Page 1: What It Means  Holocaust In Greek it means complete destruction by fire. However, it usually applies to the period during the late 1930s and early
Page 2: What It Means  Holocaust In Greek it means complete destruction by fire. However, it usually applies to the period during the late 1930s and early


In Greek it means complete destruction by fire. However, it usually applies to the period during the late 1930s and early 1940s during which 6,000,000 of Hitler’s enemies were brutally exterminated. They were prominently Jews, but also gypsies, homosexuals, communists, journalists, Jehovah’s witnesses, handicapped people or anyone else who Hitler disliked or who didn’t appease his Aryan ideals.

Page 3: What It Means  Holocaust In Greek it means complete destruction by fire. However, it usually applies to the period during the late 1930s and early

Anti-SemitismAnti-SemitismThis is the term given to political, social and

economic agitation against Jews.

In simple terms it means ‘Hatred of Jews’.

Aryan RaceAryan RaceThis was the name of what Hitler believed was the perfect race.

These were people with full German blood, blonde hair and blue eyes.

Jews wearing yellow armbands and being tormented.

Page 4: What It Means  Holocaust In Greek it means complete destruction by fire. However, it usually applies to the period during the late 1930s and early

The NAZI Party and Adolf Hitler seized power in 1933 and slowly began their program against the Jews of Germany

In 1933, there were 566,000 Jews living in Germany.

Each new year in Germany led to harsher policies directed towards the Jews.

Page 5: What It Means  Holocaust In Greek it means complete destruction by fire. However, it usually applies to the period during the late 1930s and early

NAZIS boycott Jewish businesses

Decree issued that defines non-Aryans

First concentration camps are built

Dachau - 3/22/33

Entrance to Dachau.

Shows where the pistol range used to be as Dachau is now a memorial.The two original furnaces where

bodies were taken after being gassed.

Page 6: What It Means  Holocaust In Greek it means complete destruction by fire. However, it usually applies to the period during the late 1930s and early

M a rry o r h ave sexw ith A rya ns

h ire A rya n w o m ena s m a ids

h a ve rig h ts o fc it ize n sh ip

Je w s a re n o t a llo w ed to :

Page 7: What It Means  Holocaust In Greek it means complete destruction by fire. However, it usually applies to the period during the late 1930s and early

Jews were not only segregated but also isolated.

They had to live in Ghettos, in the poorest, most dilapidated parts of cities.

Overcrowding, disease, little sanitation, food or education.

Jews tried to continue as normal, running schools, printing newspapers and holding concerts.

A Jewish Ghetto in Warsaw

Page 8: What It Means  Holocaust In Greek it means complete destruction by fire. However, it usually applies to the period during the late 1930s and early

Jews are not allowed to teach Germans

not allowed to be accountants or dentists

“Eternal Jew” exhibit opened in Germany

this promoted stereo-types of Jews and warned Germans of their danger to the world

Page 9: What It Means  Holocaust In Greek it means complete destruction by fire. However, it usually applies to the period during the late 1930s and early

Night of Broken Glass Jewish stores, shops

and synagogues burned down

Took place because a German official was killed in Paris by a Jew

November 9, 1939

Page 10: What It Means  Holocaust In Greek it means complete destruction by fire. However, it usually applies to the period during the late 1930s and early

Sept. 1, 1939 Nazis invade Poland

3.35 million Jews Hans Frank becomes

governor of Poland Forced labor decree

issued and all Jews must wear yellow stars “I ask nothing of Jews except

that they should disappear”

Yellow Star – Label for Jews

Page 11: What It Means  Holocaust In Greek it means complete destruction by fire. However, it usually applies to the period during the late 1930s and early

Reinhard Heydrich was ordered to prepare a “Final Solution” to the Jewish question

Heydrich organized a meeting with 15 top Nazi officials in Berlin = Jan. 20, 1942

Nazis would attempt to exterminate the entire Jewish population of Europe, an estimated 11 million persons

