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Will Schumacher (6 Dec 2010) 

" My original post about feb 6, 2011 from this summer " Isaiah 46:10 God has declared the end from the beginning

Eccl 1:9 That which has been is that which will be 

I believe something special will happen on Feb 6, 2011. It will be the actual division

of Israel, or a major event leading up to the division of Israel.


The number 430 is God’s number for division or some type of division of time 

Example of the number 430 in the bible

-In Ezekiel 4 there was 430 years of iniquity and Ezekiel laid on his side 430 days-In exodus 12:40 there were 430 years form the birth of Jacob to the exodus (birth of the

nation)-430 days from sept 25, 1946 (feast of trumpets and 70 proph years before 9-23-15) to the

UN decree on Nov 29, 1947 (birth of the nation)-Genesis geneology shows there are 430 years from Arpachshad being born 2 years after 

the flood in 2342 bc (assuming 4000 bc mortality began) to Isaac being married in 1912

 bc (which is a picture of the rapture)-Genesis 12:17 Eber (beginning of Hebrew-type of Israel) became the father of Peleg

(meaning division) and 430 years later Eber died.

This is the first use of the number 430 in the bible and I believe is a type of thetime period from 430 days before the abomination of desolation to the

abomination of desolation.

 I have shown repeatedly how there is a huge countdown from major catastrophes and themajor events that happen to Israel to April 11, 2012 which just happens to be 1290 (Dan

12:11-1290 days to abomination of desolation) days after the dow dropped 777 points on

feast of trumpets 2008.

430 days before April 11, 2012 is Feb 6, 2011 - II adar 3 on the jewish calendar. 12th

month 3rd day just as the 2nd temple was completed on the 12th month 3rd day but becauseit was not a leap year that was adar 3. So there is some type of significance historically to

the jewish date and because 430 means division or division of time I thought this date

might be interesting.

Doug Corley had shown me that the gematria for “the abomination of desolation” is

3521. God’s end times use mostly prophetic years (360 days) and I calculated that 3521

 prophetic years is = 3470 years + 170 days. (3521x360/365.2422=3470.464256) 

I also noticed how close april 11, 2012 –3521 proph years is to the 1462 bc exodus date

that my calendar of years shows (I posted this a few months ago) 

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I thought that maybe 4-11-12 (the abomination of desolation) would be tied to the golden

calf ( a type of abomination to God) at Mt Sinai, but I was wrong and it was tied to Oct

24 , 1460 bc which according to John Pratt’s calendar converter was Tishri 30. However I then looked at Av 9, 1461 bc (August 20, 1461 bc)-the day the spies bad report came

 back and found out it was 430 days earlier!!! How ironic!!!

 So the spies bad report on Av 9, 1461 is exactly 3521 (gematria of the abomination of 

desolation) prophetic years before Feb 6, 2011

Then I thought OK what are the parallels. God promised them the land and the spiescame back and said no, the nations within the land are too big we can’t trust in you to

give this to us. If the division of Jerusalem happens what is Israel saying: No the nations

around us are too big for us, even though you brought us back as a nation and gave us

Jerusalem in the 6 day war we are looking at ourselves and not trusting you again to takecare of us. Isn’t that an abomination to the Lord. It parallels perfectly.


2nd part

God has interchanged days for years in the bible-Ezekiel’s 430 years for 430 days and thespies 40 days for 40 years of wandering.

The 70th week lays out like this 

777 dow drop 1290 days 45 more (1335 from 777)

sept 29, 2008 + devil cast down and abomination of desolation + Pentecost rapture

April 11, 2012 May 26, 2012God has given us this picture in history using years instead of days


(3) 7’s=777 (1818 bc) + 1290 years (518 bc) + 45 more (473 bc)Jacob worked 7 years and married decree for Zerubbabel Mordecai paradeed

Leah. He waited 7 days and married whose name means around streets like

Rachel but had to work 7 more years seed of Babel to rebuild first fruits-symbolicTo finalize marriage temple of first fruits/Pentecost


A couple comments:

-The parallel of the (3) 7’s-Jesus is returning 7 jewish years later on the feast of trumpets

Sept 14, 2015 just as Jacob has to work 7 more years to pay off Laban for Rachel.-Why would God have someone whose name means seed of Babel rebuild the temple?

 Names mean a lot to God-He renamed many people in the Bible. The bible is full of 

symbolism and types. Antichrist is a seed of babel. Zerubbabel is symbolic of theantichrist after 1290 days.


 Now from my calendar of years I also know that the death of Solomon was 946bc. Hereigned 40 years. At his death the kingdom was divided-I believe this is symbolic of Jerusalem being divided.

From my timeline above 518 bc (which corresponds to 4-11-12 when the devil is cast

down and the abomination of desolation occurs) –430 years is 948 bc which is 2 years before the death of Solomon and division of the tribes in 946 or 945 bc. King David died

on Pentecost by jewish tradition and Solomon’s reign would be after that So I would

guess he would have reigned until Pentecost or slightly after in 946 bc. There are only

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112 days until the new jewish year starts on feast of trumpets so that is why I speculate

the actual division may have been in 945 bc jewish year.

 But it says in 1 Kings 11:4 that when Solomon was old that he turned away and God told

Solomon in 11:11 that He would tear away the kingdom. Later in the same chapter God

has Ahijah tell Jeroboam that he will get 10 of the tribes to rule over. I believe it would be safe to say that if this happened when Solomon was old it would have been in his last

10% of his reign or last 4 years. Since God is consistent with the way He uses numbers

and the number 2 signifies division/witness it would seem there is a good chance thishappened 2 years before Solomon died which would have been 948 bc which is exactly

430 years before 518 bc and again 430 represents division.


