Page 1: WHAT’S UP AT LSS · 2016-02-20 · WHAT’S UP AT LSS from the desk of a proud principal February 19, 2016 Please go to for more info And Follow us on Twitter @LangleySS Don’t

W HAT’S UP AT LSS f r o m th e d e sk o f a p ro u d p r i n c ip a l February 19 , 2016


AndFollowusonTwitter@LangleySS D o n ’ t M i s s t h i s y e a r ’ s M u s i ca l T h e a t r e P ro d u c t i o n … . i t ’ s a c l a s s i c ! T h e w h o l e c o m m u n i t y i s h e lp i n g ge t t h i s sh o w re a d y ! S p e c i a l p r i c e s f o r H D S M S s tu d e n t s !

The LSS Musical Theatre Company Presents

Book by George Abbott and Richard BissellMusic and lyrics by Richard Adler and Jerry Ross

Based on the novel “7 1/2 cents” by Richard Bissell

February 26th, 27th, March 3rd, 4th & 5th @ 7pmFebruary 27th & March 5th @ 2pm

Adults $12Students & Seniors $10

All performances at Langley Secondary School

21405 56 Avenue, Langley BC

Box Office: 604 534 4171, EXT 743Online Tickets-

THE PAJAMA GAMEis presented through special arrangement with Music Theatre International (MTI)

All authorized performance materials are also supplied by MTI.

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Page 2: WHAT’S UP AT LSS · 2016-02-20 · WHAT’S UP AT LSS from the desk of a proud principal February 19, 2016 Please go to for more info And Follow us on Twitter @LangleySS Don’t

A V ID S tu d e n t s V i s i t N ik o m e k l E l e m e n ta ry OurAVIDstudentsareconnectingwiththeircommunity.Theyhelpedwithreadingwritingandclassroomactivitiesin6differentclassesatNicomeklElementarythisweek! G ra d e 1 2 S tu d e n t s a n d G ra d e 1 0 E l l L i t e ra cy S tu d e n t s a s Le a rn in g P a r tn e r s OurLiteracy10classhasjoinedwithanEnglish12classasliteracypartners.TheseclassesgettogethereveryWednesdaymorningandreadfor30minutesinpartnerssothattheLiteracy10studentscangetone-on-onehelpwithpronunciationandcomprehensiononaregularbasisattheirindividualizedreadinglevels.Sogreattoseethe12’sinamentorroleANDsomeofthe12’sareESLstudentsmentoringnewinternationalstudents.It’sinspiringforthemtoseewhattheycanworktowardsastheyarelearningasecondlanguage!

Page 3: WHAT’S UP AT LSS · 2016-02-20 · WHAT’S UP AT LSS from the desk of a proud principal February 19, 2016 Please go to for more info And Follow us on Twitter @LangleySS Don’t

F IR S T L O O K A T th i s a w e so m e 2 0 1 6 G R A D C L A S S !

W re s t l e r s Q u a l i f y f o r t h e P ro v in c i a l s ! KamilGolowko(silvermedal),TylerTsoukalis(4thplace)andCaitlinBartakovic(4thplace)intheFraserValleys!Congratsgrapplers!ProvincialsareFeb26/27!

Page 4: WHAT’S UP AT LSS · 2016-02-20 · WHAT’S UP AT LSS from the desk of a proud principal February 19, 2016 Please go to for more info And Follow us on Twitter @LangleySS Don’t

L S S A lu m n i R e tu rn t o G i ve T ip s f o r U n i ve r s i t y ! J a p a n T r ip O p e n to g ra d e 8 s tu d e n t s a t H D S M S a s w e l l ! ! ! L S S























[email protected].

Page 5: WHAT’S UP AT LSS · 2016-02-20 · WHAT’S UP AT LSS from the desk of a proud principal February 19, 2016 Please go to for more info And Follow us on Twitter @LangleySS Don’t

G ra d C ru i se w a s a B l a s t ! W h a t a n a m a z in g g ro u p o f g ra d e 1 2 s !

Page 6: WHAT’S UP AT LSS · 2016-02-20 · WHAT’S UP AT LSS from the desk of a proud principal February 19, 2016 Please go to for more info And Follow us on Twitter @LangleySS Don’t