~ ue~t· 1teading, w~ ·!.i.lilY say'thn'i; ~. -9~h$'lr fetn~k$-}n :preface on, the: Greek n.mi~ eorre~t ~otl"'l'·. It i~ .ifllliY l!<ntfiv~ ~.t~ Jeam rnl~sl the difl.i~lllo/ is itl applying ~hem.; a:nd in numbe~tliis$ impt.irl,imt C#ses 1\fr: ll!irl:!Y. clO~ 'nOt llfPply thet"l.lle.s ~ntl "S ®:iYed from ~e, ! }uilps: to whicli llil: r.efe§ su~li ~ 1\:[~yer, . . . .· '(ltl;er (-terw.~.W. thil)~~; bnt perp.eti.Utt@. ):he antiqiltit.ed method ~'Ond.en;®d.. t9 ol)lirinn !JyWin~,ofptl.{;tm<>' onEl' pr-eposition.• cor :wnsel etc. tor J;1llo~\tel"; .even: t}le . ~e~·y {lppo~i~~ .~ m~t:Uiii wmc,li the: ~fi; gt'amm:trum falls ' unscientific nssumpuon·;~ . .. '. '

.II. Uiidl!f ~he 'J1ec<!nd headingw(! .shnU c<.HJsidt,!r s0mf,:: o.t' tilE! Pl'li>~'~g~s. wh~:re the fut~ . of the (!t~;\1 verb ·V. w4(lt!y 4j,sr~g>'Jct4~; .~-e~ ru phil)e!tw.h~c specml atr~$~ ~huu.ld 'be 'Uti~ upon it.. :Ii'<JJ> ill$tnnce, ·tl!e l1t,1perfti<;~ ti;1nsi;i. a,nd .n.;Jt ~he n:cmi'sti iE co:nsumtly used by the. writer$ ()f the N:~~ 'l;:~t~4;!~fi ~o 01ho\V Il();t ·m·e~ly-·thc,fru,::t th:tt s.uch an(l Aueti a thing took plwiej hi.'i~ io· tbe· cir(.lums~(.l~·~ h;appening, t~ifin thek r.ont·se, nrid.n(;lt yet; brl.)ugbt .~(! ~he Uit&i,ded @:(.loJ1!plil!hnl#):tt, he'nce it !llll)" be t>end~e.d ~.Y 'used ti),"ol." ·* habit ;>f;'-(Donli~d..<(m.) . . . · ·· . . ·

Itgi:ve • ess ta ~e .narmtlve, .ttu'Qwing tlic r~4er h:ti:k :on, the even.ts:li.ll i!.t:un:g h~f~Jre him. 'l'!Jc fru.~ of th~s tl:.Me Mr. :ijarhy·lln . . .. . . · · ·ngit by theJ:iil>Wio~!J :imi'~-t 1111 if it Wll$ ~f.!J,·e~y iL pase .~ . . . as nlu.'r;it~ii;g. ...~. tew •C:l»'¥!-!Pl~ 'vill ilJt;li:l:-mtte what we c1lJeaa :better'!\ rrn. any e~tplauatihn t1f ij:. Wh"'n the.!.p#t i~ bef~e·.tl!Ja H!gb Frit;!st' gnd tl\ewitnesses accwsin1< hiin{and, t,iie Jiigh Jln!4Sfi ~¥F.. '·What iS it;;whid.! these wjtnes:t a~aittst th~e ~' it is ~dd,~, ."lliit Jems ~ept Jri~# (i:siup~~) r~cot:.n1erely :the tiret tpJ!.~ .!:1.~· ' 'w4t$ ~Hen~' {Xf:r:i :P,) hl)t that; all tb1•augh :the ell.a.miriti,tio,n lte 'w~s fl!lnl)iriing ~'i1~1it/ ~il.@. ii; the · ~~e · t;if the imperfect tfiU!>e• (l'\iutt:. x.;:;;vi. 63.) · . . . ... . . . . . . .. . . .··.

+'hell, :):I; .th(! Qroi!$ ~t. is ~ot Jne~tely ptesente£1 ~>.s :m h,isroci<; ia.ct tbt thl;lJ vf!i~~· ~secl by '1,"1:!\'iled him,' huJ;,; • tli~y .kept: l>e;(!llug him/ 'l\11!~ ;~:K:vii, ~$:; or, th~i; :th\l ~hi~ prieS:~s a~4 i.~\'~ llti!l eld(:ri! • ~id;' • U:\!i'lliir!!4,~tht)~,~.' ~i!.:, but •.they' kept saltfilfr. (elegn.(t), :J~e s~yE!:i, qthei'S[ q;;,~ .• ~{tt~, ~~·lij. ,if.!.

. . .,. I . . .

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:}~~~~· 1

;~~:::~~:;~~~\:f~~:€~~~s;:::~::~t~::~1;r::~~:.:~:,~~~l~:.~F~:. t;~r~~.;:;;~>(';:E~~;~;,:g: 'A.nd in. p1·inlt.e; he cxplai:<ed.ail rhir~;r~ tn ~1i~ t~isr.i 11li'S.' . ! t ,l:l<m.ltl.1e;,: B_ut irr pn":'t" IH! w:1s m the .ha}ut l}t e<· V7'"'irum) r1Ji mm;:>< to lu:> mse;!pl~s, t1\hn·k ir. 34.) ~rh.t.: 1!ivnnt!elist :L.:; Cftl'\?fuLh-, ~h(nl'th:u, th~~ J .. ord. no~: nlt:J-e-lr€3~·-u ~f~!~r~lin c~ci~t~E.h:rn·CXrll;J.ined -thin.rrs to his di~cip1~~, hut '-rns :iu the· htthit o(dti}ng ... Y>, :mu c.;mseqmmtly 1.1ses the imperf>;;ct te1;;5e, Aud, ;;t tlle buri,ll, it; is m'ti merdy Hmt :i\I:rr.y l\fagdalen <md :l\Iary the mot1l!:>r of .Ioses < "mw' wher.e he wM ' pnt,' lm.t "'ete obl\erd:ug 'where he is: laid; ieti.•rm·<mn pmr t•?tlwitali} (.M;in·k XY. 47). 'l'h:e Ev~ngi:li>t, ;);;cillg' tl1e prf!E~h~ :r-ml imperll!:ct. i~usenntd (:~npk•;·iug a striking verb nc;t me<>dy ti>. tell the £"l.e:ttlmtthey sii:w l't:tr:\nl;alltii!l!~ J:.1ost l'le:>.t y~ their he:u-ts, ~ut we1·e obsrtn'ing an'~~ l:<:'n~en1phiili:tg it. whi1;Lit W:t$ hnppi!mng. A!ld m r~u;;:e, when the s:eveniY 0tllSClpies·were SClli· out nnd, rQUtt'l1t:d, ~a,.'fiiig tl:urt the. de.mun;; m:e subje~tt t(n:;s •throng-!; thy nnme.' • A . .nd 1H: said unto them, I b.ehfild Satan a:> lightning fa1ling out of henven,' (1tr.II.) It should be, • I was heholi;li. · tt<n as lif!htning fhi~ (p•i$m!la}frt>bJ 1lefcl..\·,m; (Lukex •. Hl); The using the imparfect; ·~nn,n&.cts iihl:$1,!; tw('l.notter.; to~~er. 'That i;o, w 1i1W the d~vils w~;>;:e heiil¥: .. ul·!ieeted to thmu th:rnuph :lii:l; rinme diD.iing the-ir mis5ion, the• J..,c;rd 'it its behultling: Satan, aF lightning, ib11 ftnm beJ.t'io:im:, \li:id tlit.~s the f:i)~in Ji11d ennnc~titm nf :Hie pai!Sag.,; is. pl'l!..~rYed. J e~rs wn$ i:ieholcling him ·lila· ifulr<:!nily f.'l.l!en, . . .

