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WINTER 2013 VOL 06 NO.06



"The First Father comforting the granddaughter of Dawn Hochsprung,

Principal of Sandy Hook Elementary School"


2 Manna News Winter 2013



Manna News Winter 2012 3


In Memory of NewtownCharlotte Bacon, 6Daniel Barden, 7Olivia Engel, 6

Josephine Gay, 7Dylan Hockley, 6Madeleine Hsu, 6

Catherine Hubbard, 6Chase Kowalski, 7

Jesse Lewis, 6

Ana Marquez-Greene, 6James Mattioli, 6

Grace McDonnell, 7Emilie Parker, 6

Jack Pinto, 6Noah Pozner, 6

Caroline Previdi, 6Jessica Rekos, 6

Avielle Richman, 6

Benjamin Wheeler, 6Allison Wyatt, 6

Rachel D’Avino, 29Dawn Hochsprung, 47

Nancy Lanza, 52Anne Marie Murphy, 52

Lauren Rousseau, 30Mary J. Sherlach, 56

Victoria Soto, 27

The Youth of the Circle of Love Ministry Worldwide, along with Pastor Roy Kirton, participated in a memorial service for the Sandy Hook Elementary School victims.

As we bring this issue of the MANNA Paper to print, our country is preparing for the inauguration of President Barack Obama. This campaign, for the most part, has been fueled by millions of dollars of negative campaign ads. These ads have caused our country not to be viewed as the United State of America, but defined as Red and Blue states. Not only did the country feed into this division, but the church also became a part of it. Seemingly, the Blood of Christ no longer defines the Christian community, but political parties give us our branding. Any time the Church will condone a secular movement to draw allegiance, it is a sad day for Christendom. This causes us to lose the focus of our calling in the world, which is to preach the Gospel to every person until all know that Jesus is Lord.

How did the Church of Jesus Christ fall prey to this ideology? Let’s take a moment to view a Biblical perspective of our political involvement. The Apostle Paul, in his epistle to Timothy, instructed him that “supplication, prayers, intercession and giving of that be made for all men: for kings and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty.” I Timothy 2:1. What tone he set for the church to deal with political officials centuries before the world experienced a democratic

process. The prophet Jeremiah, in his instructions to exiles, said to “seek the peace of the city whither I have caused you to be carried away captives, and pray unto the Lord for it: for in the peace thereof shall ye have peace.” Jeremiah 29:7

The Bible even goes so far as to remind us that the election results are not in our power, but God’s. “For promotion cometh neither from the east, nor from the west, nor from the south. But God is judge: he putteth down one, and setteth up another.” Many of the political pundits could not even believe the election results and some were almost pushing to ask for a recount, but it was God who allowed President Obama to serve a second term. Know that God held the results in His hand; I am encouraging all to close ranks and pray for the choice that God selected.

Yes, I know that, as a spiritual leader, I am obligated to be a prophetic voice in the world against sin and injustice, but I know that God is ultimately in control and so I look to Him and not humanity. Our challenge, as Christians, is to stay focused on the untold millions who have not come to faith, which statistics state are about 20% of the United States population.


Pastor Roy KirtonMANA President

Pastor Noreen DavisExecutive Editor

Dr. David RobinsonManaging Editor

Pastor Elena L. MayfieldAssociate Editor

Joe TurnerPhoto Journalist

Carolina CongdonDesign and Layout

Anthony JonesDistribution

ContributorsPastor Claude StaufferReverend Noreen Davis

MANNA Newspaper is a publication

sponsored by theMinisterial Alliance ofNorth Amityville and

Vicinity (MANA)and is currentlypublished on a quarterly basis

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4 Manna News Winter 2013


Electoral VotePercentagePopular VoteCandidate

33251%622,088,840 BarackObama

20648%588,783,130 MittRommey

Election Results (270 Electoral Votes Required)

By Rev. Dr. David I. Robinson

President Obama won re-election on Tuesday night November 6, 2012 as voters gave him another opportunity to continue his efforts to repair the nation's economy and fulfill the promises of hope and change.

The President's theme for his campaign was Lean Forward which captured voters in swing states and catapulted him to a decisive victory. The Candidates, their respective parties and outside groups spent $2.6 billion dollars on the campaign, by far the most in Presidential history.

The nation's first African-American President will take his second oath of office on January 20, 2013, despite the unsuccessful efforts of the Republican Party that vowed to make him a one-term President. In a victory speech studded with soaring rhetoric, President Obama appeared before thousands of cheering Democrats to the beat of Stevie Wonder's "Signed, Sealed and Delivered" and reminded them of what is still on his agenda...Immigration Reform, Climate Change and Job Creation.

He congratulated his opponent Mitt Romney and said, "In the weeks ahead, I look forward to sitting down with Governor Romney to discuss how we can move our country forward." He told his supporters in Chicago, "Tonight you voted for action and not politics as usual. You elected us to focus on your job, not ours." In his conclusion he stated, "I return to the White House more determined, more inspired than ever."

President Obama’s Economic Plan to Move Forward:

His re-election gives him a pathway to pursue an economic agenda that he has argued will put Americans back to work. The plan includes a combination of tax cuts and incentives for businesses as well as investments in public schools and infrastructure. His second term promises to include the following:

1.Roll back Bush tax cuts for upper-income people, couples making over

$250,000 and individuals making over $200,000 and ensure people making over $1 million pay at least 30% in taxes.

2. Cut imports of foreign oil by half by 2020.

3. End tax breaks for companies shipping jobs overseas.

4. Make higher education affordable for everyone. Recruit 200,000 Math and Science teachers in 10 years and help 2 million workers attend Community College.

5. Continue to reduce the carbon pollution that is heating our planet.

6. Strengthen Medicare by reducing the cost of Health Care.

7. Achieve an immigration overhaul that sets a path to citizenship for illegal immigrants under certain conditions.

8. Double exports and create 1 million new manufacturing jobs in four years. Manufacturing jobs have been steadily declining for nearly two decades.

9. Cost will go down when ObamaCare is fully implemented.

10. Consolidate various federal agencies dealing with business issues into one new department led by a Secretary of Business.

11. For victims of Super Storm Sandy: "We are going to be with them every step of the way by helping them rebuild their lives."

12. "Let's especially hire our veterans, because if you fought for our country and its freedom, you shouldn't have to fight for a job when you come home."

13. Cut Defense spending by reducing the Army and Marine Corps by 100,000 troops over five years. Medicare and Medicaid would be preserved.