 Now another interesting thing is that the division happened in 945bc most likely and

the second temple was completed 430 years later in 515bc by Zerubbabel.

Also when Jeroboam took over the ten tribes the bible says he made 2 golden calves,

 priests not from Levi, and made an altar and started sacrificing etc. etc. This is the only picture I can think of that typifies a “false temple” This seems to me a picture or “type”

of the person who is to become the antichrist will oversee the division and also theconstruction of the temple that the antichrist sits in.


Part 3

If this division on Feb 6, 2011, 430 days before April 11, 2012 really is to happen thenGod should have a countdown to this date through numbers pointing to division just as

He has to 4-11-12. And it would be from major events that Israel has done to work 

towards peace that will only come through the divison of Jerusalem. 

Sept 17, 1978 Camp David Accords= 13x13x70 days to Feb 6, 2011

 Sept 13, 1993 Oslo Accords= 41x155 days to Feb 6, 2011


Sept 28, 1995 Oslo 2=11x51x10 days to Feb 6, 2011 

Oct 23, 1998 Wye Accords = 67 x67 (67 means deity, Is this pointing to the person who

divides Jerusalem is the antichrist)

 May 1, 2003 Pres. Bush unveils roadmap for peace =43x66 days to Feb 6, 2011

On May 1, the very day that President Bush unveiled his road mapplan, the Israeli army launched a major invasion deep into Gaza City,

Gaza Strip. Backed by heavy armor and helicopter gunships, theIsraeli forces fought their way to a five-story apartment where a

suspected militant lived in the crowded Shijaia neighborhood. A major

gunbattle ensued with bullets crashing into adjacent homes, lastingfrom 1am until 5pm when the Israelis finally blew up the building. In

the end, 13 Palestinians including two young children and an elderly

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man laid dead. One of Sharon's spokesmen, David Baker, defendedthe attack, claiming that "these activities will continue wherever and

whenever they are needed, without a connection to other outsideconsiderations." (Washington Post, May 1, 2003)

June 7, 1967 =15950 days to Feb 6, 2011= 11x50x29


Oct 6, 1973 Yom Kippur War=13x1049 days to Feb 6, 2011

 The person in charge of dividing it: birthdate to Feb 6, 2011=13x13x107 days


So to summarize-430 is God’s number for division

-3521 prophetic years from the spies bad report and saying no to taking the land is Feb 6,

2011 which is 430 days before the abomination of desolation

-430 years before Zerubbabel-seed of Babel signifying antichrist, Israel was divided byGod

-There is a countdown from events leading up to the divison to the date of division


Will Schumacher 


Will Schumacher (22 Nov 2010) 

" Daniel 9:24 and 9-23-15" 

Daniel 9:24 Seventy weeks are determined upon thy people and upon thy holy

city, to finish the transgression, and to make and end of sins, and to make

reconciliation for iniquity, and to bring in everlasting righteousness, and to seal

up vision and prophecy, and to anoint the most holy.

I believe that this will be accomplished on 9-23-15, God’s day of atonement

You have the testimony of the 2014-2015 solar and lunar eclipses all on God’s

feast days.

It is 49 prophetic years from June 7, 1967. 49 is God’s number for wrath. His

wrath will be extinguished on that day.

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It is exactly 70 prophetic years from Sept 25, 1946 (feast of trumpets at 6pm) to

9-23-15. 430 days after 9-25-46 was the UN decree to allow Israel to become a

nation (430 should remind of exodus)

It is the exact number of days needed (2550=1290+1260) for the final 7 years

from sept 29, 2008 feast of trumpets (God used the Dow drop of 777 points to

get our attention) to 9-23-15.

These are a few points. Then is 923 hidden in a bracket of the gematria of this

verse (just as 411 was in Daniel 12:11 etc)

From the bible wheel the word transgression is bracketed like this



455 transgression



Total gematria to 455 is 2898

2898=923x2 + 4x263 or 923 + 5x395

Day of atonement is always day 187 on the Jewish calendar 

2898=888x2 + 6x187 or 12x187 + 6x109

H2898=joy, goodness as used in Jeremiah 31:12

G2898=Kranion-meaning skull where Jesus was crucified and atoned for us

Will Schumacher


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Will Schumacher (22 Nov 2010) 

" Mark 13:14 -411 and abomination of desolation" 

Mark 13:14 But when ye shall see the abomination of desolation, spoken of by

Daniel the prophet, standing where it ought not, (let him that readethunderstand,) then let them that be in Judea flee to the mountains.

A couple of weeks ago I posted how the numbers 411, 119, 102, 19, and 666

run through the gematria of Daniel 12:11.

Again 411 is for April 11, 2012 Gregorian day 102. That day is Nisan 19(first

month) or 119 on the Jewish calendar 

Again sept 29, 2008 plus 1290 days= April 11, 2012

At www.biblewheel .com there is a bracket within the abomination of 

desolation in the original text






Total to 508=2120

2120=4x411 + 4x119

H2120=Zoheleth in 1 kings 1:9 which means “serpent”

G2120=eukairia=which means opportunity as used in Matt 22:16 and Luke

22:6. Both verses are about Judas looking for an opportunity to betray Jesus

Will Schumacher 

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Will Schumacher (29 Nov 2010) 

" My original post from a few months ago on sept 29,


Why would the Dow dropping 777 points on the feast of trumpets on sept 29,

2008 be the start of Daniel’s 70th week? I asked myself and God that question

many times. Obviously three 7’s seems somewhat significant since 7 is God’s

number of divine perfection and it did happen on the feast of trumpets 7 years

 before He is expected to return. But there has to be more to it.

