
Who Else Wants A Profitable Local Business Consultant Practice…in the

next 48 hours…for basically nothing?

I will get straight to the point. This letter is for your eyes only. It is an invitation to you and a small group of Friends of the SA Chamber of Entrepreneurs (SACE).

As a friend all I ask is that you read this page point-by-point and I will show you why and how to start your own Local Business Consultant (LBC) Practice in the next 48 hours.

Before we begin; first I want to make clear what the term “Local Business” means?

A Local Business Owner is the Plumber, Car Dealer, Dentist, Painter, Building Contractor, Hair Salon, Pizza Place and even the Pool Cleaner and Dog Walker in the area were you live.

In short it is everyone and everybody with a business that needs clients to make a living.


All businesses make money in only ONE way.

When you strip away all the fluff, in 99% of all cases, businesses make money in only ONE way:

“Buy LOW and sell HIGH…”

Did you get that?

I am not taking about buying share on the stock exchange.

NO - I am talking about all businesses…let me explain.

For the Pizza Restaurant to make enough money the owner needs to buy the “raw material” [everything that goes into the pizza] at a low enough price to eventually make a profit.

He then ADD VALUE to the “raw material” by making a Pizza and then sell the Pizza at a price HIGHER than what all the raw material cost him.

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In short then – buy [raw material] LOW – sell (final product) HIGH…

It is the same with a accountant or lawyer: The lawyer buys his knowledge [university degree] at a low price and then sells his time & skills at a HIGH price.

BUT more importantly, he also sells the time of his apprentice at a HIGHER price than the apprentice salary. [He buys the apprentice time with a low salary and sells it for a HIGH fee to clients]

Okay…I think you got it now… right?

Buy LOW and SELL high - that is the secret and how almost every business on the planet makes money.

And that is exactly what smart Local Business Consultants (LBC’s) do!

LBC’s make money in exactly the same way.

They learn a “in demand” skill quickly - they then get access to tools few others have and then sell those tools and skills at a HIGH price to local business owners.

Look: We are about to give you super smart tools and then teach you how to use them to help Business Owners in your area to get the ONE THING they urgently want.

This one thing is SO important to them that they don’t mind to open their wallets wide and pay for it.

Do you want to test this?

Ask any business owners if he or she wants more “clients & leads” and 9-out-of-10 times the answer will be YES, YES and YES!

And this brings me to the reason for this letter to you today.

Until recently local business owners advertised their products & services off-line with Flyers, Posters, Newspapers Ads, Yellow Pages, etc.

But as you have probably have seen, it doesn’t work anymore.

Today “buyers” look for information online. They are constantly on their phones, on their Laptops, on Google, on Facebook, on Twitter…name it - they are everywhere in cyberspace.

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The fact is this:



So, here is my question to you…

If I show you how easy it is, and give you all the tools…are you ready to help these small business owners in exchange for a professional fee of say, anything from R2000 to R7000 and even R10 000 a “pop” ?

YES? Great because I have brilliant news for you.

All you have to do is read the next few paragraphs and I will show you how

this works and what to do.

When it comes to marketing in the 21st century the rules are totally different than what it was a few years ago.

The process is also different because today consumers demand certain guarantees and responsibilities from manufacturers and suppliers.

For the first time in history there are laws to protect the consumers against big and small companies – something that was unthinkable 50 years ago.

A decade ago there was an expression that said: “The client is ALWAYS right”. Back then it was only an expression - today it is law.

Let me explain why this is so important and the opportunities it creates for YOU.

Today we basically have two systems of marketing. You will recognize them easily with the examples below.

1. Interruption Marketing

• This is when your favorite television program is interrupted with a TV ad.

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• Interruption Marketing is when your phone rings and on the other side is an unknown person asking, “hello how are you...?” and then trying to sell you something while you are busy playing golf or spending time with your kids.

Most people hate that, yet many companies still spend millions a year interrupting us every single day. Do you think it works? To be honest…it doesn’t…that is why a new system was “invented” for the business owner and it is called permission marketing.

