
Why I chose the music videos

Mood video choicesWhy I chose the music videos

Avicii-LevelsThe first video That I analysed was Levels by Avicii, I have chosen this video as it is a classic. the genre is pop, however it contains hints of electronic music and disco. The video is very comedic as it shows a man dancing around in his office while everyone else is trying to work the production budget is reasonably high as he is a well known musician and can afford more special effects.

Daft punk- Get luckyThe next video shown is Get lucky by the pop artists, Daft Punk. The feature of this music video that I like is the aesthetic and theme. The music video is quite jazz orientated with a bit of sci fi and 80s nostalgia. The video itself is very performance based which relates it more to the artist as they have the iconic robot costume. The video uses a lot of quick shots however the editing is still very steady, this is a good video as it doesnt focus on one artist but all of them equally.

Macklemore- Thrift shopThe next song is a rap song by the artist Macklemore called Thrift Shop. The theme of this video is very accurate to the kind of conventions used in this genre for example, driving around in a flashy car, in this case a Delorean. The artist also wears a big animal fur coat which is very genre- appropriate. What I like about the video is the way the artist is always at the centre of attention this helps to remind the viewer of the artists success and talent.

FUN- We are youngThe fourth entry is a famous pop/ alternative rock song called We are young by the American band FUN, The main reason why this video stood out to me is the use of slow motion, especially the shot with the artist playing piano. This was a very effective use of editing as it tells a story and looks very professional from an artistic perspective. With the slow motion effect of water being splashed over the band almost like an explosion looks very aesthetically pleasing. It is quite possible to use this kind of editing for my final product but it can also take more time.

Twenty One Pilots- Stressed OutThe fifth entry is an alternative rap song, Stressed out by the up and coming group, Twenty One Pilots. What I like about this video is the tracking shot of the singer on a tricycle. This allowed the viewer to analyse his surroundings which were purposely portraying the colour grey to give the music video a serious tone, this then amplifies the power of the lyrics, also the more cramped shot showing the band in a small room makes the viewer feel more connected to them as if they were there.

The Vaccines- If you wannaThe next music video is by the rock band the vaccines, in this music video there is heavy use of silhouettes and colour. This makes the fact that the theme of the video is performance based more interesting for the viewer. The use of silhouettes also shifts the focus away from the band itself and just allows the audience to experience the music while being treated with cool and colourful lights. There are also several close ups of the artists instruments such as guitars and drums, which links the music being produced to the video.

LMFAO- Party rock anthemParty rock anthem is the most eventful music video in this list, it features a similar story to the film 28 days later and also uses a wide range of actors and dancers. The use of special effects and expensive camera work draws the attention away from the quality of the song and this is the purpose of the high budget. The costumes used are very appropriate as the genre is pop and over the top costumes is common in the genre. The one aspect that inspired me is the very jumpy editing as it almost synchronises to the beat.

Bastille- PompeiiWhat I like about the next entry is that it is clearly narrative based as the camera shots and angles suggest that the lead singer of the band is the protagonist of the story. The camera also follows the man around which takes the viewer on the same journey as him, making the video more of an experience than advertisement. The video has a dark tone which contradicts the actual tone of the song as it is very upbeat, this throws the viewer off balance.

Sam Smith- Stay with meThe main feature of this song that I definitely would take as inspiration is the steady pacing of the editing, which matches with the tone of the song. The continuous shots also make the audience feel as if they are walking alongside the star Sam Smith. There are also aspects of the notions of looking theory mentioned by Andrew Goodwin, this is due to the fact that the artist repeatedly looks at the camera, which is supposed to make the audience feel more connected to the song.

Foster the people Pumped up KicksThe last song is Pumped up kicks, the thing that I liked about the video is how casual it is, its mainly performance based however its from a live performance which gives a sense of reality to the viewer, this is important otherwise the band may not appeal to peoples so the band must be relatable . The camera also blurs quite a lot throughout the clip, this is perhaps to make the video seem as if it was filmed in a non professional way. This is another reason as to why the song was popular.