14. Propose a 10% tax credit for small businesses that hire new workers or increase wages.

15. Vigorously defend, via the Solicitor General, against challenges to Same-Sex Marriage, the Voting Rights Act, Abortion Rights, and Environmental Regulation.

16. Fill any Supreme Court vacancies with Liberal Justices in the mold of Sonia Sotomayor and Elena Kagan, and possibly swing the Court balance to the left.

I encourage the Christian Community regardless of Denomination, Political Affiliation, Creed or Race to come together and pray for our President and our Nation.

I close with the words as recorded in 2nd Chronicles 7:14, The Lord's covenant with Solomon: (KJV) If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.

It is my belief that with God on our side, THE BEST IS YET TO COME.

I Return to the White House more determined, more inspired than ever.



Manna News Winter 2013 5

OPENING THE BOOK The Great Conflict in Public Education

Book Summary: PICKING UP THE PIECESby Rev. Dr. Vernon Shelton

Picking Up The Pieces is a book which gives a practical model for rebuilding churches broken by clergy misconduct. It gives a detailed summary of the nature, history and effects of clergy misconduct. It also discusses the challenges victims, churches and pastoral successors encounter once a congregation has experienced this type of tragedy. This book gives the practical and biblical steps pastors, churches and victims need to take in order to rebuild their lives, and the membership of the church. Finally, it teaches the pastoral successor how to restore hope, trust in clergy, and foster healing in that hurting congregation.

By Cynthia Herbert Taylor Reprinted from El Shaddai Health Newsletter

While in my early thirties, both of my parents passed away within a 2 ½ year period. Shortly after my mother passed away, my father began to exhibit some bizarre behavior. He “forget” that my mother and his wife of almost 40 years had passed away.

When faced with being a primary or part-time caregiver, you must realistically consider what and how much is expected of you. Remember, the rest of your life doesn’t stop. If you’re a working person who is married with children—that part of your life doesn’t stop! Caretaking is an ADDON!

An article written by Toni Winston on the Dr. Oz website sums it all in a nutshell: “It’s a great thing to be able to care of others. It’s great to be revered and to be in demand, but if you can’t take care of you, there will be no you to take care of others.”

1)Find out what resources are available in your community. Based on individual situations, your loved one may be eligible for a few hours of home health care paid for by insurance or Medicare.

2)Take advantage of Respite Services in your area. Specialized Agencies provide fully screened and trained volunteers who can assist the caregiver, based on need. For instance, a respite worker may spend an hour or two a week reading to a home bound patient. Or, they may accompany patients to Dr’s visits.

3)Reach out to local hospitals in your area. Most major hospitals have ongoing support groups, where you’ll meet fellow caregivers.4)Take regular breaks. Providing caregiver assistance can be exhausting. Your routine may include keeping up with and paying bills, staying abreast of doctor’s appointments, and giving up all or part of your weekends.

5)Be prepared and informed of Hospice services in your community. Hospice care is now available in the patients home rather than in a far-away facility.

6)Get prayer support from your spiritual community—whether you belong to a church, synagogue, or mosque. Hospitals and Nursing homes usually provide chaplaincy services which help to support and comfort family caregivers.

Nassau County Office for the AgingCaregiver Support Group


Continued on page 13

Nassau County Supportive Services

By Pastor John C. Davis

Initially this article was designed to explore, compare and contrast the growing charter school model with the traditional public school model. However, to effectively and legitimately conduct such a comparison, I need to first provide readers with the great dilemma that surrounds all educational models within our society. The great conflict existing in the American educational system, whether charter school or public education as traditionally understood is: Failure is more Profitable than Success. You heard and read correctly. Only when this concept is properly understood can any observer make an accurate assessment of any public educational system existing within our culture.

A few simple and straightforward examples will clearly illustrate this point beyond dispute. The examples provided are easily understood by laypersons. One would not need an extensive background in education to observe what is most obvious.

A school budget is based on the need of students serviced within a particular community, district or neighborhood. A basic understanding of the school budget would be as follows; when students succeed school budgets are cut and diminished, when students fail, school budgets are increased and enlarged to provide services to compensate for academic deterioration. This may sound shocking and contradictory to what many have understood, but it is the reality that exists in the educational community.

First consider a service provided in schools not directly related to the academic. Most are not aware that BILLIONS of dollars are spent on security systems, metal detectors, security personnel, and extra police officers assigned to troubled schools or districts. Many schools are now equipped with the most advanced and expensive camera systems to observe activities within and around its facility. The billions of dollars spent on such elaborate and extensive security features provides employment to thousands of individuals in a variety of fields, whether technology, manufacturing, or law enforcement. The billions of dollars spent in such security services also provide millions in profit to numerous and related industries. Now imagine an educational community where students all behaved peaceably and resolved all conflicts without violence. What would become of all the equipment, devices and personnel that was imported and purchased for the safety of students? The ripple effect

of such circumstances would be catastrophic for industries with educational contracts. Manufacturers with educational contracts would lose millions in revenue, with schools no longer purchasing metal detectors, scanners, camera systems and other devices.

Law enforcement and security agencies that once serviced and thrived off of violent school communities would now have to layoff hundreds, if not thousands, of employees with schools no longer requiring such services. Providers of such services would watch helplessly as substantial profits evaporated all because schools were now devoid of violence and aggression.

This may sound disheartening, but it is the sad reality that exists in our educational system. This climate will be further discussed and exposed in future articles to inform the reader that much of the propaganda circulated about achieving student success is simply propaganda.




6 Manna News Winter 2013

By Pastor Claude Stauffer

There is one prime essential of salvation. A person can be religious, relatively good, and even believe there is a God and that Jesus is the Christ, and still be lost! The Pharisees were amongst the most religious people that ever lived and yet Jesus denounced them for their hypocrisy (Mat. 23). The Rich Young Ruler had apparently kept the commandments of God and yet “one thing” (Mark 10:21). Demons believe there is a God and that Jesus is the Christ, “the Holy One of God!” and are still destined for hell (Mat. 8:29; Mark 1:24; Luke 4:34; James 2:19). What is the one prime essential which separates these examples from eternal life and a place in God’s Kingdom? It is the Holy Spirit within.

Jesus told Nicodemus the religious Pharisee, “You must be born again” and explained that to be a spiritual birth (John 3:1-21). Just as a person is physical born, they need a second birth, a spiritual birth. They need to be born again. Until that happens a person is spiritually dead. Until the Holy Spirit comes to reside or indwell a person they are incomplete. God created humanity to have fellowship with Him. We are dependent on fellowship with God.

