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Life At Home LongerWhat You Can Do as a Daughter or Son

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What You Can Do…

• …to prevent falls

• …to help from far away

• …to be ready for an emergency

• …to avoid a fire

• …to help with home maintenance

• …to lend a hand to hoarders

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Falls Aren’t Inevitable

• One in three seniors has a fall every year that requires medical attention• But, they are not a normal part of aging, and

we can help our loved ones avoid them• CDC’s four fall prevention tips:– Make your home safer– Begin a regular exercise program– Have your physician check your medicines– Have your vision checked

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What You Can Do

What You Can Do To Prevent Falls

Schedule an appointment for your parent to review medications with his/her physicianGet your parent’s vision checkedMake sure your parent is wearing comfortable shoes with nonslip solesEncourage your parent to find an exercise program they will enjoy

How We Can Help

Conduct a thorough home safety assessment to identify potential hazardsImprove the lighting throughout your parent’s house, which will also make it more comfortable to live inHave a professional assess whether grab bars would be helpful and install them in the correct positionsAdd nightlights throughout the high traffic areas of the house

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How to Help from Far Away

• You are not alone—about 7 million Americans are long-distance caregivers• A US Dept of Labor study found that 30% of

employees are family caregivers!• The National Institute on Aging reports that

long-distance caregivers often feel the most guilt and anxiety• Explore resources that can help you improve

your parent’s life, even from far away

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What You Can Do

What You Can Do Long-Distance

Making time to visit—catch up, chat, do fun activities—with your parent when you are in town is importantBe honest with yourself about how often can you travel: financially, emotionally, and with the constraints of your careerGet as much information as you can about your parent’s conditionFind ways to stay in touch with your parent so you are aware of changes or problems

How We Can Help

Ensure that your parent’s phone is easy to use and loud enough for them to hearHave a professional set-up an email printer box so your parent can receive easy to read, printed emailsHave a professional install a digital picture frame that will automatically download photos from an account you set up online

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Preparing for an Emergency

• Our parents want to live independently, but we worry that they might not always be safe

• Falls, ongoing medical problems, fires or accidents could all require outside help

• Injuries to seniors in the home are the leading cause of death, according to the National Center for Injury Prevention and Control

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What You Can Do

What You Can Do

Create your own emergency kit for your parent’s home—at a minimum include several gallons of water, a radio, flashlights with extra batteriesFind a neighbor who is willing to help in the event of an emergency and keep his or her contact info close by

How We Can Help You Prepare

Recommend and install the Personal Emergency Response System (PERS) that meets your parent’s needsInstall phone handsets throughout the home, so that help is accessibleProvide and explain the importance of an emergency preparedness kit for earthquake or other disaster

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Fire Safety

• Aging increases the risk of fire because:– People become less able to respond due to

hearing, vision, mobility– Sense of touch and smell can become impaired– Older adults are more likely to smoke

• Seniors over 84 are five times more likely to die in a fire than the general population

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Preventing Fires

What You Can Do

Make sure your parent never smokes in bedRemove any space heaters in the house, particularly those that don’t automatically shut off when tippedMake sure there is a large fire screen in front of any fireplaces that are usedEnsure that there is a clear path for exiting the home

How We Can Help

Identify and remove fire hazards in your parent’s homeInstall smoke and carbon monoxide detectors that are sure to wake them in the event of a fireCheck all batteries in smoke detectors twice a yearInstall stovetop fire protectionEnsure your parents have fire extinguishers they can usePut extra precautions in place for smokers

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Home Maintenance

• Your parent’s biggest asset may be their home– It must be properly maintained to retain its value and

ensure them the flexibility they want

• Your parents want to live independently, but they may not want to take care of the day to day maintenance of a house• Regular maintenance is essential to keeping the

home a comfortable place to live• Home maintenance and repair is the top area for

elder fraud

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Help Maintain the Home

What You Can Do

Ensure that your parent has budgeted for maintaining his or her homeEncourage them to get help with tasks around the houseLook for signs that your parent may need assistance with household maintenance or chores

How We Can Help

Help with home maintenance and identify repairs that should be made to avoid loss of valueFix small leaks that could develop into larger problems down the roadIdentify mold, mildew and other signs of moisture damageCheck and replace filters as necessary in the air conditioning and heating systemsChange light bulbs, flip mattresses

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Pack Rat

• People who hoard possessions are very common

• Clutter often fills all usable areas of the home and limits functional use of the home for cooking, socializing, bathing, and sleeping

• Often the “stuff” can take over the home and make the home unsafe

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What You Can Do

What You Can Do Long-Distance

Let go of ideal notions of cleanlinessBe creative and negotiate—don’t require all the changes you would like to see at onceBegin by reorganizing, not throwing things awayHelp your parent see the ways that their clutter limits them

How We Can Help

Non-judgmental third party to assist with making the home safer and more livable without forcing your parent to part with treasured possessionsProfessional help focusing on preventing falls in the houseFocus on fire safety and ensuring adequate fire protection and alarmsEnsure there is a clear pathway for emergency personnel to enter Ongoing support to help keep the home safe