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Who is the Hero Tuah or Jebat

Who is the Hero Tuah or Jebat?

Bull BashingTue, Oct 7, 2014 Share 47 Tweet PrintBy Kee Thuan Chye

Who was right Hang Tuah or Hang Jebat? Which one is the true hero?

This was a question posed to a journalist when he was called to Police Headquarters for a scare session in 1987, in the wake of Operation Lalang after more than 100 Malaysians had been arrested and detained under the Internal Security Act (ISA) and several newspapers suspended.

He was asked it by the then Director of Special Branch, Abdul Rahim Nor, the same guy who went on to become Inspector-General of Police and gave Anwar Ibrahim a black eye in 1998 while the then deputy prime minister was being held in a police lock-up.

At the time, gripped by the fear that Operation Lalang had inflicted on the entire country, the journalist being questioned was cowed by Rahim; the answer he gave was a lame I dont know.

If it had been me, I would probably have thrown caution to the wind and honestly told the IGP what I thought.

To me, there is no question as to who was right, who is the true hero. I set much store by friendship. After family, friends are the most important people on earth. I believe that if anyone tries to harm your friend, you should stand up against that person and protect the innocent. Thats what Jebat did for Tuah.

But Tuah did not quite appreciate that. To him, Jebat committed treason because he went against the Sultan. Tuah was so clouded by his loyalty to the Sultan that he lost sight of the nobility of his friends act. I cannot see how such blind obedience can be admirable. It shows lack of thinking, and a hopelessly feudalistic mindset. Tuah behaved like an automaton, a slave to the whims of his lord. Even when the Sultan had committed wrong, Tuah must do his bidding.

Loyalty is definitely a virtue. Hence loyalty to friendship is something to cherish. But blind loyalty is something else. By the same token, that loyalty to friendship cannot be blind either. For instance, if you saw your friend murder someone, youd be morally obliged to stand witness against him.

Tuah himself had, in the first place, done no wrong. It was the Sultan who did him wrong by ordering his execution merely on the rumour that he had been involved in an illicit affair with a palace dayang (lady-in-waiting) And this, without offering him a chance to defend himself, not even a hearing.

To do that to a loyal servant, indeed a fellow human being, is to show a total lack of feeling. Worse, a total lack of morals. How can such a sultan rule fairly and wisely?

Is Jebat therefore wrong to revolt against him?

You line up Tuah and the Sultan side by side and what do you get? An unthinking fellow standing up for an unfeeling, immoral fellow. From my foolish perspective, that adds up to a couple of goons. And yet Tuah must suppress his feelings for his friend, the friend who stood up for him, by challenging him to a duel and eventually killing him. This is beyond the understanding of the heart and the mind.

Yes, if one could speak up for Tuah, one could say he was doing his duty, his duty to the Sultan, his duty to the State if you prefer. That duty overrides any feeling of friendship. That duty overrides whatever wrong the State has done to him. He must suppress the grievous hurt the Sultan caused him in wrongly condemning him to death. He must re-establish order because Jebat has run amok and brought anarchy to Malacca. He is the States great hope.

Yes, Malay society was sold on that argument for centuries, holding up Tuah as the hero. Until Ali Aziz brought out his radio play Tragedi Hang Jebat in 1958 and made Jebat a sympathetic protagonist. It was later renamed Hang Jebat Menderhaka and presented as a staged play.

The following year, scholar Kassim Ahmad wrote an academic thesis for his Bachelors degree that shocked conservatives with his radical reading of the Malay classic Hikayat Hang Tuah. He challenged the orthodox Malay idea of authority and royalty. He argued that Jebat was the true hero who defended honour and principles whereas Tuah was merely a palace lackey who prospered from the Sultans largesse.

The thesis, published in 1964 as Perwatakan Hikayat Hang Tuah, is certainly a seminal work of Malay studies. M. Bakri Musa author of The Malay Dilemma Revisited and Liberating the Malay Mind, says, If enough Malays read it, it might very well revolutionize our society.

