Page 1: What's In Store For 2017? Here Are Eight Predictions

What’s in store for


Page 2: What's In Store For 2017? Here Are Eight Predictions

As the year draws to a close, the team at Spectrum has been mulling over what the next 12 months will bring.

How will the communications and technology landscapes changlandscapes change?

Take a look at our predictions for the next year.

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“A growing number of businesses will explore opportunities to build data into their content marketing. Brands who make an investment in data-driven storytelling will deliver greater

value to their customers and reap the rewards this brings.”

Brian Corrigan, Content Director

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“Brands will move further into the experiential space, where the most effective businesses are doing much more than simply telling stories – they’re giving customers a true, immersive

experience, allowing them to create their own stories and memories to share.”

Rachel York, General Manager

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“Artificial intelligence will become a home partner for many of us. Devices like Google Home and Amazon Echo are taking data gathered from your mobile device and linking it to actual activities you perform at home (cleaning, cooking, shopping) to help

make life more efficient.”

Kris Kris Towse, Account Director

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“The press release will lose relevance. From Twitter to industry contacts, journos now have plenty of ways to dig up interesting news. With the pressures of the 24-hour news cycle and eternal filing deadlines, why would they waste time writing the same story as everyone else?”

Jessica Tubnor, Client Services Director

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“The Internet of Things will become a day-to-day reality, permeating every aspect of our lives, from preventative

health to traffic flow management. That means that 2017 will also be the year in which security issues around the IoT

become mainstream.”

KKerrie Murphy, Content Writer

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“Rather than just blasting out blog posts across social platforms, brands will

increasingly realise the value of targeted, native content created for specific audiences across all their marketing channels, from email to social media.”

Annie Peachman, Content Strategist

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“Every consumer with a smartphone is researching brands and searching for

valuable content online. If your company hasn’t developed the right kind of

audience-centric content to make your brand discoverable on mobile, itwill now be non-negotiable.”

Cheryl Cheryl Tan, Country Manager

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“Personalised offers and promotions will be developed on the fly in real time, using

customer and geographical data. We’ll see customers sent mobile vouchers as they’re

walking past stores.”

Jade Hewitt, Account Executive

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At Spectrum Group we tell the stories that won’t tell themselves. We help brands cut through the noise with a full range of integrated communications strategies including content, PR, social media and design.


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Let’s talk about how we can help you deliver valuable results in 2017.

[email protected] 02 9469 5740