Page 1: Why the United States Invaded Afghanistan

Why the United States Invaded Afghanistan

Iakovos Alhadeff

Page 2: Why the United States Invaded Afghanistan

Published by Iakovos Alhadeff at SmashwordsCopyright 2014 Iakovos Alhadeff

Page 3: Why the United States Invaded Afghanistan

Table of Contents

Oil Nationalism

The Nazi Invasion of Russia

The Afghanistan War

Page 4: Why the United States Invaded Afghanistan

Oil Nationalism

The war in Afghanistan, like all great wars, was a war for crude oil and natural gas. But it was not a war for oil in the sense put forward by socialists, i.e. by some greedy entrepreneurs fighting for profits. As you can see at the following Wikipedia link,

75% of oil is produced by national oil companies (NOC), and 90% of oil reserves are controlled by national oil companies. The following table,

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shows the biggest energy companies for 2013. You can find the table at the following link, which is actually a list from Forbes magazine.

As you can see, the major energy companies are state owned. You can read another article by Wall Street Journal, which states that the major energy companies are controlled by the states.

One more article by Forbes.

Therefore the cause of oil wars is not that greedy businessmen fight for profits, but rather the opposite i.e. oil wars occur due to oil nationalism. If the problem was money it could be easily overcome. For example Russian, American and Chinese entrepreneurs could all participate in oil companies, and everyone could be happy. The problem is who controls the energy levers in case of conflicts. Because the one who controls energy, is the one who wins the war too.

The Nazi Invasion of Russia

Actually it is generally accepted, that the reason Hitler broke his agreement with the communists and attacked Russia in 1941, was the Caspian Sea oil, which he wanted to have under his control in order to support his army that was fighting in almost all continents. Many people believe that communists were Hitler’s big enemies. They are wrong. Under the famous Molotov-Ribbentrop pact, black and red socialists, Nazis and Communists that is, had agreed to split Eastern Europe between them in zones of influence.

This agreement was broken by the Nazis and not by the Communists, when Hitler attacked Russia on June 22nd 1941, in order to get hold of her energy riches in the Caspian. He lost this war, and while the allies had control of the Persian Gulf and the Caspian Sea, he had to rely mainly on Romania for oil, and he stayed thirsty. You can read about the Nazi-Communist agreement in the first lines of the Wikipedia link.

Therefore the cause of oil wars is not the money, but who controls the oil supply, because the one controlling the oil supply wins the wars in case of conflicts. I wish the problem was money. If that was the problem everything would be much simpler. The problem is oil nationalism.

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The Afghanistan War

At the following map, you can see two of the richest areas in oil and natural gas i.e. the Persian Gulf and the Caspian Sea. The United States, through their military presence in the Persian Gulf after the Second World War, made sure that oil was flowing without interruptions to U.S.A. and Europe. They paid a great price for their presence, both in economic terms, and on political terms, since they had to fight with international communism.

The U.S.A. today wants to have alternative ways of energy supplies, so that they do not depend on the heavily unstable Persian Gulf. They therefore want to find routes to transfer oil and natural gas from the Caspian Sea to their allies, avoiding their main competitors. You can see on the map that the only way for oil and natural gas to flow from the Caspian Sea to the Indian Ocean, thus avoiding the other major powers, Russia and China, and the famous enemy of the United States i.e. Iran is through Turkmenistan, Afghanistan and Pakistan.

And while the U.S.A. had agreed with Turkmenistan, they were facing a very hostile environment in Afghanistan from the Taliban regime. That does not mean that the Taliban and Osama Bin Laden with his Al Qaida did not engage in terrorist actions against the U.S.A. But if it wasn’t for the energy routes, the Americans would not have

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invaded Afghanistan. We should not worry too much about the Talibans, the Chinese communists, and other underdeveloped civilizations. The only way to measure which civilization is superior, is by measuring the level of freedom it offers to its citizens. And we all know that the U.S.A. offers much more liberty to American people, than the one offered by the Chinese communists and by Putin’s oligarchs.

Therefore we should ask Americans to go and civilize barbarians that pose a threat to them. And once the savages are taught to be free, they should be left free. Imagine a world where the strongest party would be the Chinese communists or the Russian oligarchs. It would be terrible. The problem is that the elites of inferior civilizations, always teach their citizens to believe that the Americans are fascists, because they do not want to reach a higher civilization, since that would mean institutions similar to the American ones, which would surrender power to the people.
