
Winning at the Real Estate Game

Playing the Real Estate Game

Real estate is a tough game, and in property markets like inner cities where the competition is even tougher.

Agents balance selling, building new clientele and prospects for the future and can often spend tedious amounts of time on contracts and paperwork.

Here are some simple tips to win at the real estate game!

The science of Selling

The Science of Successful Selling (for Newbs)

Managing and mastering the task of successfully selling property is a science. Right at the centre of the formula for success is communication. Not just in terms of negotiating but when playing the role of the ‘agent’, you’re in the middle of a number of parties involved and must make all ends meet.

Key Tips for Successful Communication

1. Have a clear & inspiring website

2. Use apps Like Evernote & PPLCONNECT

3. Incentivise client referrals

1. Clear & Inspiring Websites

Some Links:

Evernote Benefits

Connect to buyers, sellers, and your team members and keep track of all the details.

Easily share important information and show potential clients.

Collect and manage all the moving parts for your transactions in one central spot.


Continue your smartphone conversations on your PC, Mac or tablet.

Send/Receive your SMS on your laptop.

Sync your Android with your Computer & tablet.

Never miss an important Message/Call

The Solution!

PPLCONNECT lets you Continue your smartphone conversations on your PC, Mac or tablet.

Best part is there it’s completely free & available on Google Play!


3. Incentivize Client Referrals

To take a page out of Dale Carnegie’s Book “How To Win Friends and Influence People”

74% of clients select their agent because they had an existing relationship or were referred by a trusted source.

Referral program: Reward your supporters out of the blue and remind them how much you appreciate them. This will create a stream of referrals. You’ll build real fans who consistently send you business because you make them feel important and appreciated.