
Winter 2013Winter 2013

New to Monday NightsNew to Monday NightsNew to Monday NightsNew to Monday Nights

See Page 3


See Page 3

Winter is a time when seeds lie dormant in the ground, waiting for Winter is a time when seeds lie dormant in the ground, waiting for Winter is a time when seeds lie dormant in the ground, waiting for Winter is a time when seeds lie dormant in the ground, waiting for

the time when warmth will return and the world will blossom again.the time when warmth will return and the world will blossom again.the time when warmth will return and the world will blossom again.the time when warmth will return and the world will blossom again.

With us, it can be a time for thinking, for planning, and for putting

things into place ready for action. It has applied to the Management

Committee of 1O2.7 FM, as each member has brought to the table

ideas that can make the station more enjoyable and profitable.

One of those ideas has been to take the station into the community

via outside broadcasts (OBs), where those thousands who have

never heard of us, despite the fact that we’ve been here for thirty-

five years, will have the opportunity to twiddle their radio dials and

find us, and maybe even join as listeners and financial members. You

can help too by talking about our programs with your friends.

Another idea has been to change our week-day early morning listen-

ing to suit the needs of those who are awake at those times on a

regular basis—the truckies who bring the supplies to our stores so

that we can shop confident of finding what we are after, or to take

our parcels and letters to the depots so that they can be delivered,

bless their big hearts. (Read the article to the right for details.)

Still again, another idea has been to make sure that our office is

opened and manned when you need to renew your membership,

bring in a community notice, or to phone for information about the

station. This prompted the need for regular receptionists to man the

phones and front desk, hence the notice below. Maybe you can help.

A further idea is to provide a standard of radio program that will

attract new listeners by conducting regular air-checks to see that

these standards are being met. This will mean a Program Standards

Committee who will listen and provide meaningful feedback about

how well our announcers are doing, and hints to them on how to

keep our programs up-to-date and professional-sounding.

Following this concept of professionalism was the thought that our

webpage could be improved dramatically, so this is happening. Take

a peep at how it looks now, and watch it continue to improve.

Finally there has been brainstorming on how to keep the station

financial during these hard economic times. Plans are now in place

to help pay the bills, and even to thrive from now on. You can help

by talking to friends in business about our wide audience and our

low sponsorship rates. We would appreciate your help.

Page 2 Wavelength

Welcome to WinterWelcome to WinterWelcome to WinterWelcome to Winter WavelengthWavelength The quarterly newsletter of Darling Downs Broadcasting Society Inc., 1O2.7 FM 4DDB The views and opinions of contributors to this newsletter are not necessarily the views and opinions of the Editor or of the Executive or Management Committee

Executive CommitteeExecutive CommitteeExecutive CommitteeExecutive Committee President— Todd Baillie Vice President—Wade Copson Secretary—Brad Schofield Treasurer—Daphne Hutchinson

Management CommitteeManagement CommitteeManagement CommitteeManagement Committee Todd Baillie, Wade Copson, Brad Schofield, Daphne Hutchinson, Barry Raftery, Allen Volz, Richard Birkett, Owen Mützelburg, Leonie Jones

Station ManagerStation ManagerStation ManagerStation Manager David Silver

CoordinatorsCoordinatorsCoordinatorsCoordinators Program & Announcers: David Silver Production: Owen Mützelburg Sponsorship: David Silver, Pat O’Shea, Phil Long Promotions: Todd Baillie, David Silver, Pat O’Shea Announcer Training: David, Todd, Owen Ethnic Programs: Owen Mützelburg Membership: Catherine Tremayne Maintenance: Hugh Fisher, Don Nunn Wavelength: Owen Mützelburg General Grants: Barry Raftery, Brad Schofield Ethnic Grants: Owen Mützelburg Carnival of Flowers: Hugh Fisher

Bookkeeper: Richard Birkett Office Assistant: Sara Andrews Web Page: Nicholas Curran

Office and StudiosOffice and StudiosOffice and StudiosOffice and Studios 1 Scholefield Street, Toowoomba, Qld 4350 (Postal: PO Box 400) Phones: Office: 4638 4171 Studio: 4639 2722 Fax: 4632 2716 Email: [email protected] Web: Office hours: 10 to 4 Monday to Friday

MembershipMembershipMembershipMembership SubscriptionsSubscriptionsSubscriptionsSubscriptions Membership of the Darling Downs Broadcasting Society is invited from the community. Subscription rates are as follows (including GST): Single $44; Single Concession $26.40 Family $55; Family Concession $27.90 Community Organisation $55 Corporate Body $110 Front cover: Toowoomba City Hall, fogbound in Winter. Photo by Tanetahi, from Flickr Files.