Continuing the theme of Jebat as hero, Hussain Haniff made a film in 1961 entitled Hang Jebat, based on Ali Azizs script. Some critics consider the film a classic. I have seen it myself and been impressed by its questioning of feudalism, its cinematography, its scripting and the intensity of Nordin Ahmads performance as Jebat.

That same year, poet-playwright Usman Awang offered his own revisionist view in his play Matinya Seorang Pahlawan, which presents Jebat as a sensitive warrior who opposes the Sultans injustice and denounces Tuahs blind loyalty. But believe my words, Tuah, he tells his friend, that in generations to come others will deplore your unquestioned allegiance.

Other dramatic incarnations followed like Dinsmans absurdist Jebat (1973); Johan Jaaffars Kotaku Oh Kotaku (1975), which portrays Jebat as a warrior for the urban poor; Hatta Azad Khans jebat (1982), which also champions the underprivileged.

In fiction, Jebat comes across as the voice of truth in Fatimah Busus 1985 short story, Al-Isra.

Its not surprising that poets and playwrights saw the truth about Jebat and Tuah long before the rest of society did. But then you can always trust the artists in any society to have the clearer vision and the right perspective.

Then life began to imitate art when in 1993, then prime minister Mahathir Mohamad took on the sultans to remove their legal immunity. This was a landmark manoeuvre to curb the abuses of royalty, some of which were criminal. An intense stand-off resulted between Mahathirs government and the recalcitrant royals, but in the end Mahathir won. He came to be identified as a Jebat, and thenceforth it became acceptable to be one on a wider scale.

But still, tradition dies hard. There are not many people who would name their sons Jebat. They would name them Mahathir, Saddam and even Osama, but they would mostly fight shy of the man they still consider deep in their hearts to be a traitor. As for Tuah, he is still a hero.

I, however, named my son Jebat without hesitation. Its a strong, masculine name suitable for a male. I like it very much. But most of all, I hold dear what it stands for. The one thing that many people overlook or seldom acknowledge. His loyalty to friendship.

I recall when my son was hardly a toddler, in the early 90s, the owner of the house I was renting came to visit and I introduced him to my pride and joy. He was an army general, a broad-minded man. But he took me by surprise when he suddenly pointed at my son and exclaimed, albeit with a smile, Jebat, when you grow up, dont you be a traitor!

Jebat gave him a quizzical look that seemed to say, Hey, dude, Im just learning to walk. Gimme a break.

Perhaps the general was just joking. Or perhaps he completely missed the point of the Tuah-Jebat dilemma. Jebat was not a traitor. Anyone who fights against the injustice of a ruler cannot be a traitor. Above all, Jebat was a man of compassion. He fought to defend his friends honour.

So, which would you rather revere? A true friend or a servile yes-man?

* Kee Thuan Chye is the author of the bestselling book Can We Save Malaysia, Please!** This article first appeared in the July 2014 issue of Penang Monthly.


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HYPERLINK "" Please sign in to rate a Thumb Down0users disliked this commentShahrazade 1 day 2 hours ago Report Abuse

He stood up for his friend, yes. But running amok on a killing, murderous spree through the palace and throughout the village with the Taming Sari in his hands can hardly be considered Heroic. In his desire to avenge his friend, he became sadistic. Hang Tuah was foolish in his misplaced loyalty to... More2 Replies

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HYPERLINK "" Please sign in to rate a Thumb Down0users disliked this commentPEACE 16 hours ago Report Abuse

The " victor " is Ibrahim Ali. Now it's called a legend.

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HYPERLINK "" Please sign in to rate a Thumb Down0users disliked this commentez 1 hour 33 minutes ago Report Abuse

And yes, Jebat after being wounded, went out for amok for 3 days, killing thousands of people. In the end, he came back to Tuah's arms and told him this:... MoreReply

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HYPERLINK "" Please sign in to rate a Thumb Down0users disliked this commentPatrick 9 hours ago Report Abuse

"I cannot see how such blind obedience can be admirable. It shows lack of thinking, and a hopelessly feudalistic mindset." Actually, it shows the same philosophical thought of obedience to law that Socrates demonstrated as he drank the hemlock in obedience to the decision of the city of Athens. The... MoreReply