We are created with an inherent design for fellowship with God. No matter what success or partial fulfillment we acquire in this life without God there will remain emptiness in us.

The apostle Paul wrote, “Now if anyone does not have the Spirit of Christ he is not His” (Rom. 8:9). The context is speaking of the indwelling presence of the Holy Spirit in the genuinely saved Christian. There are people who frequent churches, wear Christian paraphernalia, who do “good” deeds but still do not belong to God. Why is this so? Because they lack the indwelling Holy Spirit. Jesus referred to such people as “tares.” A tare is husk of wheat with no kernel inside. On the outside it looks like any other full husk of wheat. But on the inside it is empty. Jesus said there are tares among the healthy wheat (Mat. 13:24-30). This raises two questions.

First, how can I be born again and indwelled by the Holy Spirit? This spiritual second birth takes place when a person responds to the gracious reasoning and call of God (Is. 1:18). No one can come to God unless He draws them (John 6:44). Sin separates humanity from God (Ps. 66:18; Is. 59:2; Rom. 3:9-23), who is Holy (Ps.

5:4; Hab. 1:13). God will not simply dismiss or turn a blind eye to our sin; that would go against the foundations of who He is (Ps. 89:14). The Holy Spirit convicts the sinner of their sinfulness, that in their own strength they cannot attain God’s required level of righteousness for salvation, and that they are therefore destined for God’s just and righteous judgment (John 16:8-11). The consequence of sin is death; not annihilation but eternal separation from God in a place called hell (Ps. 9:17; Mat. 25:46; Rom. 6:23).

But God who is Love made a way for humanity to be justified, redeemed and forgiven their sin through faith in Jesus Christ (John 3:16; Rom. 5:1f.; 8:1f.). Jesus the just paid the death penalty on the cross for the unjust (1 Pet. 3:18). He “was made sin for us” that we might receive His righteousness put to our account (2 Cor. 5:21). That transaction takes place when a person puts their faith in Jesus as Savior (Eph. 2:8-9). This is not mere assent like demons. Saving faith by nature is repentant; a person turns from their sin to God. It also means they ask God’s forgiveness based on the atoning work of Jesus on the cross not their own efforts to be right with God.

When a person receives this salvation offered by God’s grace through faith in Jesus Christ God forgives their sin and gives them spiritual life (i.e. regeneration) by indwelling them with the Holy Spirit (1 Cor. 3:16; 6:19). The work of the Holy Spirit is described as, “the washing of regeneration and renewing of the Holy Spirit” (Titus 3:5). He washes away our sins and gives us spiritual life.

Second, how do I know if I have been born again and indwelled by the Holy Spirit? The Holy Spirit is the Third Person of the Trinity (one God; Three distinct Persons); He is God (Acts 5:3-4). Jesus described the Holy Spirit as “another Helper” which literally means, another just like Me (“another” = ἄλλος - allŏs, al´-los – another of the same of the same sort - John 14:16). Peter conveys this by using the words, “the Spirit of Christ” in reference to the Holy Spirit (1 Pet. 1:11). When we see references to Christ being in us it is referring to the indwelling Holy Spirit who is making the presence of Jesus known (e.g. Rom. 8:10; Col. 1:27). Therefore, when the Holy Spirit indwells a person there will be evidence of His holy work in that person and that holy work is conforming the indwelled person to Christlikeness (Rom. 8:29).

Continued on page 12

By Pastor Terrance Daye

We live in a society that demands effectiveness which is doing the right things for the right reasons at the right times. We strive to be effective employees, parents and friends, and want our doctors, lawyers, politicians and teachers to adequately accomplish their purpose; producing the intended results. Can you imagine a very fast runner winning the Olympic gold medal after running in the wrong direction? No – The runner will be disqualified for being ineffective even though having the fastest time. Such is the importance of effectiveness in ministry service for the Lord.

From my observations, effective ministries seem to consistently contain six key important practices and ingredients that make them successful. Observed during my own training, experience and preparation

for ministry over thirty years and now serving as a pastor for five years, I consider these elements necessary for God honoring service.They include a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, a call from God that is commensurate with His timing, wisdom to walk in integrity, submission to God’s Lordship, obeying the leading of the Holy Spirit, and last but not least, a God centered vision. I have seen and personally experienced the success and rewards of ministries that had these elements in place and I have seen the hurt, struggle and ineffectiveness when some or all of these elements were not in place. They are vital to the ultimate fulfillment of God’s purpose for ministry.

The definition of effective ministry is key to understanding why these elements are important. Effective ministry is simply service that glorifies

God and edifies others. When our service (ministry) gives honor, glory and recognition only to God while encouraging and building others up (edifies) in the knowledge, love and ways of God, then it is effective in accomplishing God’s plan and kingdom building purpose. In my service to the Lord, I ask myself does this glorify God and edify others? I also encourage others to ask this question of themselves with respect to their own areas of ministry and service.

Perhaps the initial element is a divine calling on your life (Acts 13:2). Even before we give our lives to Christ and become part of the body of believers, we are predestined for service to God.

Continued on page 12




Manna News Winter 2013 7


8:00 A.M.Circle of Love Ministry, 20 Reith Street, Copiague, NY 11726

(Change in Venue)

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Birthday CelebrationHosted by

M.A.N.A. (Ministerial Alliance of North Amityville and Vicinity)

Guest SpeakerDr. Calvin O. Butts, III

Pastor, Abyssinian Baptist Church, New YorkPresident, SUNY College at Old Westbury

Breakfast sponsored by St. Joseph’s College, Patchogue, NY-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Registration form for Martin Luther King Jr. Celebration January 19, 2013Name:___________________________________________________________________________Address:_________________________________________________________________________Phone:___________________________________Email:__________________________________

Number attending:___________$25.00 per person Amount Enclosed:________________

Mail checks payable to MANA to: 20 Reith Street, Copiague, NY 11726

“A ministry endeavoring to reach the whole world with the whole gospel for the whole man.”

