Page 1: Winter Edition BC & Yukon Knight

Let me start this year by wishing you and your family a Happy and Prosperous New Year. It’s a new year for everyone except Knights as we are half way through our fraternal

year. What have we achieved in the last six months? Are we half way to reaching the goals we set in July 2009? At the District Deputies meeting in December I mentioned that “I love the mid-year meeting!” The mid way mark is the time to assess, see what we have achieved (or not), take action where required and to do what is needed to reach our goals. Did something get in our way? If so, don’t despair! Think positive as we have six more months to the end of our fraternal year. Is your glass half full at this juncture? If not, there is still time to catch up. During our September regional seminar we showed you the power of attitude. Your attitude is 90% of what it takes to be successful. If you believe this, you’re on the way to success.

Our State membership goal for 2009-2010 is to recruit 560 new members. At the end of six months, we recruited 251 prospects and attained 44.82% of our goal. We are so close to where we should be which is at 50%. The good news is we were always slow in starting our membership drives as most council took off

completely in July and August. If not for this lull period, we would have gone over the half way mark. Is your council on track to make Star Council award? Your success will depend on whether you are keeping score.

This year’s focus is on getting men between the ages of 18 and 35 to become Knights. In order to do this, we must look at ways and programs that will attract them to us. The first thing we need to do is to find ways to draw them to join us. We need to get our younger generations involved.

I hope you like the changes we made in our newsletters. Sharing ideas and programs that other councils in our jurisdiction are implementing may appeal to your own council. On the other hand, if you have any novel ideas or thoughts, let’s hear them. Contact our Editor, Brother Mark Pan. I know that with good programs we will be able to increase our membership with quality members. Our councils are made up of people – men who joined us to do something productive and to help build the Kingdom of God. Let’s continue to give them and ourselves that opportunity.

Vivat Jesus,Michael YeoState Deputy

Page 2: Winter Edition BC & Yukon Knight

Chapter 1 continued: #8 to 15

In #8 to 15 the Holy Father enumerates some of the events of the Great Jubilee in which he either took part or was a witness:

•#8 – The many pilgrims to Rome – “as a kind of concrete image of the pilgrim Church…”

Do you see yourself as a witness to Christ in following the life of the Gospel?

•#9 – Young people – “the young have shown themselves to be for Rome and for the Church a special gift of the Spirit of God.”

Do you see the young Catholic men as possible members of the Knights of Columbus and do you encourage them to consider becoming a Knight?

•#10 – The variety of the pilgrims – “the first great gathering dedicated to children,” “the gathering of workers.” “the Jubilee of Families,” “meeting with the prisoners,” “the meeting with the world of entertainment.”

Do you value the special talents as gifts of God to be used in serving others?

•#11 – The International Eucharistic Congress – “The year was intended …. to be ‘intensely Eucharistic’.”

Do you have a special devotion to the Blessed Sacrament?

•#12 – The ecumenical dimension – “What occasion could be more suitable for encouraging progress on the path towards full communion than the shared celebration of the birth of Christ?”

Does your life – at home, in the workplace and in company of other people – witness to your belief in Jesus – to love as Jesus loves?

•#13 – Pilgrimage to the Holy Land – “My pilgrimage was a moment of brotherhood and peace, and I like to remember it as one of the most beautiful gifts of the whole Jubilee event.”

Do you give any time to reading and reflecting on the words of the Scriptures?

•#14 – International debt – “A gesture of generosity towards these (poor) countries was in the very spirit of the Jubilee…”

Do you actively take part in events that witness to the need for justice in society?

•#15 – New energies – “if we ask what is the core of the great legacy it leaves us, I would not hesitate to describe it as the contemplation of the face of Christ…”

If you came face to face with Jesus, could you say ‘Yes’ when He invites you to follow him?

Chaplain’s Report – The KOC Plan: Session three

From the Office of the State Advocate & State Membership Director

Dear Bro. Knights,

Firstly, I would like to extend to you a warm greetings of peace and joy. May your New Year be filled with love and prosperity.

