  • 1. The world is transforming

2. First, global warming 3. The Arctic is melting 4. Complicated by the emergence of many rivaling powers 5. We are also living in highly digitised era 6. These are times of unprecedented change. History has shifted fast forward. 7. As the worlds population increases To over 8 billion by 2050 8. There will be challenges like energy & food shortages. 9. These are real issues that nations will have to deal with. 10. How will Singapore be affected? 11. We are a miniscule island-state lacking Resources Food Water Space 12. We are also Surrounded by larger neighbors who are not always friendly Dependent on other countries for our needs 13. Physically, Sea level will increase Storms become more extreme Frequent bouts of droughts 14. We could even become smaller before AD 2100 15. In commercial terms, there will be Intense competition from the region and beyond Our relevance as a shipping hub can diminish 16. You will be competing against Chinese, Indians & Vietnamese of your generation for employment, promotion and business opportunities. 17. They are hungrier for success 18. They work longer for lesser pay 19. Many of them will be smarter and fast learners 20. The rejects of Beijing University could score a first class in our university. - Mr Lee Kuan Yew, Hard Truths. 21. Anything we make, the Chinese and Indians and Vietnamese will eventually do the same. - Mr Lee Kuan Yew, Hard Truths. 22. In fact, the Chinese have already beaten us in many areas 23. In 2011, Shanghai has surpassed Singapore as the worlds busiest port. 24. They can produce international brand names & products that we may never match. 25. Our neighbors have not been idle either 26. They have the huge population to be viable markets to China & other major economies 27. They have vast cheap labor force to be manufacturing bases for MNCs 28. They have the resources & land to attract foreign investments 29. As such, we are ranked low in our importance to China & India. 30. Singapore can also be bypassed by the shorter Arctic Sea lane. 31. Singapore 32. Singapore can be bypassed by Chinese-Thai venture to open the Kra Isthmus canal. 33. Singapore 34. What will happen to Singapore if these routes materialise? 35. Can we survive if the world does not find us relevant? 36. Singapore has however been successful so far because 37. We are able to Seize opportunities that come our way Create opportunities when there is none Always think beyond our size & limitations Evolve & not be complacent 38. Successful Singaporeans see the world as their oyster 39. Examples of exemplary Singaporeans. Who chose to project their development abroad. 40. These are men of humble beginnings. Driven by a single- minded will to succeed. If they can do it. SO CAN YOU! 41. You are at the threshold of change 42. In ten years 43. The world is going to be more challenging. 44. But are you ready? 45. Challenging times call for a changing mindset that can see beyond the immediate. 46. Whether a rock is a stepping stone or a stumbling block, is dependent on your perspective. 47. Like Singapore, you must strive to punch above your weight. 48. You may not aspire for phenomenal success, but be prepared to tread unfamiliar paths in an uncertain future. 49. Why China? 50. 1. You already have the cultural advantage! We share similar values & most of us already know the language. 51. 2. China is the global power nearest to us. China is not your only destination. You begin in China & end up connected with the rest of the world. 52. China is Worlds second largest economy Worlds top exporter Worlds largest Foreign Direct Investment recipient Most influential power in East Asia 53. 3. You have the assistance of our government & business communities to excel in China. No other country in this world has pumped in so much resources to make sure its citizens succeed in China. 54. 4. China is offering generous bursaries to international students. It has been a major Chinese policy to encourage foreigners to study in China. 55. Choose to study in China 56. 1. Always advantageous to be acquainted with the most populous country on Earth. 57. We have much to learn from an evolving China. From promoting cycling as a viable mode of transport 58. To building green advanced integrated cities. 59. 2.You will be an asset to many international & local companies. 60. China is very very important to Singapores economy: China is one of Singapores largest trading partners. Singaporean products & services are popular in China because of our quality & cultural affinity. 61. There will also be many more future collaborations with China in shipping, finance, agriculture, environmental technology & urban planning. 62. 3.The range of subjects Chinese colleges offer are world class and broader than our universities. 63. YOU WILL STUDY Amongst many other subjects 64. Specialisations in the field of medicine & biotechnology, a Chinese industrial niche. Marine engineering & shipping in an economy determined to restore its historical maritime greatness. Finance & business management in the worlds future financial hub. 65. 4.Expand worldview and make friends from around the world. 66. Ambitious & adventurous youths from America, western Europe, South Korea, Russia & many other countries vie for the opportunity to study & work in China. You will meet likeminded people! 67. 5.Chinese university fees are highly affordable too! 68. YES!! 69. In China, you will acquire the life skills & the exposure to be global-ready 70. Live & learn in the vortex of global transformation. 71. Therefore, choose wisely.