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Mohammed Jiyadالطفولة

بالعربية کتابته أعيدي ثم النص .إقرأيWe're asking children in London and Cairo: What makes you happy? What makes you unhappy? And we have a song and story from Nader Abou el Fatouh.

Here are some of the answers we got for "What makes you happy?"


Singing the alphabet. My dog, Finlay. When we do DT - design and technology in school. Being with my friends and going on the trampoline . Chocolate and sweets. Playing board games. Playing football. Reading.

And "What makes you unhappy?"

When my sister is sad. Nothing! When people are rude to me and call me names. Having to play boring sports like golf and athletics. Science Most fruit. Vegetables. My brother annoying me!

Page 3: What do Rolling Stones guitarist Keith Richards, film actress ... · Web viewTitle What do Rolling Stones guitarist Keith Richards, film actress Marlene Dietrich and the actress who

الت يه ما الت تشعرك يالاشياء وتلك تجعلكي بالسعادة تعليق ؟ةحزين بالعربية كأکتبي .

العالم في ابتسامة أغلى

بالعربية کتابته أعيدي ثم النص .إقرأي

What do Rolling Stones guitarist Keith Richards, film actress Marlene Dietrich and the actress who stars in the American TV show Ugly Betty have in common?

They have all had parts of their body insured.

Keith Richards had his fingers insured, and Marlene Dietrich her legs.

Now actress America Ferrera, who plays Betty Suarez in the show Ugly Betty, has had her smile insured for $10 million dollars.

The insurance policy was taken out by a tooth product company that is working with the actress on a charity campaign.

In Ugly Betty she plays a classic ugly duckling who works for a fashion magazine. She wears garish clothes and has braces on her teeth.

The actress said she was "flattered" to have her smile insured for so much.

Insurance company Lloyds of London said they have 300 years experience dealing with strange insurance requests. Once a celebrity asked to have his chest hair insured!

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اكتبي جسمك؟ في بتأمينه تقومين قد الذي الجزء هو مابالعربيةك تعليق .

الامتحانات في الغش

بالعربية کتابته أعيدي ثم النص .إقرأيThe exam season starts today and this year exam authorities are using new technology to help stop cheating.

For the first time, radio frequency tags have been put on bundles of exam papers which are sent out by the authorities.

They say the new technology makes it easier to spot if bundles of papers have been tampered with.

Schools have tight security, but some papers do go missing. Some are stolen and sold. Others are distributed on the internet.

Reports of problems like this are few: out of 620,000 bags of exam papers sent out last year, there were only 70 reported problems.

Even so, the logistics of sending out alternative exam papers is very expensive.

But the biggest problem is that people lose faith in the exam system.

اكتبي الامتحانات؟ فى الغش لمنع الکلية تفعله الذي مابالعربيةك تعليق .

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وجواب سؤال

بالعربية کتابته أعيدي ثم النص .إقرأي

Talal Ali from Tanta in Egypt asks about the difference between "but" and "however".

But is often seen as stronger and more emphatic than however. It is also more common in spoken English as it sounds more natural.

However can be used in different places in a sentence: "He was angry. However, he didn't say anything about it." "He was angry. He didn't, however, say anything about it." "He was angry. He didn't say anything about it, however."We also have a question from Fouad in Morocco, who wants to know the difference between "I wish" and "I hope".

When you "hope" for something, you want it to happen, and think it is possible. "I hope Brazil win the World Cup." When you "wish" for something, you want it to happen, but know it is very unlikely, or even impossible. "I wish I was 10 years younger." Taghreed in Egypt asks which preposition goes before the word "holiday".

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The answer is "on": on holiday.

عطلت تقضي أن تحبين تعليق القادمة؟ كأين كأكتبي .بالعربية

رقما اختاري مسابقة

بالعربية کتابته أعيدي ثم النص .إقرأي

Our two contestants today are: Aasaan lives in Iraq. Learning English is his hobby!

Mohammed is in Egypt. He's a veterinarian.

Use the link on the bottom of the page to listen to the quiz.


1) A spelling question. (Listen to the program.)

2) If you are from Britain, you are British. If you are from France, you are____________.

3) The opposite of like is ___________

4) 2:30 and half past two are the same time - yes or no?

5) What is the past tense of send?

6) A mouse and a keyboard are part of a _____________.

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حياتك من فترة أي في فيها شارکت مسابقة عن أکتبي .المدرسية

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للاغاني يوروفيژن مسابقة

بالعربية کتابته أعيدي ثم النص .إقرأي

Today Lilianne is talking to John, who is at the Eurovision Song Contest in Finland.

In Helsinki John has been talking to fans of the competition.

Burhan has been a big fan of Eurovision since he was a boy. The first time he watched the contest on TV was in 1984.

Samantha is from Lebanon. She tells John that there is a possibility that the Lebanese star Mika might enter the contest next year. John has also heard rumors that there might be a Palestinian entry as well.

At the competition there is also a contest for amateur singers. Aida is one of the contestants. She lives in Finland but is from Iraq.

John says that he might enter the amateur competition next year.........maybe.

These people are big fans of Eurovision. Perhaps you are a fan of something else - football? - films?

اخر؟ شيء ام الافلام القدم، بكرة المعجبين من انت هلتعليق بالعربية أكتبي ك .

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اثار؟ باحثة تكوني ان تودين هل

بالعربية کتابته أعيدي ثم النص .إقرأي

Today Sam and Finn are talking about archaeology.

In the news an archaeologist has said that he has discovered the tomb of King Herod.

People are always very interested in archaeology. You often hear stories in the media about new discoveries.

In fact, in Britain there are television shows about digs.

And of course the popularity of archaeology is partly because of Hollywood films about the adventures of Indiana Jones.

These films are very exciting but is archaeology really that glamorous?

كنت اكتشافه؟ لو تودين الذي الشيء ما اثار أكتبيعالمة بالعربية تعليق ك .

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تستخدم ؟ يهل البديلة الطاقة ن

بالعربية کتابته أعيدي ثم النص .إقرأي

Here is an example of alternative energy. Car owners in Papua New Guinea can now use coconut oil as fuel instead of diesel.

Diesel is expensive on some parts of the island but there are lots of coconuts trees. People are now producing the oil in backyard refineries.

It is a sustainable fuel because you can keep planting coconut trees. Also it is environmentally friendly.

Locals like the coconut oil fuel. They say that it smells better than diesel!

Alternative energy is used in many part of the world.

In a sunny country you can use solar power.

Wave power is used near the sea.

Wind power is another kind of alternative energy.

البلاد؟ هذه في تـستخدم التي البديلة الطاقة انواع هي ماتعليق بالعربية أكتبي ك .

Page 11: What do Rolling Stones guitarist Keith Richards, film actress ... · Web viewTitle What do Rolling Stones guitarist Keith Richards, film actress Marlene Dietrich and the actress who

تخيط ملابسك يهل بعضها ن أو ؟،

بالعربية کتابته أعيدي ثم النص .إقرأي

Nowadays people don't make their own clothes. They usually buy them in a shop.

One reason is that no one knows how to sew any more.

A generation ago sewing was more popular. Also sewing used to be taught at school, but not any more.

When you ask someone if they can sew, they sometimes say yes, but that usually means that they can sew on a button! It doesn't mean that they can make their own clothes.

Handmade clothes can be beautiful. Handmade means someone made it by hand, not using a machine. Homemade means you made it at home, you didn't buy it.

تقومين انك ام باليد؟ خياطتها تمت ملابس لديك هلالاسواق؟ من جاهزة ملابسك تعليق بشراء كأكتبي


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معلمة؟ ام معلم يد على تعلمت هل

بالعربية کتابته أعيدي ثم النص .إقرأي

Think back to when you were at primary school. Was your teacher a man or a woman? Probably a woman.

Perhaps one reason is that teaching in primary school is a caring job. Children start school in Britain when they are 5 years old. Perhaps women are more caring than men and so they are better primary school teachers.

But not everyone would agree. Men can be caring as well!

Also, a male primary school teacher is a positive role model for boys.

In Britain the schools want to recruit more male teachers, but very few men apply for the job.

المدارس فى الرجال المعلمين عدد ان تعتقدين هليزداد؟ ان يجب رأي الابتدائية بالعربية أكتبي ك .

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الاذاعية؟ البرامج مقدمي عن الاستغناء يمكن هل

بالعربية کتابته أعيدي ثم النص .إقرأي

Today Somaya and John are talking about radio presenters. Will they soon be out of a job?

Digital technology is changing radio stations around the world. There are more stations and this means less money from advertising for each station.

One way for a station to save money is not to have radio presenters.

Some of the new stations now play music 24 hours a day.

There are no radio presenters!

Perhaps this is the future of radio.

Radio presenters are popular, but some people think that they are annoying. Perhaps a station that only plays music would be better.

مذيعين؟ بدون اذاعية محطة تفضلين رأي هل كأكتبي .بالعربية

Page 14: What do Rolling Stones guitarist Keith Richards, film actress ... · Web viewTitle What do Rolling Stones guitarist Keith Richards, film actress Marlene Dietrich and the actress who

كمفاجاة؟ الميلاد عيد بهدايا نحتفظ ان الواجب من هل

بالعربية کتابته أعيدي ثم النص .إقرأي

Should you ask for a present so that you know what you are getting or should your birthday present be a surprise?

In the survey 29 percent of British men say that they have been told by their wives exactly what they want for their birthdays.

Other men say that they know what present to buy because their wives drop heavy hints.

A present that you don't want can be a waste of money.

The reason a present is given to you is to make you happy. Perhaps people should say what they want so that no one has to guess.

But isn't it lovely to get a surprise present that you really like?

تستمتعي أم ميلادك لعيد هدية تختاري ان الأفضل، أيهمارأي بالمفاجأة؟ بالعربية أكتبي ك .

Page 15: What do Rolling Stones guitarist Keith Richards, film actress ... · Web viewTitle What do Rolling Stones guitarist Keith Richards, film actress Marlene Dietrich and the actress who

الأغاني خلال من تعلمي

بالعربية کتابته أعيدي ثم النص .إقرأي

In their song 'Bedshaped', British group Keane use the words don't laugh at me.

Eminem says don't moan in the song 'When I'm gone'. You can use it when you want someone to stop complaining.

Doing my own thing is a term from Ciara's song 'Like a boy'.

Benkara Ahcene from Algeria wants to hear Sting and Cheb Mami's beautiful song Desert Rose'. Listen out for the saying I dream.

‘Walking on Sunshine' by Jennifer Lopez features the expression stand the test of time.

Phoney is a word from Justin Timberlake's popular song 'Like I love you'.

In the song 'Marblehead Johnstone, the Bluetones use the phrase the pressure's on.

ما أغنية هناك کانت إن الصفحة اسفل الإستمارة ملء رجاء فقطما؟ لشخص ما أغنية إهداء تريدين هل إليها؟ الإستماع تريدين

Your name

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Your town and country

Your phone number

Your email

Name and town of the friend

تحبينها أکتبي اغنية بالعربية نص .

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المكتب في رشيقة كوني

بالعربية کتابته أعيدي ثم النص .إقرأي

Today Sam and Kaz are talking about a new way to exercise while we work. Do you spend most of your day sitting in an office?

Obesity experts in the USA have developed a vertical workstation that allows you to work and work out at the same time.

The workstation is made up of a treadmill and a frame. Office equipment like laptops and phones can be clipped onto the frame.

The idea is that people can talk on the phone and answer emails while burning off calories on the treadmill.

Tests have been done which show that the machine could help obese people lose up to 30kg a year.

But there are a few problems. People say it is not easy to balance a laptop on the frame. Typing can also be difficult while walking.

And above all, keeping concentration is a problem.

