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03:46 WILMINGTOM CITY COUNCIL ~ 94343300 NO. 880 G


Coun ci l M emb er a t L ar ge \1}\ ty o f lIthnittg tOIl

m r l a m a r r


8 00 F RE N CH S TR EE T

WILMINGTON , DE 1980 1 -3 5 3 7(302) 576-2140

( FAX ) 5 7[-40'1ember :

A ll S ta lldi[18 Committees


700 S. Rodney Street

Wilmington, D E 1 9805

302-655-53093 0 2- 65 8 -5 3 09 ( FAX )

Dear City Council Colleagues,

Let me take this opportunity to address a matter that has impacted, challenged and

questioned my character and public leadership. Generally, I do not respond to such attacks.

However, my sense of right and wrong compels me to invoke this public discussion at this time.

Recently, City Council was asked to consider and vote on legislation awarding a enc,

associated with Ezion Fair Baptist Church, $250,000 to construct a gym that would be under the

guidance, control and management of Ezion's CDC. While it was presented as a public gym, it,

in fact, will be a facility under the absolute guidance of Ezion's CDC. And, of course, the· r•• -

CDC's design places it under Rev. Curry's control. This violates the separation of church and

state constitutional principle. Notably, as a councilman this constitutional principle challenges

me. It is, however, my duty as a councilman to voice and execute my wisdom-principles and

opinions on behalf of Wilmington's citizenry.

Exercising myduty has caused Rev. Chris Curry to publicly attack me as an elected

official. As Ezion's pastor, Rev. Curry during his Sunday, August 21,2011 service found some

basis in scripture to vehemently criticize my opposition to the City's awarding $250,000 to

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08/25/2011 03:46 WILMINGTOM CITY COUNCIL ~ 94343300 NO. 880 [

Ezion's CDC for a quasi public gym. By doing so, Rev. Curry invoked four (4) concerns that

causes me to publicly comment.

First, Rev. Curry criticized my separation of church and state rationale, resulting in a no

vote. Knowing that two other council members offered similar and additional rationales, and

voted no, Rev. Curry did not in any way whatsoever mention their names or criticize them. I

have tried to draw some reasonabledistinction as to why. One fact is I am black; they are white.

Also, I am a Republican; they are democrats.

Secondly, to publicly present his ire, disdain and disagreement with me from the pulpit

causes me concern. It is the intertwining of church and state that caused my initial opposition.

The content of his criticism is even more disturbing. I was accused of being vindictive and

vengeful relating to Rev. Curry's role withjoining the State in its high tech lynching of Moyer

Academy. While I disagree with his and other leaders' roles, and have said so publicly, at no

time have I called names. Rev. Curry should reveal the role he played in secretly travelling to

New Orleans on a paid mission for the State to assess how K12 a curriculum. company, not a,

management company, was struggling to operate the Sarah T. Reed Academy a state takeover

school. And ultimately Louisiana did not give K12 that charter. This was due to prevalent

conflicts between K12 (for profit), Louisiana and, Reed's Board. The same conflicts that

Delaware ignored in its review process. And Reed's rating under K12 was subpar. Yet that

company was selected by the State.

Rev. Curry went on to profess that he had cleaned up the mess at Moyer. But has he?

The initial Moyer had 480 students, with a commendable rating and operating with a substantial

surplus. Curry's Moyer has approximately 200 students, but needs 300 students, to turn a profit.

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The board is in internal disarray, and in conflict with K12. Recently, they voted out or caused

the board President to quit. This was led by Rev. Curry, again doing the deeds for K12 and

State. Will he become the president?

Parents are dissatisfied and complaining. High school students only work on computers

all day. There is little to no interaction with a live classroom teacher. All but two (2) teachers

that K12 hired last year have left. The students only go to school Monday through Thursday

from 9:00AM - 5:00PM, with no school on Fridays. And finding the days too long for

instruction school is consistently dismissed between 4 - 4:30PM. The State now mandates that

the school be opened on Fridays from 9:00AM -12:30PM. However, this is tutorial time, not

classroom instructional time. This cannot be a best practice for education. This is a schedule for

adult faculty and staff lifestyle and convenience. And yet, with all of this Rev. Curry claims to

have saved Moyer.

Thirdly, given the State's new charter scho?llaw regarding board members career history

as well as other character indicators, is Rev. Curry eligible to serve? Rev. Curry left his

administrative position at Delaware State University and Lincoln University under challenging

conditions. He needs to shed light on this matter.

Fourth, Rev. Curry telephoned me Monday, August 22, 2011, and not the other two

councilmen with accusations and threats. Again, he questioned the motives for my rationale and

vote. He threatened to get me in the 2012 elections. He states that he will turn the Southbridge

community against me. I am okay with this disagreement and it is his privilege as he put it to get

me. However, the same scrutiny is warranted of the other two councilmen, one of whom covers


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08/25/2011 03:46 WI L M I N GT O M C I T Y C O U N C IL ~ 94343300 N O . 880 ~

Generally, I do not respond to such nonsense and foolishness as this. However,

Rev. Curry's actions against me represent the mean spirit of American politics today. It

represents the absolute rationale, values, and public policy for separation of church and state.

Finally, sadly and unfortunately, it represents black on black hatred and disrespect.

T his is no t the first time that Rev. Curry has placed lobbying o r threatening calls to th e

City Council. He called me and other council members to demand support for legislation

precluding the Mayor from entering into one (l) year contracts for $250,000 or more. At that

time his language was threatening as opposed to articulating values or a policy position. Now he

is asserting himself into local politics under the guise of Ezion's CDC, making transparent the

public policy concerns raised in such matters. By preaching politics in his service Rev. Curry

seems to have made the quid pro quo of local politics more important than the salvation of his


Thanks, you are so kind.

Michael A. Brown

City Councilman At-Large

Cc Mayor James M. Baker

"If I w ere to try to read, m uch less answ er, all the attacks m ade on m e, this

shop m ight as well be closed for any other business. I do the very best I

know how - the very best Ican ; and I mean to keep doing 80 u ntil the e nd

If the end brings m e out all right, w hat's said against m e w on't am ount to

anything. If the end brings m e out w rong, ten angels sw earing I w as right

wou ld mak e n o d iffe re nc e. «. --Abraham Lincoln

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