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What to Watch Out for When Investing in Gold


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There are great times to invest in gold and there are times to avoid the shiny stuff like the plague.

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This thought came to mind after seeing a Market Watch article saying that gold gains as stocks sputter (near record highs).

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Gold futures tipped modestly higher in subdued action Tuesday, with traders taking their cues from an equities pullback after fresh record stock-index highs on Monday.

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Gold has generally maintained its uptrend, but has been tracking stocks in the short term.

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U.S. stock indicators pointed lower Tuesday even with a Goldman Sachs earnings beat and a report showing a 4.8% rise in June U.S. housing starts.

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Flagging appetite in stock tends to coincide with demand for the perceived safety of precious metals.

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Conversely, stocks and other yield-bearing investments can pull demand from gold if sentiment tilts toward riskier markets.

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If the stock market pulls away from its all-time high gold may seem more attractive, especially in a world with so much social, financial and political uncertainty. But be careful.

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Here are our thoughts on what to watch out for when investing in gold.

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Why Invest in Gold?

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The standard argument for gold is that it holds it value when paper currencies falter.

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There is only so much in the world.

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Today in fact they are mining two miles deep in South Africa at the East Rand mine in Boksburg to find new deposits.

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Gold bugs remind us of the days of the German Weimar Republic in the 1920’s when inflation drove the paper Deutschmark so low that it cost a million marks to buy a loaf of bread.

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The time to invest in gold is at the start of a rally.

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The time to get out is before the rally is over.

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Gold Rallies and Retreats

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In 1973 the USA went off the gold standard and gold went from $20 an ounce to $35 and then to over $800 an ounce by the first days of the 1980s.

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When the bottom dropped out of the gold market the price fell to $300 an ounce and then down to $200 an ounce until 2001 when another rally started.

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That rally peaked in 2011 at $1,900 an ounce and fell below $1,100 an ounce at the end of 2015.

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We are now seeing a recovery into the $1,300 range.

Page 23: What to Watch Out for When Investing in Gold has a nice chart of gold prices since the USA went off the gold standard.

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What to Watch Out for When Investing in


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Aside from its peak in 1980 and again in 2011 gold has its ups and downs.

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Beware of investing heavily when a rally is well underway unless you understand the fundamentals that are driving the rally.

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Runaway inflation and a weakening currency are good reasons to get into gold and when those situations remedy themselves it is time to get out.

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Technical analysis of market sentiment can be a good guide to short term profits and as always fear and greed are the biggest enemies when tracking a volatile market.

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