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  • 8/3/2019 Why Do People Plan


    Why do people plan? Most people plan for tomorrow, next month, and next year so on. Thereis a saying that Life is what happens while you are busy planning other things. Dwight D.

    Eisenhower, a former US president said, In preparing for battle I have always found that plans

    are useless, but planning is indispensable. If life does not go as we planned and plans seem

    useless in battle, why is planning still important? The author ofThe Little Prince, Saint-Exupery

    suggests the answer. He said, A goal without a plan is just a wish. I think planning is like

    drawing a map that guides us to the destination we seek. Once we have a map, it will be easier

    and more efficient to find the way we should take. Also, the map would lessen the risk of getting

    lost in our long journey of life. In this essay, I describe how I constructed my map.

    There are countless jobs and professions in this world. Among those, how am I

    going to choose the right one? How can I know what the best one, which fits my talents,characters and nature, is? The answer is in the very question. In order to find the best

    profession for me, I should know myself my talents, character and nature first.

    I am a professional Go player. I have spent almost half my life to achieve this. With

    the game of Go I can be competent, competitive and distinguishable. Another weapon I

    have is the language of English. Although many Koreans now-days are fluent in

    English, the fact that very few professional Go players speak English makes me standout from others. In addition, I always liked reading and writing; since I was young, I have

    been reading books and writing journals, short stories and essays. For example, I have

    read more than 20 books this year including Anna Karenina by Tolstoy and East ofEden by Steinbeck, and posted a few stories and essays under an anonymouspenname on Cyberoro, the internet Go site. Also I am good at traveling and meeting

    people. Thanks to my childhood that separated me from the family, I naturallydeveloped adaptability and social skills. Though I did not recognize these abilities at

    first, as I traveled several times, I found myself to get along well with anyone, appreciatefood of diverse ethnicities, and even enjoy having conversations with strangers.

    There seems to be two ways to maximize my strength as a professional Go player.

    One is to become one of the top Go players in the world. Becoming the strongest playeris an attractive option, but I have learned that sheer dedications and efforts are not

    sufficient in achieving that goal. The other option is to become a leader in the global Gocommunity. Working for an international Go association will provide me with

    opportunities to use my strength in Go. Maybe more importantly, however, I would beable to utilize my social and communication skills. I also expect that my competency inEnglish will be an indispensable skill in communicating with the global Go community.

    Thus, I have chosen the second option.

    The destination is set. And the next step is to draw the map. I began with a couple of

    important questions. What abilities are required in order to become the leader of

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    international Go organization? And, how should I acquire these abilities? The answersto these two questions will be the navigator of my successful career. For the first

    question, I believe that profound understanding of both the game of Go andinternational organization is critical. Also, an ability to collaborate with both national and

    regional chapters of Go associations would be essential. Understanding of human

    resource management and cross-cultural management are probably important too.Then I concluded for the second question that the only ability that I possess now is

    the understanding of the game of Go. Fortunately, according to my research, curriculum

    for International Business major in Solbridge includes studies that could help meacquire aforementioned skills. Therefore, I decided to major in International Business.

    As a college student, learning and studying will be my top priority. However, because

    my long-term goal is directly related to Go, I think constant activities in Go world areimportant. Therefore, I will also keep playing professional Go matches and participate in

    many types of Go events all over the world. Moreover, I would like to establish a Go

    circle in the university and teach the game of Go to my schoolmates. Through teachingfriends from various countries, I will see how different cultures affect peoples way of

    thinking in the game of Go. And this observation would ultimately help me to prepare for

    the future career. After graduating, I want to continue with Masters program for thedeeper understanding. Then I will probably work in other fields for some periods of time

    to build diverse working experiences. As Louis Pasteur, a French scientist famouslysaid Chance favors only the prepared mind. I believe that only the prepared gets the

    right chance and relates it to success. Although the destination is far away and there

    probably will be lots of obstacles, I will follow my map and keep inching toward mydestination.

