Page 1: Whitepaper on Cyber Cafe Surveillance

Cyber Café Surveillance

Mob. No. +91 9215019797 -- [email protected] Page 1

Whitepaper on Cyber Café surveillance



Page 2: Whitepaper on Cyber Cafe Surveillance

Cyber Café Surveillance

Mob. No. +91 9215019797 -- [email protected] Page 2

1. Cyber Espionage – Threat of the twentieth Century ......................................................

2. The Problem .................................................................................................................

3. Recent Case studies ......................................................................................................

4. 99 % Secure ..................................................................................................................

4.1 Module 1 – Two level authentication – Mapping identification to mobile number .....

4.1.1 The process ..............................................................................................................

4.1.2 Features ....................................................................................................................

4.2 Module 2 – Data Packets filtering and interceptio.........................................................

4.2.1 The Process ...............................................................................................................

4.2.2 Features ....................................................................................................................

4.3 Module 3 – Pattern Analysis and linking for structured and unstructured da................

5. Examples from around the world ..................................................................................

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Cyber Café Surveillance

Mob. No. +91 9215019797 -- [email protected] Page 3

"Every age has its own kind of war, its own limiting conditions and its own peculiar


1. Cyber Espionage – Threat of the twentieth Century

“Different countries counter intelligence agents caught terror countries agent Spy mailing sensitive documents”

Cyber Spying – The number one threat for 2008 with 120 countries engaged in Cyber espionage. Over the past years, the increasing popularity and accessibility of the Internet has caused a dramatic shift in the way people share information. Today, Internet, e-mail, instant messaging and IP Telephony have put a whole new world of communication at our fingertips.

However, with the Internet fast becoming a breeding ground for criminal activity these ingenious and sophisticated technologies are often used to promote crime, violence and terror, which compromise the values of human society. With coordinated attacks becoming a menace plaguing the whole world, the increasing use of internet and mobile phones for communication

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Cyber Café Surveillance

Mob. No. +91 9215019797 -- [email protected] Page 4

purposes is giving sleepless nights to security agencies with agencies all across the world trying to develop the next generation Computer Surveillance programs to address asymmetric threats, described as the most serious threat to national security.

99% Secure is a unique innovative methodology to come out of nimblespy Information Security wing. 99% Secure is a complete and comprehensive solution to fight Cyber terrorism.

This latest technology combines and innovates on the latest security trends all across the world,

thereby providing a comprehensive Cyber Surveillance cover against all external and internal threats.

2. The Problem

“Technology - dependable, Human Psychology – Undependable”

Cyber crime scenes are without traditional boundaries. Since the evidence necessary to prosecute these crimes crosses jurisdictional borders many nations have sought to establish policies that would afford digital evidence access to law enforcement. However, the implementations of these policies depend upon humans rather than technology. As a result, a lot of policies are bypassed keeping personal convenience in mind.

In recent times, terrorists and other unwanted elements of society have made use of remote Cyber Café and unsecured wireless networks to coordinate and plan their attacks. With the ad hoc growth of Cyber Café across the country, the majority of owners are not even aware of how their Cyber café may be being used by individuals to plan their next attack. Worst!, some of them may be in cahoots with them.

“Innocent Human factor” - Even with the latest law passed by the Government to collect identification documents for individuals using the Cyber Café, the act is yet to be implemented across all the Cyber Cafes throughout the country. The reasons vary from overhead costs to the process being cumbersome and time consuming. Whatever the excuse, it gives the individuals reasons to circumvent around the process. As a result, we are unable to identify the individuals even after we have received the transcripts of the mail.

“The Voip threat” – With the unimaginable amount of data being sent across the Internet, it has become impossible to manually inspect all the packets to find suspicious mails/chat conversations. The tech savvy internet terrorist has fast moved on to using multiple E-Mail ID’s, Voip connections like Skype and yahoo and msn messenger to coordinate his plans. To prevent

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Cyber Café Surveillance

Mob. No. +91 9215019797 -- [email protected] Page 5

such threats, law enforcers and security authorities must keep well in advance of the technology curve and use the latest interception technologies to capture and monitor data so as to stop these nefarious plans midway.

“Propaganda and Data theft” – Communications are becoming easier every day, a huge amount of encrypted information is daily being sent across the Internet. The information may be of confidential nature or just propaganda being used to gather more followers for a cause. This data is not kept a track of and no analysis is made on “who is sending the data to whom”. With the advent of technology in the world of terrorism, stealing and sending confidential information has become far more safer.

3. Recent Case studies

In 2006, ******** navy officer was caught with confidential data in his USB drive. The advent of technology has made it far more easier to steal and pass on confidential data With various terrorist activities on the rise, Internet has become a favorite tool to not only coordinate plans but also mock the country by claiming the responsibility of these attacks behind the safety of the Internet.

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Cyber Café Surveillance

Mob. No. +91 9215019797 -- [email protected] Page 6

The mails claiming responsibility for these terror attacks was sent as soon as the blasts took place. It is suspected, yet not proven, in what way these terrorists may have used the Internet to carry out their plans.

4. 99 % Secure

Nimbleslab offers 99% Secure, a modular product to systematically approach and remove the problems faced by various security agencies for Cyber cafes. The aim is to make it extremely difficult if not impossible for terrorists to use unsecured Cyber Cafés and hide their footsteps in the anonymity of the internet.

99% Secure is a three modular product to eliminate the threat from unintercepted communications on the Internet. Two level authentication for all Cyber Café All TCP/IP packets filtering across a suspect Cyber Cafés Pattern analysis and linking for structured and unstructured data.