Volunteers needed 1O2.7 FM is in need of volunteers 1O2.7 FM is in need of volunteers 1O2.7 FM is in need of volunteers 1O2.7 FM is in need of volunteers as receptionists in the front office, as receptionists in the front office, as receptionists in the front office, as receptionists in the front office, and for other casual duties.and for other casual duties.and for other casual duties.and for other casual duties.

Each volunteer will be needed to work one 3-hour shift per week, or more if available. Duties will include welcoming visitors, answering phone calls, receiving membership fees, assisting the office staff, and keeping the office and building neat and tidy. Some experience would be helpful, but not necessary as training and instructions will be given.

Those interested should phone 4638 4171 between 10am and 4pm weekdays for an appointment to discuss the position.

Winter 2013 Page 3

To cater for the largest audience between midnight and To cater for the largest audience between midnight and To cater for the largest audience between midnight and To cater for the largest audience between midnight and dawn on weekday mornings, that being the “Truckies,” dawn on weekday mornings, that being the “Truckies,” dawn on weekday mornings, that being the “Truckies,” dawn on weekday mornings, that being the “Truckies,” 1O2.7 FM has introduced Roadhouse Radio.1O2.7 FM has introduced Roadhouse Radio.1O2.7 FM has introduced Roadhouse Radio.1O2.7 FM has introduced Roadhouse Radio.

Beginning on Easter weekend, the station included a propor-tion of country music to its 11pm to 6am programming, and in the beginning of June made it the predominant element.

With the ever-increasing number of transport vehicles driving our roads overnight, there has been a growing audience of truck drivers listening to radio as they pass the long, boring hours of darkness, with the occasional roadhouse truck-stop.

This audience largely appreciates the popular country music of Australia and the USA—the current hits that are making the Country Music Charts, along with classic favourite tunes from bygone years that were the hits of their youth.

At the moment the program is basic, but as time goes on we will be fine-tuning it to meet the needs of this audience, as we listen to their comments and requests for particular artists and styles. Hopefully they’ll enjoy it as they drive through.

Radio India Radio India Radio India Radio India can be heard on 1O2.7 FM on Monday nights, and is mainly in Hindi and English with special language segments each week aiming to cover the major languages in India, which include Punjabi, Gujarati, Bengali and Tamil. Hindi is understood by neighbouring countries in the Indian sub-continent as well.

Special Language segments will also include Nepalese, Sinhala and Urdu. The program features classical instru-mental, classical songs, bollywood songs, classical poetry or ‘shayari’ as it is better known, as well as local items and Indian segments of topical interest.

According to the latest census, there are 22,688 people in According to the latest census, there are 22,688 people in According to the latest census, there are 22,688 people in According to the latest census, there are 22,688 people in the area with descent from the Indian subcontinent, about the area with descent from the Indian subcontinent, about the area with descent from the Indian subcontinent, about the area with descent from the Indian subcontinent, about half of whom have arrived here within the past 5 years. half of whom have arrived here within the past 5 years. half of whom have arrived here within the past 5 years. half of whom have arrived here within the past 5 years.

Who would have guessed? With that sort of concentration, they qualify to have a radio program specially tailored to them. And who better to produce the program than the president and secretary of Toowoomba International Multi-cultural Society Inc.(TIMS), Gitie House and Preeti Parkih, pictured at right during their training in our studios, and looking happy to be there.