20 Reith StreetCopiague, New York 11726

Phone 631-789-4552 Fax 631-789-4587

Roy S. KirtonSenior Pastor

[email protected]

Sunday Morning Worship 12:00 noonSunday School 11:00 amYouth Church 11:00 am

Wednesday Night Prayer 8:00 pmFriday Youth Ministry 7:30 pm

Food Pantry Wednesday2:00 pm to 3:00 pm


8 Manna News Winter 2013

Pastor Claude T. Stauffer 803 County Line Road, North Amityville, New York 11701

Phone: 631-789-4837 or 631-224-1761. E-mail: [email protected]

Website: http://www.calvarychapelofhope.orgPastor’s blog:

Services: Sunday - 8:30 am (nursery care only) and 10:30 (full Sunday School for children and youth)

Wednesday – 7:30 – 9 pm Worship / Bible Study / PrayerFriday Youth Group 7:00 – 10 pm (Child care and classes provided)

Listen to our radio station WGSS 89.3 FM God Still Speaks

Listen to uplifting worship music throughout the day and the Living Hope program on WGSS 89.3 FM at 8:00 am and 5:00 pm

The Spirit of God using the Word of God to give hope and build people of God.



Manna News Winter 2013 9

PRESS RELEASE: September 30th, 2012Contact: Denisse Sandoval E: [email protected] C: 631.384.7494

Suffolk Religious Leaders Reject Voter Suppression Efforts

Babylon, NY: Over 600 hundred people gathered today for the “Souls to the Polls”event at the Town Hall of Babylon.

At the rally, clergy, lay leaders and allies of LION, the Long Island Organizing Network, mobilized their members and others to reject efforts to suppress voting, particularly among minority citizens, in the coming general election. LION is assisting members and others in identifying voters and potential voters, making sure registrations are done properly, and motivating people to not only vote, but to get others to the polls on election day.

Institutions involved in the effort include the NAACP, North Amityville Community Economic Council, and twenty three churches from the Suffolk County area.

LION Vice President, Bishop Andy Lewter of Hollywood Full Gospel Baptist Cathedral, said the non-partisan group does not endorse candidates, but it has begun working with heads of churches, unions, civic associations and other groups to maximize voter registration and turnout. “Here in New York, there have been some attempts at passing voter ID legislation; even if those attempts are not yet as threatening as in some other places, we still want to mitigate against cynical attitudes that discourage voting, and honor those who gave so much to ensure these rights.”

Rev. Elena Mayfeld, pastor of Tabernacle of Praises Inc. church, said “We can't sit back and expect democracy to work, especially when activists have fought hard for voters’ rights. That is what this event is all about, motivating the public to vote and reminding them why it is so important. ”

Rev. Keith Hayward, pastor of Bethel AME Church of Amityville, noted that “This election year, in particular, offers very clear differences in candidates and philosophies up and down the ballot. No one should assume that the outcome of this election does not matter.”

LION is an institutional-membership group organizing for power to impact public policy on issues affecting their members and other low and moderate income citizens in Suffolk County.

What: “Souls to the Polls” Voter Registration/Motivation RallyWhen: Sunday, September 30th, 1:30 pmWhere: Town Hall of Babylon, 200 East Sunrise Highway, Lindenhurst, NYWho: Long Island Organizing Network, NAACP, and 23 churches from Suffolk County

###1018 Northville Tpk., Riverhead, NY 11901 (631) 384-7494

Contact: Patti DesrochersDirector of [email protected](631) 761-7062Cell: (516) 314-6661November 6, 2012

TLC-HEART Phone Line Robust With Calls for Help

Central Islip – Touro Law Center, together with partners the Suffolk County Bar Association and the Disaster Relief Law Center “You.Me.We.” have launched the Touro Law Center – Hurricane Emergency Assistance and Referral Team (TLC-HEART), to provide referrals, assistance and legal advice for individuals, families and small businesses affected by Hurricane Sandy. Touro Law is also coordinating with the New York State Bar Association, the Long Island Hispanic Bar Association and Amistad Long Island Black Bar Association, as well as local, state and federal government agencies.

Members of the public can call the center at (631) 761-7198 or email [email protected] to receive assistance from disaster relief-trained students and attorneys who will match resident concerns with referrals to federal, state and local government agencies and private groups offering storm-related assistance. Volunteer attorneys are on hand to provide legal assistance as well. The telephone hot-line will be answered live Monday through Thursday from 9:00 am to 6:00 pm and on Friday from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm. Voicemail messages can be left 24/7.

On its first day of operation, the hotline received over 45 phone calls and emails seeking information and legal assistance on a variety of issues, including landlord-tenant, labor and employment , insurance and FEMA.

Touro Law students and student organizations, such as the Student Disaster Relief Network, along with faculty and staff have been critical in launching the effort. Nearly 20 members of the Suffolk County Bar Association in addition to approximately 20 Touro Law alumni have already signed on to help in the effort. Dean Patricia Salkin said, “Touro Law Center is pleased to be a first responder to assist with the coordination of legal services on Long Island since our partner organizations have been without electrical power in their offices.” She continued, “Despite their setbacks, we would not have been able to get up and running so quickly without the early involvement of the Suffolk County Bar Association, Suffolk County community based organizations, the State Bar and the ABA.”

The center is scheduled to remain open through the academic year.

“Our local legal community is always willing to help their neighbors and the community at large,” said Suffolk County Bar Association President Arthur Shulman. “This is a talented and giving group of professionals. I couldn’t be more proud of this effort and the individual responses. We have the potential to do a lot of good for a lot of people.”

###Touro College Jacob D. Fuchsberg Law Center’s 185,000-square-foot, state-of-the-art facility is

located adjacent to both a state and a federal courthouse in Central Islip, New York. Touro Law’s proximity to the courthouses, coupled with programming developed to integrate the courtroom into the classroom, provide a one-of-a kind learning model for law students, combining a rigorous curriculum taught by expert faculty with a practical courtroom experience. Touro Law, which has a student body of approximately 750 and an alumni base of more than 5,000, offers full- and part-time J.D. programs, several dual degree programs and graduate law programs for US and foreign law graduates. Touro Law Center is part of the Touro College system.

About the Touro College and University System: Touro is a system of non-profit institutions of higher and professional education. Touro College was chartered in 1970 primarily to enrich the Jewish heritage, and to serve the larger American and global community. Approximately 19,000 students are currently enrolled in its various schools and divisions. Touro College has branch campuses, locations and instructional sites in the New York area, as well as branch campuses and programs in Berlin, Jerusalem, Moscow, Paris, and Florida. Touro University California and its Nevada branch campus, as well as Touro College Los Angeles and Touro University Worldwide as separately accredited institutions within the Touro College and University System. For further information on Touro College, please go to:

LIONLong Island Organizing Network


10 Manna News Winter 2013

Pastor Roy S. Kirton and members of the Circle of Love Ministry Worldwide provided a holiday meal for the relief workers of Hurricane Sandy. The workers came from as far away as Hawaii and have been assisting local residents in repairing homes destroyed by the hurricane.