العمود المكتب أكتبي يهل السمنة؟ لمحاربة جيدة وسيلة بالعربية رأي ك .

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تتصدع الخالدة روما آثار

بالعربية کتابته أعيدي ثم النص .إقرأي

Today Sam and Kaz are talking about the ancient architecture of Rome. Rome is known as "the eternal city".

But now, some of Rome's most famous ancient buildings like the Coliseum and the Forum are beginning to crack and crumble.

The hills on which Rome is built have become unstable through years of tunneling and digging, as well as through changes in weather conditions.

The problem, of course, is money.

It costs millions to protect the treasures of ancient Rome. There are too many monuments and not enough money to pay for maintenance and repairs, especially with new discoveries being made every year.

Experts say that the problem could be solved by investing more of the profits from tourism to protect these monuments.

At present tourism accounts for 10% of the GDP. But economists say that with proper investment it could reach 20%.

المبان على المحافظة يجب للأبد؟ يهل القديمة والاثار رأي بالعربية أكتبي ك .

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الصلع تحارب وراثية جينة

ثم النص کتابته إقرأي أعيدي.بالعربية

Today Sam and Kaz are talking about baldness. Many people worry about going bald, and most men lose hair as they get older.

But new research from the University of Pennsylvania suggests baldness might not be irreversible.

The human head has 100,000 tiny hair follicles, from each of which grows a single hair.

It was thought that these hair follicles, once damaged, could never be replaced.

Scientists now say that hair growth can be encouraged with a single gene.

The gene is called wnt and is important in healing wounds. If it is boosted new hair follicles are produced.

So far tests have only been done on mice, but scientists feel confident the technology could be transferred to humans.

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معارف عانيهل من أحد تعتقد كي هل الصلع؟ ان ينمن سيساعد الصلع محاربة فى الاخير إکتبي ؟هالتطور

بالعربية كتعليق .

ومسابقات أسئلة

بالعربية کتابته أعيدي ثم النص .إقرأي

Today with Khaled Abol Naga, it's the quiz special! In the program we have lots of quizzes and lots of questions.

Here's some of the questions Khaled asks the contestants:

Which 'e' is a large grey animal?

Do you apply to or apply for a job?

Do we say it's a sunshiny day or a sunny day?

How do you say rainbow in Arabic?

Which is correct: he was born or he was borned?

Do we say we are saving for a rainy day or for a windy day?

If someone is hard up are they rich or poor?

Where do you go to post a letter?

To get drugs from a pharmacy do you need a prescription or a receipt?

How do you say traffic jam in Arabic?

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If you eat fast are you gobbling or gabbling?

Which is correct: I get to home at 7pm or I get home at 7pm?

What's the opposite of agree?

Pigeon, eagle and stork are all types of what?

In the US we call it a purse - what do we call it in British English?

How do you say continent in Arabic?

Abigail and Khaled also get into the spirit of the program and ask each other questions. Listen to the audio to find out who wins!

Finally Abigail and Khaled talk about some of the language that comes up in the quizzes: idioms such as ' a piece of cake', 'not my cup of tea' and 'too many cooks spoil the broth'.

ترغب ف يف ينهل النوع مسابقة يالمشاركة هذا ؟من تعليق اكتب /ي لا نعم الجواب کان إذا عما النظر بغض ك .

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بالعربية کتابته أعيدي ثم النص .إقرأي

In London we're asking How British do you feel? and What makes you who you are? Most people say they feel "very British", although one woman says "I'd like to think we're European as well".

So your nationality makes you who you are - but what else? One man says that whatever you enjoy makes you who you are. And a woman says that being a writer and having the freedom of speech to do that makes up her identity.

So what makes an Egyptian? One Cairo resident says "What makes me Egyptian is the ability to communicate with every other nationality." According to another woman, people in Egypt are kind, helpful and generous.

Cath and Khaled also talk about new words that are used to describe people. For example the word neek is made from two words:

nerd ( يتسم باجهزة شخص هوس لديه وعادة الشديد بالذكاء and (الكمبيوتر

geek ما وعادة بالذكاء يتسم نفسه شخص على منطويا ،يكونف سيءالملابس يوذوقه ). Put them together and you've got neek! The

opposite of neek is dude

( ف وصف وذوقهم الشعبية اصحاب كالملابس يللاشخاص امورممتاز .Dudes are safe .(والموسيقى

شخصيتك يلذا ما اكتب وهويتك يشكل بالعربية كتعليق ي؟ .

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الحياة من دروس

بالعربية کتابته أعيدي ثم النص .إقرأي

We asked people in London and Cairo what lessons they've learned from life. Here are some of the answers we got. "Never take things too seriously." "Well, I've learnt so many lessons but mainly to be helpful and kind with people." "Live life as you mean to go on" and "live every day as if it's your last one." "Treat others as you'd like to be treated yourself". "Do it now because you'll never know if you'll have another chance!" Cath and Khaled also talk about how important it is in English to be polite. In a café don't just say "Orange juice" say "Orange juice, please". And don't forget to say thank you.

ه الت يما الحياة؟ تعلمت يالدروس من تعليق ها كأکتبي .بالعربية

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بالعربية کتابته أعيدي ثم النص .إقرأيThis week with Khaled Abo Al Naga there's no time to rest - because the theme is work. We asked "What's the secret to success at work?"

The answer depends a lot on your line of work. So, for example, we asked a lawyer, and that's quite a traditional profession. Lawyers are expected to train for a long time and work long hours to earn their success. This lawyer said the secret to success is "hard work, intelligence, dedication".

When we asked a student, she said it is important to set yourself a goal, because it's easy to get distracted. Students have to be self-motivated, because they work by themselves. Three different management consultants said you need to take risks and be a good communicator.

In Cairo several people mentioned one thing, which not one single person in London mentioned. That was religious faith. Lots of people in Cairo said that faith in God was a good way to be successful at work. Abigail and Khaled talk about some useful phrases from the world of work. If you need to start working hard on something you might use knuckle down. 'I've got exams next week, I'd better 'knuckle down' You might see us in our office, working hard and say 'they were all busy, heads down, working.'

But 'heads up' isn't the opposite of 'heads down'. A heads up is a kind of warning. If there's an important test coming up at college I might give you a 'heads up'.

ف النجاح وراء السر اكتب يما تعليق العمل؟ .كي بالعربية

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وانغام موسيقى

بالعربية کتابته أعيدي ثم النص .إقرأي

Cathy and Khaled Abol Naga have got lots of music because it's the song program. Cath and Khaled talk about the Eurovision song contest which is on this week. It's a huge TV show where 42 members of the European Broadcasting Union compete to see who has the best song.

This year the contest is held in Finland because the Finnish band called Lordi was the winner last year.

Cath and Khaled talk about the UK entry "Flying the Flag". Listen to the audio to hear the song and find out what people in London think of it. One word that many people use about it is cheesy.

Cath gives Khaled a new phrase: "ear worm" - literally. This is when a song gets stuck in your head. Maybe "Flying the Flag" will be your "ear worm" this week?

They also talk about terms of endearment like darling, mate, babe and baby. And Khaled teaches Cath some useful Arabic phrases!

Lastly, something very special. Khaled and Camilia sing a duet, the classic "I Got You Babe" by Sonny and Cher!

لك اتيحت ف لو الغناء يورفي يفرصة ماه ژمسابقة ين الت اكتب نستغني يالاغنية بالعربية ها؟ نصها ي .

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کريم رمضان

بالعربية کتابته أعيدي ثم النص .إقرأي

Ramadan Karim! Happy Ramadan! We're finding out how listeners are celebrating the month in Egypt and the UK. We are asking people 'What does Ramadan mean to various people?'. Abeer says Ramadan means fasting, resting, spending time with family, eating, watching TV and listening to Sheherazade and 'The Thousand and One Nights'

Cath in London talks to Saad who is studying in Sheffield, UK. He says Ramadan gives him an overview a way to examine our relationship with our creator. He waits with eagerness for this month. In England he gets together with other Egyptian families and goes to the mosque and organizes events. Dalia from Khartoum has been living in London for four years. She has two children. As a Muslem, Ramadan has a deeper meaning to Dalia - a month for worship and mercy.

Khalid is joined by Sean from London in the studio. He's blind-folded and trying to guess which Ramadan foods he is eating without being able to see them. Some foods are lumpy, cold, fruity or wet. Cath and Khalid talk about the stories we listen to during Ramadan. Cath says some of the stories from 'The Thousand and One Nights' are well-known in the UK - 'Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves' and 'Aladdin' are performed as musical plays 'pantomimes' at Christmas time.

When we tell a story we often start it by saying 'Once upon a time. We know we're at the end of the story when we hear the words 'And they all lived happily ever after'.

" بالعربيةقصة ي أكتب وتنتهي " ، يوم ذات بعبارة بـتبدأ سعادة " في الأبد عاشوا إلی !

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الحب عيد

بالعربية کتابته أعيدي ثم النص .إقرأيAbeer, Cath, Alice, Khaled, Sean and all the team wish everyone a very happy Eid as we look back on some of the items and messages we had during a peaceful and lovely Ramadan. We also look forward to the next program which will be broadcast on Khaled's birthday and just before Egypt's Valentine's Day.

If you'd like to send birthday wishes to Khaled or have a message for loved ones - or perhaps you want us to play a song for someone special please send us an email below. During the special programs for Ramadan, we received many lovely messages. You can hear Hosam El Sokkari, Head of the Arabic Service, talking to Inas Gohar on today's audio links.

You can also hear Andrew Thompson, Head of Learning English, talking about the favorite parts of his job! and his favorite Ramadan sweets. We also had a very nice message from Ahmed, one of the many devoted listeners to BBC. Have a listen to all these messages at the top of the page.

Coming soon - Khaled's birthday. How do you celebrate your birthday? Why not tell us your star sign and a little about your personality? And what about love? Why not tell us what you feel love is all about? What is love? In the next two programs, we'll be talking about dreams Do you dream? What kind of dreams do you have?

We'll also have a special program for and about kids. Do you have any children? Or younger brothers or sisters? Maybe they would like to tell us about what they love?

ل قـدمت هدية أجمل عن بالعربية الحب كأکتبي عيد في .

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ندم لحظة

بالعربية کتابته أعيدي ثم النص .إقرأي

This week with Khaled Abol Naga we're talking about regrets. Abeer and Alice talk to people in Cairo and London. They asked them: "Do you have any regrets?" This is what they said.

"Things I should have done and things I wished I'd said."

"I used to play the guitar when I was about 16 years old and then I gave it up. I regret not having kept it up because by now I might be quite good!"

"My only regret is that I should have studied harder at school and I wouldn't be having to make up for it right now."

"I do regret not having spent more time with my grandfather before he died."

"I regret getting very busy with my life to the extent that I didn't tell my best friend how important he is to, kept delaying it, until I lost him in an accident."

In the language chat Khaled and Alice discuss phrases we use when we talk about regrets; such as I should have.. I wish I had... or If I could change things, I would

Alice also mentions that in English we sound as if we are saying sorry all the time! For example, if you want someone's attention you would say "Sorry, excuse me.... ، " or if you didn't hear what someone said you may say just "Sorry? "But remember - this `sorry' is not an apology!

تشعر لحظات ين هل او مواقف على الندم أو بالاسف أکتبي بها؟ مررت بالعربية كتعليق معينة .

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السعادة أسباب

بالعربية کتابته أعيدي ثم النص .إقرأي

We're talking today about what makes us happy!

When you feel down - what makes you happy? Abeer and Abigail have been asking people in London and Cairo what makes them feel happy.

Here are some of their answers - listening to music, looking out of the window, sunshine, flowers, having a coffee with friends, seeing the sea, reading, swimming, meeting friends, writing short stories and eating delicious food.