Tlten, ~t t1te Crn~; wlt!:l'e th~ [(ll't:e of the i'nlp!!r}i:ct s!to1lld be stcieey pf~ss·ved, l:Qey il.Te irll tume<l into historic prtst terl>'!!S; e.g., the people<a11d. rulers 'sneer:ed, ·~the ,sqldiet-s 'tt.:td.e .game .of bim;l nnd the n:mlefiwtor • rortke in:sulting:lyto llim.' (Mr •. ;p,) I~ $hoilld be the p~ople nnd r~;tie.l:s 'kept O'neer~ ing' Ol' a~iding; 'I'hc sol(!iers k~.f!t 01' continue<l mcekiug him. •And i.-he tnalefaet<ir kept rtiilinz :tt bim.' 'l'he vm:b.; nrc e:xwmuTtft'1•izmJ..,,entpaizrm, nnd r:l.ila;rph~mti--,.nll • . ~. · · · es.s und continuity ti1 tln~ J;ll.~ ·~cenc. They are not mli!l'~Y hi~tpnf! past tW;ses, 11s if the Evangeli:st w~ teJJingus f.J.<'!tli. . em . .ut vivid pi(:t'I~I.'~S .of .f!ittg<! g9in.g Q'll; 'J1r"s$met1 to th~ mit\d, . . . . • .And in the touchin~ eonva;sa-n.on 9" Ute m~y ~.o @mm~ the d . . . . . , ~ not merely th:tt we •n:1,d hope{t • l)ut 'we were Mping• (elpl'*mumt}that it iS •Jte wh~> sliotild h~tve redelill1ed Lmt.e!,' (Luke x,.1.v. :21 ). Tl1.tUi ,empba$ls is L'lid ~;>n tlte ccmtim~ti of jfu~air expectations up to the time of.M~ de:tth·-nt JerUJOllle1r4notrme¥Clythe fact flint they lind sudu.}S:pt:-ctations. . . . .

AJ;ll:in, in <Johi1, .ii. b~utifu1 pnf!'age ilf !Ol\t by dis~garding the verb. The Lord hill1self changt:.'> the yerb ~wice in the sa:iu<! sen~n~ . ' ln it~!!lf were suffieieJt tf.•. call ntten:t.ion. to. it: • J'ndge . n11t ac~oi:!ling t\:1 ffigl:~t but judge • ·· · .. · fl\Jr. D;),'l:tonld be:; •Judge noth.abitually (krfncl«) ' ecordmg i(l .. judg~ fur onQe (kn"rmte) rigllteou;; jndgmt!nt; (;Mm :Vii. 24)• The p~t imi>erutive :rri~.king the habit, the'.nit!l­m:t, gp.d so two diflerent . ten;ms w the; same <rt.mten<:e.. ¥ark thi.S tlif~ lerenc~ the tbrce of w!1feh il!los~ h[l'~ndedug both<m tlle."l_tup:e 'Yay .. 9r flot.l!l!e on:t lilllg;unge ~tqg. :mal;rtlc rt liii t<> be d·::;uu by n · perciphrn.:n.s, 11.. :-yritb~ti~ fu~~nge, Uke t1te Gt~~k~ by ehl'!l!gfng n !titter l'Jril~. Qne n:IOte ex~iinple, ltl);d we p~. ant~. ~c Bpis~l?S. 'Bat j~ is rtn ex:~mple ,;of: pu.t1<illg .tbe nnrist tu~· tlle imperfect to the lms of the. whole pa.'l'$a.,.-.e. 1\:Ir; 1)ll.thy her~ 'J.Ul$Seii tiie id~n. Jn Iiti;kfl Vd\'hl!Tio the sliips were standing b~ 'the lnke <if G-:unes:l,ret, '].)ittthe fi~nnen l:taotin.g l,lome e}(lmt from. thence we'!le wasllin!f theil.': net..;, 1\.n:<J ge:ttiiJginto one £>f tli:e ship~. &c., &;c;, ~~ usketl them tt1 ·d1'aw ~Jut ~ little from ~e JJtntl. ~ • di~;v i:rato .lnJ{lc :tlie d~, ~c/ (~i". D;) I.t ahO'lild. be, ' they had wa::,hed (eplumni) their nc~/and then :the l&:ird g,ettip~ inio i:me ot::I'Jl~ ~ps lllil;:g;i to ~ Ll1:!nch <:~ut ngai.n into thedeep,'t(epruurgageii/). 'P,1e point ~f. the pas;;u~ here t.<i in tile fqr~ ofthc v~tbll. T.h~ !ishet~11en hnd 'nh-~a{jy 'WUllUfrl t}Ieu: ili;~:!: n.;:i.t 'Were Wa!lhing.' tl!t<lll~tl!e '"\V(!Tk 'll'llS finnJin'f~ )'(.1: Jes1.1s sn:y>, • Launch out ngmncinto the. tieep1' &e. Then Pf;\· snj:$, ''\Yi:

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h~Lv~ toiled :~,ll the ni~ht nnd have taken nothing, nevertheie~;~, at th:y word I wHLlet dqwn the net.' Their :fuitbc is shn.rply·te;it,ed. If it were mere!; tha.t they were in the act of washing their nE!t;s1 and the Lord said, ' dr1nv out intn th.!; deep Wllter; (1Yfr. D:) there wo'i!ld be in it lit~e to. remark, but the word rii>~ after they luvl washed tb:Cjr nets and nniilhed off. . ;Jew said, ' ln.unch b:J.Ck ngain iiito the dijep,' and they do. so, Ri!re 11. bea.uti.ftil pn,<isage loe~ its force by qi#.egli:rd ofthe verbs. .·

To give one or t·wO. ilhiSttil.ti.ons from !;he ·Epistle$, there is. in Peter·.ll. r~ble. pass~ eluci&iied l:tyiitt@t;ion fu t}il'! verb, a .pW;.,"l\ge lilso 0!). which th~e ~· been ti,o l$;le controvet:sy. It refers :t<i the LOrd in life nnd de~th, ~follows·: • Who, wi.en h.e was ~:Wed; revile.d.ti,ot a,; when snf­ferip.g~ ·tht:eatened not;; blit ga,v~ [hi®>$] over into the ha:lidir ()f liim '1'\'h(} jli,tlg~ righteou,'il.y: who b.Hriself bore our ~ins jrLhis body on 'tire tree;' (M:r. :Q:tiRY•) 'It should be, •Who, when J,'ev~t;l. :$,e(lnn~ }Q revil!!; when suffering, :used. l,l.ot t#) . · · but- was in the ;habit ()f:co~g !lims~l£ tl} the eu:re: ()f hun wnq ju9.g te{;uiily: w;:Iro himself bore '( si~ in Ills' bi:;dy on tlil} tre. !",·e··.tc.~.·· .. •·· ~t . ·. . 2~;;~4. ..• ). T .... he :W~!W .. , !;.~~.!m.· .. u ... ·.Q·Ul!·. ~b·u· t a~.·ugle :'1. c~' · Th<e npo$tle: }le1:e Ul!es fol.U' ve!'fui ; t;lie ~ ~··~m t~e llii~rfi ~~ing tp theba)lit~f thelife of J!i!il ~hiilE!O. ~. J!.a ~PI!> ~t .·;v' .· .. •toU9w .l:!i$ stt!ps.,' The llisf; verif·'JS m t'&e refel!l(rng ·tu i;ile d..,. single act <tf.:tiie 5iiecifu;e ~~ t1i1,1 cross ; th . · · .·.· · · ·· · J>U;!fpoaelx m the same. senten~~ ~s tM: . . .. . . m measure ~~$ b.f