2. Permission Marketing

Permission Marketing is different. It is exactly what it says is. It is when consumers give companies explicit permission to send them product information and marketing material.

• For example: it is when you give permission to a “Stamp Collectors Association” to sent their newsletters to you every week with information on the latest collections for sale and stamp auctions in the country.

• Or it is when you give your favorite Butcher or Pizza Shop on the corner permission to send you their special offers every Friday morning for the upcoming weekend via email.

• Or Permission Marketing is when YOU ask an estate agent to keep you updated on the property listings in the area – until you say STOP.

Those how understand Permission Marketing understand that it goes hand in hand with building trust and building relationships with consumers.

In short: Permission Marketing makes consumers feel special and it is usually done in 4 steps:

1. Make a stranger a friend2. Make a friend a customer 3. Make a customer a loyal customer4. Make a loyal customer an ambassador [salesman]

Now that you know how this works, ask yourself this question: How would YOU like to be treated?

• Would you prefer Interruption Marketing and get bombarded with phone-calls and junk mail every day?

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• Or would you prefer Permission Marketing on your terms and be treated like a VIP by the companies who want your business?

I hope you like the latter option because if you do, you feel like most of the buyers in this country.

BUT HERE IS THE SAD REALITY…The reason why our local business owners don’t treat us [buyers] in South Africa like VIP’s is because they have no idea how to get started with Permission Marketing.

And one of the reasons why most of them don’t know how it works is because they HAVE NOT YET made the transition from off-line marketing to online-marketing.

You see, we know this because Permission Marketing is mostly a system that only benefits those local business owners who understands the words: Online Footprint.

And one of the “secret” benefits of online marketing [and thus Permission Marketing] is to build a list [community] of raving fans every quickly and very easily.

Once a business has raving fans they become slightly famous and they “go places”, just like celebrities do in their careers.

In short, it separates the winners from the losers and the rich from the poor.

MY INVITATION TO YOU TODAY!Let me show you how this entire system works and how you can help Local Business Owners in South Africa to implement a Permission Marketing system so that they can build a Fan Base and a online footprint.

I will show you how business owners can do this without a website, without knowing anything about online marketing and without having deep pockets AND without you going from door-to-door trying to sell something.

Look: Going from door-to-door trying to promote or sell something is Interruption Marketing and we hate Interruption Marketing right?

So NO, you will never have to do door-to-door selling because there is a much smarter and easier way.

In fact, it will shock you when you see how easy this is.

Let me share this one secret with you right here - right now:

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• All I will ask you to do is to send one single snail mail letter to a specific group of local business owners in your area.

• This letter is already written and I will give it to you. All you have to do is print it on your own new Local Business Consultant [LBC] letterhead.

• This one single act from you, if you do exactly as I ask, is ALL you will need to open the doors to “The Kings Castle”. This is something most business consultants and so-called marketing guru’s can only dream off achieving. Only when you do this yourself you will understand what the term “The Kings Castle” means.

Let me be bold and make a promise to you.

There is a pretty good change that every single business owner who receive your letter and read it will most likely ask you to come around and pick up your cheque of R300, R400 or even more. You will decide how much you want; and it is easy enough to do it 3 or 4 times a day.

In exchange for this cheque(s) you will simply deliver on your promise – the one you make to the business owners in your letter.

But What Is This Promise Exactly…And How Will You Make Money With It?

Let me show you…

First, can you remember our definition of making money? Yes - BUY LOW and SELL HIGH.

To post the letter that I want you to send will cost you, with an envelope and stamp, say R10 or R15.

I am then going to ask you to perform a small task – don’t worry, it is very easy to do. You don’t need any special equipment and can do it from home. It will cost you about R50.

It is this R50 item that Local Business Owners will pay you R300 or R400+ for.

Can you see that? – Buy LOW [R50] Sell HIGH [R400].

BUT this is only the start of your journey to build your consultant business.

