
Why storytelling matters!!

Instill story in talks

Know the FUTURE by looking

at the PAST

Elements of story telling Story-teller

Visuals Engaged audience

Story telling makes us Human

Makes our


Increases the Drama

To get an idea

Don’t start with a computer Start with paper and whiteboard

Audience comes FIRST!!!

It’s their story

Connect with audience

Emotionally Intellectually Aesthetically

Have a solid structure

“[Story] needs architectural structure which is completely forgotten once

you see a movie” ---Billy Wilder

Have a clear theme, message

Remove the non essentials

Hook‘em early!!!

Show a clear conflict A character based narration of a character’s struggle to overcome

obstacles and reach an important goal.

Demonstrate a clear


Show or do something


Make’em feel!!

Be authentic

Be vulnerable

Take risks

Thank you


Created by Vishal Gupta,IIT-BHU under a marketing Internship by Prof Sameer Mathur IIM Lucknow.