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    Sample College Admissions Essay 2

    Sometimes a task can seem monumental when you try to visualize the entire thing, but if you break it

    down into smaller goals suddenly it can become manageable. When I first started to consider going to

    college so that I could make a better life for myself and my daughter, I thought it was going to be almost

    impossible. I was working in a convenience store trying to make ends meet as a single mother, but I just

    knew that there was something more out there for me. I had the drive to build a career that did not involve

    running credit cards through the machine and cleaning the public bathroom, I just needed the skills and

    the opportunity to determine what that other dream job was. It can be difficult to leave what is familiar,

    and I actually really liked the people who owned the convenience store and knew that they would be sad

    to see me go, but it was time to strike out on my own. I set a goal of successfully finishing one semester

    at my local junior college, just to see if I could manage it, and much to my delight I not only completed the

    semester, but earned a place on the Deans List as well. I felt a tremendous amount of pride in this

    accomplishment, and it certainly wasnt easy, but it helped to give me the confidence I needed to set

    longer term goals. I found that I was very interested in the sciences and how the human body works. I am

    now about to graduate with my Associates of Science degree, having maintained my position on the

    Deans List the entire time, and I finally know that I am setting the kind of example for my daughter that I

    always dreamed of when I was wringing out the mop and restocking the shelves at the conveniencestore.

    I am now eager to take my education to the next level by pursuing a degree in nursing at ____ University.

    It is my goal after graduating to become a nurse serving lower income and underrepresented

    communities. I am a naturally compassionate person, and because of my lower socio-economic

    background and life experience, I can relate easily to people who may fear going to see medical

    professionals whom they perceive as different from them, but whose services they need. I can help bridge

    that gap, and thereby encourage more people to actually get help that they require in a comforting and

    non-threatening environment.

    My commitment to my education is strong and I know that, if admitted, I will be able to earn a solid grade

    point average, and graduate with the skills and experience I will need to build my career as a nurse. I feel

    such relief and gratitude to know that I have found my calling, and I am eager to begin this new stage of

    my education. Certainly the next two years will be challengingrequiring much juggling of schedules and

    time management expertise--but I have done it before, and with my clear goal in my mind, I know I can do

    it again with equal or greater success. Even though my commitment to my education takes some time

    away from my child, I know that ultimately it will be worth the sacrifice because she will see how important

    an education is by witnessing all I have given up to achieve mine, and what a strong career I will be able

    to build because of those same sacrifices.

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    Sample College Admissions Essay 3

    My father always used to say to me: if you want people to respect you, first you must respect yourself.

    At this juncture in my life I see going back to school to earn a degree in nursing as a symbol of respecting

    myself and the goals I have set for myself. I have made sacrifices in my life that are common for many

    women: putting my husbands career before my own, and my childs life and growth before my own as

    well, and for many years these sacrifices have been worthwhile, but I am proud to say that my son is now

    12 and not in need of his mother in the same way he used to be, and my husband is fortunately very

    supportive of my career goals.

    Growing up as the only daughter of an Army physician in France was quite an experience. The military

    lifestyle over there is much like it is here in the United States with frequent moves and the constant of

    always being the new girl in school. Because I was being uprooted every year or so I learned to find

    solace in school work because this was an area I could excel in no matter where in France we moved. I

    also found that I had a natural gift for the sciences and, perhaps due to my fathers influence, dreamed of

    one day becoming a doctor. I began my medical training in France at the age of 18 and after 3 years

    began working as a nurse to partially fund the rest of my studies. My first experience working in a hospital

    was excellent, and because I was so young and inexperience I assumed that all aspects of medical carewould offer this kind of fulfillment. I chose to specialize in pharmacy and went on to earn all of my

    accreditations and degrees for this in France. I stayed for 2 more years in France after graduating,

    working as a pharmacist, which I found to be far less rewarding than my time working as a nurse had

    been. I missed being able to learn about such a wide variety of ailments, and offer care and compassion

    not just to my patients, but their families as well, in their time of need. It just wasnt the same in pharmacy,

    and because I lacked a passion for this field, it was not too hard for me to move to the United States,

    even knowing that all of my medical training would be useless here.