Volunteers from Louisiana brought supplies to

Amityville High School for victims of Hurricane Sandy

in trucks from Arabie Trucking Services LLC and MGM Transport of

Thibodaux, LA.

The Members of Calvary Chapel in Amityville spent their Sunday helping the victims of Sandy by providing sandwiches and helping to clean up residents’ property. They intended to Worship, but since the power was out at the church they went out into the community to make a difference.




Manna News Winter 2013 11

On December 4th Pastor Roy Kirton, along with a ministry team, conducted a Pastoral Leadership Conference in Port-au-Prince, Haiti. More than 200 leaders attended and the group oversaw two food distributions. The members of the team are Pastor Kenneth John of Mt. Carmel AME Church, Brooklyn, NY; Pastor Janice Fareed-Hardy and Maxine Hall of Fresh Fire Ministries, Brooklyn, NY; and

Pastor Moley Fahnbulleh of the Church of the Living God, Bronx, NY.

800 Thanksgiving meals were served to the community by the Circle of Love Ministry Worldwide. From left to right Town of Babylon Council member Jacqueline A. Gordon; Rev. Dr. Philip K. James, Mt. Zion Baptist Church, Indianapolis, IN; Pastor Roy S. Kirton, Circle of Love Ministry Worldwide, Copiague, NY; Congressman Peter King; Pastor Terrance Daye, Christian Life Center Church, Amityville, NY.





12 Manna News Winter 2013

Continued from page 6 The Prime Essential of Salvation

There are ten evidences of the indwelling Holy Spirit. These are the things associated with the regenerated life of the Spirit in scripture. They may be in degrees. They should be ongoing and growing. These evidence are:

1. A desire to be led by the Spirit of God not the flesh (i.e. self-will; self-reliance; self-promotion) – Rom. 8:1-

14; Gal. 5:16, 25; 1 Pet. 1:22. 2. A personal relationship with Jesus via the indwelling Spirit – Rom. 8:10; John 15:263. A warm familial rather than harsh slave/Master relationship with God – Rom. 8:154. An assurance of salvation – Rom. 8:16; 1 John 3:245. A power of the Spirit to help overcome weaknesses – Rom. 8:26a; Acts 1:8; Zech. 4:66. A Spirit led prayer life – Rom. 8:26b-27; Eph. 6:18

7. A Spirit led insight – John 14:26; 16:13; 1 Cor. 2:9-14; 1 Tim. 4:1f.; Rev. 2:7, 11, 17, 29; 3:6, 13, 22. 8. A hunger for and submission to the God-breathed/inspired word of God which is the language of the Spirit - 2 Tim. 3:16-17; Eph. 6:17. 9. A holy love for God and people – Rom. 5:5; Gal. 5:22-24; 2 Cor. 5:1410. A unity with other Spirit filled believers – Eph. 4:3

Do you see these evidences in your life? Paul was inspired to question his

readers with the words, “. . . if indeed the Spirit of God dwells in you” (Rom. 8:9). Have you been born again? Does the Spirit indwell you? Is there evidence of the Spirit’s indwelling in your life? The indwelling Holy Spirit is the prime essential of salvation. “Examine yourselves as to whether you are in the faith. Test yourselves. Do you not know yourselves, that Jesus Christ is in you? – unless indeed you are disqualified” (2 Cor. 13:5). Do you not know . . . ?

Continued from page 6 Why is ministry effectiveness so important?

For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared in advanced, that we should walk in them. (Eph. 2:10) He has already chosen us to be born at a set time, in a set place and amid a set of circumstances that are designed to lead us into the ministry he created us to do. There are so many adversities faced in ministry and it is a great mistake to become a minister, especially a pastor, unless you have received a specific call from God to do so. No amount of education from a Bible college or seminary can ever compensate for its absence. Moving forward in the things of God without a divine call leads to the use of worldly man made methods applied to a man made agenda. Man’s self pursuit of ministry that is based upon his own plan will ultimately lead to ineffective, unsustainable efforts that perhaps have good intentions and/or even some good outcomes in man’s sight, but are not honoring and pleasing to God.

According to the word of God we are not qualified to lead God’s people without ourselves being under His rule and Lordship. The Bible admonishes us to seek first the kingdom of God (His Lordship) and His righteousness (His transformation) and all these things shall be added unto us (Matthew 6:33). So God places the divine call on our lives before we are even born and then draws us into a personal relationship with Him. All that happens and transpires in life is designed to lead us into a growing relationship with God whereby we begin to understand His call into our purpose and ministry role. We accept the completed work of Jesus Christ on the cross, understanding that we were created in a fallen state,

purchased and repositioned with a purpose to fulfill that is not our own because we do not belong to ourselves. You are brought with a price. So you must glorify God in your body (2 Cor. 6:20)

As the Holy Spirit orchestrates our spiritual development, we begin to understand that if we are to fulfill our purpose we need to grow in God’s wisdom and knowledge to serve in a way that glorifies God and edifies His people. Like King Solomon, we grow to say, “So give your servant a discerning heart to govern your people and to distinguish between right and wrong. For who is able to govern this great people of yours?” (1 Kings 3:9). We are not to presume what God wants for His people, nor are we to interject what we want for God’s people or for ourselves. He is the great Shepherd and, as servants, we are the under Shepherd. This is where integrity, submission to God’s Lordship and obedience to the leading of the Holy Spirit come into play as vital aspects of effective ministry. These elements all come from having the wisdom of God and allowing His wisdom to guide all areas of ministry or service. The bible encourages us in the book of James to ask for wisdom and He will freely give it to us.

Wisdom is a must for effective ministry since no one wants to follow a parked car. Leaders lead to somewhere or to something otherwise the leader is like a parked car with other drivers behind, ready to follow but going nowhere. Walking in wisdom is evidenced by integrity and lasting spiritual fruit that only comes from submission and obedience to God's Holy Spirit. Proverbs 16:16 reads “How much better to get wisdom than gold, to choose understanding rather than silver!” No amount of money could replace the benefit of wisdom!

Wisdom means to have knowledge and know how to apply that knowledge correctly. Wisdom teaches those in

ministry how to stay connected to God, how to live a life of integrity before God and how to submit to the direction and instruction of the Holy Spirit. Man, because of sin, is naturally drawn to his own fleshly desires and cannot live in integrity, submission and obedience on his own.