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HYPERLINK "" Please sign in to rate a Thumb Down0users disliked this commentMdesyetica Mat 20 hours ago Report Abuse

The Hang Tuah's famous phrase of the time, " Takkan Melayu Hilang Di dunia " or translated into English, " Never Shall The Malay(s) Vanish From The World," or to be more accurate, " Malay will never be faded from this world." From the phrase itself, we can simply witness that the so-called Malays,... More1 Reply

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HYPERLINK "" Please sign in to rate a Thumb Down0users disliked this commentAzizan 20 hours ago Report Abuse

I really love this. It had been a long time since I saw the movie Hang Tuah and towards the end of the show P. Ramlee (Hang Tuah) in a sad mood voiced out to himself : Adakah Tuah atau Jebat yang bersalah. Why? That's already a very, very, very big question mark as to the actions of Hang Tuah... MoreReply

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HYPERLINK "" Please sign in to rate a Thumb Down1users disliked this commentJon 20 hours ago Report Abuse

Mr. Kee, i think you missed a very important factor in your writing. The relation between the Malays and their Kings was regulated by a promise or unwritten treaty between Sang Sapurba, The King's side and Demang Lebar Daun, the people side. Hang Jebat saw that The King had breached that promise... MoreReply

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HYPERLINK "" Please sign in to rate a Thumb Down0users disliked this commentAzura 18 hours ago Report Abuse

How can you admire a person who is loyal to the point of stupidity.To me, Jebat will always be my hero.

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HYPERLINK "" Please sign in to rate a Thumb Down2users disliked this commentAzizan Hj. Omar 22 hours ago Report Abuse

While I sympathise with Jebat, I think it's unfair for you to impose current values on an incident that happened centuries ago. The mindset was different then. Sultans ruled with absolute & unimpeachable authority. To go against a Sultan was tantamount to going against God for he was regarded... More2 Replies

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HYPERLINK "" Please sign in to rate a Thumb Down0users disliked this commentRakyat of true 1 Malaysia 23 hours ago Report Abuse

Right or wrong is situational but righteousness can never be wronged, even as time goes by.


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HYPERLINK "" Please sign in to rate a Thumb Down3users disliked this commentRaj 22 hours ago Report Abuse

What is the true intention of the author? I am sure he is trying to say something, not necessarily good. It is coming soon after the political crisis in Selangor. So who is theHang Tuah and Hang Tuah? ... More3 Replies Sekurang-kurangnya pun minta maaflah

By BY Timmy Say | The Malaysian InsiderTue, Oct 7, 2014 Share

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Latest News Higher salaries for MPs soon, says minister Under fire, Selangor government tosses Oktoberfest hot potato to city council Graft body made 847 arrests since 2009 Bernama Penang introduces vocational training scheme for low-income earners Navy mounts investigation as missing gunboat returns to Sabah naval base Australia shifts MH370 search zone further southMoreHarga minyak naik lagi. Rakyat marhaen terpaksa menukar cara hidup mereka lagi. Kos sara hidup hari ini tidak mungkin lagi sama tiga bulan akan datang.

Frasa rasionalisasi subsidi digunakan sebagai alasan. Harga petrol negara pula dibandingkan dengan negara bukan pengeluar minyak untuk mengajar rakyat erti bersyukur dengan rendahnya harga minyak.

Yang kerajaan tidak jelaskan sehingga kini: mengapa perlunya rasionalisasi subsidi?

Yang kerajaan masih tidak mahu menjawab ialah apakah langkah rasionalisasi subsidi ini langkah terakhir untuk menyelamatkan negara setelah langkah-langkah lain gagal?

Sebagai rakyat Malaysia, saya menyokong penuh tindakan rasionalisasi subsidi sekiranya ia bertujuan murni menyelamatkan ekonomi negara.

Saya rela membayar lebih untuk minyak dan bersedia berkorban gaya hidup untuk disesuaikan dengan kos sara hidup yang semakin meningkat dengan syarat kerajaan juga melakukan perkara yang sama.