Gitie House Gitie House Gitie House Gitie House came to Toowoomba from New Delhi in 1978. and is a founder of TIMS and president since 2008. She grew up in a multi-faith, multicultural family in India. Her professional background is in information systems, She has been a lifelong student of physics, science, religion, spiritu-ality, ethics, philosophy, and nature. Gitie has co-authored papers and a book on ethics, philosophy and birds in na-ture, is versed in Hindi, and is looking forward to regaining her fluency in Bengali, Gujarati and Punjabi

Preeti Parkih Preeti Parkih Preeti Parkih Preeti Parkih moved to Toowoomba from the bustling city of Mumbai in 2006. She is a teacher of Indian Classical Dance and Folk Dancing and runs classes for adults and children. Preeti has been a member of TIMS since 2009, and speaks fluently in Hindi, Gujarati and Marathi.

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On Sunday, 9th June, Jean passed away peacefully at home, just one month short of her 90th birthday, leaving a legacy of hard work, beautiful music, and service to her community.

Our Developing Website

Over the past few months, Nicholas Curran, our technical Over the past few months, Nicholas Curran, our technical Over the past few months, Nicholas Curran, our technical Over the past few months, Nicholas Curran, our technical wiz, has been busy developing the station’s website to wiz, has been busy developing the station’s website to wiz, has been busy developing the station’s website to wiz, has been busy developing the station’s website to make it more usermake it more usermake it more usermake it more user----friendly and attractive.friendly and attractive.friendly and attractive.friendly and attractive.

It may be accessed by going to Here you will see substantial changes, such as the rotating

Jean Keam volunteered her services to 4DDB 1O2.7 Jean Keam volunteered her services to 4DDB 1O2.7 Jean Keam volunteered her services to 4DDB 1O2.7 Jean Keam volunteered her services to 4DDB 1O2.7 FM in 1987, seven years after she and her husband FM in 1987, seven years after she and her husband FM in 1987, seven years after she and her husband FM in 1987, seven years after she and her husband Colin moved to Toowoomba from a property in the Colin moved to Toowoomba from a property in the Colin moved to Toowoomba from a property in the Colin moved to Toowoomba from a property in the Miles district.Miles district.Miles district.Miles district.

She presented the Wednesday afternoon program of Making Music for the next 20 years, describing her program’s content as “easy listening”.

“Judging by the phone calls I received over the 20 years, people seemed to enjoy it,” she said.

Coming from a musical family, Jean played piano and enjoyed a wide range of music. Each week she would gather up a number of CDs from her own personal collection to play on the radio.

In August 2007, aged 84, and starting to suffer from the effects of dementure, Jean decided to hang up her headphones and become more of a listener than a presenter of radio music in retirement.

Her two decades with the station were most enjoy-able, Jean said in an interview at the time.

“They are a friendly group to work with,” she said.

Jean Keam Tribute

musical wheel that allows you to listen to the station any-where in the world at the click of the arrow symbol, forms for joining up as members, the latest Wavelength in full colour, and summaries of programs, sponsors and so much more. Take a few minutes to check it out. We’re sure you’ll be delighted with the changes.

Page 5 Wavelength Winter 2011Winter 2011Winter 2011Winter 2011 Page 5 Page 5 Wavelength Autumn 2013 Page 5 Page 5 Wavelength Winter 2013 Page 5


• Your kids are becoming you... but your grandchildren are perfect!

• Going out is good... coming home is better!

• You forget names... but it's okay because other people forgot they even knew you!!

• The things you used to care to do, you no longer care to do, but you really do care that you don't care to do them anymore.

• You sleep better on a lounge chair with the TV blaring than in bed. It's called "pre-sleep".

• You miss the days when everything worked with just an "ON" and "OFF" switch.

• You tend to use more 4-letter words, like “What? “When?”

• Now that you can afford expensive jewellery, it's not safe to wear it anywhere.

• You notice everything they sell in stores is "sleeveless".

• What used to be freckles are now liver spots.

• Everybody whispers.

• You have three sizes of clothes in your closet.... two of which you will never wear.

• Just when you reach a time when you are wise and want to make good use of your wisdom... your body falls apart!

• Don’t worry about opportunities missed... someone else will take advantage of them.

• Life is like a roll of toilet paper... the closer it gets to the end, the faster it goes.

• It's not what you gather, but what you scatter that tells what kind of life you have lived.

• You used to sing, “All my friends are getting married.” Now you sing, “All my friends are getting buried.”

• Tell your family you love them one more time... just in case!

• Old Age is no place for the Elderly.

• You can’t choose how you feel, but you can choose what you can do about it.

