Page 1: What is a home warranty outlines edited


Landmark Home Warranty

Landmark Home Warranty will schedule a trusted contractor to repair or replace your failed appliance within 4 buisness hours.

If there are no contractors in your area, or if

there is a delay, Lanmdark will authorize you to get your own contractor.

-Repairs and replacements for your home systems and appliances including heating, cooling, plumbing, and electricity.

No bats, no hammers, no bombs! Covered systems must fail due to normal wear and tear. So, if homeowners’ appliances and home systems haven’t been maintained per manufacturer ’s reccomendations, Landmark Home Warranty may not be able to cover the item.

If the home is not involved in a real estate transtaction, homeowners have to wait for 30 days for coverage to begin.

If the appliance or system is covered, Landmark Home 

Warranty will send a trusted contractor to fix it. 


The contractor will diagnose the appliance or system, and will 

fix it after authorization from Landmark Home Warranty.

- A builders’ warranty- A warranty for the structural foundation of your house.