Secondly, I would like to let you know that Supreme has launched another competition called “ Membership Madness” which will kick off on January 4, 2010. Now is the time to dust off your game book and gather back your team. Encourage monthly first degrees, use multiple recruiting methods and leave no recruiting tools in your play book unused. Please constantly visit the Supreme website for updates and details.

Thirdly, I would like to remind all councils that February 18, 2010 is the deadline for the submission of resolutions for consideration by the BC & Yukon State Council at its Annual Meeting this coming April.

Prior to submitting resolutions for consideration, subordinate councils must first approve the resolution by vote at a council meeting. A covering letter specifying the date of the council meeting at which the resolution was ratified, and the name of the mover and seconder, is to accompany the resolution.

For details and guidelines on the preparation and presentation of resolutions, please visit our website; Go to Forms & Publications and then click Resolutions.

If you have any question or need some help, please feel free to contact me.

Vivat Jesus!

Arcie J. Lim, State Advocate

State Membership Director

British Columbia & Yukon State Council

Rome Recognizes Service of Knights of Columbus

Awards Carl Anderson With the Lupa Capitolina

ROME, OCT. 27, 2009 The leader of the U.S.-based Knights of Columbus will be honored by the city of Rome with its Lupa Capitolina award.

Mayor Gianni Alemanno will be on hand Wednesday to present Supreme Knight Carl Anderson with the civic award, which recognizes nearly 90 years of service by the Knights of Columbus in Rome.

In a press statement published ahead of the ceremony, Anderson said he was honored to receive the award on behalf of the Knights of Columbus: “As both the Eternal City and the center of the Catholic Church, Rome has a special place in the hearts of the Knights of Columbus, and we look forward to another 90 years of service in this great city.”

In 1920, Pope Benedict XV invited the Knights of Columbus to undertake charitable initiatives in Rome. The Knights began with opening sports facilities for youth, four of which are still running today.

The Knights have undertaken many other projects including restoration projects, paying the cost of satellite uplink for major world satellite telecasts, and sponsoring academic conferences and concerts.

Appointments & Other Noteworthy announcements

The World Series of Membership has ended. The big hitters stepped up to the plate and recruited

members right up to the final day. The winners of each league are as follows: Texas, Connecticut, Louisiana, British Columbia, Poland and Dominican Republic.

Each playoff “game” was based on two weeks of a percentage of intake. British Columbia finished with 6.96% versus Mississippi 1.40%. We trounced them! The overall winner will receive $1,000 and Order-ide bragging rights.

We did it! We have won first place in the Patriotism League of the World Series of

Membership. The only Canadian team to do so and we are proud to keep

our national flag flying. I want to thank each one of you who have worked hard to make this success possible.

However, please do not rest on your laurels as another challenge

has been presented by Supreme Office and was announced

yesterday. Please continue to work closely with your councils and help them

win those attractive prizes. They can do it!

Knights of The Month for BC & Yukon State Council

November: Brother Gernot J. Max Patzellt from Christ The King Council 5148, Kitimat BC.

December: Brother Frank Pavan from Archbishop Duke, Council 6855 Richmond BC.

Page 3: Winter Edition BC & Yukon Knight

The Knights Moral Compass


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FamilyLife Issues









yThe Knights Moral Compass - Food For Families

The Knights of columbus kicked-off the

Food For Families drive with a tremendous show of support by the DD’s at the recent District Deputies meeting at the Sheraton Guildford.

Over the course of just one weekend, 4 large bins were filled up by the DD’s and the recipient of the donation, the Surrey Food Bank was extremely pleased with the donation. Food for Families is a BC-Yukon wide initiative spearheaded by brother Tony Pimentel of Archbishop Duke Council of Richmond. Of special interest to council’s everywhere is Supreme’s promise of contributing a share of a $1 million fund that the

Supreme Council has set aside to restock food banks. All that’s required is that a jurisdiction reaches a 25% participation goal.

Councils are asked to rally their memberships in support of this worthy cause that truly exemplifies the KOC’s first principle...that of Charity.


