Page 1: Where Eagles Soar - · spirit of the Paper Bag Princess, we dressed as our favorite book character. Rather than come in our Smelly Socks on Thursday, we all wore our craziest


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M a r c h 2 0 1 6

Where Eagles Soar

In s ide th i s i s sue

Crazy Hair Day! 2

Family Lit Day 3

Pancake Breaky 4

Favourite Books 5

School Info 6

Important Info 7

More Info! 8

Film & Arts 9

School Goals 10

Good Workers 11

We had a busy week here at Edgehill celebrating literacy! Each day students participated in the “Guess which book?” activity. Grade seven leadership students read clues on the announcements each day and students had to guess which book the quote came from. There were two levels of clues for the students to choose from, easier and harder. At the next assembly, we will draw one correct response from each group of responses to win a prize! This year our activities over the course of Literacy Week were based on a Robert Munsch theme. On Monday, in the spirit of Aaron’s Hair, we all wore our wackiest hair! On Tues-day, we celebrated Purple Green and Yellow by dressing in those colors. Wednesday, in the spirit of the Paper Bag Princess, we dressed as our favorite book character. Rather than come in our Smelly Socks on Thursday, we all wore our craziest socks. Friday was our Family Literacy Day and we all wore our pajamas and read with family and friends AND enjoyed a pancake breakfast. What a way to end the week! A special thank you to our PAC for their endless effort and commitment to our school, you’re hard work is genuinely appreciated by all. Additional thanks to our trustee, Mary

James for joining us at our Family Literacy Day.

Page 2: Where Eagles Soar - · spirit of the Paper Bag Princess, we dressed as our favorite book character. Rather than come in our Smelly Socks on Thursday, we all wore our craziest

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E d g e h i l l E l e m e n t a r y S c h o o l

E d g e h i l l A e r i e

Page 3: Where Eagles Soar - · spirit of the Paper Bag Princess, we dressed as our favorite book character. Rather than come in our Smelly Socks on Thursday, we all wore our craziest

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E d g e h i l l E l e m e n t a r y S c h o o l

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Page 4: Where Eagles Soar - · spirit of the Paper Bag Princess, we dressed as our favorite book character. Rather than come in our Smelly Socks on Thursday, we all wore our craziest

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Pancake Breakfast

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A pp ly N ow for K ind e rga rten !

We are now accepting kindergarten registrations for the 2018 -2019 school year.

Registration packages are available at the school office or can be downloaded online at:

Please submit your completed registration package to the Edgehill School Office where we

will date stamp and number in order of submission. Please make sure to bring your child’s

birth certificate and Care Card as official proof of age, as well as for our school records.

We enthusiastically invite all applicants and look forward to welcoming you to our Edgehill

School community where we make learning fun!!

E d g e h i l l E l e m e n t a r y S c h o o l

E d g e h i l l A e r i e


Student Registration Package

Student Led Conferences will be held on

Wednesday, February 7th and Thursday,

February 8th with an early dismissal time of

1:48 pm.

Evening conferences will be held from 5:30-

7:30 pm on Wednesday.

PRO- D Day

Fr i d ay, Februa ry 9th

(sch ool not i n se ssi o n)

B C Fam i ly Day

Mo nd ay, Fe bru ary 12th

(sch ool not i n se ssi o n)

Page 7: Where Eagles Soar - · spirit of the Paper Bag Princess, we dressed as our favorite book character. Rather than come in our Smelly Socks on Thursday, we all wore our craziest

P a g e 7 E d g e h i l l E l e m e n t a r y S c h o o l

Parents of Grade 4 and 7 students will soon be receiving a letter asking them to participate in a Satisfaction Survey.

The survey is put out by the Ministry of Education to find out how people feel about what is happening at Edgehill.

Grade 4 and 7 students will all participate in a similar survey. These results are really important to the staff of Edgehill

and we value any feedback. Please watch for your letter within the coming weeks. If you have any questions, feel free

to contact Mrs. Gaudreau at the school.

E d g e h i l l A e r i e


Wednesday, March 14th

A r e m i n d e r t o p a r e n t s / g u a r d i a n s t h a t

f o r m a l r e p o r t c a r d s w i l l b e a v a i l a b l e

W e d n e s d a y , M a r c h 1 4 t h f o r y o u t o

v i e w . S t u d e n t s c a n u s e t h e i r p r e v i o u s l y

p r o v i d e d l o g in i n f o r m a t i o n t o a c c e s s

t h e i r p o r t f o l i o a t a n y t i m e . P l e a s e d o n ’ t

h e s i t a t e t o c o n t a c t y o u r c h i l d ’ s t e a c h e r

i f y o u h a v e a n y q u e s t i o n s o r co n c e r n s .


The fo l lowing students are January’s

lucky draw winners :

Kyle Veenhof

Sophia Reed

Liam Robbins

Jordan Goertzen

The District basketball season has recently begun. Students have been practicing basketball skills in their PE classes and have been gathering in the gym at lunch to hone their skills! Basketball is open to students in grades 5 -7. Our eager players have travelled to Henderson, and have also hosted Christian School students here in our gym. We look forward to our next basketball game, which is taking place Tuesday, February 6th here are Edgehill.

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E d g e h i l l A e r i e

Next PAC Meeting

Tuesday, February 6th at 6:30 pm

in the Library

The entry forms have been handed out and now the practicing begins. We are excited to be

holding our annual Talent Show here at Edgehill. Our

students have amazing talents and we always enjoy when

they get the opportunity to share them with us. This year, we

will run the talent show sometime in February...stay tuned!