• Old is good in some things... old songs, old movies, and best of all, OLD FRIENDS!!

Looking back... from the Winter of Life Looking back... from the Winter of Life Looking back... from the Winter of Life Looking back... from the Winter of Life

You know, time has a way of moving You know, time has a way of moving You know, time has a way of moving You know, time has a way of moving

quickly and catching you unaware of quickly and catching you unaware of quickly and catching you unaware of quickly and catching you unaware of

the passing years. the passing years. the passing years. the passing years.

It seems just yesterday that I was

young, just married and embarking

on my new life with my mate. Yet in a

way, it seems like eons ago, and I

wonder where all the years went. I

know that I lived them all. I have

glimpses of how it was back then and

of all my hopes and dreams.

But, here it is; the winter of my life and it catches me by

surprise. How did I get here so fast? Where did the years go

and where did my youth go? I remember well seeing older

people through the years and thinking that those older

people were years away from me and that winter was so

far off that I could not fathom it or imagine fully what it

would be like.

But, here it is; my friends are retired and getting grey. They

move slower and I see an older person now. Some are in

better and some worse shape than me... but, I see the great

change. Not like the ones that I remember who were

young and vibrant... but, like me, their age is beginning to

show and we are now those older folks that we used to see

and never thought we'd be. Each day now, I find that just

getting a shower is a real target for the day! And taking a

nap is not a treat anymore... it's mandatory! Cause if I don't,

on my own free will, I just fall asleep where I sit!

And so, now I enter into this new season of my life

unprepared for all the aches and pains and the loss of

strength and ability to go and do things that I wish I had

done but never did!! But, at least I know that though the

winter has come, I'm not sure how long it will last. This I

know, that when it's over on this earth, it’s over. A new

adventure will begin!

Yes, I have regrets. There are things I wish I hadn't done,

things I should have done, but indeed, there are many

things I'm happy to have done. It's all in a lifetime.

So, if you're not in your winter yet... let me remind you that

it will be here faster than you think. Whatever you would

like to accomplish in your life please do it quickly! Don't put

things off too long!! Life goes by too quickly. Do what you

can today, as you can never be sure whether this is your

winter or not! You have no promise that you will see all the

seasons of your life, so live well for today and say all the

things that you want your loved ones to remember, and

hope that they appreciate and love you for all the things

that you have done for them in all the years past. "Life" is a

gift to you. The way you live it is your gift to those who

come after. Make it a fantastic one.

102.7 102.7 102.7 102.7 FM appreci ates the v alued support o f th e f ollowing spons ors:FM appreci ates the v alued support o f th e f ollowing spons ors:FM appreci ates the v alued support o f th e f ollowing spons ors:FM appreci ates the v alued support o f th e f ollowing spons ors:

Page 6 Wavelength

We welcome contributions to these pages—send them to:

The Wavelength, PO Box 400, Toowoomba Qld 4350,

or email them to: [email protected]

The Fun PagesThe Fun PagesThe Fun PagesThe Fun Pages

A Good Pun is its own RewordA Good Pun is its own RewordA Good Pun is its own RewordA Good Pun is its own Reword Energizer Bunny arrested—charged with battery.

A pessimist’s blood type is always b-negative.

Shotgun wedding—a case of wife or death.

I used to work at a blanket factory, but it folded. If electricity comes from electrons, does it follow that morality comes from morons?

A hangover is the wrath of grapes.

Corduroy pillows are making headlines.

Banning the bra was a big flop.

Sea captains don’t like crew cuts.

A gossip is someone with a great sense of rumour.

Reading while sunbaking makes you well-red.

When two egotists meet, it’s an I for an I.

Alarms—what an octopus is.

Dockyard—a physician’s garden.

Incongruous—where bills are passed.

Khakis—what are used to start a jeep.

Rationalisation—telling rational lies.

Two vultures board an aeroplane, each carrying two dead rabbits. The flight attendant looks at them and says, “I’m sorry, gentlemen, only one carrion allowed per passenger.”

Two boll weevils grew up in South Carolina. One went to Hollywood and became a famous actor. The other stayed behind in the cotton fields and never amounted to much. The second one, naturally, be-came known as the lesser of two weevils.