One man says that seeing the smile on the face of a small child makes him happy. Another man says that having dinner with his wife makes him feel happy.

One woman says that removing the problem - getting rid of the problem - solving the problem - makes her feel happy. Another woman says that she feels happy when she's being stupid - thinking up funny scenarios. Or thinking nice thoughts.

Some people say shopping makes them feel happy. A little bit of retail therapy stops them from feeling down.

سعيدة يجعلك ا بالعربيةعم .أكتبي

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بالعربية کتابته أعيدي ثم النص .إقرأي

What are you frightened of? Abeer and Alice have been out and about on the streets of Cairo and London asking this question to find out what scares people there. One man says he is scared of failure.

We also hear from people who are scared of heights, the dark and creepy crawlies, especially spiders. A strange fear we hear about is evil clowns, and one woman even says she is scared of her husband.

Khaled gets scared to death when he thinks something has crept into the studio with him. He and Alice discuss what we say when we are scared such as " I was petrified" (literally, turned to stone!). Or if something freaks you out or is really spooky you could say "I was terrified”. If something is that scary it will probably give you nightmares.

. يأخبر مم نفسك عن اكتب ينتخاف نا ؟ ولماذا ا ؟ عم ي يخيفك .

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المنزلية الحياة

بالعربية کتابته أعيدي ثم النص .إقرأي

Khaled Abol Naga and Abeer this week are talking about home. We're asking people in Cairo and London about what home means to them and whether they live with family or on their own.

A woman in Cairo tells Abeer that for her, home means family and rules. She says that she tried to move out, but found it very hard because people are narrow-minded about young people living on their own. A woman says home is boring because of the routine, nothing new to do and people interfering in her life all the time. She says she has a plan to move out. A third woman says that home gives her security, confidence and familiarity. She says that no one judges her and she can chill out.

In London a student tells Abigail that home means comfort, warmth, home cooking, and getting his clothes washed. A student from the United States says that she lives in halls of residence for students. Home is where her parents live. A French student says he shares a flat with his classmate from France. He says home means harmony and being relaxed. He thinks it's a peaceful place.

Abigail and Khaled talk about some of the words and phrases connected to home. They talk about housework, warmth, confidence, harmony and the places where people feel at home - where they feel relaxed.

لك بالنسبة المنزل كلمة تعني مکان ؟ماذا عن أکتبي بالعربية كسکن .

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بالغيرة الشعور

بالعربية کتابته أعيدي ثم النص .إقرأيThis week with Khaled Abol Naga we're talking about jealousy. What makes you jealous? We're asking people in Cairo and London.

In Cairo, a man tells Abeer that jealousy can be stimulating. He says if you are jealous of someone at work it makes you want to perform better. But he also thinks jealousy can have a bad effect on relationships and may destroy them. Another person Abeer chats to says she is not the jealous type. She says if you're in a relationship with someone you have to trust them. And if you don't trust them, that's when you might get jealous.

Finally in Cairo, a man says that jealousy is not a word in his dictionary. He says if people are confident they won't get jealous. At work he thinks jealousy can be a positive thing and push you to improve yourself. But if you want to get what others have, then it would be envy and not jealousy.

Abigail also asks people in London what makes them jealous. One woman thinks you have to feel passionate to get jealous so it's not always negative. But she says jealousy can obviously cloud your judgment and be very destructive.

A man says in marriage jealousy is inevitable. But jealousy is not just about relationships; he says he visited friends in the countryside and got jealous because they had a big garden and a lot of space.

Also in the program, Abigail tells Khaled about some slang English; different ways of saying 'I said', such as "I went" and "I was like".

يجعلك ما تعليق بالغيرة ينتشعر الذي أکتبي بالعربية ك؟ .

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بالعربية کتابته أعيدي ثم النص .إقرأي

What's the best thing about being a woman? And what's the worst thing? We ask women in Cairo and London and get some very interesting answers. Here are a few of the words you'll hear.

she can have it all, superwoman, have a fantastic figure, independent, feminine, prejudice against women as leaders of society, getting our own way, being pampered, impulsive, sensitive

Cath and Abeer also talk about different ways we can talk about women in English; for example is Abeer a girl, a woman, or a lady?

Cath explains that lady is a rather old-fashioned word now. Girl is usually used for someone who's quite young, for example a schoolgirl.

However, sometimes it can refer to older women too; such as in phrases like girl power (the idea that the idea that women and girls should be confident and achieve things independently of men) and girls' night out, where a group of women of any age go for a night out without any men.

They decide in the end that Abeer is a woman! And there's a surprise guest on the telephone; Nancy Agram calls in to talk about what she likes about being a woman. Listen in as she gives us an exclusive performance of her new song and makes a very exciting promise.

النساء إحدی مع قصيرة مقابلة نص بالعربية .أکتبي

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We heard different views from men in London. The first man felt that men and women are on an equal footing nowadays. Another felt that men are still given some sort of supremacy in the workplace, in terms of promotions and pay.

One man in London says that the best thing about being a man is that you don't have to have kids and stay at home. Some men might prefer that to going to work!

Both the men in London and in Cairo say that the best thing about being a man is that you have more freedom, more independence. A man in Cairo says that men can make their own choices! What do you think? Email us below.

One man in London says the worst thing about being a man is that it's harder for men to show their emotions. Most of the men in Cairo, however, mention the pressure of financial and family responsibilities.

Sean and Khaled also talk about fashion news for men. In the UK tartan and check are in - a kind of Scottish or cowboy look - and ripped jeans are out.

They then talk about gifts for men. Gadgets are popular as boys' toys and Khaled likes the sound of the vibrating chair for men who like to play computer games. He's not so keen on the salt-shaker that shakes itself!

If you are a man, would you say you are a guy, a bloke, a new man, or an alpha male? Sean and Khaled talk about what it means to be a bloke who likes traditionally male things like football and cars. A bloke is a bit macho but not as macho as an alpha male who is very macho and likes to be the leader. They agree that they are probably both new men who can show their

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emotions. Sean says that he 'wears his heart on his sleeve' and learns that the equivalent Arabic expression is to 'hold your heart in your palm'. Finally, Khaled and Sean talk about male grooming!

Here are some of the jokes you can hear too - check the audio links above for the Arabic translations:

Q: Why is psychoanalysis a lot quicker for a man than for a woman? A: Because when it's time to go back to his childhood, he's already there.

Q: What's the difference between a man and E.T.? A: E.T. phones home.

Q: Why are men like computers? A: Because they're difficult to understand and never have enough memory!

الرجال أحد مع قصيرة مقابلة نص بالعربية .أکتبي

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الفراغ أوقات

بالعربية کتابته أعيدي ثم النص .إقرأي

What do you do in your spare time? That's what we're talking about today with Khaled Abol Naga. Spare time; some people have a lot, and some people don't have any at all!

Cath and Abeer talk to people in Cairo and London about what they do in their time off.

Lots of people like hanging out, or chilling with their friends. Some have hobbies, such as gardening, painting and drawing.

One woman in London says she does housework in her spare time (poor thing!) and another likes to sing karaoke - something that's very popular in the UK at the moment.

In the program, Cath and Khaled also talk about some English phrases you won't find in a dictionary. Cath has been watching Big Brother a reality TV program that everyone is obsessed with in the UK this summer. She talks about some of the language the housemates use.

They call each other babe or babes all the time, and they think their friends in the house are mint and fierce two words for saying you think people are great. But not all of them get on; there's a lot of back-stabbing in the house.

تقضي اكتب نكيف ؟ الفراغ .كتعليق يأوقات بالعربية

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والتوتر القلق

بالعربية کتابته أعيدي ثم النص .إقرأي

We're talking to people in Cairo and London about what makes them feel stressed and what they do to beat it.

A woman in Cairo tells Abeer that she gets stressed because of work, traffic jams and the hot weather. She says that she overcomes and beats stress by playing sport, going out, shopping and taking holidays. One man says that there are many reasons that make him feel stressed. He says most of the time he feels pressured because of work and he copes with stress by playing sports. Another woman says that she gets stressed out when she is tired and has to do a certain amount of things in a certain amount of time. She dreams of having 30 hours in a day instead of 24 and also perhaps 8 days a week rather than 7! She copes with stress by shutting herself away from the things that put pressure on her. For example, she switches off her mobile phone and doesn't answer the door.

Three students in London tell Cath that they feel under pressure because of exams. They cope with stress in different ways. One student says that he studies as hard as he can to make sure he does well. Another says he copes with pressure by walking around the city. The third student says that he ignores it and sets goals and tries to achieve them. One woman says that her boss is horrible and he stresses her out. She says that she deals with the stress by chanting. Another woman says her partner stresses her out because he doesn't tidy up. And she copes with it by having a relaxing bath!

لك ما يسبب تنجح الذي وكيف والتوتر التغلب يالقلق في ن تعليق عليه أکتبي بالعربية ك؟ .

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بالأحراج الشعور

بالعربية کتابته أعيدي ثم النص .إقرأيWhat's your most embarrassing moment? Abeer and Cath have finding out what makes people embarrassed in Cairo and London.

In London, people talk about getting embarrassed when they fall over or say the wrong thing at the wrong time.

In Cairo, a woman gets really embarrassed when she remembers the first meal she cooked for her husband. And another remembers how she laughed when someone told her they loved her.

Cath and Khaled discuss language we use to say we are embarrassed. A lot of phrases in English describe how you look when you're embarrassed; you go red in the face, you blush.

If something's embarrassing we say it's cringeworthy or cringemaking. If you cringe you curl up with embarrassment. And something you'll hear teenagers saying; it's shameful !

بالعربية تعرضت أکتبي محرج موقف عن له قصة .

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بالعربية کتابته أعيدي ثم النص .إقرأيWhat makes you laugh? Khaled and Cath talk about what makes people laugh in Cairo and London.

In Cairo one lady tells Abeer that people with a sense of humor make her laugh as well as comedians especially comedians from the 40s and 50s. But it's not just people who make us laugh - Abeer talks to one woman who says her cat makes her laugh!

Another woman in Cairo says she likes sarcasm. She laughs a lot and she says her laugh comes from her heart. Cath points out that in the UK we'd call a laugh like that a belly laugh.

So what makes people laugh in London? There are lots of different answers - one person said `Everything!' and another person said 'Nothing!'.

In London the stand-up comedian Ricky Gervais is very popular, he stars in a sit-com called 'The Office'. One woman mentions the comedian Ali G and told Cath that people love sketch shows like Little Britain.

Cath and Khaled also talk about different ways we can check if people understand what we are saying; using phrases like `... you know what I mean?`, ` know?` and `..... you get me?'. Sometimes if someone tells you a joke, for example, and you don't understand it, we say you don't get it.

الترفيه وبرامج النکات تحبين المسلية هل والعروض ب ؟القصيرة يضحكك اأکتبي عما لعربية .

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الإنسانية العلاقات

بالعربية کتابته أعيدي ثم النص .إقرأي

Abeer and Abigail go out on the streets to find out if people in Cairo and London want the same thing from a relationship. They ask "What do you look for in a relationship?".

Abeer finds that in Cairo people want respect, love and understanding from their relationships. People also mention trust, honesty and, of course, passion.

Abigail gets some slightly different answers in London. She finds it's important for Londoners to be with someone who doesn't take themselves too seriously and who can have a laugh. One woman is very honest and says has to be with someone who's good-looking.

Abigail and Khaled also look at the language we use when we're talking about relationships; about breaking up and making up.

Perhaps you're lucky and you've found the one the person you will be with for the rest of your life. Or perhaps you're not so lucky; you're seeing someone but things don't work out, you get dumped!

عنك عم وماذا ؟ ينتبحث ؟ الإنسانية العلاقات أکتبيفي بالعربية كتعليق .