Well there is. It has to do with 2 things. First with the numbers 777 and

second with the fact that the feast of trumpets sept 29, 2008 was the beginning

of Jewish year 2009.

From Leviticus 26 and Ezekiel 4 we find that the northern kingdom’s

 punishment should last for 7x390 years or 2730 years. History tells us the

northern kingdom siege started in either 725 BC or 724 BC. The bible tells us

it lasted 3 years so 725-722 BC or 724-721 BC.


Simple math reveals these two dates tied to Israel miraculously taking over 



(Elul 8)August 8, 518 BC+2520 prophetic years= June 7, 1967

-most likely the decree to start rebuilding 2nd temple


(Elul 8) August 14, 725 BC + 2730 prophetic years =June 7, 1967

-most likely start of northern kingdom siege


I believe this would be God’s stamp that the siege started in 725bc.

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Also. From August 14, 725 BC + 2730 solar year= August 14, 2006. That was

the morning the UN ceasefire went into effect for the 2nd Lebanon war with


August 14, 2006 +777 days = Sept 29, 2008 when the Dow dropped 777 points

on the feast of trumpets marking the last 7 Jewish years. God gave us these


Why is this important?

If the siege on the northern kingdom lasted until 722 BC and you add 2730

years to that it takes you to 2009. Feast of trumpets sept 29, 2008 started

Jewish year 2009. This is when Daniel’s 70th week started, at the end of the

2730 years of punishment of the northern kingdom

The 69th week ended and “sacrifice was abolished” (Dan 12:11) when Jesus

finished His atoning work. The gospel went to the gentiles. The 2730 years of 

 punishment ended. The 70th week started where the 69th week ended with

sacrifice abolished.

Another interesting tidbit is that sept 29, 2008 was Gregorian calendar day #

273 when the 2730 years ended.

Now onto the number 777. 7x7x7=343 The Hebrew word for “weeks” in

Daniels 70 week’s prophecy can also mean multiple 7’s referring to the jubilee period of 7x7. So it could read 70 x7x7 or 3430 years from when the jubilee

started being counted when the Jewish people entered the Promised Land.

If creation was 4000bc Jewish year (LIKE MY CALENDAR OF YEARS

SHOWS) then according to the bible, the entrance to the Promised Land was

1422bc. If you add 3430 years to 1422 BC you come to 2009 again. Feast of 

trumpets sept 29, 2008. Again the beginning of the 70th week.

Then according to Joshua 14, the land was not divided until 7 years later. So

they did not receive their inheritance until 1415 BC. 1415 BC + 3430years=2016. Feast of trumpets sept 14, 2015 is the beginning of Jewish year 


Secondly Clay Cantrell on five doves astutely pointed out that Isaac is a type

of Christ and when Abraham’s servant goes to get Isaac’s bride Rebecca it is a

 picture of the Holy Spirit bringing Christ His bride-the church. Therefore 343

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stands for the bride of Christ.

It is interesting that in scripture Jacob worked 7 years for Rachel. He was

tricked into marrying Leah. He waited 7 days then to marry Rachel which he

had to work another 7 years for. Notice three 7’s again. And at the end of the

7 additional years, he was done working for his bride. Beginning of Jewish

year 2009 God showed us three 7’s and 7 years later He will be done working

for His bride.

Interesting also in scripture is that the genealogy of the book of Genesis shows

the following. Serug whose name means branch (Jesus is called the branch)

 becomes a father after 1849 years so 2151bc if mortality began in 4000bc. 343

years later is 1808 BC. (2151-343=1808). Genesis geology shows that 1808

BC was when Jacob was 84 and married Leah and Rachel (the three 7’s).

All very compelling evidence that Daniel’s 70th week started September 29,


Just as Sept 29, 2008 feast of trumpets Dow dropped 777 points, at the end of 7

Jewish years Jesus will return and “cleanse the earth” through His wrath

culminating 9-23-15. The eighth year is the beginning of the millennial reign

and the new creation which should be Tishri 15-feast of tabernacles-sept 28,


This was actually my first hint at the 2008-2015 timeline being right

Will Schumacher

Genesis 5:31 And all the days of Lamech were seven hundred and seventy and

seven years: and he died

As I have stated when the Dow dropped 777 points on 9-29-08 the 70th week 

 began. Knowing when it began is important because as Daniel 12:11-12 tell usonce it starts again there will be 1290 days the abomination of desolation and

1335 days to being blessed. Does the gematria show us anything?

9-29 would be 929, it was day 273, tishri 1 so 701 and day 178 on the Jewish


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 No number stood out to me so I chose the verse totals and the original text

showed nothing but the total Strong’s text had a total of 2514

2514=929+656+929 656 is gematria of messiah

2514=273+(15x113) One of Clay’s rapture numbers and the gematria of peleg

who I will show in a future post is tied to 411

2514=701x3 + 411 Again 411=4-11-12 which is 1290 days after 9-29-08 and

is the date then of the abomination of desolation

2514=(178x8) + (109x10)

Every number that should be in there is but what is really interesting is how

H2514 led me on a path to come back to Daniel 12:11 and Daniel 9:27

H2514 is the word used in Daniel 11:32 for flatteries

Will Schumacher

Will Schumacher (29 Nov 2010) 

" post 3 Dan11:32 to Ezek 38:16 to Zec1:20 to Dan12:11

to Dan 9:27 " 

Daniel 11:32 And such as do wickedly against the covenant shall he corrupt by

flatteries; but the people that do know their God shall be strong, and do exploits

The gematria total to H2514 is 1463

Again this verse is about the antichrist who gets his power 4-11-12 so the

numbers are 411 and 102 since 2012 is a leap year and that year Nissan 19 is

the day falling on 4-11 so we want 119 also to show up.