The Sanity TestThe Sanity TestThe Sanity TestThe Sanity Test During a visit to a mental asylum, a visitor asked the Director what is the criteria that defines a patient to be institutionalised.

“Well,” said the doctor, “we fill up a bathtub, we offer a teaspoon, a teacup and a bucket to the patient and ask him to empty the bathtub. The test is, would he use the spoon, the cup or the bucket?”

“Oh, I understand,” said the visitor. “A normal person would choose the bucket because it is the largest.”

The doctor shook his head. “Noooo. A normal person would pull the plug.”

Reading ResearchReading ResearchReading ResearchReading Research Aoccrdnig to rscheearch at an Elingsh uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht odrer the letetrs in a wrod are, the olny iprmoetnt thing is taht the frist and lsat ltteer is in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a total mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae we do not raed ervey lteter by itslef, but the word as a wlohe.

Cool Things About Being a MaleCool Things About Being a MaleCool Things About Being a MaleCool Things About Being a Male Out last name stays put.

The garage is all ours.

Wedding plans take care of themselves.

Car mechanics tell us the truth.

We don’t care if nobody notices our new hairdo.

The same hairstyle lasts for years, maybe decades.

Same work, more pay.

Wrinkles add character.

We don’t have to leave the room to make emergency adjustments.

Tuxedo rental $200; wedding dress $4,000.

People never glance at our chests while we’re talking.

One mood, all the time.

Phone conversations are over in 30 seconds.

A five-day holiday requires only one suitcase.

We can open all our own jars.

Our belly usually hides our big hips.

If we are 34 and single, nobody notices.

Three pairs of shoes are more than enough.

We are unable to see wrinkles in clothes.

One wallet, one pair of shoes, one colour, all seasons.

Our backside is never a factor in a job interview. We can quietly enjoy a car ride in the passenger seat. Christmas shopping for 25 people can be completed in one hour on Christmas Eve.

Page 6 Wavelength

“They’ve abandoned the races because of the fog...

They can’t see the advertising boards, apparently.”

Autumn 2013 Page 7

Puzzle PiecesPuzzle PiecesPuzzle PiecesPuzzle Pieces

Answers: Answers: Answers: Answers: 1. Brenden should pull the handle first,

then push it. .

2. Alexandria.

3. True. The Martian Series began with A Princess of

Mars written in 1912. It was the first of 11 thrilling

novels about an incredible odyssey in which John

Carter, a gentleman from Virginia, embarks on a

journey to the dying red planet.

Puzzle 2: Don’t look at the picture above! The town name was molded in the casting of the bell

works. What was it?

Puzzle 3: True or false? Perhaps best known for his Tarzan series of books, Edgar Rice Burroughs’

most sensational yarns were told in the Martian Se-

ries, 11 science fiction novels written in the grand

tradition of Jules Verne and H. G. Wells.

• In ancient Rome, oysters were so highly prized that they were sold for their weight in gold.

• It takes about 150,000 litres of water to grow and prepare a typical dinner for eight people.

• Navada and Canberra are varieties of cauliflower.

• Tequila is made from the juice of the agave.

• Dendrophobia is the fear of trees.

• Podiatrists estimate that the average pair of feet travel about 190,000km in a lifetime.

• Clams have a row of eyes around their shells.

• Owls are reportedly the only birds that can see the colour blue.

• The left lung us smaller than the right, allowing room for the heart.

• A snail can sleep for three years.

• Daily, the human race grows by about 214,000 people.

• If the stomach did not store food, people would have to eat every 20 minutes.

• Brontology is the study of thunder.

• A tightrope walker is called a funambulist.

• Several mothballs in a toolbox prevents tools from rusting.

• 90-95% of human sensory perception is by sight.

• When you are in deep trouble, look straight ahead, keep your mouth shut and keep going with the crowd. As shown in this picture entitled, “Fox Hunt.”