Apakah kerajaan sudi berkorban cara hidupnya juga?

Sebagai contoh, ketika mengumumkan kenaikan harga minyak, kerajaan juga seharusnya mengumumkan inisiatif-inisiatif seperti:

- Menghadkan perbelanjaan bil elektrik dan air bagi semua jabatan kerajaan, terutamanya Seri Perdana dan Seri Satria

- Membatalkan segala majlis makan-makan sebelum dan selepas mesyuarat

- Menghadkan jumlah anggota yang mengikuti rombongan menteri ke luar negara

- Membatalkan segala cadangan mengubahsuai pejabat jabatan kerajaan untuk lima tahun akan datang

- Menghadkan jumlah tuntutan pengangkutan pegawai tinggi kerajaan

Pada skala lebih besar, kerajaan mestilah turut memaparkan prestasi mereka dari sudut mengurangkan perbelanjaan, ketirisan dan kebocoran kewangan negara ketika mengumumkan kenaikan harga minyak.

Di sini, laporan tahunan Ketua Audit Negara boleh dijadikan ukuran prestasi kerajaan dari semasa ke semasa.

Hanya dengan ini, barulah ada orang percaya langkah menaikkan harga minyak adalah langkah untuk mengurangkan defisit kerajaan!

Bukan itu sahaja, langkah-langkah itu juga dapat membantutkan kreativiti para pengguna media sosial untuk mencipta pelbagai tulisan dan gambar menarik bersifat cemuhan terhadap kerajaan sehingga rakyat terasa mereka disembelih dan dikorbankan oleh pemimpin kerajaan dalam kenaikan harga minyak untuk membolehkan kerajaan meneruskan gaya borosnya.

Semua ini secara langsung dapat mengurangkan kerugian kerajaan dari sudut politik.

Sekiranya kerajaan merasakan cadangan saya di atas susah dilakukan, saya ada satu lagi cadangan untuk kerajaan ketika membuat pengumuman menaikkan harga minyak.

Sekurang-kurangnya minta maaflah dengan rakyat semasa membuat pengumuman tersebut.

Minta maaflah kepada rakyat yang terpaksa menanggung beban sara hidup yang lebih tinggi.

Minta maaflah kepada rakyat kerana duit negara tidak lagi cukup untuk memberikan subsidi kepada rakyat. Minta maaflah kerana gagal menguruskan kewangan negara dengan baik.

Kalau susah hendak cerita faktanya, sekadar minta maaf sudah mencukupi.

Ia jauh lebih elok daripada terus kelentong rakyat dengan segala alasan yang tidak masuk akal sehingga kini. Sekurang-kurangnya kamu masih dilihat menghormati mereka. 7 Oktober, 2014.

* Ini adalah pendapat peribadi penulis dan tidak semestinya mewakili pandangan The Malaysian Insider.

Higher salaries for MPs soon, says minister

The Malaysian Insider22 minutes ago Share Related Content

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Higher salaries for MPs soon, says minister

Latest News Cops must probe into carpet dealers deal with bank, says Mahfuz Higher salaries for MPs soon, says minister Under fire, Selangor government tosses Oktoberfest hot potato to city council Graft body made 847 arrests since 2009 Bernama Penang introduces vocational training scheme for low-income earners Navy mounts investigation as missing gunboat returns to Sabah naval baseMoreDatuk Seri Shahidan Kassim said opposition MPs have endorsed in principal a proposal to increase MP salaries, saying it is high time their pay is revised.

They asked for not only the salary to be revised but also allowances be provided to cover expenses for offices and researchers, said the minister in the Prime Minister's Department.

Shahidan declined to reveal the revised amount, saying it was too "technical" to discuss.

I will not touch on this but for your information, our MPs salaries were among the lowest in the world. The MPs in Cambodia and Uganda received higher salaries more than double of MPs salaries here, he said.

An MP currently receives a basic salary of RM6,508.59 and a meeting allowance of RM200 per day. - October 8 , 2014.

