
Who am I?

By Brooklyn Hoerdt

I was born in Florence,

Italy on May 12, of 1820

to a wealthy family.

• I was a very clever child. I was taught at home with my older sister.

My parents wanted me to get married.

I had other ideas and travelled in Europe looking at hospitals.

I visited sick people at their homes.

In 1837, when I was 17, I felt a “calling” to help people.

In 1854 the Crimean War broke out – England was at war with


People in England heard that soldiers in hospitals were poorly


I was invited to take a group of 38 female nurses to work in

hospitals in the Crimea.

I died of old age in 1910. I was buried near my parents’ home in Hampshire.

I am remembered today as the person responsible for improving conditions in hospitals and making nursing an acceptable job.

Who am I?

If a lightbulb flashed in your head and you said Florence Nightingale…you are right!