1463=119x10 +273

1463=6x119+7x107 or 7x102 +7x107

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1463=5x109+ 9x102

Also to tie it to the last verse God has in the following



I already showed 273 above

Then H1463is the word for Gog

I chose this verse to look at because it matches the description of Luke 21:20

when Jesus is talking about the abomination of desolation

Ezekiel 38:16 And thou shalt come up against my people of Israel, as a cloud

to cover the land; it shall be in the latter days, and I will bring thee against my

land, that the heathen may know me, when I shall be sanctified in thee, O Gog,

 before their eyes

Total gematria to H1463=2796

2796=119x14+ 113x10

2796=119x18 + 6x109

2796=102x10 + 888x2

2796=411x2 + 987x2 987 age of Enoch when raptured

Then H2796 is the craftsmen/carpenters of Zechariah 1:20-21 coming to punish

the quartet for breaking up Judah

Zech 1:20 And the Lord showed me four carpenters

Total to H2796=1013

1013=102+911 or 656+119x3 or 888x2+(-7x109)

H1013 didn’t reveal anything but the word above has a gematri of 273(day

number0f 9-29-08 which started this study)

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Total gematria of 505=119+193x3

H505is used many times but I know it is in both Daniel 12:11 and 12:12-both

day counts start on day 273

Daniel 12:11 is the day count to the AOD

Total Gematria to H0505 is 2677 (I have broken down the geamtri a of this

verse prior and it is full of 411, 119, 102 and 666)

H2677 of course is used in Daniel 9:27 for the word “in the midst”

Daniel 9:27 part 1 of course talks about Jesus confirming the covenant for a


Part 2 of the verse speaks of the Jesus destroying the a/c and the desolate at the

consummation-which I believe is 9-23-15

Total verse gematria to H2677 is 1518

1518=923 +5x119

Wow is God awesome or what! To weave all those verses together by the

gematria and Strong’s numbers

Will Schumacher

 Ron Reese (17 Nov 2010) 



I have been saying for over one year now, that we have every reason toexpect the Rapture/Sudden Destruction to take place in the Fall of 2010.We have already gone through at least 3 High Rapture Alert times sinceSeptember of this year.First the Fall Feast Days, then Noah's Great Flood days, then the 10days whenObama was out of the country. Obviously, none of those were the correcttime frame. The purpose of this email is to encourage all of you that

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we STILL have every reason to expect the Rapture/Sudden Destruction inthe Fall of 2010. 


I have gone to great lengths to give you all of the abundance of evidenceshowing that the Lord has outlined the Final 7-year, 2520-day, time frame,as Oct. 29, 2008, to Feast of Atonement, Sept. 23, 2015. This makes the

mid-point, or the start of the Great Tribulation, April 11, 2012. The Lord, just like He promised, as given us supernatural signs in the

Heavens, CONFIRMING all three of these days.

The majority of watchers continue to not be able to receive these truths,despite the amazing, compelling, conclusive, and irrefutable proof that theLord is trying to show us. Many, however, have been brought to aknowledge of the truth by the Holy Spirit. Pre-conceived ideas andmisinterpretation of Scripture, just like during the 1st Coming of Christ,continue to keep most Prophetic scholars from receiving the truth. Icontinue to receive emails every week, telling me that the Final 7 Years

cannot possibly have started because of one or more of the following: 

1. The Rapture HAS to happen first. Not true. The Rapture will occur somewhere between the 2-year mark and the 3 and one-half-year mark.(There may be more than one Rapture.) There is NO purpose for a Rapturebefore the Sudden Destruction of 1st Thessalonians 5. The purpose of theRapture is to escape the Sudden Destruction.

2. There HAS to be the signing of a 7-year Peace treaty, involving Israel,first, because of Daniel 9:27. Not true. THERE WILL NEVER BE A 7-YEARPEACE TREATY!!! It is not possible, as we only have 5 years left to go

before Jesus Returns at the end of the Great Tribulation to set up HisKingdom in Jerusalem. This continues to be a major stumbling block for most watchers. The Final 7 Years began on Oct. 29, 2008, the day thatObama confirmed the covenant of Dan. 9:27, with millions and millions of people. Go to my website, and read the many posts that will give youconclusive proof of this date. 

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3. The gospel has not yet been preached to the entire world OR the greatend-times revival has not yet taken place. Neither of these is a validreason, as both of these happenings will take place AFTER the Rapture, butbefore the literal 2nd Coming of Christ.

4. The two witnesses have not yet appeared. This is NOT a valid reason.For centuries there has been a great debate as to the timing of the 1260-dayministry of the two witnesses. I believe that the Word teaches that thesetwo witnesses will be a constant thorn in the side of the Antichrist, who willbe unable to negate their ministry. Their ministry will probably runalmost concurrently with the 1260-day reign of the Antichrist. Their ministry will probably start in the early Spring of 2012, just before the startof the 1260-day reign of Obama, which should begin on Apr. 11, 2012.

