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Corporate and Individual Health and Wellness Coaching

Adrenal  Stress  Importance  of  Mindfulness  &  Nutri7on    in  addressing  Adrenal  Fa7gue  

HP  Live  January  18,  2013    

By  Lisa  Miles  Jackson    |    |    [email protected]      



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1.  State  of  the  Union  2.  Iden7fy  Signs  &  Symptoms  of  Adrenal  

Stress  3.  Overview  of  the  CNS,  PNS  &  SNS  4.  Die7ng  &  Fat  Metabolism  5.  Iden7fy  adrenal  stress  rela7ve  to  thyroid  

issues,  poor  blood  sugar  control,  unhealthy  gut,  hormonal  &  emo7onal  imbalances  

6.  Iden7fy  how  environmental  toxins  &  autoimmune  condi7ons  contribute  to  adrenal  stress  

7.  Treatments  &  Interven7ons  

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State  of  the  Union  

Over  65%  of  the  popula7on  is  obese    Diabetes  cost  Americans  $174  Billion  a  year  which  is  as  much  as  the  war  on  terror  in  Iran  and  Afghanistan.    1  out  of  3  children  born  a^er  2000  will  develop  diabetes  if  we  con7nue  the  SAD.      Modern  American  Supermarket  has  average  of  40,000  products,    mostly  Non  Food  or  GMO  foods  devoid  of  nutrients  and  packed  with  chemicals,  preserva7ves,  and  growth  hormones.        

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State  of  the  Union  

=  •  2/3  of  young  men  age  23  are  showing  signs  of  atherosclerosis.  Dr.  Neal  

Barnard,  MD  President  of  PCRM    •  Neal  Barnard,  MD  “the  standard  of  medicine  should  be  diet;  drugs  

should  be  complimentary”.    •  Average  American  eat  32  lbs  of  cheese  a  year  and  150  pounds  of  sugar!    

100  years  ago,  when  the  first  sugar  processing  plants  were  built  in  the  US,  the  average  American  ate  22  lbs  sugar  a  year.  

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State  of  the  Union  

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My  Daughter,  Guide  &  Inspira-on  

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Andrew  Weil,  MD  message  to  Congress  

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Central  Nervous  System  

Autonomic  Nervous  System    

Sympathe7c  Nervous  System  Controlled  by  conscious  thought  Fight  or  Flight  Adrenaline  &  Cor7sol    

Parasympathe7c  Nervous  System  Subconscious,  what  cannot  access  with  thoughts,    Heal  and  Repair  Runs  the  Diges7ve  System  

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Adrenal  Func7on  

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Signs  &  Symptoms  

Symptoms  run  the  gamut  from  being  too  wired  to  too  7red.  •  Headaches  with  physical  or  mental  stress  •  Weak  immune  system  •  Gastric  ulcers  •  Cranky  and  headache  or  shaky  or  lightheaded  if  meals  are  missed  or  delayed  •  craving  sweets,  caffeine,  cigarefes,  ea7ng  to  relieve  fa7gue  •  blurred  vision  •  Hypoglycemia  •  Dizziness  upon  standing  or  transient  spells  of  dizziness  •  Second  wind  effect  at  night  •  Fa7gue  not  relieved  by  rest,  cannot  fall  asleep,  cannot  stay  asleep  •  Crave  salt  •  Poor  recovery  from  exercise  •  Low  Blood  Pressure  (systolic  below  100)  •  Asthma,  hemorrhoids,  varicose  veins  

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Adrenal  Func7on  in  other  Health  condi7ons  

•  Alcoholism  &  Addic7on  •  Allergies  •  Autoimmune  Disease  •  Chronic  Fa7gue  Syndrome  •  Immunity  •  Dental  Health  •  Fibromyalgia  •  Herpes,  HIV  &  Hepa77s  C  •  Hypoglycemia  •  Mild  Depression,  PMS  &  Menopause  •  Sleep  Disrup7on  

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Adrenal  S-mulants  

Caffeine!Perception of pressure!Smoking!Workaholism !Addiction to improvement!Need to be in Control!Exercise!

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Diet  &  Fat  Metabolism  

Two  kinds  of  fuel  for  the  body  glucose  or  fat                      Need  restora7ve  prac7ce  in  life  so  the  body  is  safe  to  burn  fat  into  fuel.    Diaphragma7c  breathing.    

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Adrenals  &  Food  Intolerances  

Major  cause  of  Adrenal  stress  repeated  inges7on  of  a  food  in  which  a  person  has  an  immune  response.  This  chronic  immune  response  creates  a  chronic  stress  response  that  can  increase  the  inac7ve  form  of  reverse  T3  and  weaken  the  GI  tract.  

 The  Top  Ten  Food  Allergens  

1.  Wheat/gluten   6.  Shellfish  

2.  Dairy   7  Soy  

3.  Corn   8.  Oranges  

4.  Eggs   9.  Peanuts  

5.  Beef/Pork   10.  Refined  Sugars  

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Adrenal  Health  like  Thyroid  health  is  always  secondary  to  something  else    

Chronic  Adrenal  stress  and  Hypothyroidism  &  Hashimoto’s:    CASE  HISTORY  54  year  old  woman  treated  for  15  years  for  Hashimoto’s  in  Denver,  Boston  and  DC.    Figh7ng  Obesity,  Depression  &  Anxiety.    Difficulty  gepng  out  of  bed  in  the  morning.      Five  months  of  Health  Coaching,  Gluten  Free  Diet,  Yoga  &  Medita7on,  lab  results  normalizing,  returned  to  ac7vi7es  she  enjoys,  cooking    

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Adrenals  and  Sexual  Health  

35% of college age men are infertile. Infertility has risen sharply for females as well. Paul Pritchard, MS!!Overworked  Adrenals  con7nually  releasing  cor7sol  causes  the  pituitary  gland  to  become  sluggish  leading  to  low  progesterone  in  women  and  low  testosterone  in  men.  Adrenaline  will  shut  down  Progesterone.    Progesterone  is  an7depressant,  an7anxiety  and  diure7c.    Men  develop  breasts  and  low  libido,  Women,  PMS,  Depression,  anxiety,  fluid  and  weight  gain,  etc….  Prolonged  cor7sol  runs  down  liver’s  ability  to  detoxify  estrogens.    As  a  result,  estrogens  recirculate  in  more  toxic  form  in  the  bloodstream  raising  thyroid  binding  protein  levels.    Thyroid  cannot  get  into  the  cells.    

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Other  Adrenal  Considera-ons  

Chronic  Viruses  

Autoimmune  Response  

Environmental  Toxins  

Crea-ng  an  ongoing  vicious  cycle  

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•  Understand  emo7onal  landscape  •  Eat  real  food,  a  high  plant  diet  for  appropriate  

biochemical  responses.    (Liver  needs  broccoli,  kale,  cabbage  for  phase  2  pathway)  

•  Adrenal  support  needs  a  high  nutrient  diet  •  Eliminate  s7mulants,  caffeine,  sugar,  alcohol,  trans  fats,  

synthe7c  substances,  chemicals,  skin  care  •  Use  herbs  for  adrenals  •  Restora7ve  sleep  and  movement,  yoga,  diaphragma7c  

breathing,  medita7on,  prayer,  nature,  solitude  •  Gra7tude  &  kindness  •  Manage  stress  &  seek  support  from  a  holis7c  health  


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Thank  you      Lisa  Miles  Jackson  Carpe  Diem  Wellness  Corporate  &  Individual  Health  Coaching  703-­‐421-­‐7125  [email protected]      

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Let  it  Be  