· versii:n1. . · . ii~hwe refut<~in ~e~~ iS·~ w ~;he~:~;~,;

•In.whom ·~1f.s~ad.~llip~--

passive,; • aoo be .. . .. . pjr'i; for the nst. m: et method of fur even the very op .·e; r.e~ .. . . .. . . object m thus eh~ it, for it is the •. X't {ji',D:(ttb~·i;~lpmv~J:h;;t

. ·..... P!t1!!~!~~t-~~~::rt indeed ! Be t1lis us it m.!l.J, .· . . . W'lgt!lige of· :!;ll<,! if.>.xir S:tlites the rippositj). Itlooksa.t the ch~ll,'Ch as a wMle ill ~~ ·(if (o-ti4n:; · · · ·

~~£tra~: !i.t·. th.~ p~~ or ~lnry. ~d· ·ii~ tztr~ . and~]Hit t]:ie p?St;t$1~~ . . . . inte:qll:!Jtatit:m; . .. .· . yet: ~n. thidiilse 'trtu!shtmQn.·i$ . . . .. . .•...... ·. . en.tire'~~· ef' Dathyisro. . .

ll1:, We · eom~ now · tj) Uie gmv~~ · part of~ ~?Ubje:?t, \'bi,;. where ~lil\ges •iJ:r? mt~rw-~ted,. J,ltlt tmnsla.tli.d,. ~!l· ~~~cl ·bY· ·tue: md j,)f ~se . · · ~f:l:~,. We Shiill begin mththe f'un;dru:nenw ~je<::t <}.fjli:$~'"'

'lfu~ 'is in the Ne~ TeStam~I:tt a :nwnber ot ~ hearing upon this

~~\=:~tt~:c£~~~:n~r;~~~~ ~f~L~:~· 'T~:hr!:~ tq~d :tlia:t. 'hy~·i~ w Jj'e r;m~r$, '® t~ princiPle of faith.' ~o · ·· · ·· ·· · w4~e it is said t}mt.iri tlte g$.pill .. e:o~ ilfGoiL is re. ~tlt ~·fi.iith{ i:v is rende,.~d mt .· . . T~i$iort,' '',l'he right!; · · · • e of friit'!i,~ et~ · · .JS)~w,Jt ~ · ·trn~ill.S 4of.l;,

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518 D.Al!.BYI!lli AND ITS NEW BlllLE.

translate ( ek pisltws) ' by faith' as. 'on the principl~ of f."tith,' i~ interprdation, not ira,nslation, and. wrong interprewtiqn wo. lt reverses the ml'!lming vf nll "the pasoS_ages: We sh:ul now give :t list of them the reader m:ty judge for liimselfQfM.r. Darby's e.mendatimH> imd fa.Ise renderings. ·

1 ... ' ' .. For rig.··. hteqpsness _of_ Go cl_ is revealed ~ert;ffi .. qn, tihe J:rin. cip. J~ .. '!f faith, tp fa1th : accor-ding ·~ rr. lil. · WJ."Itten. But the .lust suiill live by. mith--Rom. iii. 17.

2. Since indeed it is one God who shall justify the circumcision on the principle of faith, etc.-Rom. iii. 30.

3. For law works wrath, but where no law is neither is there transgression. Therefore it is on the principle of faith, that it might be according to _gt:llee • .......;J}9m. iv. UL . . . ....

. 4. T!iere:fqre .llil.viug bef!Il_ljlst,iiie~l on tiu: priln,:lple of faith, we h&Ye p~?aee ~ward God, etc;,-Rom. v. t . . . · ·

5_; ~t the,n !!hall w.e!.'ay, that they ofthe 11atio:t;:$. who did not t"hllqw ~ti;r r;lg'h,~usrillS~, lutve lltt;,tin?d: 1-)ghte~n.Ia:n~, bnt the · - · . at is:o,n · · · · ·· · ·· · faith. ;an.~ Is#wl p~$Uing :~iter .... u;;uesa ··~· n~;~t

• ;it law; W¥re:f6lie.? . ~e®u:s(! i~ ·;was n()t on the p~ciple qf . . utas ofw:~.-<lt®I.i.X.3~J. · ··. ~ ·· ·

~~·.1\te also }iave b~;ileY<>~. o-n. Christ J:e.."us, th;tt we mit.thti bejqs,tffic-d v11 t]I~ p~jj?: i)fiJle filith>of O~i$t .·a:n~ Mt oJ!works ot'Jaw; b~use ori the ~Clipl~ lit ww~s . . .· ~:1i.,$hall ~eju!'!ti~~~ ii; 16~ ..

t. ~s~:t!~ta£ th · :~~;:rB~zfmth,t~es~ ;tit~ eW>etc. Si;t . . . . . . . o:n. the .principl .. fn.ith ni:e blesl!ed .,\'ii;li

$11icli t;ria~? o¥i:.J~~ft:~ wi~ ~d i~~~~<~ti .. pnnmple of fa:tth, :but the ~w <s ·n()t 011: . .. . ;.1:1~ ' . . . . ·· .... ·

9. eha$ ahnt up alltl,ttngs ~nd~:r.si1,l:, that the promise on the f JG!IIl.!l Christ,· sh.quld, l:)e giviJ,n t~ ~o~· that believe.-

19, $0'~:th.e law ]lru; been our tutot up "to Clir.i$t~ tlitt:tw~ til$ght be justified · 9ri the principle offaith.-Gal. iii. 24. ·· .

11. For we 'by the Spirit on the principle of faith await the hope of righteous-ness.~Ghl. v. 5. . .

12~ J:e Se~ tbl}t fi: In#Il isjru;fified On th$ principle of WU~k~ $d n{}t On the :p - · <ifflrlth otily.;'-;Tiunes il. ~· . . ·• · . . .·

StiAA .·· • :I:)ar'by's · .. ~ of !ill fl!e~e veJ:l;e$ m which .. the <iorimiilri :ver~im :reaas• hy w~·. < ~ ',~a~~; •ffk pi~eil$,~ ~ek.

;'Jihea})()ve:·llst willshQw .· at iill . · · •. :.~age,~ ;±eii;Litlg .. on iJ.. P\<tst; ~ JS:itpj~, ~~ p~·~ ~a · !ippli!'lit: t~ G{lfl-G:od d~<tlfug :W:ith ~!IJ].Wl :a prii:l~h>l~· . . .. · .. . . . . . . . o num they would ]J!:'; equally p .. erepter.• · · t~ imd i.UJ:uige~;·fi· o ... ~. ml;ili dp~s .•· .· · ... m.. er. .e ... ~Y .. !i!U'll ..• to '-1od .. · .. o. !1 a p.rm.·· clv,re. The~ ~s . an:d Jl!> ~ ss. we ll:l)oW~: m wh~:eh dte ~lffir~on . • be ·· ' lt !$ .Eiilh •. :11:J. 13. • Ai:\eQr4ing tfi tli~ p$-

=\l4~~~~~»~~i~~l$ We: er~ ){r, J!lll'by.lem:n~.~>~>.m~;> o1~tb;e.G.t~wor&s, '\V):~li