Remember your aim here is to have, in a few weeks from now, a professional practice that can charge professional fees for a smart service.

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To achieve this successfully is a 2-step [two-phase] process.

The 50-for-400 step above is called Phase One.

Phase One is only your “door opener” - but even as a door opener it is already profitable enough because you bought LOW [R50] and sell HIGH [at R400]


Make no mistake, Phase Two is 10x more profitable. The best part is, it is very easy to get there because all you have to do is Phase One – phase two follows automatically.

THIS is the perfect system to build a fantastic business - but there is more. MUCH MORE!

Don’t let anyone fool you - “selling to strangers” is always hard.

But it gets 1000% easier when it is basically impossible for buyers to say NO.

Let me explain:

In Phase One above [R50-for-R400 letter] the Local Business Owners you will target to receive your special letter have a problem.

They must either buy what you offer for R300 or R400 or they must make certain unwanted and unpleasant changes to their existing business practices.

These changes are something that most business owners would hate to do – but the dilemma is, if they don’t change there ways OR buy what you have to offer, they are likely to get a fine of R10 000 – or even worse, a law suite.

You see - what you are about to offer to these Local Business Owners is a smart and legal way to stay within Local & International laws when it comes to certain copy and royalty rights.

Read on and I will explain this in more detail in a second.

Don’t worry – this is 100% legal and you will receive a legitimate license to do this.

The fact is this: you are doing business owners a huge favor by bringing this solution to them.

Simply put, you help them stay out of trouble and within these Local and International laws.

All it takes is a small product that cost you about R50, that sells for R400 and you help these business owners to avoid fines of R10 000 and more.

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Don’t you think it is great? Buying LOW at R50 and selling HIGH at R400?

It is brilliant - 100% legal - and there is only handful of people knows about this.

This means no competition for you and the wonderful part is - it is basically impossible for Local Business Owners to say “no thank you” because the price for saying “no” is just to high. [A possible fine of R10 000 or more]

Let me Re-Cap: Starting your own successful Local Business Consultant [LBC] practice with this system takes two steps.

Phase ONE: First, learn the ins-and-outs of the system quickly. It will only take you a day or two. Start with the “door opener” and buy LOW at about R50 to earn about R400. This phase will also be your first 2 steps in a system called Permission Marketing. The steps are:

• Make a stranger a friend.• Make a friend a customer.

Phase TWO:

This is the eye-popping stuff and VERY profitable.

Phase Two is were you help local business owners make the transition from off-line marketing to online marketing and help them implement a Permission Marketing system.

It is also were you earn R2000, R3000, R7000 or even R10 000 from a single client a few times a week.

In a nutshell, it is buying LOW at R100 or R200 and selling HIGH for thousands each and every day.

It is also the last 2 steps in the magic formula of Permission Marketing. They are:

• Making a customer a loyal customer, and • Making a loyal customer your ambassador.

MAKE NO MISTAKE: This is the business of the CENTURY and it can

be yours today...

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…but when this offer closes soon - you will never see it again – so you need to ACT now!

For this next 90 seconds I want you to read very carefully.

• The SA Chamber of Entrepreneurs (SACE) and its partners around the globe embarked on a program earlier this year to help a small group of entrepreneurs to become Local Business Consultants [LBC’s].

• In short, LBC’s help smaller business owners to make the transition from off-line marketing to online marketing by using a system call Permission Marketing - as explained in this letter.

• To be successful LBC’s need to be coached, trained and given the right tools so that they can be successful and earn good money.

The system has been tested over and over again in basically every single country on this planet over many years and it works perfectly every single time.

This letter is YOUR invitation to join us to become a LBC in South Africa; doesn’t matter where you stay or what your background it.

BUT to get started you need to make a small investment in yourself.

This is very important! In fact, without making this investment in yourself and getting the LICENSE you need it is impossible to start with PHASE ONE as explained on page 6, 7 and 8 of this letter.

It is like applying for a job as a driver. You at least need a driver license as a first qualification…don’t you think?

