Page 1: What s on This Week HOLY WEEK 2021



February 2021

In this issue:

Coming Soon

New to St Andrews

Prayer Diary

Notices and News

Lent Giving 2021

The Yemen Crisis Appeal

Contactus :[email protected]

What’s on This Week

Tuesday 30th March

19:00 A meditation with readings and prayers on the Way of the Cross Reading: Isaiah 49: 1 – 7

Wednesday 31st March

19.00 A meditation with readings and prayers on the Way of the Cross Reading: Isaiah 63.1-6

Thursday 1st April—Maundy Thursday

19:00 Holy Communion [Said] Followed by The Watch of the Night until 11.59pm

Friday 2nd April—Good Friday

12 Noon—3.00pm Church open for pri-vate Prayer, Readings and Prayer each 30 minutes, Organ Music

Saturday 3rd April— Easter Eve

18;00 Passion Play - the story of Jesus Passion told by our children and young people with songs on Zoom CLICK HERE Meeting ID: 845 7561 8227 Passcode: 132830

19:00 Blessing of the Easter Light and

Renewal of Baptismal Vows—via zoom


Meeting ID: 810 2541 6502 Passcode: 335397

Sunday 28th March

Palm Sunday

10:00: Holy Communion [Said] including Dra-matic Mark Passion Reading Join the service via Zoom

PREACHER – Grant Fellows

Join Zoom meeting: CLICK HERE Meeting ID: 886 6920 0342 Passcode: 342614 Landline dial in contact: 0330 088 5830

Sunday School in Chapter House


Philippians 2.5-11

Holy Week

Mon—Wed Meditations VIA ZOOM

Led by Rev’d Canon Dr. Les Oglesby


Meeting ID: 820 4127 4276

Passcode: 105349

Landline dial in contact: 0330 088 5830

Monday 29th March

19:00 A meditation with readings and pray-ers on the Way of the Cross Reading: Isaiah 42: 1 – 9


Public Worship within the church building will

resume on Palm Sunday (28th March) at 10am


Page 2: What s on This Week HOLY WEEK 2021

Notices and News

Confirmation Service 2nd May 2021

The Bishop of Bedford will join us at St. Andrew’s

Church for a special service of Confirmation. Prepara-

tion for adults, and young people, will begin shortly:

initially it is likely to be via Zoom. If you are interested

in considering Confirmation this year, please contact

the Churchwardens as soon as possible.

Worship in the Community We have a Service without communion on a Sunday. This service was previous-

ly held in St Andrew’s School in Kings Reach, however since the onset of the

Covid Pandemic the service has moved on-line all are very welcome to join us .

Coming Soon

4 April Easter Day

5 April Easter Monday

25 April APCM

2 May Confirmation Service

10—16 May Christian Aid Week

28 March Palm Sunday

1 April Maundy Thursday

2 April Good Friday

3 April Easter Eve 6pm Sunday

School Passion Play via Zoom

Sunday School Passion Play—Easter Saturday 6pm

Vacancy News

AN UPDATE RE PUBLIC WORSHIP As from Palm Sunday, 28th March we are delighted that our PCC have ap-proved the rescinding of the resolution to suspend public worship: our first Holy Communion [Said] Service will be in church at 10.00am, 28th March 2021. Zoom services and live streaming will also continue for the foreseeable future. The usual pattern of public worship will be Holy Communion [Said] Sundays at 10.00 am, and Thursdays 9.30am; however we will publish our programme for Holy Week and Easter Day on Saturday 21st March. This will include Holy Communion on Maundy Thursday and Easter Day, and special daily Zoom ser-vices during Holy Week, plus Good Friday private prayer, with some organ music, in church; and Zoom contributions from our Sunday School.

Easter Lilies

The good news is that our church will be open on Easter Sunday for public

worship. It has been the custom in the past to remember loved ones with a

donation towards lilies. If you would like to donate, please put your money

in an envelope marked ‘Lilies for Easter’ and either post through the vicar-

age door, give to one of our Churchwardens or deliver to me at 40 Ivel Gar-

dens. At present the lilies are £2.50 pus VAT. Jan Gardner 01767 313124 The Sunday School children have prepared a Passion play in a similar way to the

Nativity play at Christmas. Please join us for the passion play on zoom on Easter

Saturday at 6pm the play will include spoken scenes and songs! - The Sunday

School Team

Will take place between Sunday 21st March and Sunday 11th April. If you are

currently on the Electoral Roll and would like your name removed, or if you

have changed address since last year, please let me know. If you are not al-

ready on the Electoral Roll and would like to be, please let me know either by

phone or email and I will send you an enrolment form (01767 316153)

[email protected]. Alternatively you can obtain a hard copy from

the Churchwardens during church opening times.

Many thanks. Ruth Marshall-Jones


Page 3: What s on This Week HOLY WEEK 2021

Notices and News Continued


Our Lent giving this year will support the people of Yemen

Prayer Diary

The Gift of Giving

In our prayers this week In the Anglican Cycle of Prayer we pray for Hong Kong

Sheng Kung Hui We pray the people of Mafambisa, for

the vulnerable and orphaned children, the care workers,

the care givers and all who support them.