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بالعربية کتابته أعيدي ثم النص .إقرأيAbeer and Cath have been out and about on the streets of Cairo and London to find out how welcoming we are to tourists. They ask people how we can make sure tourists have a good time when they visit our cities.

People in Cairo and London agree on one thing - we should smile at tourists! Also, we should give them lots of information about where to go - and not just the normal tourist destinations .

We hear from one woman who says that if you are a tourist in Cairo it's important to know how to haggle; so she gives us a lesson. However - one Londoner thinks that it's up to tourists to have a good time. "I think we just provide the best that we can and that the rest is up to them" she says.

Most people agree there's a big difference between western and eastern cultures; it's important that tourists learn about the differences and don't get culture shock. One thing that might help British tourists is if they learn some Arabic.

Khaled and Cath also talk about the sort of language you can use to talk about your favorite music.

They discuss the band Goldfrapp: the music is quite chilled out but it's got a good beat. So you can listen to it before you go to a party just to get you in the mood.

Another band that's very popular in the UK at the moment is Snow Patrol. They are a traditional guitar band, with catchy melodies.

بالعربية السابق أکتبي في بها قـمت سياحية سفرة عن .

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القدم ح كرة مى

بالعربية کتابته أعيدي ثم النص .إقرأي

We're asking people in Cairo and London which teams they'd like to see in the World Cup final.

A football fan in Cairo tells Abeer that he wants to see France and Germany in the final. He says France is the best team in the world and he wants them to win the trophy. A woman in Cairo says she wants to see Brazil and Argentina in the final. She says that both teams have something magical about their touch.

In London, a fan tells Cath that a final between Brazil and England would be a terrific game. A lady from Japan who lives in London, says she wants to see Brazil and Japan because it will be a good match. Two friends hope for a Serbian-French final, but one worries about their friendship because they might fall out as a result. One of them thinks that England shouldn't win because the England coach is too adventurous and experimental in his team selection. Khaled also spoke to Sean who used to teach English and went to both the finals of the African Cup and the last World Cup final in Japan. Sean says that he had a fantastic time. He tells Khaled about his experience and also explains the meanings of words like supporter, fanatical and phrases like level playing field.

الفرق بالعربية أکتبي أي التي عن صعودها ينتود الرياضية النهائي؟ الدوري الى

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بالعربية کتابته أعيدي ثم النص .إقرأي

During the program Cath tries out some Egyptian food; felafal, hummus, eggplant dip, apricots and nuts. And Khaled is tucking in to some typical British summer food; cucumber sandwiches and strawberries and cream.

The question Cath and Abeer ask this week is "What's the best meal you've ever had?" There are some surprising answers, such as pickled fish and a chocolate fountain.

One American visitor to London says the best meal he ever had was fish and chips at the pub. And we hear about some traditional Egyptian meals such as molokhia and basbousa.

Some of the people Cath and Abeer talk to say that they have had great meals abroad, but most agree that home cooking is best!

Cath and Khaled also talk about slang ways to talk about food. Many students in the UK live on pasta dishes such as spag bol (short for spaghetti bolognaise).

Takeaways are very popular, so you may hear someone say "Let's have an Indian" or "Let's have a Chinese". And of course everyone loves a good fry-up; a traditional English breakfast (cooked with bacon and eggs).

عنك ماه وماذا تناولت ي؟ وجبة كتعليق أکتبيها؟ أفضل .بالعربية

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بالعربية کتابته أعيدي ثم النص .إقرأي

Alice and Abeer have been out and about on the streets of London and Cairo to find out what's in and what's out. What's hot and what's not!

In Cairo and London accessories are in, especially beads, and the gypsy look is in with long, loose skirts.

Hobo chic is now out of fashion; Alice talks about Kate Moss, a model who used to love hobo chic clothes.

For men this summer in London the look is smart shirts in pastel colors.

Abeer talks to a veiled woman who says she likes loose clothes, that she can feel comfortable in.

People like to wear clothes that express their personality; one girl with pink hair tells Alice that she loves bright colors.

What's in and out in the English language? Alice and Khaled talk about the latest ways of saying something is really good. Fab is out; cool is in.

تقيم ما حيث الموضة صيحات أحدث وما ينهي الذي ؟ الثاني؟ الصف إلى بالعربية كتعليق أکتبي تراجع .

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والمشاعر الصداقة

بالعربية کتابته أعيدي ثم النص .إقرأي

In Cairo people tell Abeer about their best friends. They say that their friends are sincere, faithful, trustworthy and helpful. They go out together, spend time together, trust each other, enjoy each other's company and support each other. They understand each other.

One man says that his best friend is someone from whom he may learn something. His impact should be constructive. Abeer asks people what a good friend adds to your life. One woman says that a good friend cheers her up when she's feeling depressed. She's always there for her. She learns from her problems and from her advice.

Cath says that in English we don't usually refer to things as friends, e.g. sports, books etc. She asks people in England about their best friends. One man tells her that his girlfriend is his best friend. She puts up with him and she's always there for him. One woman says that she has a circle of friends she can rely on them, she can always trust them and they're fun to be with.

عن بالعربية تحب أکتبي التى شخصيات يالأشياء فى نها العادات أصدقائك، منها وتلك يتخلصوا أن تتمنين التي .

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والأجازات العطل

بالعربية کتابته أعيدي ثم النص .إقرأي

Cath and Abigail are on holiday, so Khaled in Cairo speaks to Alice in London who has just returned from holiday. She's been on vacation in Florida.

Khaled and Alice talk about some holiday language. You can chill out at the beach, unwind with friends in a park. You can take a break from work or take it easy for a couple of days. Whatever you do-don't forget to relax!

It's spring break in Florida and students are chilling out at the beach and partying late into the night. Alice took lots of holiday snaps - photographs.

She went on a boat trip to look at the houses of rich and famous who live on Star Island just outside Miami. Khaled says he doesn't have a house there -yet! She also went snorkeling and saw lots of beautiful fish and sea creatures under the sea.

تتمن يحدث إين أحلامك عطلة عن تذهب يننا الأشياء يأن ما ؟ أيضاوفعلها؟ ينتود يالت

الماضية؟ الربيع عطلة يتقض كيفبالعربية نا يأخبر

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رمضان شهر

بالعربية کتابته أعيدي ثم النص .إقرأي

Ramadan Karim! Happy Ramadan! This week with Khaled Abol Naga, we're finding out how people enjoy Ramadan where they live and where else they would like to spend it. We talk to listeners in Cairo and the UK.

Our first caller is Najad, who's been living in Leeds, UK, for 4 years. He's from Iraq and says he would like to spend Ramadan at home in Kirkuk.

Two other listeners, Hoda and Mohammed say that they would like to spend Ramadan in Saudi Arabia, to "enjoy the fantastic spiritual sensation there". Cath asks Mohammed what the most precious thing about Ramadan is for him: he says its the month of mercy and forgiveness and a chance for everybody to be near Allah.

Mohammed is a pharmacist; Khaled is interested to find out what the most asked-for medication is during Ramadan. Rather unsurprisingly he says people need something to help their digestion.

Cath is learning Arabic but finding it quite hard; so she's decided to concentrate on words that are used in English that are Arabic. You'd be surprised how many there are! For example, when Cath was at school she studied algebra and her favorite stories are ones such as Aladdin, with genies in them. Other Arabic words she mentions are camel, safari and the slang expression "have a shufti" for have a look at something.

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الكريم ينتحب هل رمضان شهر القاهرة قضاء أکتبي؟ في بالعربية كتعليق .

سعيدة جديدة سنة

بالعربية کتابته أعيدي ثم النص .إقرأي

Are you optimistic about 2007? What are you looking forward to in the New Year. Do you have any New Year's resolutions?

In London people are optimistic, but one man said New Year's Eve always flops. He thinks it's cool to get together with family and friends but he doesn't make any New Year's resolutions.

In Cairo one man is pessimistic. He says that 2007 will have the same problems and conflicts as every year.

One woman is happy about the New Year. Her New Year's resolution is to travel to places she has never been before with her friends.

Another man hopes the world will be a better place. He thinks it will be a nice year. He hopes the wars in Palestine and Iraq will end. His New Year's resolution is to become professional at table tennis. He also wants to make lots of new friends.

Khaled wants to walk down the red carpet at Cannes in 2007 and win the best actor award

تشعر ام ينهل عن بالتفائل القا التشائم يه وما دمالعام الت والاشياء أکتبي خلال تحقيقها يف ينترغب يقراراتك ه؟

بالعربية كتعليق .

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الميلاد عيد

بالعربية کتابته أعيدي ثم النص .إقرأي

We ask people in London and Cairo "What's the most important thing about Christmas for you?"

Of course most people are really excited, but not everybody. One man says that he objects to the entire event because of the profits that companies make at Christmas.

And another woman says that for her Christmas is like every other day. But most people agree that friends and family are important and, of course, presents!

Christmas is a time for going out to parties and enjoying yourself. Cath tells Khaled that what you don't want when you're going to a party is a bad hair day; when you are feeling down and depressed.

And if you get to the party, there'll be a lot of air kissing. She also tells him another word for cool - listen in to find out what it is.

ا بالعربية أکتبي الميلاد ع حتفالاتعن مدينت يد كفي .

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العضلات شيخوخة

بالعربية کتابته أعيدي ثم النص .إقرأيNew research shows that exercise is the way to stay young and fit into old age.

Over 65s were asked to do regular weight training twice a week, for six months. It seemed to reverse the signs of ageing in the muscles.

The muscles got stronger, and they became as active as those of people in their 20s.

There are other signs of aging that people worry about, both mental and physical.

We spoke to some young Londoners and asked them what they feared most about getting old - the mental or the physical aspects?

Comments include facial wrinkles, receding hairlines and wanting to grow old gracefully.

تشعر عقليا؟ يهل ام جسديا الشيخوخة من اكثر بالقلق أکتبين بالعربية كتعليق .

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الطعام طلب في للمبذرين غرامة

بالعربية کتابته أعيدي ثم النص .إقرأيChinese food is extremely popular and Chinese people are very proud of their cuisine.

But in Hong Kong, even though they have some of the best Chinese cuisine in the world, they have a problem with food waste.

Most of the food that doesn't get eaten in restaurants is thrown out into landfill sites.

To solve the problem some restaurants have introduced fines for customers who don't finish their food.

Sushi is very popular in Hong Kong. One restaurant charges about $1 USD, for each piece of sushi people don't eat.

A UK entrepreneur thinks this makes good business sense. He says there's a double benefit.

Firstly, restaurants don't need to cook so much food, so it costs less for them. And secondly, it makes people think they're a company that cares for the environment.

There are also food waste problems in the UK. According to a government survey, British homes throw out a third of all food they buy.

However half of this is inedible waste that people can't eat like bones and tea bags.

ف التبذير ايقاف من نتمكن تعليق الطعام؟ يكيف كأکتبي .بالعربية

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اللغات تعلم

بالعربية کتابته أعيدي ثم النص .إقرأيA new survey says there are half a million fewer adults in Britain learning foreign languages than ten years ago.

It says the most popular foreign language is Spanish, followed by French and then English in the third place!

English has overtaken German in the last decade. This is because more people are coming to the UK to study English.

It's also because of the increase in the number of immigrants to the UK who do not speak English as their first language.

Even though more British people are traveling abroad than ever before, fewer adults are learning foreign languages.

The research says that British people learn foreign languages if they're moving or buying property abroad, because of personal interest, and work.

There's also a gender difference in the way people learn. The survey says that women are more likely to sign up for a language class. On the other hand, men prefer to learn alone at home, using books, CDs and DVDs.

اللغات من غيرها علی العربية اللغة تعلم اخترت لماذاتعليق العالمية؟ بالعربية كأکتبي .