Lord, I just want to say THANK YOU, because this morning I woke up and knew where my children were. Because this morning my home was still standing, because this morning I am not crying because my husband, my child, my brother or sister needs to be buried out from underneath a pile of concrete, because this morning I was able to drink a glass of water, because this morning I was able to turn on the light, because this morning I was able to take a shower, because this morning I was not planning a funeral, but most of all I thank you this morning because I still have life and a voice to cry out for the people of Haiti. Lord I cry out to you, the one that makes the

impossible, possible, the one that turns darkness in to light, I cry out that you give those mothers

strength, that you give them peace that surpasses all understanding, that you may open the streets so that help can come, that you may provide doctors, nurses, food, water, and all that they need in a blink of an eye. For all those that have lost family members, give them peace, give them hope, give them courage to continue to go on! Protect the children and

shield them with your power. I pray all this in the name of Jesus!!! To all my friends please continue to forward this so that we can pray together for the people in Haiti. We here are truly blessed!!!!!

A Special Prayer ... For Haiti

Page 4: Winter Edition BC & Yukon Knight

The Knights Moral Compass - Community CATEGORY

Knights of Columbus nets award at Santa Parade

Kamloops Knights of Columbus from several councils received 3rd. place award in Santa Parade promoting “Keep Christ in Christmas”

The parade route lined with spectators applauding, cheering, and giving them the thumbs up all along the parade route. “Keep Christ in Christmas” car magnets were handed out to the spectators. Some of the comments received included, “ This is exactly what Christmas is about”, “He is the reason for the season”.

There are plans for an even better float next year to keep our message in the forefront of everyone’s mind.

Thank-you to the Knights involved: Garry Wourms, LLoyd Babcock, Mike Jones, Mike Wagner, Peter Vander-Velden, Nico Verbruggen & Pete Barro. Special thanks the young ladies who played Joseph & Mary, Sandra Jones who assisted with and directed the decorations, and all of you who cheered and supported us along the parade route. Remember to Keep Christ in Christmas!

Kitimat District 16, Keeping Christ in Christmas!

Come Snow or rain the Knights are there to weather the elements. Four Knights Brother John Medeiros, Brother Denis Clark, Brother Steve Christiansen and

supervisor, photographer Brother Max Patzelt Turned around the sign and our Keep Christ in Christmas is up for the Christmas season. Thank you Brothers for being there and doing this for our Council 5148 CHRIST THE KING COUNCIL - Kitimat

The Knights of 1406 and 8631 along with a member of the Local RCMP volunteering in Cranbrook for the arrival of the Olympic torch.

The Knights Moral Compass - COMMUNITY CATEGORY

Cranbrook District 13 , Keeping Christ in Christmas!

The knights of Council 12416 took on this Nativity Project about 10 years ago, one of the other denominations were doing this with cardboard figures and handed it off to us as

their church moved.

We invited some of the local farms to bring some of their farm animal to take part. We built a coral outside the Church and built a shed-like building on one end for the manger . We brought some hay bales into the manger providing seating for our dressed-up angels.

We have all the actors (participants) as we have in a nativity scene, Joseph, Mary , a doll for the baby Jeusus, shepherds, angels and the three Wise Men. Our people taking part are chosen from the audiance , men women and children. The animals mingle with the people on set.

This play is narrated and a choir sings as the parts are read. Refreshments are served in the Church after each presentation. This presentation is well received even though the weather is usually very cold. It is nice to see the chidren dressed up in very warm clothes with smiles on their faces.

Page 5: Winter Edition BC & Yukon Knight

The Knights Moral Compass - Church CATEGORY

An evening with Holy Rosary Cathedral Priests – honouring the Year of the Priest!

Knights of council 14562 spent

an evening in honor of our HRC Priests. We also had a visit from St. Mary’s father Daniel who was truly surprised to find the entire group celebrating in his neck of the woods.

All seven HRC clergy were present along with a strong contingency of hosting council #14652 Knights of Columbus.

The only person missing was Archbishop Michael Miller. Next time perhaps!

We shared many laughs and camaraderie while enjoying the blessings of our potluck dinner.

We must mention and thank Brother Phil who provided the facility at St. Mary’s Ukrainian Residence for our evening.

Also, a special Thank you from us all to Sherry, Brother Kevin’s girlfriend who helped with all the clean up.