Page 12: What It Means  Holocaust In Greek it means complete destruction by fire. However, it usually applies to the period during the late 1930s and early

Nicknamed “The Blond Beast” and “HangmanHeydrich”

Second in command of Gestapo and SS

Principle planner of the Final Solution

Brigadier General in SS at the age of 30

Page 13: What It Means  Holocaust In Greek it means complete destruction by fire. However, it usually applies to the period during the late 1930s and early

Jews were rounded up and told they were to be relocated

They were taken to the woods and were shot one by one

Their bodies were buried in mass graves

Page 14: What It Means  Holocaust In Greek it means complete destruction by fire. However, it usually applies to the period during the late 1930s and early

Again, Jews were rounded up and told they were to be relocated in vans

The vans were equipped so that the van’s exhaust was piped back into the van

700,000 Jews killed in Vans

Page 15: What It Means  Holocaust In Greek it means complete destruction by fire. However, it usually applies to the period during the late 1930s and early

Nazi leaders decided to drastically speed up the Final Solution

there were two different types of camps: CONCENTRATION CAMPS EXTERMINATION CAMPS Jews from all over occupied Europe were to

be brought here.

Page 16: What It Means  Holocaust In Greek it means complete destruction by fire. However, it usually applies to the period during the late 1930s and early


Page 17: What It Means  Holocaust In Greek it means complete destruction by fire. However, it usually applies to the period during the late 1930s and early

Established in 1941 as a POW camp

started its part in the Final Solution in 1942

Jews, Poles and Soviet POW’s sent here

had two gas chambers to exterminate

Page 18: What It Means  Holocaust In Greek it means complete destruction by fire. However, it usually applies to the period during the late 1930s and early

Part of a stockpile of Zyklon-B poison gas pellets found at Majdanek death camp.

Before poison gas was used , Jews were gassed in mobile gas vans. Carbon monoxide gas from the engine’s exhaust was fed into the sealed rear compartment. Victims were dead by the time they reached the burial site.

Page 19: What It Means  Holocaust In Greek it means complete destruction by fire. However, it usually applies to the period during the late 1930s and early

Jewish women, some holding infants, are forced to wait in a line before their execution by Germans and Ukrainian collaborators.

Page 20: What It Means  Holocaust In Greek it means complete destruction by fire. However, it usually applies to the period during the late 1930s and early

A German policeman shoots individual Jewish women who remain alive in the ravine after the mass execution.

Page 21: What It Means  Holocaust In Greek it means complete destruction by fire. However, it usually applies to the period during the late 1930s and early

Started operations in January 1940 (Poland)

4 gas chambers/crematories by 1943

Mass killings with Zyklon B gas

recorded 12,000 kills in one day

Page 22: What It Means  Holocaust In Greek it means complete destruction by fire. However, it usually applies to the period during the late 1930s and early

Arrived in Auschwitz in May of 1943

SS Doctor who had power of life/death

performed medical experiments on Jewish children


Page 23: What It Means  Holocaust In Greek it means complete destruction by fire. However, it usually applies to the period during the late 1930s and early

sterilization of men and women endurance of pain to high and low temperatures and pressure experiments on twins to increase number of multiple births to

Aryan women injections of phenol to kill patients Dr. Mengele attempted to sew children together to make Siamese


Page 24: What It Means  Holocaust In Greek it means complete destruction by fire. However, it usually applies to the period during the late 1930s and early

Largest single massacre of Holocaust March 1942-November 1943 named after Reinhard Heydrich carried out at three camps, run by the SS every Jew that arrived at one of the camps

would be dead in 2 hours. Total of 1,700,000 Jews killed

Page 25: What It Means  Holocaust In Greek it means complete destruction by fire. However, it usually applies to the period during the late 1930s and early
Page 26: What It Means  Holocaust In Greek it means complete destruction by fire. However, it usually applies to the period during the late 1930s and early

Percentage of Jews killed in each country