Without the wisdom of God governed by the Holy Spirit, which helps us apply the teaching, we would not be able to maintain these key elements in an effective ministry. We would function on our own according to what we thought was right. The Bible teaches that our righteousness is as filthy rags in the sight of God. (Is. 64:6)

To be effective in life and ministry we are first required to present our bodies as a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God, which is (our) spiritual service. And be not fashioned according to this world: but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, and ye may prove what is the good and acceptable and perfect will of God (Romans 12:1-2). Our lives must be truly transformed and we must walk in integrity as imitators of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

When we belong to God wholeheartedly, he puts into our hearts a longing for integrity. If God is not Lord of all, He is not Lord at all. This characteristic for ministry is so important to be applied in everything. Integrity cannot not be overlooked or degraded, but is there to help the church have good qualifications for leadership. It starts with the life you live.

A person desiring a position in ministerial leadership, must be above reproach, must be temperate, self controlled, respectable, hospitable, be able to teach, not given to drunkenness, not violent, gentle, not quarrelsome, not a lover of money, must manage his family well, his children must give proper respect, he should not be a recent convert, and he must have a good reputation with the outside

community. It takes a life of integrity shaped by submission and obedience to God to even come close to consistently achieving all these characteristics.

Having these elements in place prepares the minister to receive a God-given vision to be implemented according to God’s timing. No matter what your ministry service, it will only be effective for God’s plan and purpose if it is consistent with what He has called you to do and consistent with the timing in which He’s called you to do it. Our vision statement at Christian Life Center Church is “Kingdom Building Through; Word, Worship, Faith and Family” which is shared in Sunday School and Bible Study, incorporated into messages, on print materials and reviewed by the Pastor with every ministry team. The Purpose of the Christian Life Center Church is to build the hearts, minds and souls of God’s people by equipping them with the necessary tools for effective Christian living through spiritual enrichment and practical application, inclusive of the word, worship, faith, prayer, education and economic development.

We serve for two reasons only, to glorify God and edify others. By having a vision that is given by God and formulated to be carried out by His people it keeps the church actively serving on task toward building His kingdom. A strong emphasis is placed on building up the saints with the word of God. Having a vision that is God-given and implemented according to His timing is key to an effective ministry. Ministries not driven by a God centered vision are instead again led by man’s desires and agendas which can never be effective according to God's plan.

The combination of these key elements is essential for the positioning of an effective ministry no matter the size or scope. As long as the ministry glorifies God and edifies others, it will be successful for God’s kingdom.



Manna News Winter 2013 13

Rev. Charles L. Watkins, Jr., a resident of Amityville, died Sept. 27, 2012 at St. Joseph Hospital in Bethpage.

Rev. Watkins was born Jan. 17, 1943 in Charlottesville, Virginia to Charles L. Watkins, Sr. and the late Ruth F. Watkins. He received his master of divinity degree from New York Theological Seminary, a bachelor of arts in social science from the College of New Rochelle and a certificate in business administration from Hofstra University.

“He was a pleasant, hopeful person and a leader,” said his wife of 46 years, Jacqueline. “He was a shy person by nature, but learned in ministry how to reach out to people; that was important to him.”

Rev. Watkins served in the U.S. Army as a sergeant in Korea and during the Vietnam era. He was

honorably discharged in 1970. While he was in the Army, he married his childhood sweetheart, “Jackie” Watkins, and they would have celebrated their 47th anniversary in December 2012.

He was a devoted and loving father who believed in stern discipline and encouraged his children to excel in their educational pursuits and extended this advice to all young people, said his wife.

Before his acceptance of the call to ministry, his professional experience was in the fields of social work and electronics. He had a successful career in direct marketing while working for several large companies on Long Island. He held management positions in manufacturing, engineering and purchasing.

His family said that he was proudest of the work that he was able to do, contributing to developing and instituting the electronics program of study that allowed persons with disabilities to be retrained at the Human Resources Center of Albertson. More than 150 people were placed in positions of employment in electronics for many companies on Long Island. For this effort, Congress acknowledged him and others for their work on the steering committee that lobbied successfully for the passing of the Americans with Disabilities Act. Rev. Watkins was a member of Kappa Alpha Kappa PSI fraternity and had numerous awards and a lifetime membership with the N.A.A.C.P.

Rev. Watkins accepted his call to the ministry in 1983 and served faithfully as a pastor for more than 24 years in African Methodist Episcopal (A.M.E.) churches in Long Island, Brooklyn and Westchester County. The onset of Rev. Watkins’ illness caused him to take medical leave from the Ministry he loved so dearly.

Rev. Watkins is survived by his wife and his children, a son Kevin of Greensboro, North Carolina; daughter Niambi of Greensboro, North Carolina and grandsons, Sean of Lansing Michigan; Michael of Palm Coast, Florida and Tariq and Keyshawn of Greensboro, North Carolina. Also surviving are his father, Charles L. Watkins, Sr., of Las Vegas, Nevada; two brothers, Mercer Watkins of Charlottesville, Virginia and Langston Watkins of Cape Cod, Massachusetts; special aunt Geneva Brown; godchildren Alexis and Everett Collins of Williamsburg, Virginia and cousins, nieces, nephews and many other relatives and friends and those who affectionately called him “Dad.”

Funeral services were held at Bethel A.M.E. Church, Copiague with Pastor Rev. Keith Hayward on Oct. 5, 2012. Bishop Gregory G.M. Ingram, presiding prelate of the A.M.E. First District, gave comforting remarks to Mrs. Watkins and the family. Rev. Leonard M. Davis, pastor of Bethel A.M.E. Church, Babylon, delivered the eulogy. Interment followed in Long Island National Cemetery at Calverton.

Rev. Dr. Robert C. Leibold Church Office: 631-789-2569 [email protected]

Simpson-Amityville United Methodist Church welcomed the Rev. Dr. Robert Charles Leibold as Pastor as of July 1, 2012. He also serves as Pastor of the Bethpage UMC. Pastor Bob grew up in Smithtown and graduated from Smithtown High School East – he keeps a family home in Point Lookout (flooded in Hurricane Sandy and under repair).

He is a graduate of Houghton College, and earned his MDIV and DMIN at Ashland Theological Seminary in Ohio. Bob’s doctoral studies are focused in Pastoral Psychology & Counseling and Spiritual Direction.