The Knights Moral Compass - CHURCH CATEGORY

Father McGivney Honored With New Stained Glass Window

On November 15th, 2009, the St. Charles Garnier Council #9845 of Kelowna, British Columbia, Canada, installed, blessed and dedicated a stained glass window honoring our founder, the Servant of God, Father Michael J. McGivney.

The model for this stained glass window was taken from the mosaics that were created by Father Marko Ivan Rupnik S.J. for the Holy Family Chapel in our Supreme Office. The figure of Father McGiveny, which only encompasses a small part of a very large mosaic, was published in the May 2007 Columbian Magazine (page #6).

The following is a textbook account of how to go about planning and implementing such a monumental project unfolded, in the words of the Chairman of the project himself., Brother Adrian F. Van de Mosselaer:

I came across this beautiful picture of Father McGivney while perusing through some older Columbian magazines

last January, and immediately envisioned this stained glass window in the only available space left on the west wall in our parish church.

My first obligation was to ask our Pastor (who is also our Council Chaplain) for permission to use this space and to reserve it for our use. After seeing the picture, he not only said yes, but encouraged me to get this project going as soon as possible.

On February 12th, 2009, a motion to proceed with this project was presented to our council and was enthusiastically passed. Our next step in this endeavour was to get permission from our Supreme Advocate to use this image of Father McGivney, explaining that the two art forms, i.e. stained glass and mosaic, would by their very nature not look exactly the same.

On April 28th, 2009 we received a letter from Associate General Council, Richard B. Carroll, stating that the administrative assistant to the Supreme Knight, Stephen Feiler, had contacted Father Rupnik and explained to him our plans to use his mosaic image of Father McGiveney as a model for a stained glass window. Father Rupnik gave us his enthusiastic approval.

This started a real flurry of activities. First on the list was to form a committee to help in fund raising, contact and meet with the stained glass artist and publicize our project to both our council and parish. The committee’s main goal was to raise the money needed (approximately $6,000) to

make this dream into a reality – no easy task in these economic times. The committee suggested

to council that each individual council member make a free will donation to this window fund. This raised almost $3,300.00. Our parish also has the good fortune to have a very active council of the Catholic Women’s League of Canada in our midst. A suggestion was made and the ladies agreed that we hold a joint fund raising steak barbeque as they were in need of funds as well. This event raised over $1,600.or over $800 each for our two councils.

Next came a very pleasant surprise, a real show of unity in our Order. I received word from Grand Knight Frank Novakowsky, that our neighbouring council (Father Pandosy #2558 of Kelowna) would donate $500 toward the stained glass window. All he asked for in return was that he and his council be invited to the Blessing and Dedication of the window.

On September 16th, 2009 the committee, together with our Chaplain Father Wayne Pfliger, met with the stained glass artist, Chris Goodman, to look at his

preliminary drawings. He told us that the size of the window would be 65.0 inches high by 21.5 inches wide or 165 cm high by 54 cm wide. To say that we were impressed would be an understatement. We had supplied him with the story of Father McGivney and some history of the Knights of Columbus, but his interpretation of this information is just beautiful. The portrayal of the widow and orphan in this collage made a real impact on a number of people who did not realize the roots of the Knights of Columbus.

I would like to thank all Brother Knights of Council #9845 in Kelowna, British Columbia, but in particular our Chaplain, Father Wayne and the stained glass window committee members for their donations of time and money for this project.

It has been my pleasure and a labor of love to be the Chairman for this Stained Glass Window Project. I thank all involved and hope you will enjoy this window for many years to come.

Fraternally yours,

Adrian F. Van de Mosselaer,

Stained Glass Window Chairman

St. Charles Garnier Council #9845

Page 6: Winter Edition BC & Yukon Knight

Special Highlight: Disaster Relief – Haiti

Knights Send Relief to HaitiThe Supreme Council of the Knights of Columbus has sent a donation of $50,000 in earthquake relief funds to Catholic Relief Services, which has a large presence in Haiti. Damage from the 7.0 earthquake is widespread, and officials now say that hundreds of thousands of people may have perished under the rubble of thousands of collapsed buildings. Among the dead is Catholic Archbishop Joseph Serge Miot of Port-au-Prince, whose body was found in the ruins of his office. The Knights of Columbus will earmark all donations between now and the end of January to its United in Charity Fund for earthquake relief in Haiti.