Cops must probe into carpet dealers deal with bank, says Mahfuz

The Malaysian Insider17 minutes ago Share

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Cops must probe into carpet dealers deal with bank, says Mahfuz

Latest News Cops must probe into carpet dealers deal with bank, says Mahfuz Higher salaries for MPs soon, says minister Under fire, Selangor government tosses Oktoberfest hot potato to city council Graft body made 847 arrests since 2009 Bernama Penang introduces vocational training scheme for low-income earners Navy mounts investigation as missing gunboat returns to Sabah naval baseMorePolice should investigate the special deal offered to carpet dealer Deepak Jaikishan by Bank Rakyat over a RM32 million loan, Datuk Mahfuz Omar (PAS-Pokok Sena) said.

Mahfuz questioned Domestic Trade, Consumerism and Cooperatives Minister Datuk Seri Hasan Maleks direct involvement in a loan restructuring deal involving Deepak and Bank Rakyat.

Deepak had borrowed RM32 million from Bank Rakyat and had offered to repay the loan interest-free with 120 post-dated cheques over a 10-year period.

Hasan was severely criticised after it was revealed that he had been directly involved in the loan restructuring deal.

He had defended his actions, and said it was done in the best interests of the bank's shareholders.

Mahfuz (pic, right) said the government and minister should not interfere and should have given full trust to the bank's board to solve the issue of Deepak's loan.

He questioned if late payment charges were factored into the special instalment deal and weather there were losses incurred by Bank Rakyat.

Mohamed Hanipa Maidin (PAS-Sepang) questioned the special treatment to Deepak.

"It appears he is being protected," Hanipa added.

Datuk Johari Abdul (PKR-Sungai Petani) said that it appeared not to be a Bank Rakyat management problem, but caused by outside pressure on the bank and its board of directors.

Mahfuz recalled that Bank Rakyat had struggled to come up after it nearly collapsed.

"Efforts should be made to protect the interests of the bank's cooperative members, made up mostly of the Malays and Bumiputeras, don't just talk about Bumiputera and Malay rights," he said when debating the Malaysia Co-operative Societies (Amendment) Bill 2014 today.

A letter made public revealed that Hasan had instructed Bank Rakyat to postpone all legal action against Deepak, who owns Carpet Tile Sdn Bhd, which had a long-term loan with the bank.

The remaining balance of a RM32.2 million loan was to be settled through monthly instalments of RM270,000 for a maximum period of 10 years unless the loan was settled earlier. October 8, 2014.

Langkah Minyak Najib lagi buruk daripada Langkah Kajang

By BY Md Izwan | The Malaysian InsiderFri, Oct 3, 2014 Share 218 Tweet Related Content

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Latest News Cops must probe into carpet dealers deal with bank, says Mahfuz Higher salaries for MPs soon, says minister Under fire, Selangor government tosses Oktoberfest hot potato to city council Graft body made 847 arrests since 2009 Bernama Penang introduces vocational training scheme for low-income earners Navy mounts investigation as missing gunboat returns to Sabah naval baseMoreRamalan pakar ekonomi duni Dr Frederico Gil Sander pada Oktober tahun lepas akhirnya menjadi kenyataan apabila sekali lagi kerajaan menaikkan harga minyak semalam. Kelihatannya Langkah Minyak Najib ini lagi buruk kesannya daripada Langkah Kajang Anwar.

Memburukkan lagi keadaan adalah "minyak rakyat" atau RON95 yang dinaikkan. Kita sedia ketahui minyak ini paling murah jika dibandingkan dengan RON97.

Jadi persoalan di sini mengapa "minyak rakyat" ini dinaikkan ketika harga pasaran minyak dunia jatuh?

Suatu ketika dahulu, bukankah kerajaan sendiri berjanji harga minyak di dalam negara ditentukan oleh pasaran dunia, nampaknya sekali lagi janji tidak ditepati, slogan dicapati.

Tren penurunan harga minyak untuk setiap tong konsisten sepanjang tiga tahun ini, malah jatuh bawah paras AS$93 setong baru-baru ini.

Negara pengeluar minyak dunia, Arab Saudi juga bimbang dengan keadaan harga minyak global ini.