It is the same with PHASE ONE of this system to set-up your own LBC practice. You need the right tools and the right knowledge to “enter” phase one and then move from phase one to phase two. Without it you will stay stuck on ground zero.

Here is what you need to do right now: You need to order the Muzik News™ Business in a Box package that you will find at the link below.

http://Muzik.NewsThis Muzik News package is what you need to start your new and amazing journey.

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As crazy as it may sound, what you will see and what you will learn when you have this package in your hands is truly mind-boggling.

It took years to put together – not weeks, not months, but years.

Some of our new “students” already earn R14 750 in one single day: and all they did was following the exact same steps this package teaches them. The truth is:

• The Muzik News package forms the foundation on which your new LBC practice will be build.

• It is the door opener we talked about earlier – without it the doors to Local Business Owners stays shut.

• It is the key to the “Kings Castle” and only when you have this package in your hands you will be able to see the magic with your own eyes.

• It is the gateway to Phase Two where you will earn the big paydays that will allow you stand tall and proud as the CEO of your own business.

All that is left for you to do now is to order the Muzik News package. It is the key you need to get your Local Business Consultant practice off the ground. We are waiting to welcome you on board.

I want to thank you for reading this entire letter. If you did you will have realize by now that this invitation is not some empty promise. It is as real as it gets.

What you are about to embark on is a business that will serve you well for many years to come. It is also a business that will open many doors for you in the not-to-distant future.

Please make this small investment in yourself today. I can guarantee you that it will probably be one of the BEST investments you will even make.

For your convenience I attach the application form on the next page. You can also order by phone with your credit card. It is quick, easy and save. You will find our telephone number and contact details on the application form.

Thank You,

# South African Chamber Of Entrepreneurs: : Tel: 0861-101-841

PS: If you already received your Muzik News package and posted your first letters, you probably earned your first “door-opener” money already.

Stay tuned become your next income stream will come from disc 6 of your package. Read page 17 and18 of the Operations Manual again and look for the folder “Gifts For The King” on disc 6.

Watch your email inbox because you are going to love this brand new income stream!

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YES, Please sent me the complete Muzik News Business-In-An-Box package INCLUDING the license as per the information documents I received. My Name: ____________________ __________Postal/Office Address:____________________________________________

_________________Postal Code: _________Tel: __________________E-mail: ___________________________________ My Payment Option Is Marked Below: Direct deposit: R775 [R695 + R80 (P&P)] Standard Bank

Account No: 414-416-791 Branch Code: 011-545, *Boulevard Entrepreneurs

Charge my credit card with R775: Straight __ 6-Months Budget __ 12-Months Budget __ 24-Months Budget

(R695 + R80(P&P)]

Card No.

Expiry date _____/______ 3-digit code on back of card Signature: Cardholder

*Boulevard Entrepreneurs (Pty) Ltd, Registration No.1996/014833/07SACE c/o PO Box 4147, George-East, RSA, 6539

*This is a Joint Venture project between Boulevard, SACE, and other International organizations with the same aim as SACE.

You Can Also Order By Phone. Call: 0861-101-841 or +27 44 695 1462

Fax this order form to: 0861 101 869 or scan and e-mail to: [email protected]

*For orders outside the RSA please contact us on +27 44 695 1462.(Note: Extra Postage for orders from outside SA apply)

This project is sponsored by the SA Chamber of Entrepreneurs (SACE) to promote entrepreneur-ship in Southern Africa. SACE is registered with the Department of Social Development since 2003 as an NPO. Registration number 027-607-NPO

Application Form For The Muzik News : Business-In-An-Box package.

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30-Day - 100% Money Back GuaranteeI am SO sure that you will make money with this system that I will give you a 100% GUARANTEE.Here it is: Just follow the easy steps and burn the Music CD’s in your package. If you do exactly as we ask and you still don’t make money in your first week, then return the license and package within 30-days and you get a 100% purchase price refund. package to us and we will give you a 100% purchase