The Knights Moral Compass - Pro-Life

The Boycott Campaign, and how every Knight can make a difference for Life! District Deputy #3, Brother Wojtek, is joining this Pro-Life boycott campaign, which is a good way to stand up for Pro-Life. It is time for us to be the squeaky wheels!

It is said that evil triumphs because good men and women do nothing. In other words, we do not speak out, and this is nowhere more prevalent and visible than in the public sphere.

Here is an opportunity to do something -- here is an opportunity to become involved -- and it does not take much of your time or effort.The way we can accomplish this is to become involved in something called “Boycott Campaign.” The mission of the Boycott Campaign is to efficiently organize pro-lifers in an ongoing monthly letter-writing campaign to corporations throughout the world, who give financial corporate donations to International Planned Parenthood and their country affiliates.At the beginning of the month, you are supplied with the name of the targeted company. Then you simply write a letter to the CEO or designated officer, and at end of the month you drop this letter in the mail. What this does is make it possible for hundreds or thousands of letters arrive at the targeted company door protesting their support of Planned Parenthood and indicating to them that you will not purchase their goods or products until they stop their practices.What can you as a Knight do?1. Attempt to e-mail the targeted company’s name to everyone on the list, and send a letter to the company by mail during the last week of the month. The targeted company for January is NIKE. Write to:Mr. Mark G. ParkerPresident, CEO & DirectorNike Inc.1 Bowerman Dr.Beaverton, OR 97005Note: This is a US address and will need a stamp for the correct postage.

Operations: apparel (Converse, watches), footwear (Converse, Nike, Exeter), eyewear and sportswear (Bauer Nike Hockey, Hurley, Umbro), retail outlets (Cole Haan, Hurley).If you are not a customer of the above target, you may mention to them that you will not consider becoming a customer of theirs until they stop supporting Planned Parenthood.2. You can start a list of your own and e-mail this information to all your contacts, friends and relatives. 3. Talk to your parish priest and get him onboard, and you can pass this information on to all those in your parish.4. You can go further afield and begin to involve other parishes in your diocese.It is important that you not buy products that are on the Boycott List when there is an option to buy a different brand.For your letters, here are some suggestions:Tell corporate leaders that Life Decisions

International is the source of your information. It is remarkably helpful if

you tell corporate officials that until LDI declares the

corporation “clean,” you will continue to boycott it.Be positive about the product and company; express your desire to

be a loyal customer. Express your

disappointment about their

support of Planned

Parenthood.Explain what Planned

Parenthood does and why

you object to them.For families with children, let the company know how much you spend a month on groceries, and that until they stop supporting Planned Parenthood, you will not spend that money on their products.Encourage your children (every family member) to write a letter. The more letters, the greater the impact.Remember that love and charity are the best ways to changes people’s hearts. Do not be mean or hostile in your letter, but rather try and be gentle with your words.

How a little commitment can go a long way...all the way to Haiti! Christ the King Council 5148 held a Pancake Breakfast last Sunday in order to do our part in the effort to help the people in Haiti. Our Parish responded and we have send a cheque in for $ 330.00 to help with the disaster and all the people. Under the leadership of Brother John Medeiros the Parish would like to thank him for all ways being there when ever needed. God Bless every one of you and may the prayers help in the efforts in Haiti

Page 7: Winter Edition BC & Yukon Knight

Worthy Grand Knights, Financial Secretaries, District Deputies and State Directors, just a gentle reminder that the 1st Convention Call packages were

