
What To Expect From A Registered Massage


The Basics of Massage Therapy

• Massage therapy is gaining momentum in North America although it has long been lauded for its importance to full body health in other areas of the world. A good massage manipulates body tissues, particularly muscles, to relieve pain and stress and aid in relaxation.

The Basics of Massage Therapy

• In fact, massage has also been proven to improve blood circulation and strengthen the immune system. Today, many of those who provide massage therapy are actually registered with the government. Knowing what to expect from a registered massage therapist can answer many questions and decrease stress before attending an initial massage.

What Is Registration?

• A registered massage therapist has received specialized education to become a knowledgeable professional in the field. This usually requires around two years of schooling as well as hands-on training although different massage programs vary in their requirements.

What Is Registration?

• Education includes learning about the anatomy of the human body as well as how various body systems function. The student also learns about disease processes and how massage can affect diseases. When the training is over, the individual must take a written examination as well as demonstrate various skills. After passing both parts of the examination, he or she can be registered in his or her province.

What Types of Massage Are Available?

• A Swedish massage is the most common type. It is typically used for general relaxation and stress relief. It often focuses on the neck, back, arms and legs. It uses generalized movements of stroking, stretching and kneading of the muscles to remove muscle adhesions, often called knots.

What Types of Massage Are Available?

• A deep tissue massage is similar in several ways but is a more intense experience. It may include a bit of pain as the massage therapist works out deep-seated muscle adhesions and focuses on specific areas of pain. This kind of massage is good for specific complaints such as whiplash or lower back pain.

What Types of Massage Are Available?

• Other specific massages include sports massage and prenatal massage. A sports massage is used on individuals involved in athletics to keep them flexible and pain-free. A prenatal massage is used on expectant mothers who are experiencing the typical back pain associated with pregnancy.

What Can Be Expected during a Massage?

• A massage usually lasts anywhere from 30 to 90 minutes. Most therapists will ask the individual if he is experiencing any pain, if there are any places he would particularly like to be massaged and if he has any significant health history that could affect the massage.

What Can Be Expected during a Massage?

• During most massages, the patient is nude underneath a sheet or towel; however, some people choose to keep on their underwear. The therapist will then uncover each body part as he massages it. The patient usually begins face down and ends face up.

• A registered massage therapist can provide stress and pain relief. Today, many therapists make use of social media such as Facebook or Twitter to alert patients to special offers as well as to disseminate information about the practice itself. Learning about what to expect at an initial massage can create peace of mind.

Further Reading…

• Grossbeak Chiropractic & Fitness is a registered massage therapist specializing in physiotherapy serving Mississauga & surrounding areas. Visit us today at to learn more.
