Download pdf - Why do people smoke?


Why do people


as you think…

The reasons might not be

as obvious

It often starts out as a social thing

Then it gives you

something to do

when you’re


It starts to help you

deal with stress

and you start to enjoy it

That’s when your brain changes

You’ve developed a habit

When you do something….


times a day



on end

it becomes a strong habit


Every cigarette you smoke

gives you a hit of

The primitive part of your brain

uses dopamine to reinforce

good behaviour

Dopamine makes you feel when you eat

It makes you feel when you quench a thirst

reinforces every cigarette

by giving you that same rewarding feeling

So you feel like you need it

as much as or

the nicotine in your body is halved

After 2 of not smoking

And your addiction to nicotine

causes your body to go into

When you have the next cigarette,

it relieves you of the withdrawal symptoms

Relieving you of the stress it caused

And now

you associate

with relieving

The more things you regularly do with a cigarette in your hand

the more associations you have with smoking

hit with a

now correspond And those actions

When you quit smoking,

You miss that dopamine

and you feel like something is missing

You might start feeling a little


It can feel like the end of a relationship

But after 72 hours

the nicotine is completely gone from your body

And not long after that, you start feeling better

You will

with smoking some associations

still have

But each time you do something without smoking

those associations grows weaker

and you no longer feel the need to smoke

It all starts with the decision to stop

and a plan to get through the first few weeks

It’s not as difficult as you might think

Download the 6 point plan for giving up for good

From the