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togcthe:r of the thoughts Qf nth<: ;.hink~rs tl.Qih1ng is explnin.;d or 1~enn~d. In fact, not one of tllem frN!l 1\Ir.. Darby downward Eeen\s to mtder~tanll the :><~.bjeet, nmj ti> lnwe th:ou:ght ()Ut the. &ubj>Jct: W1H:n men '"~tit.; on sucl:l· a. ti.'.;Xt ns 'Ohrb"'i;, is the e.nd of lhe law for righteousne-Ss to oe~·t;:r:yone th,.'tt heJie\H;th,' a;ud d~Iil{ermEJ;r;e tt by Sil)'.ing ' That the end. of We lawfor :t culpriJ; guilt:y of death is the rop~· it is ihey unden>tan<lnot ti)esnbje~:d; on w.hicl1 th:el'·wcite; ;mcl tlt~ir )llode of ueating it is a.;; op,en. to ob"f;:ctioil as the o;ne +}i(~i; J:p,Ieed,·Ah-' lohrby Ilimself in M$:W\!r .io··· 4: UJ>es the: tbllo'Wlg >!!in~rka4le w(}rds. Af~er. hu,\·i~g, as he tlii.nk~; . ... · ... ~h~ s~~.ct ~. ~U.Udi.n~ it, he ~ays: ." :I'ltis .is n~;t p.,.r,pcrl:y j_ustiii9-~~n, RP.t 1~1stl1e J~tffil.'~l;m!lo·~e Jm¥e g.Qt, :;ee:ng lJow we have. ohl~Jned ~me J:UStifi.-: ca:~!).;l~"--,:L··· l~. tlte. R:,.·.·.ccr.ncd,J .. 11. ,, 49{ 11/ L.~fi.· ndcn .... ~.·.. }j. ~;v, .ih .. · .•. ~.Se ..•. a:r ..•. 17'. strikirigwor.(los.; Vt'£)!'$trl~!. and· if ~lr. Da.:byhad tbillJ:Qin~h:ti·tl:> ;;ay,•·~· my intm:pJ:lrt>ll.ttO.n ~f tl~e s'i!hj~t il\. not. prop~:> M~on;' ~tc~, w~ ~li:~?, 'ltJite ~0} ~th him ; tbr iildeed it;js llQt! . B . ·... .• 1)4rhy put-s: it c$bsolut~ ··lis • ~he. ;i'ilS:tift.cAtl_on we h:1v:e got; ai:ld, ;~s· if 1\iurl. and 4~ wm. or~e on the .

~~~t~~by·~··not1pns•·nxat~f~r~~~o!u::·k~:~;:~~1~= ufit, ~ol' . .i:n · . i$ :r~pre~ejite1l ~ t-re~J;ing a. suhj'tm:t t}ui;t li~ ilit; $!!:vet-, foJtndl\ .. . stianif,y jJ;l i:t· .. · ·· · ·.· ··.· •. · ·· .... · l.ll,d not be ·· · · · ·· ~a#o.n a;r. ull~ So. it nppetn:s acc~J! mg ~. ·. . . . .. l:iy1~

;~n.!~E1i.Ef!?€i~;~ .. ~· .. 'jnstiti~a~~n • by faith-' at 11U! Sucli i~:> ttie. contll\lei:!. itin~e C'\h ... this 'VitaUu~\}eet. ~11 wri:trig tra!U;!itsJ; tQ last.;. . tians @d a:H~. :a:I.ore<>v!<r. it. is, tmt. :yety ~1:rvjo,u:s 'tllal: if pi!!,!!~ 1.ctr.t> tip~:king o:fth1.1,:p:dnei.ple 9Jiw~h ··· · · e(}~fi!le. nim~~i'.~t() the •pr;in~:oipie o.ffaith;' nnd. of :r-5ghteo:wlll~~.;good,n• (jr: ~l'l\'~ Qu~ w<tu1 witb:m.m.on · 'n,cipleii.;~s wel,! ~i>·PD-:the he . . ited words. . . Oi1r p~.x,~ 9~setvati.ol'!s.will be on: the in wiii()h: ih~'"i>'•qt~fp ~f (;hrist

on.t Wd ~ t.!tea~ed through~;t)it thistu~w t.t·anE~h'l.tion tif'JVIi• ))~by. (To be continued.)

~ itfu ~nttr~nhrlhnt 11f. filgrimt s l1rDgttzz. BY G. :ROGERs.-( Continued.)


T!IAT was •a n():blf41illl'4}': •. ~lwf!.'ri~, .brat~ an.;I nlllllly rae~ of ChiistiaD;s that, iluUtj~he4 ~idst the ato~s ~f t]:ie ;Pu~~n, )ig~; ~ey ~~ • melJ. uf .~t

:. ' a2!::~i~t~;iftee~~·s~l~. . '~~iu~~=s;!i~1 'l;li~ s~gt:li c>f! grae~ a xnprqp.l)~t'"~' .t(j t~~ . . . • v~er~e. T!te

.~·. lS XI.~~~~~ ~~ more lt .. l$ SOU"'!t.t; . . . ~> JllOj:e ~~ lS •. . . . . <lbtliji\ed;~ C.m t1te race · qfPChrletil!;n.s :t1C'<>-eti!ltiite~ ·

~ior:!t~=r~~=~~:rtotr~li~ff~~r(·~;::a) · ..•. •· of~~~~~~~~ (1

WJWre ~Ji(irm$ a:re mqre fi~equ.ent, t!te &.Sr .. tSJr.Or!! pu,r~, ·

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T. I11~ "wQr.s_hij?·,Q;f ca~.rist ~$ g-~v;;n~ {)~ l"itth_d .. a~- ~.tik;~n Jhm.t the New J~ible 9fDurhrism. with 1fr. Jb.J•bv's rll~<;ous in the

Frdi:\t~IC ((Utlllo~es \V.hy i~ shotrld,. he SQ, coru.q,;; next un.ilel' 1~cvim'l'. . . . ·. . , ~\[r, .Dti-tby .'lil,js fu his p!,'{$:w<;" ~ have tw:t a dnwb~ of ~;he: ju:;;;;s of t11e

ch,<nge, a11d just 'becnuse itt ·1T!l1rl'crn ~~iglish wnrshir' is u.scd fur w1mt i;; rea~ t1<!!..;,\1 l:v (icd. onh·. :wuen the ]fug;li$h translation w;~, rn~de it "~"' <H:t. and J}lJi.!: 11.0!: Of it !1{1\V "f,$}fit\.'ltlte iilf.\:U$.e 'itt tllWJe qu&teJ'"' of tl~e p111i'ill$:S it.i5 ·U~tl in, . It is.quite certai.1 tJ,\at indllll "V itS!: tt}1\jndty 9finsi;:mces of' r~on<> '49t:riiP:g 'fl:r-iJ1e Lt<rd tb.ay hn:o;l IipH'h~ len.~t id~ o.f owning him n;, God. And il; £.'!.!sill~ t.h<l $ellS'e in ·a n:mf:e.rlnlpr.rint w u .. ~ t#~ wti'r<l110'\v!'.-Pre.f<tce.

