Page 1: When is it okay to draw my weapon?

When is it okay to draw my weapon?

Page 2: When is it okay to draw my weapon?

Drawing Your Weapon• Drawing your weapon is a serious matter.

• When you un-holster your weapon you are usually going to do it for only 2 reasons:• To discourage the criminal

• To kill the criminal

• Think about how you might react when drawing in order to prevent you or your family from being in harms way.

Page 3: When is it okay to draw my weapon?

Scenario 1• Picture yourself walking to your car in a empty parking structure.

• Lighting is dim

• A man approaches wielding a knife

• He is in between you and your car, about 30 feet away asking if you have some change, flashing his knife to attempt to intimidate you.

• What do you do?

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Scenario 2• Your family is asleep and its 1:30 AM• You grab a snack and proceed upstairs, but then you

hear a noise downstairs and see a flashlight.• You wake your spouse and notify them to call the police.

By the time you get your gun you hear the intruder leave.• While checking the rooms the intruder comes back in.

Startled he pulls out a revolver.• How do you react?

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Reactions to Scenarios 1 and 2• Situations come out of the blue each and every day that we

have no control over. Situations like this are no exception.

• By being aware of our surroundings, we can lower the threat and escape without confrontation.

• If you are however placed in a situation where you are required to draw your weapon, there are 2 options

• Draw to Deter, or Draw to Kill

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Deterrence• Drawing on someone to deter is using your weapon as a

warning to discourage the attacker.

• This gives them time to hopefully change their mind so that everyone can walk out alive.

• Adrenaline pumping you will be shaken up.

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Deterrence (Cont.)• The upsides of deter include:• Everyone walks out alive

• The attacker may realize their errors and go on to be a favorite pastor at a church changing the minds of people who were like him.• Probably not, but you will definitely give them a good scare

• The downside of deterrence includes:• Giving the attacker time to retaliate

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Moving for the Kill• There is no positive to ending the life of another, but sometimes it is

the only option you have.

• Best case scenario here, all the training and practice done will come into effect and the bullets will make contact keeping you safe.

• It’s best to hone your skills and create some muscle memory on the range.• We have an article on the honing your skills on the range.

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Moving for the Kill (Cont.)• There are a lot of downsides to drawing for the kill, make sure that you are


• Potentially dealing with the legal system is inevitable after a shooting• It may or may not be deemed as self defense

• Killing someone is not something most people can handle.• You’ll have to live with the attackers blood on your hands for the rest of your life.

• Knowing it was an act of self defense helps greatly however.

• People may think of you differently.

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Draw to Deter or Kill?• Not every situation is going to require shots fired.

• You won’t have to draw your gun in every situation. If you can avoid a situation that will put you in that position, do so.

• In order to be prepared a little better we have an article written for you on resources for concealed carry gun laws.

• Your best weapon is your brain and the decisions that it allows you to make.• Remember each action may have some consequences.

• For more resource visit the Alien Gear blog