5. The construction of the 3rd Temple has not yet started, OR there is notenough time left to complete a Temple before Apr. 11, 2012. This is NOT a

valid reason. First of all, I believe there IS enough time left, if indeed, thereis to be a literal Temple to be constructed before Jesus Returns.Secondly, J.R. Church, and other Bible Prophecy scholars, believe that atabernacle, or tent-like structure, is all that is needed to fulfill theScriptures. This could be constructed in a matter of days. Thirdly, manybelieve this Temple for the Antichrist, will be a spiritual Temple, and not aphysical Temple. The Temple that is referred to in the last chapters of Ezekiel, will be constructed and supervised by the Lord Jesus Himself. Ihave great difficulty believing that Jesus would rule and reign in the samerebuilt Temple that had been defiled and desecrated by the Antichrist. Willthere be 2 more Temples, or just the one that is set up by Jesus, for Him to

rule and reign in? 

Please do not bother writing a rebuttal of any of these five reasons to me. Ihave probably read every single rebuttal and argument that exists. I do notbelieve any of them, because the Lord has shown us that Bible Prophecy isnot necessarily going to be fulfilled the way that we have been taught, or the way that we have interpreted Scriptures. I only believe what the Lordhas shown me to be true from His Word. I know that MANY of you areconvinced that there is a solid Scriptural reason why we cannot possiblybe already two years into The Final 7 Years. I used to believe the same waythat many of you believed, especially on Points 1 and 2. But I was wrong,

as the Lord has so graciously shown to me. 

If you continue to look for developments that might lead to a 7-Year Peacetreaty, you will continuously be frustrated, right up to the day of theRapture and Sudden Destruction. If you continuously look for the correctFeast Day for the Rapture, you will continuously be frustrated and also verysurprised, because the Rapture might take place on a day that is NOT aFeast Day. Just like every one of the Spring Feasts were fulfilled in ONE

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year, the year of the death and Resurrection of Jesus, so shall every one of the 3 Fall Feasts likely be fulfilled at the year of His Second Coming, theyear 2015. 

Jesus is Returning for His Bride at the day of the Sudden Destruction of 1stThess. 5. Read about all of the Scriptural reasons for this on my website.The word "Sudden" implies without notice, without warning. This SuddenDestruction is the same event as the "Snare" (or Trap), that Jesus warns usabout in Luke 21. This Sudden Destruction COULD come on a Feast Day,but it does NOT have to.Because Jesus tells us that it will be "business as usual", right up to theday of the Rapture, we should not expect an event of tremendousmagnitude BEFORE the Rapture, to serve as a warning. I believe that if there is a 40-day, or 7-day, warning, before the Rapture, it will be for watchers only, not for the unbelievers, or the lukewarm Christians.

It is still my contention that the world stage is NOW set for the Sudden

Destruction.It would NOT be "business as usual", if the world economies all collapsedbefore the Rapture. It would not be "business as usual", if nuclear bombswere unleashed before the Rapture. It would not be "business as usual", if a one-world


We appear to be on the verge of the world's economies collapsing. Weappear to be on the verge of World War III, with the trigger point beingeither the Middle East, or the destruction of the United States, or both.Either of these events would be quickly followed by the New World Order setting up their one-world government, with Obama as the World Dictator.All of this means that the Rapture should be any day now. ANY DAYNOW!!! Because the first two years of the Final 7 Years have now


In the next few days, if the Lord tarries, I will be writing at least two moreposts. One will be about most of the evil Kings in the Old Testament, rulingfor a period of TWO YEARS. Could this be a type of the ultimate evil King,Barack Hussein Obama, ruling for only TWO YEARS? Is somethingMAJOR about to happen, that will limit Obama's rule over the United Statesto TWO YEARS???

The other post will be titled something like this, "Does the Bible give us theday of the year for the Sudden Destruction?" If so, that day, for 2010, has

not yet arrived. It is in the near future, THE VERY NEAR FUTURE. 

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Luke 17:26--30 says, "And as it was in the days of Noah, so shall it be alsoin the days of the Son of man. They did eat, they drank, they marriedwives, they were given in marriage, until the day that Noah entered the ark,and the flood came, and destroyed them all. Likewise, also, as it was in thedays of Lot; they did eat, they drank, they bought, they sold, they planted,

they builded; But the same day that Lot went out of Sodom, it rained fireand brimstone from heaven, and destroyed them all. EVEN THUS SHALLIT BE IN THE DAY THE SON OF MAN IS REVEALED." 

It was "business as usual" in the days of Noah. It was "business as usual"in the days of Lot. In both cases, then the "Sudden Destruction" came.How much longer can it remain "business as usual", in our worldtoday??? Can the world's situation last as "business as usual" until theSpring of 2011, or the Fall of 2011, or the Spring of 2012? What do you



After 37 years of studying end-times Bible Prophecy, I am convinced that

if we want to KNOW WHEN IT IS NEAR, EVEN AT THE DOORS, ASJESUS PROMISED THAT WE COULD, then we need to stop looking for 

a 7-year peace treaty, that NEVER is going to happen. We need to stopbelieving the Rapture is going to happen before the Final 7 Years. It willtake place BEFORE the Sudden Destruction, when there is a need for a

Great Deliverance. Gen. 45 says that is AFTER TWO YEARS INTO THEFINAL 7 YEARS. We need to stop looking for the correct Feast Day. TheScriptures above tell us the Rapture will be on the same day as the SuddenDestruction.