    I have lived in the United States for ___ years now, met and married my husband, raised a family, and

    learned to call it home, but I still miss the satisfaction and personal growth that I found while working as a

    nurse. I know that I can find that same degree of fulfillment again, and I am eager to begin the process at

    ____ University. My grades have always been high, but now that I know my true calling, and have the

    luxury of time to pursue it, I have maintained a perfect grade point average while taking prerequisite

    courses for my nursing degree at my local community college. I have every reason to expect that my

    academic performance while pursuing a nursing degree at ___ University will be no less impressive.

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    Why I need this scholarship?

    The point of this question (and any scholarship essay) is to marketyourself and tell the judges why you would be a worthwhile investment.

    Instead of making a laundry list of activities, describe yourachievement(s) specifically and relate them to the essay question. Hereare some suggestions:If you are the first in your family to go to college, you could talk aboutwhat it means for you to be the first to go to college, how you have

    shown determination about going to college, and tie it back to the costsof tuition.

    If you immigrated to the United States, you could talk about the factthat you moved to the US for a chance at getting an education at theuniversity level, how youve exhibited your desire, and tie it back to the

    costs of tuition.

    If you have overcome adversity in your life (i.e. abuse, disability,

    financial), you could talk about the obstacles you have overcome, tiethe lessons you learned from overcoming adversity into your

    preparation for college, and how that all ties back to the costs oftuition.

    If youre one of several siblings, you could talk about what it means foryou to win an individual scholarship, its impact on your future plans,and how the scholarship would help you and your family financially.Try brainstorming ideas that convey your story most effectively. Thisquestion can be answered by using an experience from the past or by

    thinking ahead to the future (goals and ambitions). Find a method thatyou feel paints the strongest picture, but always remember to beextremely personal.

    Who am I?

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    This question is very broad and can be answered in many differentways. Again, dont give them a laundry list of your activities and

    achievements. Pick a few, find a common theme, and write in detailabout them. Some suggestions and ideas to write about:


    Activities and achievements (leadership and clubs)


    Goals and ambitions (current and future)

    Obstacles overcome (disability, abuse, etc.)

    Make sure to tie your theme back into the scholarship guidelines. You

    can use words listed in their description to strengthen your claims.Each scholarship is different so tailor your application to the goals andvalues of the scholarship organization.

    How will this scholarship help you meet your educational and

    career goals?

    This essay question asks you to talk about your future. Scholarshiporganizations like to see students with focused goals in their lives, evenif you end up changing career paths. Its about planning ahead andknowing why you do the things you do/want to do. There are severalparts to this question:Describe your plans for college (i.e. anticipated major(s), courses of

    interest, activities, personal goals)

    Emphasize how the scholarship allows you to meet or work towards

    those goals

    Expand your plans beyond college (i.e. type of job, positions)

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    Include your goals outside of just your career and remember to

    describe and connect them with how the scholarship helps you meetthat goal (i.e. establish an orphanage in East Asia, start a non-profit

    scholarship organization)

    Weave your goals together with a common theme that emphasizeshow the scholarship helps you meet your goals

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    Stanford Application

    When I look at this picture of myself, I realize how much I've grown and changed, not only physically, but also mentally as

    a person in the last couple of years. Less than one month after this photograph was taken, I arrived at the [school' s name]

    in [school' s location] without any idea of what to expect. I entered my second year of high school as an innocent thirteen

    year-old who was about a thousand miles from home and was a new member of not the sophomore, but " lower-middle"

    class. Around me in this picture are the things which were most important in my life at the time: studying different types of

    cars and planes, following Michael Jordan' s latest move, and seeing the latest blockbuster show like " Phantom of theOpera" or " Jurassic Park" . On my t-shirt is the rest of my life- tennis. Midway through my senior year at the special [school'

    s name] school, the focuses in my life have changed dramatically.

    If there is one common occurrence which takes place for every single person in the diverse student body at [school' s

    name], it is that we all grow up much faster for having lived there. I do not know whether this speeding up of the maturing

    process is generally good or bad, but I definitely have benefited.