This ia Mi·, :Parl}y':&J!IJ.Igt<A.f::~; nnd it ia duJlF' eno.ugh.u;'r, :,ill ev~tts, nm· C\)ul<l ;Uly\.hing·m{\11A ~1~d!:d·~on ~~e $:1ll:lj11:ct be .s.:U(!;bv- the most ad:vit~cfiil 11nAt;t.~'l).; miu!stci:. :in, ;~9:1f!lllii,, .. H~ i>ti;Js;. 'In mo~!;:lm· · worship ·!£ used fur G:u(l only,' This :1,;; one' s~;·t,tettlC:llt; ~d·. t;)l(!rf; • . . . . '~ast· majnrity ~f in;;tance& tlt~J!tatln~;~t thl' lt;~tidCa; ofow:nii]_gChrist.a~Gl)ll,;, . 'J.'!J:i~ thf.!ue;:~ stjl;t.;<n:~·~~tt.; and i'tJ.rthet·,.' tt-fit\>iilil.l~ tb~ setliu- <I.~ ll: cnuttern1.l pomt ~o to u,se tn,e,.itiir•l ~Qw." This :i~; She •. tJlii~; ~«.. ~sErqlmi>tly:, as; :wor:iltilf· Is ~m· Gtu:l ~Y; }tild: in t1f~ vnst mll-JOl'lty.of c.~~. t,Itcymu:] n~t ''tlm lea~>~ ii:!J;.a o+ . . <(;hn~,; m; (t{J•l, c:!ll'I:tt did .n:QJ;c,ge~ ''o11Sh,ip l),f$ '• . y hqn~nge~. ~-r,l· . JW,\·wfL'l. quite ~'igh~ ir+: :P11;ttlt:l&'· !n. ~i> ~ih . . liDl_ge and n.).t; woiisliip:-fW ;it;. ~ifie~ tile ~>enEe m a mMerml. Vl.nnt·t-o me. the word !lOW} ·. Frqm heil~lVt~h)~~ ntiU.e :(tf ~fr. Ptu:by'tJ' fnllt~we~ tell t1s th~t 1 thgS.~, lj,~e pnly dlffer~:nt -:~.-or(Js. {I) e.h,P!,'eSli th~:~ · · · · • · ·-·~-~ < th,e ~up le Wi!.N riot

~f!.·:==~~~~~~~&~ :Unitt1riim n1iniste~ woiild ~3!> <Let ussbillte hlllld~ bro 1 ~ ¥t!t meat~~

\.~$"f~~l~i·f. ..... ~:~Q= ooit!o.tthe~~h

·:~~: scype pr!m;trr f£~f1~~::r ' :ibund .. .. ·, cve1~l .... elalilis:ofClni~t:tmrLord,. ®ci n· snaki#,g of ~e v~ f(}und,~t.inns, .•. ii b-ll~ . o~e :l~wet t.f> ~h~e:

.ft1\0iitlom;, .. ':f.h,e 9l~S~ii,.~iu:e# sttle4 Hitn :Emmnnucl~yd · · : ,7ffi!:~.:i.); The !;)ne.'lid'.\os'"''¥~ lt~v~ h~n ~;na ofq!c\ . . .. · .. · . . • • ~,l:;il'. v. 2-j_; • 'm\e·~dm;aOfGOcl:' ·PI':!)v. ~h: J;h.?'~n:tn-w}1o~ d;e:nittt~!i'·

-~:~~~iJil\::1~: ·.· ¥ cousJf~n~~;J:ii~W~Pt~~s.~~ Thrael these w.ere; .. . . !~Ild 1\'hO[:Vlll'

. ~h~ fc#., Jt~ .w~, J:eh · · · · · . €::Nazareth. · ·


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of view to use the word' in reference to the Lord J csus throughout the N cw Testament!

There are fifteen cases mentioned in which worship is used, both in the authorised version, ann in DeH.n Alford's new version. In all these cases, except one (He b. i. 6), l\Ir. Darby has 'homage' in his 'new Translatio7L.' Even that one is excluded in the French version of Mr. Darby; and it would be;no dou:bt,in nc.;:ord:mce with the m11rked dil!tiuctionlWl:de ~tween V:or.~ltip anf]. lmm.agc to l·now why Heh.i. 6 should be. t-ranslated in Engli,~lt, •Let; il!Lt;he angelS (if GQtt worsltip Jiimr' and m Fn:rici!, 'Give hii;l ( Lni .. _ telukttt lmrtutge ). _ :[f tltis •be tight in Fft!t~clt, tl:)en in the ' . ._ .. iwcording to his own ~imwing, it m\r;,t be. 'tli!Sfi!!dc! • .!_gain, why doe'\'. Jli[r~ D. not ·~low the cap1tal letters to rematn as: before. :to the names of nu:r Lord nnd rif th;a !'Inly Ghost·?- '.:['he~e woril% in tlle . conu:nou Freui:h vcl,'$or; begin ~it:1t ca~W!.ll~tJ:eri• b?tl\Ir:.J?~wb~esp1Jngl!s thr'<i!\f!i:ttt_ls P;~tJ:P~~ $1li~U lett~ mstead. Thvs m hls -verstap ,m1lWeu,;\ LPr~'l$ prm.J;ed w;~lr·~ l:!tn!ll~ s-, ~d:sartit e,tprit, H<ily Ghost; widt a smMI s. All .this obseeye, is d.on:e ~(!oily: nn~ jl:Clll.:l~ let \l» now reckon _ ttp th~ fiftiJeY~ cases (If ·

Ciir.i:it~ (F) . ___ . .. . m#le 1nenof tJte· EilSt,. gui(led)l-Y tl.i~ :&.t\lr . _ .. -_ · 'eiilnrun, wa$ it ro~ely a gt~it Kiilg only d1'!t:~ t:li!!,"i!; eN~tertl iv:i,Se' ¥!!!:It ~n1.tglit. tf> wQreliip; Ol' the M:essil!h J{ing of k~el? {Matt. it;) {2.). Aiiil "''Jhen.:He~ • Jl1'0P(}s~ ... to "'" __ ._f!I'Ship him; was: it_. not;. 1Uld~ yn~~en~ 9f doi.ilg,whu..t: the ~Iagi ~hd? (Mat:t.<·n,) ($,) 'l'he next case af worslitp ~~ that of tlJ,:e lePer> wh0se eud®-ce. i~ M* ilU.flit:ien~· to._c~,mclude one W'>it or !'h-~. o~her- ~ ·fu- hls b~­Tie\ing _J'esus.t'o. b. e ~lie 1\'(e~:ili (_Ala;;it. t. vii.i, 2_ )~ ("lf;) )~ift .. _ •T.aiLfis ti!.te~_ •... <m. the . sv1Ingogu.e certainly beheved 'Hurdo ~·like Mesmiih w~en be w~lli,~ (t11~.·iT!!'w:s l.i(ling so Qjlposed to worship a;ny :w'h(r:wag, not 11;$. God). nnd said: hi!;.

·1~:1:.t~."'t:)f!~~;::n;r:r:ra:h~,/i~~thu.r~~tJ~~~lt'~ie~:~~-eipies !llld $llll~ him the evidence (zyfnl'k vc 4());. (54f And 'W:h~: 'the c;l;isilip\~ ;;;aw hjm ·wulkin~ 011 the sea~ f1,e ()he- tha.t.ha<t pow-er ove-r ~e waves·:thorei)J';. flid they not W<it!!hipht~? (M)t:t;t- ~it'. ~$~) (lS~) A;;nct tlte "$ytoph;enici.'t!I 'W<!I1i!i# '"';9- 1i'lu~ not • worsltip' Jiim as- tile ~'$WI wb,$ £he 'S#-1~. ,, 'I,'tnth, ~l'd! . .. iinit\ir the tJi!:iJe ent of ~l~ *rnmh~" et!!• i un.d ~~;;~tld,·'•:O

faith;" eh~. (M'i!.tt. X:Vo.· . .. d. tlieh.oly 'Yoliien'wlii> held., ._. _ta~Hisresnrreeuon . .. __ f11!ilH1m1 milthey:J¥lt

. . . t~h~:::(;~~;} ~ua.::tl~:·*t~an:,l~~~; ~"3 ... · .. "'-J'esus, thou Son of· the m6$t liig~ (lod* i(rid WQJ:'I!llippel:l-: hi:p;t.'' (li;Wj;: :v; 1?. 7,) di\1 he l)r did he Mt in so :1aying look o11 I:tlm a;i co•eqliai · · d, it:iid give inn ;fewi~h *ni!e .:t}itdlonoiir ~hat' b.~I(lnged to G'qcl? _.. _. ... -~ · · ·eitl;k.U, Ffi!e sense it wottl€1 be:· ~ f-oreign. tri tb;e ~ons to-. ~'r!! the-L.o.r~ _ . ti$ :W(Irship, bttt tl~ey g>lve: HJtn wiiat, He gcts·frpm them ff$' GQ!i·in gl~~