Below are 6 posts that I have written and previously posted this year. Eachone goes into great detail about the Great Deliverance after a period of 

TWO YEARS. For those of you losing hope for 2010 as being the time,read them, or re-read them. The evidence in these six posts shows us whywe still have every reason to expect the Rapture/Sudden Destruction totake place during the Fall of 2010. This is my expectation, not myprediction. Expectations do not always pan out the way that we hope, butit does not alter my expectation. I am expecting the Rapture/Sudden


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Ron [email protected] 

 Ron Reese (1 Dec 2010) 




Most of you already know that I, along with many other Bible Prophecywatchers, believe that we are already two years into the Final 7 Years, andthat I believe the Rapture/Sudden Destruction will be taking place verysoon, mainly because of Gen. 45. This chapter tells us that Joseph ( a

major type of Jesus) revealed himself to his brethren TWO YEARS INTOTHE FAMINE WEEK ( which is a type of the Final 7 Years). It also tells usthat a Great and Mighty Deliverance (a type of the Rapture) took place after TWO YEARS, with five years still remaining in the Famine Week. 

I have written a four-part series on how this story is a type of the RaptureTWO YEARS into the Final 7 Years. I have also written a post about Josephexperiencing his Great Deliverance after TWO YEARS. I have writtenanother post how Jesus also experienced his Great Deliverance after TWO

 YEARS. These can all be found on my last post, and the links contained inthat post, which is listed below: 

I maintain that these are all types of our Rapture TWO YEARS into theFamine Week. I believe that the Lord may have led me to another type, andanother great clue that may show us that we are extremely close to theRapture/Sudden Destruction. If you have followed my posts over the pastfew months, you know that I believe that Barack Hussein Obama will soonbecome the Antichrist, and that his reign as President of the U.S. may be

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about over. Within a short time of the Rapture/SD, I expect that Obama willbecome President of the World, or Dictator of the New World Order, or whatever his title will become. I am not sure what will be left of the U.S.,after the Sudden Destruction/Rapture, but I do not believe that he will bePresident. 

I believe that I MAY have discovered Biblical evidence of this conjecture. Ibelieve that Obama is an evil man, and an evil ruler. He will soon becomeevil personified, when he begins his 1260-day rule as the BiblicalAntichrist. He will become Satan incarnate, when he recovers from hismortal head wound. I believe the date for this happening in Rev. 13, will beApril 11, 2012, a date marked in the Heavens many times. This will be on,or near, Feast of Firstfruits, 2012, the very same Feast Day that Jesus wasresurrected from the dead, as the Anti--Christ will attempt to imitate theReal--Christ.

This date is EXACTLY 1260 days from Oct. 29, 2008, the day that Obama

confirmed the covenant with millions and millions (the many) of people toCHANGE THE WORLD, thrusting the world into the Final 7 Years. This dateof Apr. 11, 2012, the start of the 1260-day Great Tribulation, is also 1260days from Feast of Atonement, Sept. 23, 2015, the Feast Day when Jesus issupposed to Return, and the day that has been marked in the Heavens, andwith other signs also. Everything fits like a glove, with God marking andconfirming all three days with Heavenly signs. For more details on this,visit my website at: 

I believe this TWO-YEAR time frame for the Rapture/SuddenDestruction MAY be found elsewhere in the Word of God. About a year ago, I made the astounding discovery that MANY of the EVIL kings in theOld Testament days of Israel, had their reign come to an end after TWO

 YEARS. None of the kings had their reign end after 3 years or after 4 years,but MANY had their reign as EVIL KINGS, end after TWO YEARS. I believewe must ask ourselves are these all types of the ULTIMATE EVIL KING,THE ANTICHRIST, having his reign as King, or President, come to an endafter TWO YEARS???

With all of the other evidence seeming to point to a Great Deliverance (the

Rapture), after TWO YEARS, this fact may not be just a coincidence. It mayvery well be by God's Divine Prophetic plan. It may be that God is trying togive Bible Prophecy students another clue as to the approximate timing of the Sudden Destruction/Rapture. It may very well be that Obama's time asKing, or President of the U.S. is about over. He will have reigned for TWO

 YEARS, as of Jan. 20, 2011. 

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The main speculation is that the Rapture/SD would cause his reign to cometo an end, freeing him up to become the one-world leader. But there couldbe other reasons, such as an impeachment, or resignation. Most of usrealize that this evil, sinister, dishonest, deceiving man is not even eligibleto be President of the U.S. Whatever the reason, can you imagine the utter 

turmoil it would cause if he were to disclose, or it be proved, that he is noteligible to be the President of the U.S? Just this disclosure alone, and theresulting confusion, distraction, and chaos, would probably cause thecollapse of our country, and could even be the impetus for World War IIIand/or a one-world government.

Obama was sent here by the New World Order elite to destroy our country.This appears to be their last domino to fall in order to enact their evil,sinister plans. Could Obama's ineligibility being disclosed, or proven, bethe means by which they seek to achieve their ultimate goal for one-worldgovernment? Their motto is "Out of chaos, will come the New WorldOrder". Obama is in the process of doing a very good job of destroying theUnited States. Perhaps the culmination of this destruction will come by thedisclosure or proof that he is not even eligible to be our President. What Ihave recently discovered from the Old Testament seems to give further credence to this possibility. Let's look at what the Word says about other EVIL KINGS, and how their EVIL reigns came to an end after TWO YEARS. 