    The classroom has become a whole different realm for me. Before, the teachers and students alike preached the importance

    of learning, but it was implicitly obvious that the most important concern was grades. At [school' s name] teachers

    genuinely believe that learning is the most importance objective and deeply encourage us to collaborate with each other

    and make use of all resources that we may find. In fact, in a certain class this year, my teacher assigned us to prepare

    every day of the week to discuss a certain book; there were only two require-ments in this preparation- we had to maximize

    our sources, gleaning from everything and everyone in the school, but we were not allowed to actually look at the book. Asa result, I know more about that book than any other that I have actually read. It is teaching methods such as this which

    ensure that we will learn more. Indeed, this matter of " thinking" has been one of the most important aspects of my

    experience. Whether in Physics or English, I' m required to approach every problem and idea independently and creatively

    rather than just regurgitate the teacher' s words. In discussion with fellow students both inside and outside of class, the

    complex thoughts flowing through everyone' s brain is evident.

    However, I believe that the most important concepts that I have espoused in being independent of my parents for half of

    each year, deal with being a cosmopolitan person. The school' s faculty and students are conscious about keeping all of the

    kids' attention from being based on the school. Every single issue of global concern is brought forth by one group or

    another whether it be a faculty member, publication, ethnic society, or individual student. Along with being aware of issues

    of importance, after attending [school' s name] my personality has evolved. First, my mannerisms have grown: the school

    stresses giving respect to everyone and everything. Our former headmaster often said, " Character can be measured not by

    one' s interaction with people who are better off than him or herself, but by one' s interactions with those who are worseoff." The other prime goal of the school' s community is to convert every single timid lower-classman into a loud,

    rambunctious senior. Basically, if you have an opinion about something, it is wrong not to voice that opinion. Of course,

    being obnoxious is not the idea. The key is to become a master of communication with teachers, fellow students, all of who

    are a part of the community, and most importantly, those who are outside of the community.

    I do not want to make [school' s name] sound as if it produces the perfect students, because it doesn' t. But the school

    deserves a lot of credit for its efforts. Often, some part of the mold does remain. As the college experience approaches, I

    am still the same person, only modified to better maximize my talents. Although I still have some time to play tennis and

    see movies, perhaps one of the few similarities between this photograph and me now is my smile.

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    Born in a small family of five and leads a simple

    life has really taught me, Mohamad Haiqal Hazwan bin

    Madzian how significant it is to be a knowledgeable

    person in order to survive in this competitive world. On


    of November 1993 at Hospital Sultanah Aminah, I

    was born. My respected father, Madzian bin Rahmat

    and my lovely mother, Nik Hasni binti Nik Mahmod,

    are both high school teachers. Being the eldest of threesiblings, I have always been taught to be independent

    and to love both my younger brother and sister

    equally. Living in a small and discrete town of Simpang

    Renggam, Kluang, Johor for about 10 years, I adore the

    simple life in a small town.

    I received my formal primary education at SK

    Sri Petaling, Petaling Jaya from 2000 until 2001 before

    moving to SK Dato Onn Jaafar since 2002 until I sat for

    my UPSR in 2005. My UPSR result was excellent which

    was 5As. As for to the superb achievement, I wasoffered to continue my studies at SM Sains Johor,

    Kluang-a cluster school. In 2006, I started my

    secondary school life in this prestigious institution. In

    2008, I sat for my PMR and successfully maintained my

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    perfect achievement by getting 8As.Then, I was placed

    in a good Science-stream class in Form 4 and Form 5.

    My trial examination result was also flamboyant in

    which I obtained 5A+s, 3As and 2A-s. And for my

    SPM, praise to Allah, I got a sparkling results of 6A+s

    and 4As. Now, it is proven that my academic

    performances are consistent and always tip-top.