(l •.. ud lvhen the .disciples rreeth~: Lord g~ (lway inmliJ3~veu.,4o.Jht'fyiiP~ wm~ip• him•? (l:.nke x~iv. 52.) (t:L) Arid ·wuen the mother of Z~bed~e's cl!i:l!i~h (!Omei! tll o,i;kth~:t he!! s<in~ :m.n.y Sit on~· {In his: and !!:he:o_th~ (},n ,hi$' le:f~ in ;ltis ;jdl}g<lom, (Hd )lhe n:t~t wni';s'liip _ _ ·tt;. ~~) (l~·) whim. Jesl,l!; a$ed thti m!l.n l,IJi.n'q; :&\:\:iil:: ·· bea!~d; 'Pllst; Abou belr~ve· on the' SQn•. of God ?, • :, And_ . pj!li~vi,!• _o\nd he_ WO!$h~pped !J,im~' (;T~hn: :ix. !IS~) _ Diu i,'his mm., bell~~ .the

:.r~~s(~fl)~l£\~1~~ffllj~:~i wJj~~:,;!ill~~~l~H~t>~gk~.' . t~! ·eldel'!r on .thrones f:tJl down &nd worsh1p the hml:k _ . • · r,by ~ "'teysi!;Jn, ·tbey.ffiV;(! him hnu~. {Rev •. v/1.4.) {lit) >'f.P.e•snld1ers. w-, · e ~ee

~~;~~~~~r!;££r~~'?tt;:.~3~-.~~!~~J:(r::~;?~~~~P~Wf~~-· thee~' (Ps. xxii; 27.) ..

We scarcely reckoned on being obliged to prove this doctrine to evangelical peopl~!. .Bl!there are all the instances that occur in the Ne\v Testament~ and

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DAlliW!Sf -~:NP ITS NEW :BtBl.E:.

~ nste;Id qf '· t.he \'r;.;t m:tiori:ty ofnersons wlm.had ·not die least itl.:a of own in!r Hi.m as (,=iod; there i~ nnlY cme :i:Qliti~': cnse in w-hich th.;: evidence is not _,nffidt'n'· ta pro>'e tl1e 'mJ.e Yi'i\y m· tire ~t1ter-:-id1 th.::c rest cither W1!rshipped U im ''~ the ¥essil1h, G·od with u.s Emmanuel'-.nnd did i ~ in sincerity, or- else .pretended in Inocket:Y tc. t....;:ve what they Imew belon.,ed m the tru!'l ]rf.;:;;;il1th. In mos:t ;;asl'~s it. was both ;;,;orship Mid \idqration; bur m iio- e~tse W!\S it hom11ge mtl~-, to the exclusion of worship, exe~pt possfi11y in the OM :i1re:t!-1y ment.ianorl, nml exoa that i:;; ~libtful. Stu~h is. c1ca.rly tM:~aching Qf &rip!ure, :u1d it is rem:~.rk­able t1Jftt tht?; grertt\isi: number of wot':>hipper.s !lfipr, in f:lt. 1\Ia.ttlu.>\v'.'> Gvepel; this· E\'angelist'. being lillreful t.~• present the :i\I~sl!'ianlc claims of Jesu;; before :Israel; as is usnid wit~ him. · · ·

A1id now·-we b:n·e to c.D:U: attt>_rttion to th~ fqUowin;.;; fu.d,~ : When 'pt;t;;;ans iittempte,d to wou;hip Pete!."' (At;t\i-x, ~~H linrlthe ang~l (Re~·.:=. $, £!_), -th~y at,unc~ forbadE) tl!~rn: that is, whep: they did w Peier: and theangdwhttt ti1ey did to J'esus, P~t~r an(i' :the, ro:~g~ a~ .once 'tef'we. Why? . Bcc.mtse th<;:y weie )1nt •.as-God~-an,dthe,~t~ sin kmJwn to !#e. 01d Tt1$taine.nt wn$ the worship of tl;e creature. . BiiP ·fe:&ust who C!:U}ll!S to fulfil t~ law, ileC,~it'es yrori>bip !Ul(l i(ceept;i it; @d llC·Vi!!' refu!, jtlthQt1gh 'nt the \'liSt lltll,im>it_tcf instances of I7~0,~s. C\imitig to 'him they lin.4'no~ t_he l~!i:Jt idea' 9f owning ~'~d;c · {'Mli;D.) H1hyc t1n earth~ t!JSln. iS out• L11t·d d~rtili t.!f e.n'eour11ging p>:qple. t-ct·committbegreatestsin Jtr;o1M to:theL<tw)'. •o n~Ji' say;;1Y1t', D:ll'hJ:,-·th~y only g!l<ve him homag~ lllld:notc WQ!;'&hipt" Very well; th\in, ~· t}i!\t case- tll~'iii!l' ,who thll(!GWn b~fol-"e J?.at.~, ~UTd befor~ 't}u~ ,~e~ :~~ worahip the% tliqnghec the~ wort~y &f adtiraJioiJ, w.hiist thp!;e whf,) CU!il,e-;tnd fell dowrt bc.'ib~ .Iesns. did 1;lotthllik Bin,: '''9l1ihy''of wo1t5hip; !lntl only gnve J'linF[mmn-~ wl;Ui!{!H~ a~tej:l ! . DQ~ 1\fi!. D:tiby belleve this? and tlc• fin\' -of hi$ followen believ-e it!' . ··· H~'-e; then; are twr> hilnu;, o.f: th.ay iiay cb.ooaeotJ1~ o_l'lf! <lll' '(\l;;e other. , B:nt th!5J;at~ ;i:lh~t l1P to ~ither,~UT~l thetii\1$-ltQ escape, Tl•li 'lati.gttlig~ hf·:iiJ th~ C$el;'!t$' ili~:s~~,- Th~ wgrds of the hrigitml ~e ttie :;ame. . .. ·· . ·

l:,\U!}R' !U:l! t\e COUlt'it.d~~fi(jij$;in #hfuh the spirit of I'il!~i(iniil~"mJl1nU$tUyS(!

-~~0il'=~;~lrilt;!tf:o~~~~~il~ta::~~!n~~1o0r~~1i!i•·~~ fol,ln&uans of tlie fmh ita~If. . .·· . . · · ·

~~t~7etlt;;~t;0!!$th~~~:l,t~:Jfd~:~h~.~~~tt~!!~t ~he.. . .. ·. fotst~:: -Si:i:uJs;.' :l:fi> d!lu!)t ·T;im I~Gul~ mll$li c~rtilitily l!e rerr simple tthicc~p~ :the ~~· plana~QJ:t gi'V(in, . .• . • . ... . . • . . . . . . . · . . ··

