Page 1: When is the right time to use online research?

You Have Strict Time & Budget Specification5

Conducting online qualitative research is often faster and less expensive than recruiting the same sample for in-person qualitative. And, online methods also afford the team greater flexibility with regards to timing, enabling as short or long of a timeframe as needed. So, for example, the team can get first impressions on a new product consumers are trialing on day 1, and check back with the same consumers a few days later to see if/how perceptions have changed as their usage continued.

The Research Deals with Sensitive Subject Matter4

Getting honest and detailed responses about sensitive or personal subjects can be difficult when your target consumers are all in the same room, or even speaking with you one-on-one in-person. Letting them respond online gives them the privacy they need to be completely candid.

Your Target Consumers Are Busyor Difficult to Commit to a Schedule 2

Your Target Consumers Have Limited Mobility3

If your research targets consumers with health issues or otherwise limited physical mobility, an online approach may be the easiest way to get the responses you need. This option affords participants the comfort of participating from their own homes with or without the help of caregivers if needed.

Your Target Consumers Are in Varied Markets1

If you’re searching for a very specific or low-incidence target, it can be hard to find a sample size large enough within one location. Online qualitative research eliminates any geographic barriers and allows you to engage with target consumers in varied time zones and locations.

When is the Right Time to Use Online Research?|

When is the Right Time to Use

@Copyright 2016, Insights In Marketing

Technology-based research approaches continue to grow in popularity with qualitative researchers. While, like all methodologies, these approaches may not be perfect for every situation, there are many reasons why an online qualitative method may be the best choice for your latest initiative. Consider online qualitative research if you find yourself in one of the following situations:

If you’re struggling to figure out the right approach for your latest qualitative research needs, the crew of experienced researchers at Insights in Marketingcan help! Contact us today to find out more about online qualitative approaches.

Projects that require input from busy target consumers can be a challenge for participants to complete, especially in a short or inflexible time frame. An online discussion allows your target to participate when it works best for them without having to carve out specific time slots to participate in person. Consider an online approach if your target consumers include individuals such as:

Working Parents(or parents of very

young children)

Doctors Lawyers Teachers BusinessOwners
