
Get’s Windows server support and unleash your potential

Windows Server Support for a potential business

With growing challenges on the business front, enterprises are getting more and more concerned about their server maintenance. An ideal Windows server support provider should be capable to manage high-speed computing server with maximum utilization of server caliber in a cost-effective way. It should be able to manage challenges pertaining to any server fault in real-time.

Scope of server support:

MS SBS, 2000, 2003 Active directory and user admin (Moves Adds Changes)

Folders and files share and security access rights (Move Adds Changes)

MS Exchange admin

SQL Server admin

IIS Server admin

Remote access admin

Data backup management, monitoring & admin

Proactive monitoring and reporting

Disk utilization

Memory utilization

Processor utilization

Website availability

Mail Server availability

SQL DB availability

Backup schedules

Hardware fault diagnosis and repair

Role of Windows server support

To install and upgrade Windows server operating system Configure Active directory of your windows 2000/2003 Server Perform Disaster recovery in critical situation Manage windows server support component like VPN and remote access To take real time backup To optimize Windows Server, through virtualization

Different organizations are working in association with Microsoft to deliver best Windows server support. They are offering both remote and on site visit support in your comfortable language. Hence don’t be apathetic towards any server related issues and get in touch with experts of Windows server support providers. You can subscribe for different support packages that will take care of your Windows server, with periodic server checkup program.