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كبير كنز اكتشاف

بالعربية کتابته أعيدي ثم النص .إقرأيA shipwreck has been discovered recently by modern-day treasure-hunters.

The American company Odyssey Marine Exploration, says it has found the world's biggest ever treasure. It says the gold and silver coins found are worth $500 million dollars.

The company is being very secretive about the ship. They say it has been found in international waters. And even named it 'The Black Swan' as a codename.

But historians think it was found off the coast of the South West of England. And some think it could be a British merchant ship that sank in 1641 and was carrying Spanish gold.

The Spanish government says it's suspicious that the company is being so secretive about the shipwreck.

The historian, Richard Larn says the company had problems after finding treasures before. So this time they're being very careful and doing a lot of work with their legal team to iron out who owns what.

He goes on to say that the money doesn't go automatically to the company and the courts will decide who should get it.

But whatever happens to the money, everybody thinks the discovery is still of historical value.

بالكنز؟ كأيبر يحتفظ ان يجب تعليق من بالعربية كأکتبي .

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تواقيع حملة

بالعربية کتابته أعيدي ثم النص .إقرأيMcDonald's have just launched a petition to try to remove a word from the Oxford English Dictionary. The word they don't like is McJob.

According to the Oxford English Dictionary, the word means "an unstimulating, low paid job, with few prospects".

McDonald's often use 'Mc' in front of foods on their menu: like McNuggets and McMuffin.

They're not happy because they think when people read the meaning, they will think of them as a bad employer.

The dictionary says the word is widely used to describe many jobs in the service sector. But McDonald's feel the definition is "out of date and insulting".

The dictionary is unlikely to change it - they say they are just reflecting how the word is used in everyday speech.

Some British MPs are also campaigning against it. One Labour MP said that the word makes people who work in the service sector feel worthless and not valued.

توافق ف ينهل الكلمة معنى تغيير القاموس؟ يعلى تعليق بالعربية كأکتبي .

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ديكينز عالم منتزه

بالعربية کتابته أعيدي ثم النص .إقرأيA theme park which celebrates the life and writings of the British novelist Charles Dickens has opened in the UK.

Many people know of Charles Dickens famous novels such as Great Expectations, Oliver Twist and A Christmas Carol.

Now, a theme park aims to give visitors a taste of Dickens Victorian world itself.

Visitors to Dickens World will be able to walk down Victorian streets, take a Great Expectations water ride, and visit a haunted house.

But some people have asked whether this is an appropriate way to celebrate one of Britain's greatest writers.

They say the park doesn't reflect the social criticisms which were part of Dickens work.

Others say it is appropriate because Dickens himself was a performer, and the park will help bring his works to a wider audience.

تعتقد المنتز ينهل هذا للاحتفال هان مناسبة طريقة ديكينز؟ مثل كبير كاتب تعليق باعمال بالعربية كأکتبي .

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ف قمامة موقع العالم يأعلى

بالعربية کتابته أعيدي ثم النص .إقرأيA report says that 50 tons of rubbish have been left on top of the mountain Everest since it was first climbed.

Mountaineers say that high altitude, snow and low oxygen levels make it difficult to bring the rubbish down.

Environmentalists have called Everest the world's highest rubbish dump. But two people have made it their mission to clean up Everest.

A Welsh man known as Rob the Rubbish is traveling round the world to clean up mountains.

He started in Wales with Snowdon, moved on to Ben Nevis in Scotland and is now in Nepal.

He walks down through the villages with a yellow jacket, a bag and a pick-up stick. He says this helps in getting the locals involved in collecting the rubbish.

The second is a Japanese man called Ken Noguchi. He's a mountaineer and he's made five trips to the top of Everest to pick-up rubbish.

He wants to display some of the rubbish he collected in Tokyo and in Seoul to make people aware of the problem.

The Nepalese government now is asking expeditions to pay a cash deposit before they climb Everest. To get the money back they have to show they have got rid of their rubbish.

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تسلقت ان سبق وجدت هل هل ف جبلا؟ ؟هقمت يقمامة تعليق بالعربية كأکتبي .

الأولی الأذاعة عن ذکريات

بالعربية کتابته أعيدي ثم النص .إقرأيToday we're celebrating the anniversary of the first ever broadcast on Egypt Radio 73 years ago. We're celebrating by talking about all kinds of different 'firsts'.

The first program on Egypt Radio began with a reading of the Holy Qur'an by Sheikh Mohamed Refaat.

The first person to sing on Egypt Radio was the great Om Kolthoum. And the first ever music program on the BBC was in 1927.

In those days presenters wore formal European evening dress, which for men is a black dinner jacket and black bow tie.

Inas Gohar and Sean Keegan of the BBC reminisce about their personal 'firsts.' Inas talks about the first time she ever turned on the radio.

Sean finds it difficult to admit the name of the first record he ever bought. The record is called 'Chirpy Chirpy Cheep Cheep'.

If someone tells you something amazing, like the first record they ever bought, how do you reply?

You could say "really?" or "No way!" or "You're kidding!"

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معنا ياستعيد اشيائك بالعربية نا ياخبروماضيك عن اول المدرسة، فى الاول يومك عن مسجلة الاولى، اغنية

او يف صديقةاول ،اشتريتها اخر؟ يءش أيحياتك

عمرها للمسنين سنة 3000فرقة !

بالعربية کتابته أعيدي ثم النص .إقرأي

The Zimmers, is a rock band made up of senior citizens that take their name from the walking frames used by elderly people. They have a combined age of over 3000 years!

The band has been formed to highlight the problems of getting old in the UK and the way old people are treated.

They released the song 'My Generation' which was originally sang in 1965 by the Who. It expresses the feeling that older people just don't understand the younger generation.

Peter Oakley, a member of the Zimmers says that he's widower and he feels very lonely. He says there's one lady who hadn't left the house for three years.

He also points out that there's lack of local facilities like post offices. And as a result old people get very isolated.

The band has become famous especially after recording the song in Abbey Road studios where The Beatles recorded most of their hits.

The song is a cult hit now and thousands of people are downloading it from the internet. All the money made from the song is going to charities to help old people in the UK.

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What kind of problems old people face where you live

ه الت يما المشاكل السن يانواع كبار هذه يواجهها في تعليق ؟البلاد بالعربية كأکتبي .

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الجديدة السبع الدنيا عجائب

بالعربية کتابته أعيدي ثم النص .إقرأيThe seven wonders of the ancient world such as the Pyramids and the Gardens of Babylon were chosen by Greek philosophers over two thousand years ago.

A Swiss organization thinks it's time to update the list. It's trying to find out what people nowadays think should be the Seven Wonders of the World.

The Swiss organizer of the survey says creating seven symbols of one world will create a new global memory.

He says that will bring people together and contribute to better understanding between different cultures.

There's now a shortlist of 21 man-made sites and people all over the world can vote on to find the final seven.

The list includes sites such as the Taj Mahal, the Great Wall of China, the Coliseum in Rome, and Petra in Jordan.

Millions have been voting on the website. And the result is going to be announced on the 7th day of the 7th month 2007.

There's also a new survey just taken in the UK about what people think should be the seven wonders of Britain.

The new UK list includes Wembley stadium, the Queen's residence Buckingham Palace and at the top of the list came the famous Big Ben.

و يه ما كأير يف الجديدة؟ السبع الدنيا يضاأعجائب عجائب ياخبر سبع عن ؟بلدكفي نا

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النجاح فرص من يقلل تدريس اسلوب

بالعربية کتابته أعيدي ثم النص .إقرأيA new report could put an end to a common teaching technique used by teachers to get pupils to talk in class.

Teachers ask a question to the whole class, the ones who want to answer put up their hands and the teacher chooses one to answer.

The report says children who don't put up their hands are not making progress in school. It says this teaching technique could be one of the reasons.

The study says teachers don't notice these pupils because they don't put up their hands and it calls them the invisible children.

A BBC journalist says these children are quiet, undemanding and tend to avoid the teacher's gaze.

The report makes some suggestions to help teachers avoid this problem.

It says teachers should choose who should answer from the whole class. And also give the shy children some thinking time to understand the question before they answer it.

توافق الاسلوب ينهل هذا وقف أکتبيالتدريس؟ فيعلى بالعربية كتعليق .

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عملها أ يمكننا بسيطة شياء

بالعربية کتابته أعيدي ثم النص .إقرأيThese are things that we should be able to do, but we can't and we're too embarrassed to admit we're not able to do them.

The website gives tips on how to do things like changing a tire, sewing a button and boiling an egg!

This new service isn't just on the website, these videos can be sent to people's mobile phones too.

There are around 100 of these videos clips on the website.

The thing that groups these video clips together is the feeling of embarrassment people get when they should know how to do something very simple!

We asked some people in London about the things they can't do. Here are some of the answers: I can't work my dvd player I can't change a plug without a diagram I can't put up shelves

الت ياخبر البسيطة الاشياء عن تعرف ينا .يلا فعلها كيفية نتعليق .بالعربية كأکتبي

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المعجم في جديدة كلمات

بالعربية کتابته أعيدي ثم النص .إقرأي

The ninth edition of the Collins English dictionary has come out and the changing nature of the English language is reflected in it. More than 2 billion words form the basis for this dictionary. The words are gathered from newspapers, magazines, books, websites and transcripts of radio and television program.

Some of the new words focus on people's obsession with body size as well as their interest in the fashion and the shopping habits of celebrities. WAG, size zero and muffin top are three new terms that appeared in the new edition of the dictionary.

WAG is an acronym for Wives and Girlfriends. It was used in the papers at the time of the World Cup last year to describe the wives and girlfriends who went with the English football team to Germany. This group of women receive a lot of media attention because people are so interested in their fashion and lifestyle.

The phrase size zero is taken from American clothes sizing. Being a size zero means you're the size of an average 8 year old. It's a popular term because it describes the fashion of being very thin.

The final term is muffin top and it's also about our obsession with body size. The term has entered the dictionary because a lot of people use it to describe the roll of fat people get on top of their jeans when they're too tight!

جديدة كلمات توجد تعيش أهل الموضة ينينما تصفالجسم اخری ومقاس أشياء تعليق ؟أو .بالعربية كأکتبي

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مستقبلية قاعة

بالعربية کتابته أعيدي ثم النص .إقرأي

The futuristic looking planetarium has been unveiled in Greenwich Observatory in the UK.

Some people say it looks like a big submarine rising up amongst the Victorian buildings of the Greenwich Observatory.

There's a line on the planetarium that points straight to the North Star. And it has an advanced laser projector.

One of the problems of modern city life is that because of light pollution we never see the beauty of the night sky.

Therefore it's hoped that the new planetarium will inspire young people to have interest in science.

Astronomer, Carolyn Crawford says that the role of planetariums is very important. She says they bring the night sky to life and help re-awaken an interest in the stars.

She thinks it would be sad if children grew up without ever seeing a beautiful starry night sky with the Milky Way and shooting stars.

لديك ما المفضل الاسم لماذا؟ هو و النجوم اسماء بينتعليق .بالعربية كأکتبي

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الصين مدارس فى رقص حصص

بالعربية کتابته أعيدي ثم النص .إقرأيChina's booming economy and the one child policy, has meant parents now have more money, but only one child to spend it on.

Parents spend a lot of money on their kids and many of these children end up being pampered and overweight.

According to the newspaper the China Daily, dance lessons will soon become compulsory for all school students in China.

This is part of a drive by the Chinese to fight obesity and it's hoped it will help kids keep fit.

Each dance will be done to traditional Chinese music and older boys and girls will be required to learn the waltz.

But not all students are happy with the plan. A reporter says some of the messages posted on the Chinese internet chatrooms are quite negative.

She says students say they already have too much homework and extra activities. And that they don't have time for the new dance lessons.

Some students say they were not given a choice in the type of dance the government is going to introduce.

