Page 1: Why SalesTraining Fails and your Options by Peak Performance Training and Development



Peak Performance Training & Development

An International Leader in Sales & Sales Management Training1-866-816-0991

Providing CEO's, Presidents and Business Owners with Executable Strategies that Target the Problems Inherent in Sales, Sales Management and Sales Recruiting


Page 2: Why SalesTraining Fails and your Options by Peak Performance Training and Development

The Major Mistakes that Lead to Failure

First and foremost we understand the reasons why training fails, and you should to!

Mistake # 1: Relying on Short term training (Boot camps)

Mistake # 2: Failing to properly evaluate your team and all individual participants in order to first identify individual/group strengths and weaknesses.

Mistake # 3: Use of “Blanket Training”

Mistake # 4: Relying on “Motivational Training”

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Mistake # 1: Relying on Short term training

Mistake # 1: Relying on Short term training (Boot camps). They result is at best, “knowing” more about a subject – yet they fail to allow participants to actually take “ownership” of the material, system and strategies!

As human beings we are habitual, meaning that our mindsets or belief systems, in this case Sales, Sales Management or Sales Recruiting are developed over time. Regardless of how motivated you may be when leaving a short term boot camp or motivational program, that short term newfound knowledge will not override your routine that has been solidified over years. You may “know” more about a particular subject, however you have not internalized and taken ownership of the material or information.

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Mistake # 2: Failing to properly evaluate your team

Mistake # 2: Failing to properly evaluate your team and all individual participants in order to first identify individual/group strengths and weaknesses. Without first uncovering individual and group sales weaknesses, training is at best, a trial and error approach.

Consider for a moment a Doctor who enthuesiastically tells you he/she is ready to operate on you. However they have not even drawn blood, nonetheless taken you through necessary procedures, tests and diagnostics in order to determine the most productive course of action.

What would you think?

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Mistake # 3: Use of “Blanket Training”

Mistake # 3: Use of “Blanket Training” An analogy would be a Doctor walking into a room of 30 people who all don’t feel well. Opposed to diagnosing each person’s illness and prescribing a specific medical course of action, he or she writes them all the same prescription

…………… medicine, this is called malpractice!

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Mistake # 4: Relying on “Motivation Training”

Mistake # 4: Relying on “Motivation Training”.

Business Owners spend much of their time attempting to motivate their sales people into performing at higher levels. At best they may receive a temporary lift in spirits and perhaps a short term slight increase in sales.

This strategy fails to uncover the individuals’ real “incentive to change” nor does it focus on or change Attitude!

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Information vs Application

Information vs Application

At Peak Performance we do not believe in the short term boot-camps or motivational programs. Although the material in many cases is in fact, good stuff – it is critical that you understand the difference between Information and Application.

After all, what is the sense in “knowing” more about a particular subject, in particular when in the heat of the moment you know it will not be utilized!

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Changing Minds to Change Routines

As human beings we are habitual, meaning that our mindsets or belief systems, in this case Sales, Sales Management or Sales Recruiting are developed over time.

Regardless of how motivated you may be when leaving a short term boot camp or motivational program, that short term newfound knowledge will not override your routine that has been solidified over years.

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The Critical Importance of Taking Ownership

Until and unless you take ownership & fully internalize the information, in the heat of the moment you will fall right back into a less than productive or counter-productive routine.

This is the very reason why Business Owners find themselves going over the same thing with the same sales people each Monday morning—They often smile, nod and agree, “ Hey Boss, that’s a great idea” however by Tuesday they are back exhibiting the same counter productive behavior!

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The Process of Internalization & Taking Ownership

The Key is Participatory Learning

For example, you want to become a black belt in the Martial Arts; so you go out and buy a 10 CD set all 2 hours in duration—you watch the entire CD series—twice! Now you are put you into a ring with a 9th degree black belt, well… you’re going to get hurt.

Or you decide that you are going to take your salespeople to a two day seminar … on the piano. On day one they talk about material selection, fabrication and functionality. Day two they bring out a concert pianist and she plays beautifully----now go play the piano! We wonder why the music just doesn’t sound quite right. What type of results will your realistically obtain? And we all know the results of the “ Two Day Diet”

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The Negative Impact of Boot Camps

The Negative Impact of Boot Camps & Failure to “Take Ownership”

1. Management finds themselves going over the same thing with the same people, without a change in mindset, habits, routine or result!

2. Inconsistency from one sales rep to another with respect to handling objections, pitching, presenting, qualifying and closing business

3. Poor performance, poor execution, poor sales results, turnover and duplication of managements time, energy and capital investment!

If you are dealing with poor performance, inconsistency or turnover call us today at 866-816-0991

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Diagnosing Before Prescribing

Diagnosing Before Prescribing Customized Targeted Training, Un-Training & Coaching

Before we begin to change, train, un-train or coach any individual or sales team, we first access individual and group strengths and weaknesses allowing us to have a clear understanding as to what Executive Leadership, Sales Management or Sales specific issues must be targeted. In other words what are the deficiency gaps that must be closed.

This allows us to develop the program, process and utilize coaching in a way that targets the specific problem areas providing real support that is sustainable.

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Training that Targets

Targeted Training: Our training is heavy weighted in the identified areas of weakness.

We believe the overall group should be utilizing a consistent approach making use of a process and consistent criteria reducing the wing-it mentality often found in sales teams. While the overall group must be on the same page“, each individual has certain habits and beliefs that impede their selling success. These areas must be identified prior to training and addressed in the training process.

Our Training and Un-Training process targets individual and group weaknesses, opposed to simply preaching our opinion, or forcing a one size fits all approach.

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Attitudinal Training VS Motivational Training

Attitudinal Training VS Motivational Training: One major factor in determining a person’s ability to Direct, Manage or sell, or have real impact and challenge viewpoints and mindsets is Attitude. Therefore each participant’s overall attitudinal state must be taken into consideration.

Attitude contains: 1. Self Esteem (Self Esteem is the first component that begins to decay) 2. Level of Confidence (Is built through learning-what we thought we knew

about Sales/Leadership may not be as productive as it used to be 3. Level of Expectation (Do your sales people expect beer, pizza, poker &

cigarettes on the weekend? Or do they expect to achieve the level of a top producer?)

4. Ego Drive The Ego often acts as an anchor. It can become a self sealing mechanism impeding our ability to be open minded. Our past success often becomes our future failure When the ego becomes an obstacle!

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The Critical Importance of a Sales Process

In Professional sports, all team members have raw skill, they all practice and they all know the offense and defense, right. However it is the superstars who want the ball when the game is on the line.

Do your sales people really want the ball?

In order to get everyone on the same page moving in the right and productive direction, call Peak Performance today at 866-816-0991

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Contact Peak Performance Today

Business Owners, Presidents or CEO’s

Are you feeling the Impact of:

Overall Poor Sales Performance Less than productive attitudes & excuses Sales Complacency & Anemic Behavior Lack of a consistent sales system Sales People who have quit and left Sales People who have quit and STAYED!

Call us Direct at 1-866-816-0991