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Puzzle courtesy of

Visual Brainstorms

Page 8 Wavelength

Nightly Nightly Nightly Nightly 6666----9 pm9 pm9 pm9 pm————From the Musicals (7:30From the Musicals (7:30From the Musicals (7:30From the Musicals (7:30----7:50 pm7:50 pm7:50 pm7:50 pm————Bill Weir’s Featured Musical)Bill Weir’s Featured Musical)Bill Weir’s Featured Musical)Bill Weir’s Featured Musical)

9999----10 pm10 pm10 pm10 pm————Jazz and SwingJazz and SwingJazz and SwingJazz and Swing

10101010----MidnightMidnightMidnightMidnight————Silver Memories MiscellanySilver Memories MiscellanySilver Memories MiscellanySilver Memories Miscellany

MidnightMidnightMidnightMidnight----6:30 am6:30 am6:30 am6:30 am————From the MoviesFrom the MoviesFrom the MoviesFrom the Movies

WeekdaysWeekdaysWeekdaysWeekdays 6:306:306:306:30----8 am8 am8 am8 am————Silver Memories MiscellanySilver Memories MiscellanySilver Memories MiscellanySilver Memories Miscellany

8888----10 am10 am10 am10 am————The Morning ShowThe Morning ShowThe Morning ShowThe Morning Show

10101010----10:30 am10:30 am10:30 am10:30 am————Silver Memories MiscellanySilver Memories MiscellanySilver Memories MiscellanySilver Memories Miscellany

10:3010:3010:3010:30----11 am11 am11 am11 am————ComedyComedyComedyComedy

11111111----11:20 am11:20 am11:20 am11:20 am————Peter Weston RemembersPeter Weston RemembersPeter Weston RemembersPeter Weston Remembers

11:2011:2011:2011:20----12 noon12 noon12 noon12 noon————Silver Memories MiscellanySilver Memories MiscellanySilver Memories MiscellanySilver Memories Miscellany

12121212----1 pm1 pm1 pm1 pm————Village Music Hour (Live from 4MBS)Village Music Hour (Live from 4MBS)Village Music Hour (Live from 4MBS)Village Music Hour (Live from 4MBS)

1111----2:302:302:302:30————Silver Memories Miscellany (Mondays 1Silver Memories Miscellany (Mondays 1Silver Memories Miscellany (Mondays 1Silver Memories Miscellany (Mondays 1----2 pm2 pm2 pm2 pm————Swing & Big Band)Swing & Big Band)Swing & Big Band)Swing & Big Band)

2:302:302:302:30----3 pm3 pm3 pm3 pm————Mainly VienneseMainly VienneseMainly VienneseMainly Viennese

3333----6 pm6 pm6 pm6 pm————Silver Memories MiscellanySilver Memories MiscellanySilver Memories MiscellanySilver Memories Miscellany

SaturdaySaturdaySaturdaySaturday 6:306:306:306:30----11 am11 am11 am11 am————Silver Memories MiscellanySilver Memories MiscellanySilver Memories MiscellanySilver Memories Miscellany

11111111----11:3011:3011:3011:30————Peter Weston RemembersPeter Weston RemembersPeter Weston RemembersPeter Weston Remembers

11:3011:3011:3011:30----12 noon12 noon12 noon12 noon————Silver Memories MiscellanySilver Memories MiscellanySilver Memories MiscellanySilver Memories Miscellany

12121212----1 pm1 pm1 pm1 pm————Village Music HourVillage Music HourVillage Music HourVillage Music Hour

1111----1:30 pm1:30 pm1:30 pm1:30 pm————Band ParadeBand ParadeBand ParadeBand Parade

1:301:301:301:30----2:30 pm2:30 pm2:30 pm2:30 pm————Silver Memories MiscellanySilver Memories MiscellanySilver Memories MiscellanySilver Memories Miscellany

2:302:302:302:30----3 pm3 pm3 pm3 pm————Mainly VienneseMainly VienneseMainly VienneseMainly Viennese

3333----6 pm6 pm6 pm6 pm————Silver Memories MiscellanySilver Memories MiscellanySilver Memories MiscellanySilver Memories Miscellany

Sunday Sunday Sunday Sunday 6:306:306:306:30----10:30 am10:30 am10:30 am10:30 am————Silver Memories MiscellanySilver Memories MiscellanySilver Memories MiscellanySilver Memories Miscellany

10:3010:3010:3010:30----11 am11 am11 am11 am————Comedy SpotComedy SpotComedy SpotComedy Spot

11111111----11:2011:2011:2011:20————Peter Weston RemembersPeter Weston RemembersPeter Weston RemembersPeter Weston Remembers