Pastor Bob entered pastoral ministry in 1980, serving churches in Upstate NY for 4 years, then as pastor in Bridgehampton, Cutchogue, Granby CT, and for 13 years in Bayville, NY. He has served as Chaplain of the Bayville American Legion, the Bayville Fire Dept., as well as actively involved with the Locust Valley School District, and other community organizations.

Bob is married to Ilse, a Radiologic Technologist at Glen Cove Hospital – Bob and Ilse met when he served at the Milton-Marlboro UMC on the Hudson River in 1984. Bob and Ilse are parents to John (a Senior at Boston University) and Mary (a Junior at Locust Valley High School).

Rev. Charles L. Watkins Jr. OBITUARY


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Continued from page 5




14 Manna News Winter 2013


Daniel Day-Lewis is one of Hollywood’s best actors and his recent portrayal of Abraham

Lincoln in the Steven Spielberg movie is stellar. His performance prompts us to recall that Abraham Lincoln was the first candidate for president from the newly formed Republican Party of 1854. The Lincoln movie is cause to look at where the Republican Party is today.

Most of us will confess that the operation of our chosen political party, whether Democratic or Republican, takes on a different path locally than it does nationally. And while for many of us we can easily see the value of our chosen party when it comes to local affairs, we must also confess that the current status of the Republican Party, on the national stage, leaves much to be desired. Almost every political pundit on the left and the right are suggesting that the Republican Party needs a major makeover.

However, this is not the first time that a national political party has travelled this path of flirting with disaster. The question here is whether the Republican Party will go the way

of the past or avoid the mistakes of their predecessors and continue to be viable.

Historically, this is not the first time that a political party has faced the dilemma that the Republican Party is now facing. It is worth noting that when this country was established by our founding fathers, there was no national political party on either side of the aisle. The common thread that held the signers of the Declaration of Independence together was their unified opposition to being ruled by Great Britain, as colonies, that were seen to exist for the sole purpose of the British Empire’s benefit.

Once independence had been secured and George Washington took office as the first president of the United States, no longer colonies, of America, political divisions began to appear based upon varying views of the role of the government and the preferred relationship between state government and the federal government.

The architects of America drafted the contours of this republic loosely based upon the English structure that they had just won independence from. The executive branch was a revision of the British monarchy, the legislative branch took its cue from the House of Lords and the House of Commons and the Judicial Branch was a relatively new invention that replaced the judgmental role of the church in the Old World.

Two of the initial political parties that were planted and operated in America no longer exist today because they outlived their usefulness and relevance. The Federalist Party preferred a strong central government that should have more authority than state government. Opposing the Federalist Party was Thomas Jefferson and the creation of the Democratic Party. By 1800, the Whig Party was formed as a party to oppose Jefferson and the Democratic Party.

Both the Federalist and Whig Party did not survive history primarily because their message no longer resonated with the general public and their philosophical platform was no longer relevant to the changing reality of the country. On the other hand, the Democratic Party, which faced a similar dilemma, re-engineered itself under Andrew Jackson and James Madison

and went on to remain relevant. That brings us to the Republican Party. The party was founded in 1854 by former members of the Whig Party and disenfranchised members of the Democratic Party. What is interesting is that the Republican Party, who today is seen as having an insensitivity to people of color, was founded as an anti-slavery party that sought to widen the pool of people who could vote, rather than limit those who could vote. For the first 50 years of the Republican Party’s existence, it was the party of the people who fought on the side of civil rights.

That would change in 1932 when President Franklin Delano Roosevelt proposed a New Deal that would benefit the middle class. After 1960, the Republican Party would move further to the right when southern democrats (dixicrats) left the Democratic Party over issues with the civil rights movement and moved over to the Republican Party.

In the last election cycle, it became obvious that minority communities, young people, single women all favored President Obama. The real question is whether this past election is as much an endorsement of the president as much as it is a rejection of the Republican brand that, for a variety of issues, has alienated portions of the electorate without which no national party can win a national election.

If the Republican Party continues the path that it is currently traveling and makes no effort to re-define itself and take seriously the existence of African Americans, Hispanics, Asians, young people and women, it very well might find itself in the same category of the Federalist and Whig parties of the past.

By Bishop Andy C. Lewter, D. Min.



Manna News Winter 2013 15


Peter King Comes to Circle of Love to Meet Clergy and Activists

By Nathan Jackson

Congressman Peter T. King, a Republican, is serving his tenth term in the U.S. House of Representatives but this is his first term representing a minority community. Pastor Roy Kirton, of Circle of Love Ministry World Wide, reacted quickly to the shift in representation. He recruited an assembly of local ministers to meet with our new congressional representative.

The change began on March 6, 2012, when U.S. Magistrate Roanne Mann, issued a draft of new congressional districts. Of the six Long Island delegation districts, all but NY’s CD-1, home of Congressman Bishop, underwent a major realignment. In a unanimous ruling, the state’s highest court upheld the plan because Democrats failed to satisfy the burden of showing the new lines were unconstitutional. Thus, Peter King has moved

from the 3rd congressional district to the 2nd, the traditional base for Steve Israel – a congressman who has been sensitive to the needs of minorities in his district.

On Saturday, October 20th, 35 ministers and community activists gathered at Circle of Love Ministry to meet with Congressman Peter King. Pastor Bobby Lloyd of Freedom Chapel, who helped to set up the meeting with King, moderated the meeting, which was also attended by Duwayne Gregory (D. Suffolk County 15th Legislative District) and Charles J. Fuschillo, Jr., (R. 8th State Senate District).

All of King’s congressional experience was put to the test as pastors and residents voiced their concerns about the lack of respect republicans had shown to President Obama; his stance as a conservative; and their disappointment that a man who had no experience with a minority community

was now their representative. But by the end of the discussion what most people found was a man who was surprisingly charming, forthright and humorous. He never wavered in his hopes that President Obama would be defeated in the coming election, admitted his lack of experience with minorities was a situation he needed to address and even agreed that congress was, at times, an embarrassment with their open disrespect for the president.

“I’m hoping that this is the start of a bi-partisan dialogue that can garner some results for our community,” said Pastor Bobby Lloyd a staunch Republican Conservative. “Maybe democrats and republicans can start viewing themselves as people. It’s not the party that’s important but the person who can get the job done.”


16 Manna News Winter 2013

SHAW TEMPLEAfrican Methodist Episcopal Zion Church

471 Albany Avenue

Amityville, New York

Telephone 631.842.7554Fax 631.843.8557

Rev., Dr. David I. RobinsonPastor


Manna News Winter 2013 17


18 Manna News Winter 2013

PowellFuneral Home, Inc.