But the Chinese government plans to bring out new sets of dance moves every two years to stop students getting bored of them.

على للمحافظة جيدة وسيلة الرقص حصص ان تظنين هلتعليقك أکتبي الوزن؟ وتقليل .بالعربية اللياقة

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ف افتراض يالسياسة يعالم

بالعربية کتابته أعيدي ثم النص .إقرأيA Japanese politician who's running for office is promoting his policies using a unique virtual world webiste called Second Life.

The political has set up a virtual office and says he wants to discuss new policies with internet citizens, deliver lectures and also hold meetings.

A BBC correspondent says that Second Life has become a thriving virtual community. It has a population of more than 7 million people.

She says through a 3D online community users can do all kinds of things from building homes, buying and selling things to attending pop concerts. She says the residents enjoy a booming virtual economy.

The Japanese politician thinks Second Life is a good place to discuss new policies with voters. But he's having a few problems with Japan's electoral law.

In Japan there's a law that limits the amount of text and images which politicians can use in an election campaign and this includes the internet.

Some people say the politician's move is nothing but a gimmick and a tactic to attract attention.

Others say it's a valid experiment to determine how virtual society and politics can interact.

وما هل التلفزيون علی الأفتراضية الحياة برامج تشاهدينرأي .بالعربية تعليقك يأکتب فيها؟ كهو

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ذكية ملابس

بالعربية کتابته أعيدي ثم النص .إقرأيEuropean scientists are developing clothing which they say will be able to monitor people's health.

These clothes are made of intelligent textiles. And have special sensors built into them to monitor body fluids such as blood and sweat.

The aim is to use these clothes to check on people with chronic illnesses, people recovering from illness and injured sportspeople.

The scientists have almost finished working on a test patch of clothing and they're looking for volunteers to test them.

If these tests go well they hope to make the clothes even more hi-tech so that they'll be able to spot illness and infections early.

We asked people in London what would they want their clever clothes to do, here are some of the answers: transport and take me to places

monitor my heart rate with a health regulator

regulate temperature so if it's cold it makes me warm and if it's warm it makes me cooler.

كان لو للمال؟ مضيعة ام جيدة فكرة الذكية الملابس هلذكية لديك تفعله أ ينتود يالذيء لشا ما ،ملابس ؟لك ن

تعليقك .بالعربية أکتبي

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! وردية منتجات

بالعربية کتابته أعيدي ثم النص .إقرأيThe Guardian newspaper says Fly Pink airline is aimed at female travelers. It will offer flights in pink planes, provide pink drinks and manicures before take-off.

These days there are more and more pink products supposedly aimed at female consumers, because pink is seen as a color for women.

Companies are now offering a lot of products, in pink to attract grown women. These products range from mobile phones, microwave ovens, to pliers and even pink hammers!

The Guardian says that pink has always been seen as a color for little girls. It suggests the color could cause problems for women in a business environment.

It says that business women who go into meetings carrying pink items such phones, pens and pink notepads won't be taken seriously.

On the on the other hand it has always been the case that men in the UK wouldn't have anything in pink. But this is changing as these days we see younger men wearing pink t-shirts!

تظن الورد هان ينهل اللون تفادى النساء يرتبط يعلى لانهالصغ هل اتريبالفتيات ورد يءش أي ينتمتلك ؟ ؟يلونه

.بالعربية تعليقك يأکتب

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بالندم الشعور

بالعربية کتابته أعيدي ثم النص .إقرأيAbeer and Alice talk to people in Cairo and London. They asked them: "Do you have any regrets?" This is what they said.

"Things I should have done and things I wished I'd said."

"I used to play the guitar when I was about 16 years old .. and then I gave it up. I regret not having kept it up because by now I might be quite good!"

"My only regret is that I should have studied harder at school and I wouldn't be having to make up for it right now."

"I do regret not having spent more time with my grandfather before he died."

"I regret getting very busy with my life to the extent that I didn't tell my best friend how important he is to, kept delaying it, until I lost him in an accident."

Khaled and Alice discuss phrases we use when we talk about regrets; such as I should have.., I wish I had... or If I could change things, I would .

Alice also mentions that in English we sound as if we are saying sorry all the time! For example, if you want someone's attention you would say "Sorry, excuse me.... " or if you didn't hear what someone said you may say just "Sorry? ؟" But remember - this `sorry' is not an apology! .

تشعر مواقف أبال ينهل على الندم أو لحظات أسف وأکتب بها؟ مررت .بالعربية تعليقك يمعينة

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الاعلانات حظر

. بالعربية کتابته أعيدي ثم النص إقرأي

In the 1960s a famous advert was screened on TV encouraging people to buy eggs. It featured the comedian Tony Hancock and the famous slogan 'go to work on an egg'. Now 36 years after it last appeared, it's been banned. The BEIS, an organization representing the egg industry in the UK, wanted to re-screen the advert.

But the re-screening request was refused by the Broadcast Advertising Clearance Centre (BACC) which regulates adverts in the UK. The BACC says that the advert breaches the rules because it claims eggs are healthy. They say adverts which make health claims have to encourage a varied diet. There's also a plan to ban adverts that show people downing shots and drinking small measures of strong alcohol quickly.

Since the 1950s, there have been a lot more regulations on adverts. These bans have one aim and that is fighting health problems. They are introduced to stop people from eating unhealthy food, smoking and consuming large amounts of alcohol.

الت يه ما وترغب يالاعلانات بالصحة تضر يتم يف ينقد انتعليقك حظرها؟ .بالعربية أکتبي

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الصحة على التجميل منتجات أثر

ثم النص کتابته إقرأي أعيدي.بالعربية

The Telegraph and Mail are reporting comments by Richard Bence, a biochemist who researches cosmetics and toiletries. He says a lot of women use more than 20 different products a day and maybe this isn't very good for them. He claims a woman using that many products will absorb 2 kilos of cosmetics in a year. He says we don't know the long term effects of these chemicals.

Some say his comments should not be considered to be independent. This is because he runs a company selling organic beauty products using natural chemicals. But he's not the first person to say that chemicals in cosmetics could be bad for us. There has been other research into the effects of some of the common cosmetic products.

Scientists say they might be linked to skin irritation or even cancer but there's no conclusive proof that cosmetic products cause health problems.

Here are some of the common products people use: lipstick eye liner nail varnish shower gel shampoo hair conditioner

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رأي التجميل مفي كما من تستخدم وماذانتجات ها؟ينتعليقك .بالعربية أکتبي

الحياة من دروس

بالعربية کتابته أعيدي ثم النص .إقرأيWe asked people in London and Cairo what lessons they've learned from life. Here are some of the answers we got. "Never take things too seriously." "Well, I've learnt so many lessons but mainly to be helpful and kind with people." "Live life as you mean to go on" and "live every day as if it's your last one." "Treat others as you'd like to be treated yourself". "Do it now because you'll never know if you'll have another chance!" Cath and Khaled also talk about how important it is in English to be polite. In a café don't just say "Orange juice" say "Orange juice, please". And don't forget to say thank you.

تعلمت التي الدروس هي أکتب ما الحياة؟ من تعليقك يها .بالعربية

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الام عيد

بالعربية کتابته أعيدي ثم النص .إقرأيWe asked people in Cairo and London 'Do you take after your mother?' Lots of people in Cairo say they don't take after their mum... ...except that they look like her, sound like her , cook like her, and have the same personality!

In London one man said 'I am nothing like her, I am an individual!' Other people in London said they think they take after their dad more than their mum.

Do you think you take after your mum? Maybe you get your looks from her, or your mannerisms. You could even say you get your eyes or nose from your Mum. Perhaps you have her hot temper!

On Mother's Day you will probably want to spoil your mum - maybe bring her breakfast in bed, give her her favorite food, really pamper her. Tell us about how you spend Mother's Day.

Finally what do you call your Mum? In Egypt people often say mummy or mama. In Britain people usually say mum, while in North America they say mom. Abigail's mother is from the North of England and so she says 'mam' or 'mammie.' What do you say in your family?

والدت مع الأم عيد قضيت تعليقك ؟ كکيف بالعربية أکتبي .

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المثاليات النساء

بالعربية کتابته أعيدي ثم النص .إقرأيThis week we are talking about female role models. Which famous woman do you admire and why? We got some very different answers in Cairo and London.

In London people liked women who were opinionated or outspoken. They mentioned women like pop star Madonna and Prime Minister Blair's wife, Cherie.

In Cairo strong women were also popular. One woman admired ordinary women who work hard raising a family

But unlike the Londoners we spoke to, several people in Cairo said they admired women who help other people, women such as Mother Teresa.

In the UK people often say women are good at multitasking - i.e. doing several things at once. (cooking cleaning and dressing the children all at the same time.

One more thing women are meant to be good at is talking. If someone talks too much we say they 'go on a bit'.

برأي هي ولماذا؟ كمن العالم، في إمرأة أکتبيأشهر بالعربية تعليقك .

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بالعربية کتابته أعيدي ثم النص .إقرأيThis week we're talking about freedom. What is it? and How free do you feel?

Here are some of the answers we got when we asked this question in London and Cairo:

- Freedom means the ability to express your ideas and opinions.

- I think freedom means that you have not only the freedom to do what you want but also the opportunity to do what you want.

Freedom is really a mixture of a number of things really, so it's a bit of independence but also a lot of responsibility.

One man says he isn't free because he has to work for money, and have a mortgage.

Cath and Khaled also talk about some language to do with the opposite of being free - being tied down. You may want to get out of a job or a relationship. You might feel stuck in a rut or stuck in a groove.

Another meaning of the word free is 'no charge'. When companies give away free gifts such as pens and key rings, we call them freebie .

What do you think? What is freedom? How free do you feel? Write to us in English!

تعن الت يماذا الحرية حجم هو ما لك؟ ينتشعر يالحريةتعليقك ؟ بها .بالعربية أکتبي

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السيارات اختيار فى الاذواق تغير

بالعربية کتابته أعيدي ثم النص .إقرأي

Toyota has announced it has overtaken General Motors to become the world's biggest car manufacturer.

Analysts say the Japanese company has been successful because of its "low production costs, small and attractive models, and marketing".

They also say there are now two main kinds of consumer in the global car market: At one end consumers are looking for small reliable cars, which are cheap to run. At the other end people are interested in expensive luxury models. Recently a new kind of car has also become popular with consumers: hybrid cars. They use a mixture of petrol and electricity, and are thought to be better for the environment.

ولماذا؟ السيارة يه ما لك تعليقك المفضلة أکتبي.بالعربية

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الثقافات على الانترنت خطر

بالعربية کتابته أعيدي ثم النص .إقرأيA new book has been published which claims that the internet is killing our culture. In 'The Cult of the Amateur' Andrew Keen says that the digital revolution has resulted in 'online amateurism'.

These days anyone can put up content on any subject on the internet. He says 'if we are all amateurs, there are no experts'.

He refers to 'User Generated Content' - all the material produced by the general public on the web - as information that is worthless and unreliable. Andrew Keen says this new phenomenon of User Generated Content is self indulgent.

He mentions two specific sites: Wikipedia, which he says 'perpetuates misinformation and ignorance' and YouTube, which he calls inane and absurd. He's worried about the decline or even collapse of old media - such things as music, film and books.

تظن الانقراض ينهل تواجه التقليدية الاعلام وسائل انالانترنت شبكة الحديثة؟ و بسبب الاعلام يأکتب تقنيات

.بالعربية تعليقك

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ف التدخين وحظر بريطانيا يالشيشة

بالعربية کتابته أعيدي ثم النص .إقرأيRecently there has been a boom in shisha cafes in the UK. There are now around 600 in the country. Shisha smoking venues started appearing in London along the Edgware Road in the 70s. Between 30,000 and 40,000 people come to smoke shisha there every week.