2nd Samuel 2:10 says, "Ishbosheth, Saul's son, was forty years old whenhe began to reign over Israel, and he reigned TWO YEARS." Chapter 4shows us that Ishbosheth was an enemy of David, and an EVIL KING. 

1st Kings 15:25--26 says, "Now Nadab, the son of Jeroboam, became King

over Israel...and he reigned over Israel TWO YEARS. And he did EVIL inthe sight of the Lord." 

1st Kings 16:8 says, "Elah, the son of Baasha, became king over Israel, andreigned TWO YEARS in Tirzah." Vs. 13 says, "for all the sins of Elah, hisson, by which they had sinned and by which they had made Israel sin, inprovoking the Lord God of Israel to anger with their idols." Obviously, Elahwas an EVIL KING.

1st Kings 22:51 says, "Ahaziah, the son of Ahab, became king over Israel...and reigned TWO YEARS over Israel. He did EVIL in the sight of the


1st Kings 15:23--24 says, "Pekahiah, the son of Menahem, became kingover Israel in Samaria, and reigned TWO YEARS. And he did EVIL in thesight of the Lord." 

2nd Kings 21:19--20 says, "Amon was twenty-two years old when hebecame king, and he reigned TWO YEARS in Jerusalem...And he did EVILin the sight of the Lord."

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The question must be asked, "Has Obama done evil in the sight of theLord?" The question must also be asked, "Why is there no record in theWord of the reign of any King coming to an end after THREE years, or FOUR years? For those of you, who believe that Obama will become theruler of the one-world government and the Biblical Antichrist, and believethat we still have another year or two left, where is the pattern in the OldTestament? I have just shown you the only pattern to be found. Thepattern is that EVIL KINGS RULED FOR TWO YEARS. We must giveserious thought to the question, "Will the ultimate EVIL KING, BARACKHUSSEIN OBAMA, the future Antichrist, RULE AS KING OF THE UNITEDSTATES FOR ONLY TWO YEARS?" 

It appears as if the Lord is making it obvious, with numerous Scriptures,pointing to something REALLY BIG HAPPENING AFTER TWO YEARS. Isour Great Deliverance, the Rapture, after TWO YEARS??? Joseph'sbrethren, Joseph himself from prison, and Jesus, all received their 

GREAT DELIVERANCE AFTER TWO YEARS!!! Is Obama's reign as King, or President, about to end, just like all of these other EVIL KINGS, after TWO

 YEARS, freeing himself up to become the ruler of the one-worldgovernment??? 

The patterns, and types are numerous and consistent. They all seem to besaying to us "AFTER TWO YEARS". By the great decrease in volume of letters on Five Doves recently, it seems like many watchers have alreadyresigned themselves to waiting until the Spring, or Fall of 2011, or 2012, for the Rapture/Sudden Destruction. Because of the types in the OldTestament, which are outlined in this post, and in my previous post (be

sure to read the messages in the links), I believe we should be LOOKINGUP AND LIFTING UP OUR HEADS, like the Lord admonishes us to. Theanticipation should be increasing, not decreasing. I continue to believethat our redemption is DRAWING VERY, VERY NEAR!!! As the song says,"Any day now, we'll be going Home." ANY DAY NOW!!! 

Do you remember the words of this old hymn? 

Coming again, coming againMaybe morning, maybe noonMaybe evening, and maybe soon 

Coming again, coming againOh, what a wonderful day it will beJESUS IS COMING AGAIN! 

Another chorus that I have been singing a lot lately is also an old one: 

Oh, I want to see HimLook upon His face

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There to sing forever Of His saving grace 

On the streets of GloryLet me lift my voiceCares all past, Home at last,Ever to rejoice! 


Ron [email protected] 

 Lyle Cooper (16 Nov 2010) 

" RE: Daniel Matson (15 Nov 2010) ,"Hanukkah 2010and Solving Daniel's 1290 Days""


Let's start with what is written. We have five different passages in Revelation

giving us the last half of the week. Two as 1260 days, 2 as 42 months, and one

as time, times and half of time. These all speak of events that will begin at the

midpoint of the week, and go to the end of the week. We might say, this is

"iron-clad," or "etched in stone." It is the word of God and cannot be broken.

Therefore we can be sure that the second half of the week will be EXACTLY

1260 days. That means it will not be 1259 days, or 1261 days, or 1290 days.

In Daniel 9:29, we read the word "midst" which comes from a root word which

means to divide in half. Therefore, as we see the second half of the week is

1260 days, we can be sure the first half of the week will be the same, else half 

or midst becomes meaningless.

 Now, let's examine Daniel chapter 12.

Daniel 12

 1And at that time shall Michael stand up, the great prince which standeth for the childrenof thy people: and there shall be a time of trouble, such as never was since there was a

nation even to that same time: and at that time thy people shall be delivered, every one

that shall be found written in the book .

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What time is "that time?" If we compare with the words of Jesus in Matt. 24, we can see

that "that time" is the time of the abomination that comes at the midpoint of the week.

This time of trouble Daniel speaks of, is the days of great tribulation that Jesus spoke of,that begin shortly after the Beast declares he is God. In Revelation, this happens in

chapter 11, since in 12:6 we see those in Judea fleeing because they have seen the

abomination. So 12:6 is mere seconds after the abomination. What comes right after 12:6? It is Michael kicking Satan out of the heavenlies. Michael has been waiting for a

long time for the abomination, and his signal to go. Here is Dan. 12:1, we see that

Michael stands up, ready for this great battle. Again, all these are signs that Daniel isright at the midpoint here in verse 1.