And we s~pi:Jse .tlmt it is !llsa. • fur i>]~plesou1~S' :tp~t ll~g!v:es nn~;;pln.nJ#ioil· <~fthe Qi,'igitl'l!lw<»:ds il!. the ~no~~ Ol\ )!at;t.i\•·, 10, whe~ wf:- !lncl:the f9)luwi~;:r ~~trlW~~iiry~ll.tualiop '!,f~~, G:i;~~k w~ f,~i,r~wf):rsJtip(pro.~~a;) . · Pn t~is woJ;(i ~fr. )4. ·Sll;Y~i < '.f:he I~'X X vtt;ry" · worcb$' use.(! rrltke for. u~en, ®d. i.f)r HQ<!; see, 1 Chr.(,m~·:t.~i. 20' r ant;l is• ~lw~ys :m· iu:t ofpersonnl re\;et-enlle lll1d homuge: \Vhil::t; in nilfdern . . . is<l 'ltQr~Jiip # b1trt:u1]. 'l'he itell.r~inippr~h to•th~ in the ·. ~*ktmco i~ in J~hJl iv.- 2.~, ~'',

. . . . . . this;, the . eU~;ts througho~t :the New 'l~~st.~ut lwer•word to show that theLolid only got homt~J,!C and ·not

• . • . . . .. ' . . . . lilgl!(~r wor« (ltr!~Jtltti){s in.~\i~ti lV• ·23 .· . ius . . . .. '\\S j;he WOJ:d goes,:nn ~'X~tlnni!l, U>!~ . o:t• tt m

}Jl~;~~;;:;la~~=j~t:i:~tt~:~!c:d}~::;vf.;;>the•#!ltlt .~h$· thts· ~pi!ll):ntion; . . O~<:<n::l'Se eYe'7;y iine t;mQ.W;i ~~it<;tlte wo~ fur. trar~liiP; w~et:be~:in: G+~fik o~in. ~ngheh 1~ 1 use;(Liilik.e fur tn.en !trtd ~ir Goit• .. '\Ylleu ·tot llien ~~<·:.lll:~'ltls hun:l~ge :uttl hon!)~ i whe11 for God,. adro:itfu'~' 'll~tt the w9.1:d homage is nev!tr ~~P, tbr >V<Jr~M.p ~.,the. ,¥ec~~ or !l,do~flion; mirimi',·llnn<}~l' e;nTy1 wh<m gise_nto ··¥Ii~

Nowct rf then:®.l!er ta};:e;ntp a. ' cyuden~s Com;or(iffll!!~' !IDd Jr;pks ;:tt rb.e>Vtlr.d, '!L'?l'~'l!f)~; Md. theti ~.t$ sol)l~. fu~~.di+h~ has !l Gt't!ek ·Hii:ile(if )Je.lili\'1 U.Qi\ ~ne mmselt)l~ 1rill'ifu(l thatdiis word f~'il{llr$Ufp;(.proslnmRP) <t~.e~ itpw:h·ds of

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fifty-six iilllcs in the OlJ Testament. It is the highest word used in the whole of the, Greek Bible for worship, as the following instances will pro re :-(1) ·For tiWll shalt >'·on;hip (pto~lwJ~tJ.tele) .no othex (k•d,' (l~x- x_;>;:xiv. 14 . .) (:!) 'Thou ~b1lt r;q~ bcm· dt>wtt :th;ts•ilt' to t.hmn (.prti!i:imm:,,y;L~) uo· sqn·H thw:n (lt::fren;;r;L;)/ (E~ .. ;. x:x ... 3 .• ) (:}} ~rrha=u ·n~1t? het\~ (h;!:~r.n (Jn:q .... ·krru.~s"Js) lP thC-1:~ (~od.:;~ ~1or ser,·:e (la.lri}!!se.l.)!) tl1etn/ {.l~h;. X·KH~~ 24-~) ·(~) i --~:,ni:~ .this ~.:;;1.11 )n:~u·,r np ollt of hi.• e.ity yearly to w{wshjp (pro.slm:win) aml io sncrilice to die Lord of HuH:J ih Shiioh," (l Silru.i. !).) {ti) ''furn again: with, me t!mti may v.-n;r.;irip (pwqNfiwu;8<7) the Lm:d,' (1 Sm:n, xi:; 2-,7.) (6) 'Al<ldia thy fuar will I '''nrshlp f pm-~aullc:m) tnwm·d thy holy- r~m]!I.:t' (1?;;. t\ 'i'-) (7) ''\:Vutschip (:pm,sl:rmtt$ufe) tl:u= Lv1~d in th\0! b(~lluty of' lwlines:>/ (P~- x:x:ix. :!.) · Theserei~2l'eiwcs nrestill:i~ <tien.t tr> sllrnv t!w.~ hi~t<m~l <•f rbt: L.X:X mt:rely using t;he.wQrd to expres$ ~:1!1 but always an net of personal reverence mul homage;' ns Mr. Darby affirms, it is used to express the act of worship nlways in the highest .sense.

On the other hand, lutreno or lrzl1•eia never used in the . Greek Scriptures for personal adoration. They signify to serve, and ?'eligious se1-viee-whether in connection with a ritual or for self-dedication. The word appears twice )!\ ~11~-lll!IJ>e <j,lUltirticms il~· ~ll.ti sense ufrellg,j.Ot:!l s~\li.c;~, @!o hl. tlt~{uU,:ri~lpg~·· .

(1} ~ x~ $hrill ~~e~v-e, G(ld iu t-lii£ ll~\lljll;~~ii~t,' lat'(liU.VtJ{i.< (:El~-:ij~. r::q . (2) ~)~e-~l,utU keep this ser¥ice/ l~rttii~, 'Ciz, t1H~ Pa.ssov!.'l7., -(E:t.o xi.L. !:!.:1:,~ (3) ''I!o rlo the ser;,c.e of the tRb~t'tlaole. uf the:>L!it!l,, n:nd to ;>t:md Ln;tbre

tJ:le et.mgt'egMi~>!l to mir~~t;i' unt(t- p~em ' lufrueiu; (Nut.ii. :tY> 9~} (;!) • We ll!).v,e .fl·.!l• n:l,tru• \vh~f!f t:liey h.u~Ei 119- rigM t~ et>t.whO: setre.t}l~

·:. •taberu:\cle-1' llci latre?C<ntle~. (Llel.t .. ,:d~i. to,} . · .· · · · · · . · · (i:\) •'fu~ '<VGr$fppe:J:S (to!U'.l."J:treumdt1s) Once ptruged .:Sn(ltUtl haveJiAd,. 'Ill}

,mi'Jr<l coniici!lll®<of sin. (H!lb.. x-, ~.) He~•e the word. :is th~ 1\S Ws:h tmt.l<m~~·~r W~t1'.>-hijiJifil's'thnii!\i w~~ pi,ltfu.rU~,ctl ~:e~ioll&i>~e in-Ut~ltti~ of -God.·· .lirvM hi l;h,ii. m, ;!, th.e .)vpJd dp~-l)i.l~ melt!li\i91fshipin the.~$i!: of personal .. adoration, but in the sense of self-dedication, as indeed the .Apostle himself explains in the succeeding verses.

The difference between the two words p1·oskuneo nnd laireuo s'eems to be t1ii$ ~~1!-lln.~ w hi.c)l ij di.>~e pe_17t>fill,l\lly :ut,d ~u~no~ b~· -d~>n~ vic~datiSlY:;: ~the per.5ou!ll ni:lm.-ation of nn v~ie!!t~ ii> ~ndt:;red,hythe li.i114 jir~s~Wti:t4;. ~!;$ d~~<ira~ :tio:n ~lguif;'i~ pt'qSpmtton hd'(fte that object; Jlu:t t-h:J.t .whic,h belo~~dti;J, 'th:e

.. • liatviqe. (}fti!e s,an~tuary,nnll the lituld ~;~f tJ1e old:l~JV'i a_n([ iii'.Ciltris"': $df;.\l~.:Ji~tionJtnd $Crr:ii:e oft4'¥.l-reris-l.'§i.dt:~t~llj'y--die' l!econ.ii