They are an exciting alternative to pubs and appeal to a multicultural generation as they attract people from many different backgrounds. One shisha smoker says it's more relaxing than anything. "You can't beat it!" It's also a peaceful, sociable activity. However, From the 1st July it will be illegal to smoke in a public place in the UK. This could mean the end for shisha bars.

Shisha fans have been trying to get an exemption to the law, but one minister says she would be worried if the government focused on something that was a danger to people's health. One calculation states that smoking a shisha is the equivalent of smoking a packet of cigarettes. So there is no change to the law.

تظن قانون ينهل من وتستثنى تعفى ان يجب الشيشة انف التدخين .بالعربية تعليقك يأکتب العامة؟ الاماكن يحظر

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الخضروات؟ نشتري ام نزرع هل

بالعربية کتابته أعيدي ثم النص .إقرأيIn the UK, for the first time since the Second World War, sales of vegetable seeds have overtaken sales of flower seeds. During the war, people in Britain were encouraged to grow their own vegetables. Parks and gardens were ploughed up to make this possible.

Now, people are growing their own vegetables again, not in parks but on allotments which they rent from local councils. Allotments are very cheap and popular. In some areas there are so many people waiting for allotments that even the allotment waiting lists have waiting lists!

Meanwhile, British supermarkets are bulging with fruit and vegetables flown in from all round the world at all seasons of the year. So why are the British growing their own vegetables again?

The Guardian newspaper suggests it's not to save money. It's partly because of celebrity chefs on television. They are promoting traditional foods and small producers as opposed to supermarkets. They also recommend buying food in season and not having summer fruit in winter for example. The newspaper also says that another reason is that British people are going on holiday to less industrialized places, where they see people growing their own fruit and vegetables like lemons and olives. They are envious of this and want to do the same.

تقوم عائلة تعرفين والفاكهة؟ هل الخضروات بزراعةتعليقك .بالعربية أکتبي

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بحرية مغامرة

بالعربية کتابته أعيدي ثم النص .إقرأيA German biologist thinks that Stone Age people were navigating the Atlantic Ocean 14,000 years ago. To prove he's right he's built a sailing boat using a Stone Age design and is sailing across the Atlantic from New York to Spain! But he isn't using only Stone Age technology; the boat will also have GPS, satellite phones and email on board.

The boat was built out of reeds and rope. They used timber to make the mast and the cabin. One of the organizers says that the boat looks like a banana. He says similar boats were found in South America and Egypt.

The biologist thinks that there was trade between the Americas and Egypt in the time of Ramses the Second. He's convinced that there was contact between ancient civilizations across the Atlantic. He thinks pictures in caves in Spain that are 14,000 years old, show boats navigating Atlantic Ocean currents.

ر هو ف أيما هذه ك تعليقك البحرية؟ ةرحلال ي أکتبي.بالعربية

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اعتيادية! غير لياقة يتطلب سباق

بالعربية کتابته أعيدي ثم النص .إقرأيThe annual Tour de France, cycling race takes place mainly in France, but this year for the first time it started in London. It's a very long and tough race. Cyclists cover a distance of 3,550 km over three weeks and they only get two rest days.

Bradley Wiggins, a British cyclist, says that the race is not an enjoyable experience but you feel a sense of achievement when you finish it. He also says it's the only race that's so long you need to get a haircut whilst you're taking part!

But because it's a very difficult sporting event, some cyclists have found other ways to improve their performance in the race. Drugs are a big problem in cycling. There are a lot of drug scandals involving famous cyclists.

British cyclist David Millar took drugs in the past, but is now an anti-drug campaigner. He thinks cycling has got itself in a mess, and says the whole of cycling has to try and redeem itself. He expects this year's race to the cleanest in the history of the Tour de France. But he also says that there are still a few skeletons in the closet, which means a few shocking things happened in the past and are kept secret.

يلهمك دراجتك ويشجعك هل استخدام على السباق هذاتعليقك ؟الهوائية .بالعربية أکتبي

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الالكترونية الكماليات

بالعربية کتابته أعيدي ثم النص .إقرأيGadgets are small things like mobile phones, mp3 players and handheld games. They are not only useful but also seen as status symbols.

A new report from America says that younger consumers see hi-tech gadgets as more important than cars when it comes to impressing their friends. It says that the tech revolution has changed attitudes in young consumers and they now see the latest gadgets as more cool and more fascinating than cars.

The iPhone is the latest gadget that went on the market recently. At the launch event in New York people had been camping outside the store for days. Apple employees clapped and cheered them as they left the store with their new iPhones.

One psychologist thinks that gadgets fulfill the same purpose for men now as jewelry has for women over the years.

We asked some people to come up with new ideas for gadgets. Here are some of the answers: - a gadget to help me find all my remote controls, so like a gadget finder. - a gadget that works a bit like a television remote control, so I can pause

real life, rewind and go back. - a gadget with a mute button, so when people like my boss are giving me a

hard time I just press the mute button.

لديك طريقة هل لتحسين جديدة الكترونية لكماليات افكارتعليقك الحياة؟ .بالعربية أکتبي

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ندفع هل البشرية؟ للأعضاء نقودا

. بالعربية کتابته أعيدي ثم النص إقرأيThe number of people waiting for organs in the world has reached a record high. The problem is there are too few donors, and 400 people a year die while waiting for a transplant.

It has been suggested that paying people who donate organs could be a solution. Professor Naomi Pfeffer says that a legal market in human bones and skin already exists.

Her research shows a corpse can be worth more than ($200,000). This means some people could earn more money dead than alive.

We asked a few Londoners about their views on organ donation. Here are some of their views: Paying for organs might create a market that is difficult to control

and could lead to unscrupulous practices. Donating organs is something I hadn't thought about, but might

consider. Organ donation should be something you do out of the goodness of

your own heart. Another suggestion was put forward by England's chief medical officer, Sir Liam Donaldson, who wants to introduce a system of 'presumed consent', in which all people are seen as organ donors after death unless they opt out.

تشجع باعضائهم؟ ينهل للمتبرعين نقود دفع أکتبي فكرة بالعربية تعليقك .

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الشاشة! أطفال

. بالعربية کتابته أعيدي ثم النص إقرأيA new report in the UK suggests children who watch a lot of TV think less of their parents and themselves. Children who spend a lot of time in front of the TV or computer screen are sometimes referred to as 'screen kids'.

The report says screen kids are more materialistic than other children, they are more argumentative, they have low self-esteem, and a low opinion of their parents. The report also claims the richer you are, the less likely you are to allow your children to have a TV in their bedroom.

Nearly half of affluent children have TV in their bedrooms, compared to 97% of poorer children. One set of more affluent parents in the program said parental control was important to them.

The report also suggests that children's TV is losing its appeal with youngsters. More children are watching commercial TV, especially those children from more deprived backgrounds.

فوجئت التقرير؟ هل هذا تعليقك بنتائج .بالعربية أکتبي

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للقراءة؟ وقت لديك ليس

. بالعربية کتابته أعيدي ثم النص إقرأيDo you ever feel you don't have enough time to read all the newspaper articles you want? Now, busy readers of The Economist magazine can listen to individual articles using their computer or personal music player. If they have eight hours to spare, they can even listen to the whole magazine.

It is the first magazine to offer an entire publication in audio form. The main audience of The Economist are influential business people and government decision-makers.

Critics say that in the short term this audio magazine is unlikely to attract big audiences. Another criticism is that it takes longer to listen to an article being read than to read it yourself.

But The Economist says the audio edition is about time-saving. Daniel Franklin, editor of, says readers are surprisingly enthusiastic about the audio magazine as it enables them to use downtime; for example while commuting to work, jogging or just relaxing at home.

New media experts say we will be seeing more things like this future, thanks to the spread of broadband technology.

تود تستمع ينهل مجلتك يأن من ناطقة نسخة إلى بالعربية تعليقك يأکتب المفضلة؟ .

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المثالية الرحلة

. بالعربية کتابته أعيدي ثم النص إقرأيWhat would be your ideal trip? And what would you learn from going there? We've been asking this question in London and Cairo. Often people want to travel to a country to experience a different culture and see the differences in people's lives. But sometimes they just want to have a good time!

One man in Cairo said that he needed a mix between a beach holiday with a relaxing atmosphere and somewhere with an interesting culture. He also wanted to enjoy the luxury of having nothing to do.

Another ideal trip for one woman was to go back to Armenia and discover her roots. Cath picks out some useful language for when you're talking about travel; not five star holidays but backpacking when you might rough it. She points out that the verb to get to is very useful. For example: I need to get to Cairo by Wednesday.

Khaled needs to get to London quickly; so he has to find himself a last-minute deal!

ه يه ما وما لك؟ بالنسبة المثالية الت يالرحلة يالاشياءتتعلم هذه ينقد من .بالعربية تعليقك يأکتب الرحلة؟ ها

البدنية اللياقة

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. بالعربية کتابته أعيدي ثم النص إقرأيIt's the fitness program - and we go on to the streets of Cairo and London asking "What do you do to keep fit?"

Here are some of the answers we get: I go mountain climbing Aerobics, walking I like rollerblading I go jogging I eat healthy food & I do exercises. One of the women we spoke to in London says that she goes to the gym about once or twice a week. Listen to the audio to hear what her friend has to say about that!

And how does all this exercise make people feel? Kind of healthier and happier I suppose. Makes you feel good, makes you feel confident, makes you feel fit - and it's fun! Balanced Self-confident. Abigail and Khaled talk about another meaning for the word fit. If you say someone's really fit you mean that they're really good looking. Another new word is buff; only to be used for fit, good looking boys!

تفعل وكيف ينماذا البدنية؟ لياقتك على للمحافظةلياقتك ينتشعر تكون ممتازة؟ عندما

تعليقك .بالعربية أکتبي

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طفل پكم لكل محمول يوتر

. بالعربية کتابته أعيدي ثم النص إقرأي

After five years the manufacturers of the so-called 100 dollar laptop have finally been given the green light to start production. The One Laptop Per Child scheme is designed to provide school children in poorer countries with hi-tech computers. A BBC reporter says that the not for profit group behind the scheme received orders for three millions of the green and white machines. He says critics of the scheme say that children in these regions have more pressing issues to be addressed such as access to health care and fresh water. But the OLPC group says that one thing children in poorer countries do need is better education and that what they are doing "is an education project, not a laptop project".

The laptops are designed to be very rugged so they can be used in hot, wet, sandy or dusty conditions. They were put in the oven at 50 degrees and they kept on running. The keyboards were dunked in water for 10 minutes with no damage. The design is also very energy efficient. A user can reduce the brightness and color and also switch off the backlight which puts it in black and white mode. As for power there are a number of contraptions a user can use to generate power, which is useful in areas where there is no electricity. These include: a hand crank a foot pump a pull-string dynamo

تعتقد ف ينهل الاطفال حياة سيحسن المشروع هذا يانتعليقك أکتبي الفقيرة؟ .بالعربية الدول

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! لا اليوم بعد ضياع

. بالعربية کتابته أعيدي ثم النص إقرأي

The new Global Positioning System is made up of two vibrating rings that people can wear on their fingers to guide them round a city. If people are not sure about getting around in a new city all they have to do is program the GPS with the postcode of their destination. The idea is to wear one on each hand. Then for example the one on the left hand buzzes when you should go left. And if you're going the wrong way they both buzz together! The vibrating rings were originally designed for women who feel unsafe in urban environments. The rings were developed by British designer Gail Knight. She says she wanted to find a way of making people feel more confident. She integrated that feeling with walking and London and made this device which was very feminine but at the same time a piece of consumer electronics.

