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Wind Power Technician

Helge Larsen November 2011Head of Operation & Maintenance

What’s so special about that?

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European Wind Resources

Color Sheltered Open Terain At Coastal Open Sea Hills & ridges

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Wind Turbine Development 1980 - 2010

• Turbines >3MW will be common in the near


• Turbines have doubled in size every 5 years

• Limiting reasons are logictics and local

consequences around wind farms

• * The effect of learning is estimated to result

in a 9-17 % reduction in O&M costs each

time installed capacity in Europe is doubled

Note* Source: EWEA – European Wind Energy Association

Increase in MW per turbines period 1985-2005

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EU Climate Goals of 2009

• A reduction in EU greenhouse gas emissions of at least 20% below 1990 levels

• 20% of EU energy consumption to come from renewable resources

• A 20% reduction in primary energy use compared with projected levels, to be achieved by improving energy efficiency




20% Improving energy efficiency

20% Consumption to come from renewable resources

20% reduction in CO2 emissions

20 20 20 - 2020

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High expectations of employment within rewnewable energy industry

• Approaching 2020 EU *1 estimates a doubling in workplaces within the renewable power section to a total of 2,8 millions

• EU in 2007, employed 108 600 *2 in the wind power industry alone - 150 000 if counting indirect jobs

• Denmark, Germany and Spain accounts for 77%

• The Wind Industry in EU will employ near 330 000 workers in 2020, according to EWEA *2

• 37 nye arbeidsplasser daglig


1 000

2 000

3 000

2007 2020



Note: 1) Source: European Commission, Directorate General for Energy and Transport2) Source: EWEA – European Wind Energy Association – ”Wind at work” – based on a scbeanrio with 180 GW wind installed in EU in 2020

Total jobs in EU renewable- and wind industry, if EU reaches the 20-20-20 goals Jobs, in thousands

Germany as an example38 000 directly employed in the wind industry in 2007 and 84300 directly and indirectly (suppliers, sub suppliers and service companies) and total of 250 000 in the renewable sector. According to a BMU study the total renewable sector will increase to 400 000 in Germany by 2020.

2,8 millioner

1,4 millioner( 2005)

Germany155 000330 000

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Personal Experiences

• Sea West Wind Power was the leading US company, both in project development and operation of wind farms

• With more sophisticated technology in wind turbines came the need for specialized competency in the technical staff

• From 2001 implemented an in-house training system based on 2 years of specialized cources

• Resulted in significant improvement in the wind farm operation efficiency

• Dramatically reduced the number of accidents

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What’s special about wind power?

• We work in teams of 2oComplement one anothero Safety - Communication

• Work environmentoClimate challengesoHigh stress leveloDangerous operations

A 150 MW Wind Farm consists of 50-70 Power Plants!

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Educational Challenges

Wind PowerTechnician






Too specialized

lesson plans

We need cross competency!

What about how-to-dos and Safety?

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The Wind Turbine TechnicianExperience makes perect….

• The first 2 years of the “Wind Power Technician” program could, with some specific adjustments, be one of the existing trades leading to a 3rd year specifically oriented towards wind turbines

• The third year needs to focus on the wind technician competency needs; electrical/mechanical – mechanical/SCADA – SCADA/electrical

How-to-dos• In a wind farm there is a clear O&M divide between turbines and

infrastructure where specialized high voltage competency is required• The work environment is subject to weather conditions requiring specific HSE

needs• Hydraulic systems and tools are both complex and can be dangerous and the

student needs to have a good understanding of this• Working in heights and under great stress is a common work situation for a

wind power technician

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