Established 1908

Proud to be celebrating over 100 Years of Service to the Community

Wesley C. Powell Wesley A. (Andy) Powell (631) 691-0172

67 Broadway Amityville, NY 11701


Manna News Winter 2013 19

Adonai Community Church125 5th AvenueBay Shore, NY 11706Pastor Glen McBride

Amityville Church of God43 Cedar RoadAmityville, NY 11701Pastor Cleveland Cummings

Amityville Community ChurchAmityville VFW Hall BroadwayAmityville, NY 11701Pastor John Davis

Bethel Pentecostal COGIC72 Eisenhower AvenueBrentwood, NY 11717Pastor Ralpheal Jefferson

Bethel AME Church20 Bethel WayCopiague, NY 11726Pastor Keith Hayward

Bethesda Seventh Day Adventist Church76 Parkway AvenueAmityville, NY 11701Pastor Stafford Byers

Calvary Chapel of Hope803 County Line RoadAmityville, NY 11701Pastor Claude T. Stauffer

Christian Life Center Church450 Bayview Ave.Amityville, NY 11701Pastor Terrance Daye

Circle of Love Ministry Worldwid20 Reith StreetCopiague, NY 11726Pastor Roy Kirton

First AME Church Wyandanch28 Wyandanch AvenueWyandanch, NY 11798Pastor Constance England

Freedom Chapel Int’l.Worship Center641 BroadwayAmityville, NY 11701Pastor Jimmy Jack

Full Gospel Christian Church2675 Great Neck RoadCopiague, NY 11726Pastor Eugene Pagliarulo

Glory Tabernacle137 Schleigel BoulevardAmityville, NY 11701Pastor Alexander Brown

Grace Community Church117 Columbus BoulevardAmityville, NY 11701Pastor Robert Burgess

Hollywood FGB Cathedral3504 Great Neck RoadAmityville, NY 11701Bishop Andy C. Lewter

Holy Temple of God Christians14 Avon PlaceAmityville, NY 11701Apostle Emmett Page

Holy Trinity Baptist Church300 Albany AvenueAmityville, NY 11701Rev. Dr. Vernon Shelton

Living Hope Missionary Baptist Church900 Old Sunrise HighwayMassapequa, NY 11758 Rev. Dr. Patricia Rickenbacker

Living Water Evangelistic Ministries15 Albany AvenueAmityville, NY 11701Pastor Howard Brigham

Mt. Nebo Baptist Church46 Glenmalure StreetAmityville, NY 11701Pastor Brown Davis

New Life Assembly of God816 Main StreetFarmingdale, NY 11735

New Hope Institutional Baptist Church30 Harrison AvenueAmityville, NY 11701

New Life Church of God7 Sidney CourtLindenhurst, NY 11757Bishop Raymond Rose

Prayer Tabernacle COGIC3550 Great Neck RoadAmityville, NY 11701Rev. Dr. Walter Willie

Shaw Temple AME Zion ChurchAlbany Avenue at 44th StreetAmityville, NY 11701Rev. Dr. David Robinson

St. John Baptist Church15 Bethpage RoadCopiague, NY 11726Pastor James Carter

Tabernacle of Praises Ministry39 Brentwood RoadBay Shore, NY 11706Pastor Elena L. Mayfield

The Place of Refreshing Empowerment66A Maple PlaceAmityville, NY 11701Rev. Dr. Cory Easterling

The Way of Life COGIC107 West Sunrise HighwayLindenhurst, NY 11757Pastor Jerome Lewis

Zion Gospel Church90 Warren StreetCopiague, NY 11726Pastor Willard Price III

The Manna Family

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Not forsaking the assembling of

ourselves together, as the manner of some; but exhort-ing one another: and so much the

more, as you see the day approaching. -

Hebrews 10:25

Amity Spa Beauty Salon58 Albany AvenueAmityville, NY 11701

Amityville Heart Center129 BroadwayAmityville, NY 11701

Amityville Public LibraryOak and John StreetsAmityville, NY 11701

Brooklyn Fish524 BroadwayAmityville, NY 11701

Car Tunes45 Route 110Farmingdale, NY 11735

Sasha D. Cekada, DDS193 BroadwayAmityville, NY 11701

Crossroads Lawnmower Repairs484 BroadwayAmityville, NY 11701

CVS355 BroadwayAmityville, NY 11701

K.M. DeMeireles, DDS71 Ireland PlaceAmityville, NY 11701

Earl’s Barbershop689 BroadwayAmityville, NY 11701

Farmingdale Lanes999 Conklin StreetFarmingdale, NY 11735

Fay’s Fine Food807 Rte. 110Amityville, NY 11701

Stephen Ray Fellman570 BroadwayAmityville, NY 11701

House of Essence525 North BroadwayAmityville, NY 11701

J. Slinger-Hasgill Funeral Home155 Sunrise HighwayAmityville, NY 11701

JF Goode Funeral Home545 Albany AvenueAmityville, NY 11701

James Barber Shop1708 Sunrise HighwayAmityville, NY 11701

Lin’s Nail Salon565 North BroadwayAmityville, NY 11701

Little Sweet Jamaica544 A BroadwayAmityville, NY 11701

Maryam African Hairbraiding231 BroadwayAmityville, NY 11701

Monro Muffler/Brake & Service1706 Sunrise HighwayCopiague, NY 11726

NACEC1 Commerce BoulevardAmityville, NY 11701

Nail 200200 BroadwayAmityville, NY 11701

New Attitude Hair Salon544 BroadwayAmityville, NY 11701

North Amityville Taxpayers Association568 BroadwayAmityville, NY 11701

Peter’s Diner756 BroadwayAmityville, NY 11701

Powell Funeral Home67 BroadwayAmityville, NY 11701

Rebecca’s Café178 Park AvenueAmityville, NY 11701

Self Image Salon180 BroadwayAmityville, NY 11701

Martin P. Sherman, MD193 BroadwayAmityville, NY 11701

South Shore Cardiovascular137 Broadway, Suite AAmityville, NY 11701

Sweet & Spicy Caribbean Café179 BroadwayAmityville, NY 11701

Tutor Time455 Albany AvenueAmityville, NY 11701

We Care Hair Studio214 BroadwayAmityville, NY 11701

Yole Beauty Salon140 BroadwayAmityville, NY 11701