    At school, I was among hundreds of brightstudents from all edges of Malaysia. This need hard

    work and big forbearances to stay in front. However,

    despite all the hardships I needed to face, I managed to

    shine as the schools promising gem in all aspects. In

    addition for the splendid academic performance, I did

    well in extra-curricular affairs. In the field of sports and

    games, I was my sport houses gold medal prospect in

    long-distance runs like 400m, 800m, 1500m and cross

    country. I contributed a new school record in long-

    distance run and grabbed bronze medal in the MSSD

    championship. In the uniform bodies, I was the activemember of the Fire Brigade and Rescuer Cadet. My

    highest achievement in this field was when the schools

    team managed to won the first runner-up in the Johor

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    Fire Brigade and Rescuer Cadet Foot Drill Competition


    However, my achievements in clubs and societies

    were far better. I participated in the International Star

    Gazing and Space Camp 2010, Malaysia and Indonesia

    Regional Pedagogy Course 2010, became the only

    Johores representative in the Pidato Piala Diraja

    Competition 2009 and 1Malaysia Pidato Competition2010. I was also an outstanding Bahasa Malaysia

    debater and represented SM Sains Johor in various

    debate tournaments at national level. Other than that, I

    participated in the SBP Kebangsaan Career Carnival

    and The Star-RHB State Level Mighty Minds Challenge

    2010. Besides, I also participated in many leadership

    programs such as the SBP Kebangsaan House Captain

    Leadership Course 2010.

    My role as a leader should not be

    underestimated. I was chosen as the Head Prefect in myprimary school. In SM Sains Johor, I cultivated my

    leadership skills when I became the school prefect since

    Form 2 and later on as the Secretariat of the Board of

    Prefect. I also became the President of Suria House,

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    President of the Bahasa Melayu Debating Club, Vice

    President of the Computer Club, the Secretary of

    Bahasa Melayu Society, the Secretary of Pembimbing

    Rakan Sebaya (PRS), the committee member of Badan

    Dakwah and Rohani and also as the Prefect Dorm

    Leader at the boys hostel. Elsewhere, I hold the

    position of AJK Fire Drill in Fire Brigade and Rescuer

    Cadet, the Secretary of the Chess Club and an active

    member of the Athletic Club. I was selected to holdthese positions due to my high self-confidence, the

    ability to speak out my ideas in front of the people

    without fears and my skills in persuading others.

    Proven, although I was extremely busy in many aspects

    throughout the year, I was still capable of managing my

    schedule systematically and coped with stress

    excellently until I gained huge success all around.


    As I grow up, I am greatly influenced with medicalfields due to many reasons. So, I become interested to be

    a doctor and anything related to medical fields. In 2009,

    my friends and I conducted a research about

    cardiology-related diseases at the famous National

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    Heart Institute (IJN). After we had a long talk with one

    of the Malay cardiothoracic experts there, my

    determination was set up. I will become Malaysias

    most well-known Malay cardiothoracic expert like him

    one day!

    Why do I set my heart to study medic so much?

    One of the reasons is because I love to learn Biology and

    Life Science very much. I am very interested to learnabout living things, human bodies, the organs, the bones

    structure, the hormonal activities and also the body

    mechanisms. It makes me feel closer to the mighty

    Creator instead of just stunned by the miracles of our

    bodies. As for me, being a doctor is not only about

    giving exact treatments to the patients. It comprises the

    duties to educate people about the importance of

    maintaining good health and the significances of being

    free from any diseases. It is also a doctors

    responsibility to ensure that the societies realize about

    the dangers and risks of various diseases and illnessesthus providing helps to prevent those illnesses.

    My greatest weakness is that I may easily

    sympathize when I look at those unlucky people who

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    suffer chronic diseases no matter children, adolescents,

    or even the elders. I will feel a sudden yearn to help

    them in any ways so that they can enjoy their precious

    life as I am enjoying mine. As a caring and loving

    member of this big society, no one will care if I need to

    sacrifice my time ,24 hours a day, 7 days a week when I

    can save the lives of the ill-fated patients? Being a

    doctor is such a noble job. The earning is profitable too.

    But yet, the thing I seek the most by being a doctor isthe pleasure to treat sick people.

