
Why should you study Materials

& Construction?

Master Builder

Skidmore Owings and Merrill

Master Builder

Le Corbusier

Ronchamp Chapel - France

Mater Builder

Robert Maillart

Master Builder

Frank Gehry

Master Builder

Eduardo Torroja

Master Builder


Master Builders of Suspension Bridges

James Finely


Othmar Amman

Firth of Forth Bridge- Scotland

Master Builder

Santiago Calatrava

Master Builder

Felix Candela

Building: Padre Pio Pilgrimage ChurchLocation: San Giovanni Rotondo, ItalyCompleted: July 2004Architect: Renzo Piano Building WorkshopStructural: Favero & Milan IngegneriaConsulting engineers: Ove Arup & PartnersWood construction: Merk HolzbauAcoustics: Helmut Müller, Germany

In 1502 Leonardo da Vinci did a simple drawing of a graceful bridge with a single span of 720-foot span (approximately 240-meters.) Da Vinci designed the bridge as part of a civil engineering project for Sultan Bajazet II of Constantinople (Istanbul.)

On the Project, Vebjørn Sand successfully collaborated with a professional team of engineers and architects to test the build-ability of the design.


Improper construction methods are believed to be the reason of last

Saturday's building collapse in Shanghai, according to a report from

the investigation team. The investigation team's report said that

workers dug an underground garage on one side of the building

while on the other side earth was heaped up to 10 meters high,

which was apparently an error in construction, according to a report

on, Shanghai's official news website. "Any construction

company with common sense would not make such a mistake," said

an expert from the investigation team.

Sustainable Construction

Green Business Data Centre, Hyd.

Great Lakes Institute of


Suzlon One, Pune