11:2011:2011:2011:20----12 noon12 noon12 noon12 noon————Silver Memories MiscellanySilver Memories MiscellanySilver Memories MiscellanySilver Memories Miscellany

12121212----1 pm1 pm1 pm1 pm————Golden OldiesGolden OldiesGolden OldiesGolden Oldies

1111----1:30 pm1:30 pm1:30 pm1:30 pm————Band ParadeBand ParadeBand ParadeBand Parade

1:301:301:301:30----2:30 pm2:30 pm2:30 pm2:30 pm————Silver Memories MiscellanySilver Memories MiscellanySilver Memories MiscellanySilver Memories Miscellany

2:302:302:302:30----3 pm3 pm3 pm3 pm————Mainly VienneseMainly VienneseMainly VienneseMainly Viennese

3333----6 pm6 pm6 pm6 pm————Silver Memories MiscellanySilver Memories MiscellanySilver Memories MiscellanySilver Memories Miscellany

Hear a sample of Silver Memories Hear a sample of Silver Memories Hear a sample of Silver Memories Hear a sample of Silver Memories

on 1O2.7 FM every second on 1O2.7 FM every second on 1O2.7 FM every second on 1O2.7 FM every second

Sunday between 2 and 5 pm.Sunday between 2 and 5 pm.Sunday between 2 and 5 pm.Sunday between 2 and 5 pm.

Page 8 Wavelength

Page 9 Wavelength

1O2.7 FM Program Guide

Autumn 2013 Page 9 Page 9 Wavelength Winter 2013 Page 9

Page 10 Wavelength

A Sponsor ProfileA Sponsor ProfileA Sponsor ProfileA Sponsor Profile

A Community Service ProfileA Community Service ProfileA Community Service ProfileA Community Service Profile

Page 10 Wavelength

City Golf Club City Golf Club City Golf Club City Golf Club had its beginnings at Willowburn in 1926, when farms were developed into fairways, worked its way through the trials and tribulations of the Great Depression and the Second World War to become the Club that we know so well.

Boasting an impressive 18 hole golf course and magnifi-cent club house facilities, City Golf Club is Toowoomba’s premier club. Organise a game one day soon and judge for yourself!

City Golf Club is situated in Toowoomba, the Garden City, and is centrally located 5 minutes from the city centre, in-corporates City Golf Motel, just around the corner at 775 Ruthven Street, and within walking distance of other motels in Ruthven Street.

Recently City Golf Club was inducted into Clubs Queens-land Hall of Fame after winning the Best Golf Club, Venue

and Facilities for the last three consecutive years, and won Best Club in the Darling Downs & South West Queensland.

Incorporating Chippers Bistro and Bunker's Coffee Shop for your dining pleasures; as well as gaming, entertainment and function facilities, the City Golf Club has it all!

Regular entertainment features top artists from Australia and overseas, such as Beccy Cole, Dean Vegas, Hermans Hermits, Amber Lawrence & Jason Owen, and comedian Rod Gregory, known as The Old Fella.

Every Friday & Saturday night & Sunday afternoon the City Golf Club provides FREE live entertainment for patrons in their Club Lounge. Friday and Saturday bands commence at 7.30pm and play through until 11.30, unless otherwise stated. Sunday entertainment starts at 1pm and plays through until 5. On the last Sunday of every month they host a Jazz Session.

CITY GOLF CLUB 254 South Street, (on the corner of Healey Street).254 South Street, (on the corner of Healey Street).254 South Street, (on the corner of Healey Street).254 South Street, (on the corner of Healey Street).

Garden City Country Music Association Inc Garden City Country Music Association Inc Garden City Country Music Association Inc Garden City Country Music Association Inc is a not-for-profit organisation commenced in 1981 with the purpose of per-forming and promoting country music for all ages.

