Page 1: Whole-body bioelectrical impedance vector migration for monitoring hydration status after an ultra-endurance triathlon

Irurtia, A. , Barrero, A. , Chaverri, D. , Carrasco, M., Iglesias, X., Rodríguez, F.A. Whole-body bioelectrical impedance vector migration for monitoring hydration status after an ultra-endurance triathlon. 18th Annual Congress of the European College of Sport Science, INEFC Barcelona. (Barcelona).

[email protected]

Sport Sciences Research Group INEFC Barcelona Grup de Recerca en Ciències de l'Esport INEFC Barcelona Grup Consolidat (SGR 2014–1665 GRC) Institut Nacional d’Educació Física de Catalunya Av. de l’Estadi, 12-22 08038 Barcelona (Spain) +34 93 425 54 45 [email protected] @Recerca_INEFC

Page 2: Whole-body bioelectrical impedance vector migration for monitoring hydration status after an ultra-endurance triathlon

Introduction and aimMonitoring hydration status after an ultra-endurance triathlon

(UET) emerges as a priority to safeguard both health and

physical performance of the growing tri-athletic population

(Knechtlet et al., 2008).

Bioelectrical impedance vector analysis (BIVA) is a

relative novel methodology for assessing the hydration status

(Lukaski & Piccoli, 2012).

This study aimed to provide the first comprehensive

characterization of the whole-body bioelectrical impedance

vector migration induced by an UET.

Materials and methods11 well-trained non-professional ultra-endurance triathletes

(age 37.2±4.6 years, body mass 74.3±6.7 kg, height

174.0±6.0 cm, VO2max 67.5±4.2 ml/(kg·min) competed in an

UET (Extreme Man Salou-Costa Daurada 2011).

Body mass (BM) and bioelectrical variables (Z-Metrix®,

BioparHom Co, France) were obtained before, after, and 48 h

post-race. 50 kHz whole-body bioimpedance vectors were

analyzed by the resistance-reactance (R/Xc) graphic method

and Z mean values plotted (Piccoli et al., 1994). Hotelling’s T2

test was used to determine the difference in the complex

localized vector through the 95% confidence and tolerance

intervals obtained by BIVA.



Irurtia A.1, Barrero A.1, Chaverri D.1, Carrasco M.1,2, Iglesias X.1, Rodríguez F.A.1.

ResultsChanges in BM (74.0±6.8 kg) post-race (69.6±6.5 kg,

-5.8±1.9% BM) and 48-h post-race (72.9±6,4 kg, -1.4±1.2%)

were significant (ANOVA, p=0.001).

BIVA showed Xc/h significant bioimpedance vector migration

patterns from pre (35.4±3.1Ω/m) to post-race (38.6±4.2 Ω/m,

p=0.05), from pre to 48-h post-race (31.8±2.7 Ω/m; p=0.03),

and from post-race to 48-h post-race (p=0.001). There were no

significant differences in R/h.

Discussion and conclusionsBody mass loss is consistent with previous UET studies

(Sharwood et al., 2004).

BIVA appears as a sensitive methodology for assessing

changes in body water (R) and body soft tissues (Xc) after an

ultra-endurance event. Bioimpedance vector showed a

migration characterized by a significant increase of reactance

(Xc) after the race and returning to (and even exceeding)

initial values thereafter.

More research is needed to improve our understanding of

bioimpedance vector migration patterns in ultra-endurance

competitive events.

ReferencesKnechtlet B, Schwanke M, Knechtle P, Kohler G (2008). Br J Sport Med 42, 609-613.

Lukaski HC, Piccoli A (2012). Handbook of Anthropometry.Springer, 287-305.

Piccoli A, Rossi B, Pillon L, Bucciante G (1994). Kidney Int, 46, 534-539.

Piccoli A et al,. (1995). Am J Clin Nutr, 61:269-270.

Sharwood KA, Collins M, Goedecke JH, et al. (2004). Br J Sports Med, 38, 718-724.

Author’s e-mail: [email protected]

1 GRCE, INEFC-Barcelona, UB (Barcelona, Spain); 2 FCS Blanquerna, URL (Barcelona, Spain).



48h Post-race

Male Italian reference