In verse 6, Daniel heard someone ask, "How long shall it be to the end of these

wonders?" What "wonders?" I think we can go right back to verse 1 to the time of 

trouble such as never was. So Daniel is about to hear how long it will be to the end of thetime of trouble. Daniel did not have the book of Revelation, that gave us that time five

different times and three different ways. So what was the answer Daniel heard? " it shall

 be for a time, times, and an half." So again we get 3 1/2 years, or 42 months or 1260days. In fact, Daniel mentioned this time in chapter 7 too:

Dan 725And he shall speak great words against the most High, and shall wear out the saints of 

the most High, and think to change times and laws: and they shall be given into his handuntil a time and times and the dividing of time.

 Now God has given this same time SEVEN DIFFERENT TIMES. Can we now believe

it? it is the word of God and CANNOT be changed.

Dan 1211And from the time that the daily sacrifice shall be taken away, and the abomination thatmaketh desolate set up, there shall be a thousand two hundred and ninety days.

Does this verse in any way mention a time of trouble, or "tribulation? No, not in any way.

Therefore, this time of 1290 days is NOT RELATED to "great tribulation."

What exactly does this term, "great tribulation" mean? Is it a TITLE for the last half of the week? ABSOLUTELY NOT!!!

Matt 2421

For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world tothis time, no, nor ever shall be.

29Immediately after the tribulation of those days shall the sun be darkened...

Question: do we see ANY TIME in this verse, related to how long this time of great

tribulation will be? I certainly don't! So let's go on:

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 22And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved: but for the

elect's sake those days shall be shortened.

Ah!! NOW we have time associated with great tribulation. It is "those days" of "greattribulation." Therefore, let's NOT associate any timing to "great tribulation" except

"those days." Those days of great tribulation are DAYS, not 3 1/2 years, nor 42 months,or the last half of the week.

 Next, what is it that is shortened? It is "those days." I believe then, that Jesus is telling us,the number of days has been shortened. Perhaps without shortening, the number of days

would have been 1260. I don't know. What I am quit sure of, is that the count of days of 

great tribulation will be shortened from what it would have been without the shortening.

HOW does God shorten those days of great tribulation? Well, what does the book of Revelation show us that God DOES when the beast is at his peak of destruction? God

starts pouring out the vials of His wrath! God is ANGRY that Satan is using the Beast to

 put to death the saints! I think, the more people put to death, the more wrath God has! Soas the vials are poured out, the Beast, and his armies doing the killing, will find it harder 

and harder to get anything done! Finally, to the last man, they are sitting in the dark,

gnawing their tongues for pain, wondering how long it will last. The Beast will have been

rendered HELPLESS. In other words, His 42 months of authority are still in effect, butHE CAN ACCOMPLISH NOTHING. So "those days" of "great tribulation" have been

shortened. The Beast is helpless. He still has his authority - but there is no man able to

carry out anything.

Therefore, the first half of the week is 1260 days, and the last half of the week is 1260days, so God's math is accurate. The abomination DIVIDES the week in half. The

 beginning of the week is "marked" by the 7th seal, the middle of the week is "marked"with the 7th trumpet and the end of the week is "marked" by the 7th vial. The entireweek is marked by sevens.

Then, 30 days later, 30 days AFTER the 1260 days are ended, some event happens. I will

leave it up to the readers to determine what will happen. I don't know.

12Blessed is he that waiteth, and cometh to the thousand three hundred and five and thirtydays.,..

Then, 75 days after the end of the week, another great event happens. Again, I don't know

what it will be.


 Bruce Warner (4 Nov 2010) 


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Dear Doves,

If the 'Six-Day War' of June 1967/5727 was, in fact, in a 'Jubilee Year' then that

'Jubilee Year' had to begin on the 'Day of Atonement' the previous Fall of 

1966/5726. If the year 5727/1967 was a 'Jubilee Year' then the previous year of 

5726/1966 was the last year (49th)of the 49-year Jubilee Cycle.


The '50th year Jubilee' is always the 'first year' (or year #1) of the next 49-year 

Jubilee cycle. The 49th year of every 49-year Jubilee cycle is always a year that

can be evenly divided by #7. If the year 5727 was a Jubilee Year, the previous

year of 5726 was the 49th year of the Jubilee cycle. It must pass the test to be

evenly divisible by seven, AND IT DOES! ( 5726 DIVIDED BY 7 EQUALS

818 ). Therefore the very next year 5727/1967 can be a Jubilee Year.

To find when the next Jubilee Year begins you must add a complete 49 years to

the previous 49th year 5726/1966 and you get the year 5775/2015 ( 5775

divided by #7 = 825). If the next 'Jubilee Year' begins on the 'Day of 

Atonement' September 23, 2015 the 'Second Coming of Christ' must be

scheduled for the Feast of Trumpets/Rosh Hashanah September 14, 2015.

If that is in fact true, the '70th Week of Daniel' already began on Feast of 

Trumpets/Rosh Hashanah 2008. We are then now entering the third year of the

3 and 1/2 year 'first-half' of the 70th Week of Daniel.

I believe that the Scripture allows for the rapture to occur anytime during the'first-half' of the '70th Week of Daniel' right up to and including the 'MID-

POINT MOMENT' at which point Satan is cast out of Heaven causing the

"great tribulation" to begin.

Come Lord Jesus!

Bruce Warner