Please watch for more information coming home with your

child in the near future.

Keep practicing your skills everyone!

P o w e l l R i v e r K i n g s Re a d P r o g ra m

Each Monday morning we have two Kings players coming in to read with our grade one students in Mrs. Payne’s class. The purpose of the Read Program is for the Powell River Kings and Westview Agencies, in collaboration with the School District, to promote the importance of literacy.

Special thanks to our Kings volunteers, Tristan and Ted, for donating their time to join us weekly at Edgehill!

Every week a Reading Hero is announced. The Reading Hero will win two tickets to a Powell River Kings game and their name will be entered into a monthly draw for a great prize for their whole class and the chance to be 7th Player of the

Game. Our recent Reading Hero’s to date are:

Alex Bomprezzi

Jenny Butler

Ruby Chesney

Rachel Alescio

Through this year’s slogan from PINKSHIRTDAY.CA , we encourage everyone to remember that “Nice Needs No Filter!” We all have the capacity to be kind, compassionate and considerate, and their slogan acts as a friendly reminder that no matter what our differences, being nice is al-ways a choice worth making including via electronic means. Please support “Nice Needs No Filter!” by wearing a pink shirt on Wednesday, February 28th. We will have a brief assembly before re-cess on that day highlighting our school code of honor. As part of our celebration of Pink Shirt day in honoring kindness and compassion, we, as a whole school, are going to make Kindness Soup on Wednesday, February 28th and all will enjoy a bowl of soup!

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E d g e h i l l A e r i e

Powell River Festival of Performing Arts begins near the end of February every year.

The 74th festival will run from February 24th - March 9th with the Grand Concert held

on Friday, March 9th, 2018. The festival is based on the fundamental idea of providing

all participants with the best possible support for their artistic development.

Amateur performers in piano, voice, strings, wind and brass instruments, speech arts,

amateur choirs, bands, string and jazz ensembles, and dance are invited to perform.

Several of our classes and individual students have entered this year’s festival where

participants will perform in the Evergreen Theatre at the Powell River Recreation


Please watch closely for information from your child's teacher or the school regarding

festival performance dates and times.

The Powell River Film Festival is

hosted at the Evergreen Theatre

from February 12th-18th. Several of

our classes will be attending films for students on February 13th and 14th

at the Evergreen Theatre . If you

are interested in more information,

please see

Thank you!

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PALS helps family members or caregivers support their kindergarten aged children's early

literacy and numeracy development. PALS offers two sessions for parents each school year in

each of the school district's elementary schools. The focus is on Literacy in the Fall and

Numeracy in the New Year. Each session provides time for parents, teachers and a facilitator to

talk together about kindergarten children's learning at this early stage in their development.

There is also an opportunity for parents to join in activities with their children and to take

home a bag of materials for children to continue their learning at home. We look forward to

having all of Kindergarten parents join us for this fun and informative session.



Beat That !

This is an easy game to learn, but one which is very popular with kids (and not too bad at keeping the odd

grown up amused, too!). Great for learning the concept of place value.

Age: 5+



Place value

Strategic thinking


2 dice (up to 7 dice for older players)

Paper and pencil for scoring

How to play

Roll the dice and put them in order to make the highest number possible. If you roll a 4 and an 6, for exam-

ple, your best answer would be 64. Using 3 dice, a roll of 3, 5 and 2 should give you 532, and so on. Write

down your answer, pass the dice, and challenge the next player to “Beat That!”

Play in rounds and assign a winner to each round.

For a change, try making the smallest number possible! This is a great game for reinforcing the concept of

place value. If you are playing with younger children, explain your reasoning out loud and encourage them to

do the same.

E d g e h i l l E l e m e n t a r y S c h o o l P a g e 1 0

School Goals 2017 -2018

Goal #1: To improve student achievement in Mathematics.

Goal #2: To continue to develop self–regulation strategies for all students.

Goal #3: To continue to foster students’ school engagement and their sense of belonging to

the Edgehill School Community.

Page 11: Where Eagles Soar - · spirit of the Paper Bag Princess, we dressed as our favorite book character. Rather than come in our Smelly Socks on Thursday, we all wore our craziest

The following students will be recognized at our assembly on Friday, February 2nd

January Good Workers

Language Arts Recognition

Div. 1

Alexander Bomprezzi

Emma Dupuis

Lily Frost

Lochlan Reed

Nikki Specht

Raine Thistlethwaite

Div. 2

Hope Alescio

Jenny Butler

Angel Cunningham-McRae

Theresa McNaughton

Kaleb Morrissey

Ella Percy

Ashley Piazza

Div. 3

Ian Bomprezzi

T.J. Ditmars-Hudson

Raymond Domalain

Earl Fisk

Nicholas Hearty

Div. 4

Braeden Coburn

Piper Leahy-McHugh

Gryphen Phillips-Clark

Tyler Wallace

Matthew Williams

Lucian Wruth

Div. 5

Julia Bomprezzi

Jaryd Butt

Ruby Chesney

Keith Childress

Brooklynn Dollovoet

Jordon Moore

Div. 6

Jacob Beazley

Jack Bolwell

Leander Brown

Nicholas Burge

Deedra Eacott

Kaya James

Xander Koebel

Sarah-Ann Watmough

Div. 7

Makaia Chesney

Linden Frehlich

Talitha Hamilton

Thorin Hearty

Autumn Lloyd

Robert Ristau

Div. 8

Pearson Coburn

Mac Gerhart

Kadynce Gordon

Luke Kaban

Emilia Peterson

Mackenzie Manzer

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