Needing our Prayers : Louise Joy, Bernie Marron, Angela Morris, Betty Magill,

Jo Chelley, Norman Staples, Philip Pettit, Rosamund Drakes, Joanna Tufts, Pa-

tience and George from Mafambisa, Laura and Audrey and baby Baltiska from


Continue to Pray for : : Joan Tolson, Joy Botterell and Tim Woodward

The Departed : Susan Salmon,

Year’s Mind : 30th Cyril Bradshaw Pilgrim, 31st Ann Reeves, 1st Roland New-


Live today to the full. None of us ever know what the future holds. In the

Sermon on the Mount, Jesus challenged his followers to live each day fully

and not be afraid. ‘So do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will bring

worries of its own. Today’s trouble is enough for today.’ Matthew 6.34


If you need to contact us for any reason; please do not use the office tele-

phone, as this is not being monitored at the moment. Instead please con-

tact us via: [email protected] Thank you. Jackie

Watch of the Night—Maundy Thursday

We have had a terrific response to our Lent Appeal with well over £1200 raised

so far for relief work in the Yemen. We will keep the appeal open until Easter

weekend if anyone else would like to give. You can donate via the just giving

link to Save the Children for their Crisis Appeal; or by putting your gift into an

envelope marked Yemen and putting it through the vicarage letterbox! Thank

you ur Just Giving page can be accessed here



I am running an online compline in Lent - a mix of recorded and live music, prayers,

reading and (a lot) of silence. It lasts for about 20 minutes and is a great way to end

the day and you’re most welcome to join us… 9.30pm Monday - Saturday To phone in - 01767 348253 Julia Black


We will follow our pattern of previous years, with a rota of 1/2 hour periods

when people can spend time in quiet prayer, meditation or reading. This year

we will close at midnight, partly to keep closely to Covid-19 restrictions, but also

to allow plenty of time for deep cleaning of the Church before the Good Friday

afternoon meditation.

There will be a rota folder in the foyer from now until Maundy Thursday; we

hope we can get people to fill the period from 8.00pm to 12.00 midnight so that

there is always coverage of the time. This may not be the same as our usual

watch through the night, but it will be another step back on the road to normali-

ty. Please do come and join us during this very special time with our Father.

Paul Williams

Page 4: What s on This Week HOLY WEEK 2021

Notices and News

Referring to the thank you from the Bishop of St. Albans for paying our 2020 Par-

ish Share to the diocese 100%, a sum of £75,000 (the average payment by other

parishes was 90%). This was achieved, even though the income (stewardship

giving and the rental of the Chapter House) was reduced due to the pandemic.

However, savings were made in expenditure, not least in light and heat across

the year, but to meet the Parish Share the PCC had to use £8,000 from its re-


The Parish Share is the contribution each parish makes towards the cost of clergy

stipends and other costs of the mission of the diocese. In 2021 the contribution is

reduced to £69,000 but then we are in vacancy, the sum will increase when an

appointment is made later in the year.

The PCC is extremely grateful for your continued support for the work of the

Church in this parish over past years and particularly throughout the pandemic in

the last year and a very big thank you to you all. As a reminder, there are a num-

ber of ways of making regular giving to suit your personal preference, the parish

giving scheme, banker’s orders or the stewardship envelope scheme. If you

would like more information on any of these, I would be happy to speak with

you. My contacts are – phone 01767 313387 and/or email

[email protected] Andrew Rutt, PCC Treasurer

New to St Andrews?

St Andrews is an Anglican Church normally offering a variety of Services with

and without communion. There are many ways to praise the true and living

God and in addition to our Communion services there are usually contempo-

rary services with modern music. During the current Covid Pandemic we are

offering services via Zoom (details on the front sheet) We hope that you will

find these services bring you closer to God. We normally have lots going on at

St Andrews for all ages;-Sunday School, Youth Groups, Holiday Club and more.

We have a Sunday Lunch every month, food for thought, lent lunches and

Group study during Lent. We hope that we will be able to resume these

events in the not too distant future.

MAFAMBISA PARTNERSHIP We are now getting weekly updates from Hands at Work - from different communities via WhatsApp. If you would like to receive these I will add you to the WhatsApp group. Please text your mobile number to Chris on 07702 250776 or email on [email protected]

USED POSTAGE STAMPS Please keep collecting these for me to take to St. John’s Hospice; it is important

especially at this time that we give them all the support possible. Gill Hibbert

Social Media

As some of you may have seen, this month we have truly launched our social

media initiative. Since March last year, it has been proven how crucial the

online sphere has been to keep in touch with family and friends but also this

is how we currently have to spread Gods message. Over the next few months

we will be working with a social media consultant to grow our online pres-

ence and reach out to our local community (and those who aren’t as local).

We would love you to like, follow and share our social media accounts:

Facebook: @standrewsbiggleswade

Instagram: @standrewsbiggleswade

On Easter Day we would like to put out a video which will include a lot of our

congregation, spreading the news that Jesus has risen. If you could film a

short video as a household saying “Happy Easter - Christ is Risen!” (Feel free

to make it your own). And send them to the below email address before the

1st April we will put together a compilation to be shared on Easter Day. Oli-

ver Dilley and Jessica Mepham ([email protected])

St Andrew’s Finances