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What is Project 2996?

Darryl Heron

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What is Project 2996?

On the left is the aboutStatement from the Project 2996 web site

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What is the Goal of Project 2996?

Project 2996 celebrates the lives of the September 11th victims viaonline tributes.

All of the victims where “real“ people and Project 2996 wants to see all them honored with a tibute by a real person.

By taking the time and energy to remember them we can keep them alive in our own memories. We can keep them alive for as long as we refuse to forget them.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Were all of the 2996 victims heroes?It‘s tough to admit, but the victims almost certainly includes people that some of us may not have liked. Some who died that day were already heroes many times over. Others were heroes to those who loved them. And for others we‘ll never know about the heroic things that they did in their final hours. Project 2996 is about making the people real to those of us who have never heard their stories.

What are your politics?Project 2996 is not right wing, left wing, centrist. For this part of our lives we put aside politics.

Project 2996 Merchandising?It may not seem like it these days, but some things are beyond money and it‘s influence. Futhermore, we don‘t have the time, energy, or bandwidth to properly investigate anyone that might want to sponsor the project or be licensed to “offer“ merchandise.

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Visit Project 2996‘s Web Site

Be sure to visit our web page at

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How to Participate

Best way to participate is to write a tribute of your own.

Go to the list (more about this futher in the presentation) and select someone that doesn‘t already have a tribute.

Do some research (more on this later in the presenation)

Write about the person, not their death. Tell us about who they were, what they liked, or why you might have like them.

Post the tribute on your blog or website.

Provide the link to us.

Spread the word (Facebook, Twitter, and so on).

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Frequently Asked Questions Cont.

“We Remember (a.k.a. The List“At the time of this screen capture there were 1274 victims without Project 2996 tributes. The list is broken down by flight#, Pentagon, and World Trade Center victims.

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Tips on Research

Have a look at what other people have done in their tributes. You can see the resources that they‘ve used and maybe pick up some other tips.

Try the following resources:

Go to your favorite seach engine. Be sure to type the victim‘s name in and 911, this will help to elminate pulling up information on people with similar names

You might need to dig deeper, but this will give you some starting points

For some of the victims there is very little information, in this case you might creat a more general tribute but we want a tribute for them as well.

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Be Sure To ‚Like Us‘ on Facebook

You can join the crowd of peple that “Like Us“ on Facebook.

You can receive status updates in Facebook on what Project 2996 is doing

You can share information about the victims you‘ve written tribute(s) about.

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Be Sure to Check Out

Project 2996

We Remember ‚The List‘

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The Project 2996 Group Board @ Pinterest

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