You should go for 99% Secure for Cyber Café surveillance because –

Keep track of suspect mobile numbers via two level authentication for users Implement IT policies and processes via technology rather than via humans Flexible architecture Real-time interception capabilities for a wide range of protocols for reliable capturing of email, webmail, files, IM, web pages, as well as Р2Р, IPTV streaming, VoIP, video and fax over IP thereby maintaining time sensitive nature of actionable intelligence.

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Cyber Café Surveillance

Mob. No. +91 9215019797 -- [email protected] Page 7

Enables listening in on VoIP calls in real time – with only a 3‐5 seconds’ delay!

Pre-empting a crime scenario by predicting future criminal actions, such as the arrival of trafficked people or money transfers between offenders, highlighting correlations and anomalies hidden deep within the data. Identifying a terrorist network by finding further links and people in a group.

4.1 Module 1 – Two level authentication – Mapping identification to mobile number

One of the major flaws in the current security architecture is the use of unmonitored Cyber café and public domain wireless networks. These cyber café are regularly used by terrorist, espionage agents to send data, confidential information, receive instructions and coordinate plans which hamper the national security of the country.

Even with laws passed to take down the details of an individual using the Cyber café, the very nature of this process has dependency upon the human factor which cannot be relied upon fully. 99% Secure ensures a two level authentication system where the IP usage is mapped to the mobile number of the user.

4.1.1 The process

* Mobile Number

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Cyber Café Surveillance

Mob. No. +91 9215019797 -- [email protected] Page 8

* Time & Date of the system

* IP Address of the system

* MAC address of the system

* Approximate location of the user

* A Counter

* Random access code Access to the world

wide web via the


All Cyber Cafes and public wireless networks such as airports etc would have a filter The user would not be able to access the Internet directly To access the net, the user would have to enter his mobile number on the browser screen

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Cyber Café Surveillance

Mob. No. +91 9215019797 -- [email protected] Page 9

The mobile number of the user would be sent with the following information -

O Time & Date of the system

O IP Address of the system

O MAC address of the system

O Approximate location of the user

O A Counter

An algorithm would randomly generate a code with all the above parameters The code would be fed into the database The code would also be sent to the mobile number of the user via SMS

The user would be able to access the Internet with the above password. However, since the password has been generated using the Mac ID and IP address of the user, the user would only be able to access the Internet from the Computer in which he has fed the mobile number.

4.1.2 Features

Setting a two level authentication mechanism where the IP usage has been mapped to the mobile number of the user. In case of suspect activities, the mobile number can be traced back to the user In case the user does not have a mobile number, he could use the mobile number of the Cyber Café owner in which Case, the cyber café owner would be forced to collect the identity of the user.

4.2 Module 2 – Data Packets filtering and interception

The increasingly systematic recourse to new network technologies has changed the Internet landscape and stealth communication, propaganda and coordination of various plans has become extremely convenient and easy. These ingenious and sophisticated technologies have often been used to promote crime, violence and terror, which compromise the values of human society.

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Cyber Café Surveillance

Mob. No. +91 9215019797 -- [email protected] Page 10

99% Secure is designed for complex and large scale networks; it is an ideal fit for lawful interception for all the Cyber Cafés in the country. The solution has multiple Intelligent Probes which can be controlled either via a single monitoring Center or by several independent monitoring centers. Each Intelligent Probe can simultaneously and independently service a number of Monitoring Centers.

4.2.1 The Process

All data packets to the ISP provider would be filtered by multiple probes. The filtering of data can be on the basis of –

• E-Mail ID of the sender/receiver

• Keyword Filtering

• IP Address

4.2.2 Features

Thorough interception on peer‐to‐peer networks like BitTorrent etc.

Raw data recording for evidence collection.

Interception and decoding of web mail.

Keyword search in large volumes of traffic in various text encodings!

Key words search in complex objects:

MS Office files


PDF files

Graphics and in all the said objects being embedded into any of the above.

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Cyber Café Surveillance

Mob. No. +91 9215019797 -- [email protected] Page 11

4.3 Module 3 – Pattern Analysis and linking for structured and unstructured data

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Cyber Café Surveillance

Mob. No. +91 9215019797 -- [email protected] Page 12

The module is would provide powerful visual investigative analysis tools for extracting and analyzing data from both structured and unstructured data. This includes –






Investigations typically involve vast amounts of raw, multi-formatted data gathered from a wide variety of sources. Somewhere in this data lies the key to investigation but it can remain obscured by the volume and apparent randomness of individual facts.

99% Secure provides powerful visualization -- which enables analysts and investigators to visualize large volumes of disparate data and turn it into meaningful information, revealing a clear picture of what your data is telling you.

Easy to understand -- The simplicity of the charts created will enable anyone to understand even the most complex of investigations, making this a valuable tool for use in presentations and briefings to any audience.

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Cyber Café Surveillance

Mob. No. +91 9215019797 -- [email protected] Page 13

Reveal further connections -- You can manually build charts as information becomes available or you can populate charts automatically from existing information sources. Using Analyst’s Notebook you can automatically generate charts from structured data such as phone and financial records. Charts can be combined with other charts and information sources to reveal further connections.

Extract maximum intelligence from your data -- The advanced analysis tools help you to analyze your investigation from a high level overview right down to the smallest detail. You can find association paths; identify central clusters of communication, find matching items, or construct visual searches for your investigation. A range of different chart layout enables you to see facts, events and associations from different perspectives

5. Examples from around the world

Israel takes a lead on Information Security – Israel considers IT security as big a part to national security as physical security. The country has taken the lead across the world in creating pre-emptive security systems

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USA – National Security agency in US has round the clock Cyber surveillance on all unsecured communications network.

Corporate(s) across the world are using the latest technologies to protect themselves from the threat of cyber espionage and guard against malicious activities being conducted by their employees.