    I wish and set a high hope that one day I will be

    able to enter the University of Auckland, New Zealand.

    The Faculty of Medical and Health Sciences in that

    university is a large and dynamic faculty. It is rated in

    the top 1% biomedical universities in the world. This

    university is established as one of the best universities in

    this globe. The proof is that the University of Auckland

    was ranked 47th

    among the worlds best Clinical, Pre-

    clinical and Health universities according to the TimesHigher Education World University Ranking for the

    year 2010 and 2011 plus recognition for being the best

    university in New Zealand. The Faculty of Medical and Health Sciences

    aims to improve the health and wellbeing of the local, national and global communities

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    through excellence in teaching, research and service. Over the past three years they have

    opened the award winning AMRF Medical Sciences Learning Centre, seen significant

    enhancement of their Advanced Clinical Skills Centre at Mercy Ascot Hospital, and

    commissioned a suite of new teaching rooms and a large integrated teaching facility. In

    2009, the faculty opened the Centre for Brain Research, one of the largest neuroscience

    research facilities in the Southern Hemisphere.


    To show how deep my interest is in this field, I

    have even sketched and imagined myself 15 years

    ahead. In the first 6 to 7 years hopefully starting from

    next year, I will undergo foundations in medical course

    before continuing my degree in medic. After that, I will

    receive my first class degree in medic, the MB ChB,

    which is awarded to medical graduates in New

    Zealands universities.

    MB ChB stands for Bachelor of Medicine and

    Bachelor of Surgery. As a fresh potential graduate, Iwill serve my country either with the government or

    any private medical centre in order to complete my

    fellowship and housemanship training. Then, I will do

    my Masters in medic, but this time I will specialized in

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    cardiology to pursue my dream of being a cardiologist

    for another 2 or 3 years. Upon completion, I will

    become an expert doctor in cardiology or maybe

    cardiothoracic and serve at the National Heart Institute

    (IJN). I promised myself to be loyal to my beloved home

    country and to serve my people no matter how difficult

    it will be.

    I am here ready to be recruited as the firstMalay and Muslim doctor to become a respected

    cardiology expert not only in my country but also

    worldwide. Therefore, I would like to respond to the

    need of 1 doctor for 500 citizens by 2020 as stated by the

    government via Health Informatics Centre Planning

    and Development Division, Ministry of Health

    Malaysia. As the population grows and technologies

    evolve, the demand for medical expert will always there.

    By then, Dr. Mohamad Haiqal Hazwan bin Madzian,

    will be there to ease the burden.

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    First of all, my name is Shahideen bin Abd Hakim and I came from

    Shah Alam. I am an ex-student of Sekolah Sultan Alam Shah, Putrajaya. I

    am the youngest one of four siblings in my family. During my school days, I

    held a few positions such as the welfare committee of my resident,

    committee of Dikir Barat society and the treasurer of my class. Through

    this, my leadership skill has grown up and improves my thinking skill.

    I represented my school in Dikir Barat competition and rugby. I was

    once the champion of Dikir Barat competition in district level in 2006 and I

    got second place in Rugby ATMAs 7 Open in 2007. Even though I was

    active with my co-curricular activities, I did not neglect my studies and

    managed to maintain good results.

    I would like to further my studies in engineering fields in the future. I

    am very keen towards chemical engineering. Nowadays, chemicalengineering has a big impact towards human in everyday life. It plays a

    major role in fulfilling our everyday basic needs as well as enhancing

    civilisation that are more dependent on process industries as progressing

    economy resources as well as a country civilisation.

    Back in school, I was very hoping that I can pursue a course that

    includes chemistry. I would like to continue my studies in Master and PhDlevel after getting my degree. I am looking forward to continue my studies

    under the scholarship of MARA to overseas.

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    I am very determined to go on with engineering so that I can get a

    great career in my life. I would like to do researches and articles regarding

    chemical engineering as my contributions to my country.

    I hope to realize my dream to become a successful engineer and to

    help our citizens to lead a better life in the future.

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