Garden City Country Music Association meets each Wednes-day night at 7:30 at the Downs Motorcycle Clubhouse in the Toowoomba Showgrounds. General meetings are held monthly at the same venue on the third Wednesday. Practice nights are held as per the calendar on home page, at Glenvale State School Hall, Glenvale Road, at 7.30 p.m. Country Music Afternoons featuring guest artists are held on the second Sunday of every second Month (Feb, Apr, June, Aug, Oct, Dec) at Trinity Lutheran Hall, Hume Street, Toowoomba, from 1 to 5pm. Garden City Country Music Club is fun for all the family. If you play a musical instrument or sing, you’re invited to go along and join in the various nights. The annual Country Music Rush Country Music Rush Country Music Rush Country Music Rush event began in 1994 with a small number of sections and contestants at Jondaryan Woolshed. In 1996 Garden City Country Music Club was approached to help with the running of the competition. By this stage Bush Poetry, Line Dancing and Country Music were contested. Entries gradually increased as the years progressed – with 2004 attracting 275. With the interest in Line Dancing dwindling, this part of the competition was

dropped in 2001 and the Poetry performing section ceased in 2002. After ten more years, 2012 brought a change of venue from the Jondaryan Woolshed to Oakey Cultural Centre. There are two unique parts to “The Rush”:

• Variety Act (no other festi-val has this section) – each contestant performs two songs (one Australian song and any other coun-try song) instead of just one;

• Overall Trophy – each year a wooden trophy is hand- carved by Graham Turner. Previous trophies have been: Stockman and Dog, Wedgetail Eagle, Bullrider, Stockman and Saddle, Swaggie, Fencer, and Gold Panner – always epitomising the Australiana theme.

For further details contact Dell Lowien on 4635 6429.

Garden City Country Music Association

Autumn 2013 Page 11

RPH Advertising Agency

Scott Street Pharmacy

Spots & Space Advertising Agency

Sybils Big Girls Boutique


The Cheesecake Shop

3F Fabrications

Toowoomba Rugby League

Toowoomba Turf Club


Wattlebrae Stud

Yukana Retirement Village

JoenRoz Window Cleaning

K&R Plumbing Supplies

Lockyer Race Club

Mark Phillipson Betta Electrical

Medtech Mobility Equipment

Oakey Plant Hire

Palm Lake Resort


Platinum Roofing

Radford & Siebuhr Florists

Rendezvous Cafe

Royal Hotel

Adstream Advertising Agency

Bernborough Hardware & Produce

Brian Messer Plumbing

Burstow’s Rug Shack

City Golf Club

Clark Rubber Pools and Spas

Drayton & Toowoomba Cemetery

East West Insurance Brokers

Federal Hotel

Garden City Cabs

Gatton Rugby League Football Club

Highfields Pioneer Village

1O2.7 FM appreciates the valued support of these sponsors and agencies:

We thank these Community Organisations for their valued support:

Alliance Francaise de Toowoomba Inc.

Association of Independent Retirees

Community Broadcasting Association of Australia

Community Broadcasting Foundation

Darling Downs Multicultural Group

Darling Downs Sport Aircraft Association

Downs Steam

Garden City Country Music Association Inc.

Gidgee Coal Bush Ballad Awards

Glenore Grove Hall Committee

Harlaxton RSL Sub-Branch

Highfields Pioneer Village Museum & Park Inc.

Just Rock Toowoomba

Longyard Country Music Club

Maclagan Memorial Hall Association Inc.

Native Orchid Society

Personnel West Employment Service

Riding For The Disabled

Royal Australian Air Force Assoc. T’mba Branch

Social Dancing Committee

Southern Beekeepers

St Bartholomew’s Church

St Stephens Toowoomba Meals on Wheels

Ted and Friends Country Music

Toowoomba and Darling Downs Diabetic Group

Toowoomba Choral Society

Toowoomba Clubhouse

Toowoomba Community Care Transport Inc.

Toowoomba Fire Brigade Historical Society Inc.

Toowoomba Floral Art Group Inc.

Toowoomba Folk Club-Quart Pot Folk Club Inc.

Toowoomba Geranium Society Inc.

Toowoomba Hospice

Toowoomba International Multicultural Society

Toowoomba Multiple Sclerosis Society

Toowoomba Philharmonic Society Inc.

Toowoomba Repertory Theatre

Toowoomba Senior Citizens Club

Toowoomba Senior Citizen Day Respite Centre

Toowoomba Spiritual Association Inc

University of the Third Age Inc.

Wattles Rugby League Football Club

Westbrook Hall Committee

Page 11 Wavelength Winter 2013 Page 11






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