Page 1: What is Robust Decision Support?

Financially  supported  by  

What  is  Robust  Decision  Support?  

Greater  Mekong  Forum  on  Water,  Food  and  Energy  Phnom  Penh,  Cambodia  

Oct  21-­‐23,  2015  

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ScenariosCoherent  stories  of  the  future  told  to  inform  current  decision-­‐making  with  qualita7ve  descrip7on  to  capture:  –  Cultural  influences,  values,  behaviors  –  Shocks,  disconJnuiJes  –  Texture,  richness,  imaginaJon,  insight  

OMen  supported  by  quan7ta7ve  analysis,  to  provide:  –  Definiteness,  explicitness,  detail    –  Consistency    –  Technical  rigor,  scienJfic  accuracy  

Scenarios  are  not  predicJons.  They  describe  futures  that  could  be,  rather  than  futures  that  will  be,  because…  

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The  future  can  be  surprising!  

Forecast Reality

The  home  computer  in  2004

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But  not  completely  unexpected  

Forecast Reality

The  home  computer  in  2004

Extremely  compact

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When  to  use  scenarios  Scenarios  are  useful  when  there  are  drivers  that  are  highly  uncertain  and  likely  to  have  a  large  impact  

Low  Uncertainty

High  Uncertainty

High  Impact Trends CriJcal  uncertainJes

Low  Impact VariaJons


Trend  analysis

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 Climate:  A  High-­‐impact  Driver

By  late  in  this  century:  global  mean  temperature  is  projected  to  rise  by  0.3  to  4.8  °C  and  global  mean  sea  level  is  projected  to  rise  0.26  to  0.82  m  •  Many  studies  suggest  that  we  will  almost  certainly  pass  2.0°C  (the  

accepted  “dangerous”  threshold)  by  mid-­‐century  •  Without  rapid  and  dramaJc  changes  in  global  energy  policy,  an  increase  

of  4°C  is  likely  by  the  late  21st  century  IPCC.  FiMh  Report.  2013.  Summary  for  Policy  Makers.    Available  at:    CMIP5  Ensemble.  Source:  IPCC  –  2013.  Annex  1  –  Atlas  of  Global  and  Regional  Climate  Change  ProjecJons.  htpt://­‐report/ar5/wg1/WG1AR5_AnnexI_FINAL.pdf    

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But  Impacts  are  Uncertain  •  By  the  Jme  a  child  born  today  is  40  years  old,  storms  that  occurred  once  in  20  years  could  occur  once  in  10  years  

•  Or  5  years…  •  Or  18  years…  

Return  period  in  1981-­‐2000  =  20  years  

Source:  SREX  

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But  Impacts  are  Uncertain  •  By  the  Jme  a  child  born  today  is  40  years  old,  storms  that  occurred  once  in  20  years  could  occur  once  in  10  years  

•  Or  5  years…  •  Or  18  years…  

Return  period  in  1981-­‐2000  =  20  years  

Source:  SREX  

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But  Impacts  are  Uncertain  •  By  the  Jme  a  child  born  today  is  40  years  old,  storms  that  occurred  once  in  20  years  could  occur  once  in  10  years  

•  Or  5  years…  •  Or  18  years…  

Return  period  in  1981-­‐2000  =  20  years  

Source:  SREX  

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Robust  Decision  Support1.  Develop  a  set  of  scenarios  2.  IdenJfy  indicators  for  desired  outcomes  3.  Propose  different  policy  packages  4.  Ask:  What  happens  to  the  indicators  under  

different  combinaJons  of  scenarios  and  policy  packages?  –  QualitaJve  models  –  QuanJtaJve  models

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QualitaJve  or  QuanJtaJve  Modeling

Policy  set  1 Policy  set  2 Policy  set  3Scenario  1Scenario  2Scenario  3Scenario  4

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QualitaJve  or  QuanJtaJve  Modeling

Policy  set  1 Policy  set  2 Policy  set  3Scenario  1Scenario  2Scenario  3Scenario  4

Can  we  combine  benefits?

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QuanJtaJve  ModelingPS  1 PS  2 PS  3 PS  4 PS  5 PS  6

Scenario  1Scenario  2Scenario  3Scenario  4Scenario  5Scenario  6Scenario  7Scenario  8Scenario  9Scenario  10Scenario  11

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QuanJtaJve  ModelingPS  1 PS  2 PS  3 PS  4 PS  5 PS  6

Scenario  1Scenario  2Scenario  3Scenario  4Scenario  5Scenario  6Scenario  7Scenario  8Scenario  9Scenario  10Scenario  11

Can  we  combine  benefits?

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Prac7cal  steps  for  RDS  with  a  quan7ta7ve  model  STEPS INPUT

1.  Iden7fying  key  organiza7on:  Actor  Mapping  

Series  of  stakeholder  engagement  meeJngs  2.  Problem  formula7on  :  


Robust  Strategy

4.  Large  ensemble  of  model  runs  5.  Scenario  explora7on  and  visualiza7on  

6.  Trade-­‐off  Analysis  

3.  Model  construc7on  

QuesJonnaire,  survey,  interview,  workshop,  literature  review  

Data  (climate  and  non-­‐climate),  computer,  experts,  meeJngs,  experiences  

Experts,  scripJng,  training  

SoMware,  data  visualizaJon  and  workshops  

SoMware,  data  visualizaJon  and  workshops  

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Thank  You!    

