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Why I Need a Mac

Why I Need a MacReasons a Mac is Most Trusted

It Looks SnazyMacs are the most renowned computer. That means they have lots of cool options on cases to protect from scratches. They also have lots of Mac color options.

You might think you cant afford one. There are lots of refurbished computers that are for sale for less. I can also pay some money out of my allowance to help.Costs Mula $

I can save up money to buy my Macs applications. Applications like Word, Power Point, Xel, i Movie, and Garage Band.You Wont Need to Buy Applications

Mac security is reliable enough to protect from a virus or hackers. There are also bad things on the web to protect from.Reliable Security

I need to take care of it by not touching the screen and buying a cover for the keyboard and the screen. I can also set up a security account. I also can get a case for it. Can Teach Me Responsibility

I can use it for school projects and for fun. In high school I will need to type up my essays. It will also help me be able to use my email easier and internet better.Projects

By One Once and Never AgainThis is one of the most reliable computers survival wise. Apple is very friendly to customers who need help with their computers. They will help you with any problems. ( there will be very little problems)

Now I shall give you a chance to think about it. You also need to think that Im going into Middle School so I will have to type more of my papers. It will be harder to use the library because I will have longer classes. I will also have to do projects and essays.Keep Thinking About It


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