Bagaimanapun, berbeza dengan India yang United Kingdom yang mengambil langkah menurunkan harga minyak mereka, kerajaan nampaknya gembira pula untuk menaikkan harga minyak.

Oleh itu, kita tidak dengar lagi hujah-hujah daripada pakar atau menteri mengatakan harga pasaran minyak dunia naik untuk menyokong langkah kerajaan menaikkan minyak.

Bagi saya, langkah menaikkan harga minyak adalah jalan mudah untuk menjanakan pendapatan kerajaan. Kita juga sedia ketahui Petronas adalah penyumbang utama hasil kepada pendapatan kerajaan setiap tahun.

Petronas adalah pembayar cukai tunggal terbesar di Malaysia dan hasil sumber terbesar, meliputi sebanyak 45% daripada bajet kerajaan, maka apabila minyak naik, pendapatan yang akan diperoleh juga naik.

Menjelang pembentangan Bajet 2015 ini, signifikannya kenaikkan harga minyak ini nampaknya bertujuan untuk menampung belanja kerajaan.

Malah, pemberian tunai BR1M yang dikatakan sebagai gula-gula politik juga akan dinaikkan lagi kali ini.

Ini adalah pemberian kali ketiga. Pada awalnya kerajaan mengatakan ia bertujuan membantu rakyat dan meningkatkan taraf hidup mereka tetapi selepas harga minyak naik, saya tidak tahu sama ada hujah itu masih relevan atau tidak.

Selama tiga pusingan, apakah bukti BR1M ini betul memanfaatkan rakyat dan meningkatkan ekonomi negara? Adakah kerajaan mempunyai data?

Tidak ada gunanya jika sekali memberi wang tunai tapi inflasi naik dan yang menerima tempiasnya adalah rakyat.

Jika berbalik semula kepada belanja kerajaan, pembentangan bajet nanti hanya di atas kertas sahaja tetapi yang tidak berada dalam kertas adalah kerugian daripada ketirisan saban tahun dilaporkan dalam Laporan Audit Negara.

Seperti orang ramai lain, kita pasti tertanya adakah tiada dana dalam kantung negara?

Baru-baru ini kita sedia tahu dimana syarikat pelaburan negara rugi 1MDB RM38 bilion, malah bekas Perdana Menteri Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad juga bersuara dalam isu ini.

Pada September tahun lepas, selepas petrol dinaikkan juga 20 sen, pihak kerajaan berkata mereka dapat menjimatkan RM3.3 bilion setahun.

Jika dibandingkan dengan RM3.3 bilion setahun dan kerugian oleh 1MDB sebanyak RM38 bilion, berlipat kali ganda sebenarnya bantuan boleh diberikan kepada rakyat.

Mengapa perlu terlalu kedekut untuk membantu rakyat, tapi dengan senang membela syarikat yang tidak membuat untung. Adakah ini kerana demi rakan dan kroni yang rapat dengan kerajaan?

Itu baru perkiraan melibatkan 1MDB, bagaimana pula dengan syarikat penerbangan negara MAS yang juga perlu diselamatkan daripada rugi?

Langkah Minyak Najib ini lebih buruk daripada Langkah Kajang, belum sempat rakyat menyambut Hari Raya Aidiladha tapi mereka sudah dikorbankan.

Mungkin menteri ini tidak hidup bersama rakyat, tidak minum teh di mamak, mereka bersarapan dan makan malam dihidangkan oleh orang gaji. Mereka tidak tahu keperitan yang dialami rakyat bawahan ini.

Untuk Najib, langkah menaikkan harga minyak ini bukan jalan terbaik pada ketika tahun depan rakyat akan berdepan tahun mencabar, tahun dimana cukai GST akan dikenakan.

Janganlah kata rakyat sahaja perlu berjimat tapi tidak pula kerajaan.

Selamat Hari Raya Aidiladha rakyat Malaysia, selamat pulang ke kampung halaman masing-masing. 3 Oktober, 2014.

* Ini adalah pendapat peribadi penulis dan tidak semestinya mewakili pandangan The Malaysian Insider._1474295635.unknown