mailed out Dec 27th and all should have been received by now. If you did not receive yours please contact State Secretary, Wil Wilmot ASAP. In the package there are a number of forms and reports that must be completed and returned to by specific dates. Please do not wait to the deadline to send them in.Delegates to the convention must bring along their complete credential forms. Financial Secretaries please remember to affix your council’s seal to each of the credentials and ensure that both you and the Grand Knight sign them.All those who are submitting reports are requested to do so in electronic form; it makes my life considerably easier.A copy of the Resolutions guidelines was included with each 1st Convention Call package. Councils considering submitting resolutions to the Convention are requested to follow the guidelines and ensure that a copy is received by the State Advocate, Brother Arcie Lim no later than 18 Feb 2010. He would also appreciate it being in electronic form.Finally, for those considering letting their name stand for election are requested to submit a short c/v. Again the guidelines are included in the 1st Convention Call package. Please follow the guidelines closely.I am looking forward to a great convention as we kick off our 100th year. Any questions about convention procedures, reports etc. should be addressed to the State Secretary; questions about the Convention registration and activities should be addressed to the Convention Chairman, Brother Mike Steffen.

FraternallyWil WilmotState Secretary

Worthy Grand Knights, Worthy Financial Secretaries, Brothers;As approved by resolution at our last Convention, the per capita and other

amounts billed by the State Treasurer will now be billed on an annual basis on January 15 of each year. Accordingly, you will see in addition to the normal per capita and AD&D insurance on your invoice, an amount for the second half-year per capita and a ‘top up’ for the Liability Insurance.Currently, our Liability Insurance policy runs from July 1 to June 30 of each year. Your July 2009 invoice included your share of this insurance policy. We will be making arrangements at the appropriate time to extend the expiration of the current policy to December 31, 2010, with the policy renewal date becoming December 31 of each year so that the policy will coincide with the new annual billing cycle. This extension premium is what will be included in your January 15, 2010 invoice.As explained at the time the resolution was discussed, this billing will allow Councils and Assemblies to match the time that they collect dues to the time that they pay their invoice to the State Council. It is hoped that this measure will reduce some of the administration time for the Councils.If you have any questions about this change in billing process, please feel free to contact me at your earliest convenience.

Vivat Jesus,Ed Shawchuk, State TreasurerBC & Yukon State CouncilKnights of Columbus

The Knights Moral Compass - COMMUNITY CATEGORY Convention News

LATE-BREAKING NEWS: Charity Appeal Early Bird Draw!

Recently members of the Christ the Servant, Knights of Columbus #8631 stopped by

the regional hospital to make a $500 donation to the Matt Fraser & Denny’s Shoot for the Star fundraiser. “We were so taken back that a young man like Matt who doesn’t live full-time in Cranbrook full-time would find it in his heart to give back to our community. With that in mind are members voted unanimously to support his efforts,” says Don Sharp, Financial Secretary of the Knights of Columbus.

L-R: Donna Grainger, EKFH Executive Director, Ed McClinchey, KofC Trustee, Matt Fraser, Don Sharp, KofC Financial Secretary, Ernie Daigle, KofC Member and Jason Giesbrechet, IH’s Health Administrator for Cranbrook/Kimberley share a moment with a hockey star.

The Early Bird Charity Appeal Draw was held in Parksville on the 23rd of January. Our Worthy State Deputy Michael Yeo was on hand and drew the lucky names out of the lot. Full results may be viewed at the State Website.

Prize Winner Ticket # City Selling Council

12th Prize $1,000.00 Mike Grant 162051 Genell 5304

11th Prize $1,000.00 Karen Olsen 302830 Prince George 8046

10th Prize $1,000.00 Lance Taylor 320058 Prince George 8318

9th Prize $1,000.00 E. Cassidy 432358 Burnaby 9246

8th Prize $1,000.00 Trent Nichols 110360 Victoria 1256

7th Prize $1,000.00 Sal Cainblet 424043 Burnaby 13072

6th Prize $1,000.00 Denis Barrett 322135 Prince George 8318

5th Prize $1,000.00 Barry Lechner 316791 Aldergrove 6767

4th Prize $1,000.00 John Bruce 110962 Alert Bay 1256

3rd Prize $1,500.00 Omar Gauvin 374151 Kelowna 9845

2nd Prize $2,000.00 Ted Hawthorne 449333 Burnaby 1081

1st Prize $5,000.00 Gene Weightman 396167 Nanaimo 9990

Our Worthy State Deputy Michael Yeo had to roll up his sleeves to choose the lucky winners of the early bird draw!

Page 8: Winter Edition BC & Yukon Knight



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