. . .. Tli,~()Ji.e:n:.feit:el,rt~wh:it.>v11S-Mne ·. · ·· · · ·· · · e~ ~di eo'uld nm;be>.i;ransfi!rred t<~- another or done, · , t,M~bY~ a~l)()11~pntiie~ hy 4e:vo~i<:>u4£ the !r®r~F ~ence it ·'1115. perso':::ll: ·· _•i;Ms gn..:e ~ :t~~n dt~ lfhn,tm~t . •OJ:iflCtlUt!l\tlY;: tt, ·.·.t.S. tiie word; ua~. t!hv. · .. · . . ; 'i'he: . . . . . 3W [.hi::, !:itln~l of~e!>t'ltttrliul!lj·nfo1p1 ~~; tli<l .. ·. . eut <>t' the . <:eremonluJ:. ia .Chrlsnnn,tv . to ilie seit:;tiedi<~Uiiilll .' ~<pir}tual senic~ o( rthe Ghristirrn •.. Both -wo;:d; u{nv es-oocl~ii:i. h . . . ' :oo tli~ ''it;ili.ty . qf religion. lmt; they do lll)t lllal\ll t'he ~:LU:e tliXn:~· . . . P~J:t fi~tiiP. tlie l~efe.r~'ipes; ,and: the c~I~~simi i;,. thiit ~ii~h: ~~~-si -~ v(i1j' tipJIH~te gf wlJ$. :1\fr. J!)ar:hj: n,$t1n$ •. So 'fiu: ~;m ilf'tr~ti(.i•. the lll'"liesti.kind of Wllt<iliip iu .the • moogi.'ll EngtiS}t sense' i _ · w. a~ ;~:11~ ~{;ept i!y implic~tiun- ;'.U~tl so A}i,l.' fi~l~m fJ'rf1;,-lmmw ' .. . .:l'lwajstJeir~~:mal tev~nmce mu'l ]lun1M!~i' -it,i_s. th,•}"i';oritftlway<; u..«e· tlif: :very 4i*h~t Jcrn(l,_tifwws1lip tlitit ~· be gi:t-~ktu ~ 1t.~4· . . · · . . .·

We ~ee. alJi.s ! how ens;v :i~ . is . ti:l give prO!llill!;'i:!ee to .a. f~»'-. ~~i:~®t~ _:tn;tfu;, •and let go the i<Guntiations of CJwjstiiu.tity at- t.h~ · · ·· .. c;!i4:·

. . · · ~o_n»entrn Aui~rahle aud;pitiu.ble-h~lmsl!iti that.

\y~1~nk;,l1!)w, ~~;~~pl~"~Di~i~n.t ~iayi. ~~"~i~= ~ . dl.ctwl) ol •the 3.U1llQt!Sef;i 'i'!,ll:Slf)Jl :Jias bee!l ln mnny plll!lfS -~ . ·~r,i. a.!to:J;$h and '11111:611!11 !. • .. . foi ~~ i .nnd . tl}':it cif t;htr ~~t~~k v~rb, .~ hu1nt1J "'lFrdsd, -~;:veu in• ~~ge( 1th~~ ifF~V:~-

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:most.impo:rmn.t that str~s slwuld be lnid upnn it; and (3) tb~'l.t illlerpi·etations l"l!ith~:r tlnm translations ban~ be;;n given •. <mln. of >'Jt,;d pa5s,•ges, <lntl supported bjr .the aid of!hlse r,f!m:letings of Scripmre and by fals€ renstmi!).g.

T!ia:e findings «s hnd a.~ any t:U!l.t hav(; been n<Jticed, but there is UQ .I!~d ofov;;~:t..';, r;:;:;dU!.' wil:h mol'~;:eJltq tor :if.hh attentio-n hw; lioon &U$t:llned in perusin;r the provfs now put l',ldbte .him, he will.llt) <:n!l.ble(l ih:~m 1;be eYidenl!<! t<l estimMe h•rw fkr.Dm:byism and its nff\V Bible are likely ~ adv~:~J,tce the tJ:1l?'!r k:no,w:ladge pfrenl Cl:nistii!cnity. . . .

Tlle .. Lm:d fl'qlher lii;;_peop1e. f'rom the perils <J:f:the;;e lilSt days, i."' which ligb:t ·is so often mingled with much t1utf;Js ilirrkn~ssitseli, ·

.~ ~tftr ~ntn~rthttimx .of filgrimtn ~r~grt!&rs. BY G. ROGERS.-(Concluded.)


T... RE.· • 6-ic~:;n:. j~d. ~~cl J .... ed...... im.· . m~?:d.iately.~•. ~~ con .... ntrr. o. f Beulili. Come

.· ... · :when It. may, a.aountrys:o ll. omes an almost: n-ve ~sir with al!jJ:iat b.aspr.e~de~;lit:; . . ... an.~~~9Jile pi!~~· Pilgrim's toU has. no

~li4:,SE¥-f•~~·;;·= .. ~ l'iii~a:k ~t:W:~$l-l;IL · Ttis a trantition sm:t.e be..>weenfaitb m<isifrht. betw~~ ~ ·· ·· · · · · · < S~41J¥S1~~~~~ ~ ~own~~Q~antfJ .....• · ·· e. hea\'en. It:! tbislim\1. e. Ccleatiril Chty~:a;r .be·

::;·;~t!;~~t!n~~;r~~· .. ~e Ort•· .ewer:.~!~~~!l11f{}~J~i wriras o:f!~. l?~lion, in :n~ l#t qayS'r 'will: ha-ve .:1,. reilpo:use:tu the heri 9t s~me :-•;When 1 forpteply r-~d 1~un;Y:tn' . · nf'the land of BeuWJI, wjt~et~ sun e1:li:nes ~mLthe bfrda sing day .. ill!~ to Joul>t'":lil}tlje:t t:Jtere was s¥P:h a p!al.}e-: l:iut n(.}w my Qmi expe 1!.8: cql'rv~c~· m;.: f!f·~~ Bii.!l:ikinnnitilly w.mlli:!~d$ .l!llttiy pr~vious tlo,r;cepti~ns;'' Suel:t .instan;;:eil, it :IS to 1le. £~arei;l, ar.e more ~te now tjlim fo.t~1y~ ... W~tP. :the 1~~ of· Bll11Jlm'~ P"lig_cim .... •·w.e have lof!t ·th··· e ex~. :e:nre· ofh~ 4~t~ ·. ~ ... ~;t~ hillS ...... · _at:e. u. ~o~~~pii .• n· re ... ~ ~y u~~P n:nd .,zrea:c vtcmr1es fhl!ow sev:e:re·em:ttlu~t$.. ·• 'H>3 thntrwwe~n . . . • . eaP ll.~O: ;;pru•iri~ly; rutd lt~ w!ileh $OW:eth b!iluntifuJ:ly sh~l •re>4.)

~·~m1·~:~t~i:1:~~-l!i · · · · · · .. ·.· l ~ic!4J,Iopefut nl;;tl had i1.:llt or.r;w() .. "-f

the>S!Ul:te . . .. 4lil£~ :i!) their sleep; ii,nr1 ~of;:~ ~rfJm;ving 4.a-tl. ~h(!c:!lttll,li! ~!l~<?rts ~d :plell$\l!;e& m ·till.ecW~y. Is till$ the $S;p~ritWeeA•ftiii.~

F~~;;~~- ~····· .~~~~1! beyhrie.ti{tnin tll!C,:t:ctd:~tl3evl~ ~md s~me ~the.-un.e:be"t!opi:!Min .... Wi,\ "iitrtl* cit.'~\l~pSt,.'mOO# ail({;:ing pre~..~e,ly ~J,e snme ex;perien.;:~il> at. • .. ·.·.·. •·~ t~m.r.. how iU!pJ'9'1jahle it Wt?:Ul(iii,le~, aq.(l how im1.po!;~ib!eithn:t·!'~ey~u1d'lmve .. . . . . . . .. . . ..... 36