Philip Dodd from the Creative Cities Network says he felt completely lost when coming out of the underground in Tokyo. He says a device like that would make him a literate tourist and make him feel understood where he was going even if he couldn't read the language. He says the tourism industry, is going to be one of the real important things for this new hand-held satellite device.

تعتقد تشتر ينهل قد ولماذا؟ ينانك الجهاز أکتبي هذا .بالعربية تعليقك

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المناخ وتغير الفيضانات

. بالعربية کتابته أعيدي ثم النص إقرأي

The summer 2007 floods in England caused big evacuation operations and major disruption to supplies of clean water and electricity. The water level is now receding in many places but people have been extremely shocked by the floods as they are so unusual in England. A team of researchers is trying to find out why it's been raining so much recently. They say that they have found concrete evidence of the impact of human activities on global rainfall. The scientists say that climate change caused by humans have made some parts of the world wetter and other parts are getting drier. Dr. Nathan Gillet says that showing the influence of the human fingerprint on climate change will increase confidence in predictions of future change in rainfall.

The International Red Cross and Red Crescent say that the number of major floods around the world have doubled in the last three years, from 63 to 137. Peter Reese from the ICRC suggests that countries in the Third World have stronger mechanisms for coping with disasters because they are affected by them regularly. He goes on to say that flooding is a unique event that makes it quite a challenge for a government to prepare for how to provide support to people affected.

ازدات الامطار أهل كميات قلت يأکتب ؟ينتعيش حيثم.بالعربية تعليقك

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. بالعربية کتابته أعيدي ثم النص إقرأي

We're asking people in London and Cairo: Do you think you are a successful person? And if so, what is the secret of your success?

Most of the people Cath spoke to in London thought they were successful. One man said the reason he is successful is because he's honest. And what do people mean by success? One man says he thinks he is successful because he can pay his bills. And a woman said that "provided I'm happy that's success enough for me."

How about the Cairo answers? These weren't as positive. One woman Abeer spoke to said that she wanted to be a model, but she isn't working in this field. Abeer encourages her to "love what she's doing, instead of doing what she loves".

A man says that he feels both successful and unsuccessful: he says "When I feel happy in my work and life I think I'm successful; when I'm not happy I feel I'm not successful."

تعتقد إنسان ينهل بالعربية اكتب؟ ةناجح ةأنك تعليقك ي .

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الصين فى أخترع

. بالعربية کتابته أعيدي ثم النص إقرأيThere are a lot of products manufactured in China and this is helping its growing economic power. It has been called the new workshop of the world, but some say that China wants to make an important transformation.

A correspondent says that a Chinese company called Sinovac is developing a bird flu vaccine. He says China wants to go from "made in China" to "invented in China". He says China wants its companies to become world leaders and to stop copying and start inventing.

Much of Chinese culture is built on a tradition of copying, repeating, and obedience. This is largely because of the thinking and writings of Confucius. But China has a long history and it does have a few inventions of its own. For example it's famous for Four Great Inventions: papermaking movable type printing the magnetic compass gunpowder Chinese spending on research and development is growing fast. It has increased by 20% a year since 1999, and a report says it has overtaken Japan. Many multinational firms have set up research centers in China. Zhang Yimin from Intel believes that China has great potential in innovation. He says China has a strong local talent pool. He says people are well-educated and passionate about technology and innovation.

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تعليقك اكتب نها؟يتملك يالت الأجنبيةالمنتجات يه ما ي بالعربية.

ثانية الرجال

. بالعربية کتابته أعيدي ثم النص إقرأيWe heard different views from men in London. The first man felt that men and women are on an equal footing nowadays. Another felt that men are still given some sort of supremacy in the workplace, in terms of promotions and pay.

One man in London says that the best thing about being a man is that you don't have to have kids and stay at home. Some men might prefer that to going to work!

Both the men in London and in Cairo say that the best thing about being a man is that you have more freedom, more independence. A man in Cairo says that men can make their own choices! What do you think? Email us below. One man in London says the worst thing about being a man is that it's harder for men to show their emotions. Most of the men in Cairo, however, mention the pressure of financial and family responsibilities.

Sean and Khaled also talk about fashion news for men. In the UK tartan and check are in - a kind of Scottish or cowboy look - and ripped jeans are out. They then talk about gifts for men. Gadgets are popular as boys' toys and Khaled likes the sound of the vibrating chair for men who like to play computer games. He's not so keen on the salt-shaker that shakes itself!

If you are a man, would you say you are a guy, a bloke, a new man, or an alpha male? Sean and Khaled talk about what it means to be a bloke who likes traditionally male things like football and cars. A bloke is a bit macho

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but not as macho as an alpha male who is very macho and likes to be the leader. They agree that they are probably both new men who can show their emotions. Sean says that he 'wears his heart on his sleeve' and learns that the equivalent Arabic expression is to 'hold your heart in your palm'. Finally, Khaled and Sean talk about male grooming!

Here are some of the jokes you can hear too - check the audio links above for the Arabic translations:

Q: Why is psychoanalysis a lot quicker for a man than for a woman? A: Because when it's time to go back to his childhood, he's already there.

Q: What's the difference between a man and E.T.? A: E.T. phones home.

Q: Why are men like computers? A: Because they're difficult to understand and never have enough memory!

واسو ماعك رأيما افضل الأنسان كونيان يءش أهو.اكتبرجلا؟ بالعربية تعليقك ي

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المستقبل مدرسة

. بالعربية کتابته أعيدي ثم النص إقرأيThe state run high school system in America is often viewed as being under-funded and over-crowded especially in large cities like Philadelphia. West Philadelphia is a place where you'll find families on low income and where the crime statistics are high but it's also a place with a new kind of school.

The new school is supported by Microsoft and it's jam-packed with the latest technology from digital writing boards to built-in audio systems. Each student gets a laptop and that's all they need to complete their education. Homework and marks are e-mailed to students and their parents.

Because students use ID cards to get into school in the mornings an automatic record is kept of punctuality and attendance. Students use their ID cards in a cashless cafeteria and a record is kept for parents to see what their kids are eating.

What makes all this possible is the partnership between private enterprise in the shape of Microsoft and public tax payer money. Microsoft founder, Bill Gates says that an interactive online curriculum that is not paper based will help teachers to customize it to suit their needs. He says that the portal helps the parents to be part of the education process as they're able to see the homework and check on their kids' attendance and grades.

The school in Philadelphia seems to suggest that this is working. It received more than 9,000 applications this year for 175 places. Selection is not based on academic excellence as gifted pupils are not given priority and many of the successful applicants had never even touched a laptop in their lives.

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One pupil said 'It's not just another school. It's THE school and it's all about new beginnings'

التقنية ذات المدرسة لهذه مماثلة مدرسة ان تظنين هلاينما ستنجح .اكتب تعيشين؟ العالية بالعربية تعليقك ي

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اليد؟ أم أيسر أ يمن

ثم النص کتابته إقرأي أعيديبالعربية.

Scientists at Oxford University have discovered a gene called LRRTM1 which appears to increase the chances of being left-handed. The gene seems to play an important role in controlling which parts of the brain control specific functions like speech and emotion.

In right-handed people the left side of the brain usually controls speech and language and the right side controls emotions. Left-handed people's brains are wired up differently so their emotions are controlled by the left side of the brain and speech and language is controlled by the right side.

The researchers say that carrying the gene may also slightly raise the risk of developing the mental illness schizophrenia. But the Oxford team makes it clear that left-handed people should not be worried by this link with schizophrenia.

Lauren Milsom together with her husband runs a successful business providing products and information for left-handed people. She says that being left-handed gives her a wonderful ability to overcome obstacles and to think laterally. She believes left-handers are more creative and artistic. People like Maradona, Charlie Chaplin, Albert Einstein are all famous for being left-handers.

تعرف ويتمتع ينهل مبدع الشخص هذا هل ايسر؟ شخصارفيع؟ فنى .اكتب بذوق بالعربية تعليقك ي

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الکشفية الحرکة

. بالعربية کتابته أعيدي ثم النص إقرأي

For the past few days around 28 million scouts, male and female, have been celebrating 100 years of the Scouting movement, which in the UK. 40,000 scouts from 160 countries have come to the UK and are camping in Essex, in the east of England for the centenary celebrations. The Scouting movement says its aim is to develop goodwill and to encourage peace in the world. A male scout from the US says that because of the scouting spirit people from Islamic countries are brothers and sisters. One female scout says that scouts have something in common and something to talk about no matter what.

Scouts do charity work and offer outdoor activities like camping, walking and sports. They also give young people a lot of training and education in things like writing a CV, cooking food and first aid. There are 70 badges for the different skills. And a person can do a test in any of these activities and get a badge.

The number of young people wanting to join the scouts is rising internationally. There are more than 30,000 on waiting lists in the UK. People have to wait to join because there is a shortage of adult volunteers needed to run the scout groups. In the UK people work long hours these days, they're very busy and don't want to volunteer.

If you volunteer to work with children, you have to undergo a criminal record check. You also have to take courses in looking after children. The bureaucracy and the long working hours put people off volunteering to run scouts groups.

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لاتزال او كنت اخبر يف ةعضو ينهل الكشفية؟ نايالحركةبال تجاربك عربية.عن


. بالعربية کتابته أعيدي ثم النص إقرأيWalking is the most painless form of exercise. It's also very convenient as you don't need to get changed, wear special trainers, or sign up to an expensive gym.

Experts previously thought that walking for half an hour, five days a week was the minimum needed to achieve health benefits. But new research shows similar benefits can be gained from walking just three days a week.

The crucial thing is to walk at a faster pace. The walk has to leave you slightly breathless. So why is walking good for your health? It can lower your blood pressure, help control diabetes, and a walk in the fresh air can also be good for your mental health. Though it can be difficult to find some fresh air in today's busy cities!

تحب المش يهل .اكتب ؟ين بالعربية تعليقك ي

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الزمن عبر السفر

. بالعربية کتابته أعيدي ثم النص إقرأي

Have you ever wanted to go back in time? Two scientists now think time travel might not be science fiction. Professor Amos Ori is an eminent physicist who thinks time travel might be a possibility for future generations. He has set out a theoretical model for a time machine, which is based on a series of mathematical equations. His equations show that time would be able to curve back on itself so that a person traveling around the loop might be able to go further back in time with each lap. It's been described as a doughnut of space time. Another scientist called Dr Ronald Mallett, has only recently spoken out about his time travel research as he thought other scientists might think he was a crackpot scientist. His theory is called space time twisting by light. Dr Mallett was inspired by a novel written in 1895 called The Time Machine, by the writer H G Wells. He read it when he was ten years old after his father died, and the novel gave him hope that he might one day be able to go back and save his father's life.

We asked people in London where they would go if they had a time machine. Some of the answers are below:

I would go back and watch Italy win the World Cup again.I win the national lottery because I knew the winning numbers.I would go back to see the Sistine Chapel being built.

المكان هو الذ أما الزمن لديك يستختار يو كانت ان لةآ نهولما الزمن عبر ؟ذاالسفر

تعليقك .أکتبي بالعربية

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الاحراج بقصد الاشخاص تسمية

. بالعربية کتابته أعيدي ثم النص إقرأي

The subject is about naming and shaming. A university lecturer in London has decided to publish the spelling mistakes of 75 students, because he's so annoyed by their bad spelling. It's not clear whether he will publish their names or just the mistakes, but there seems to be a trend in the UK for naming and shaming. For example in the Isle of Wight badly behaved pupils have to go to school on an embarrassing bright pink 'naughty bus' to shame them into behaving better.

A few weeks ago the government said they were going to name and shame parents who don't pay maintenance for their children. There's also a website in Scotland which names and shames bad drivers. One woman taking part in a BBC debate said that the naughty bus idea wouldn't work. She said that it could become a 'badge of honor' to be on the bus with your friends. But another woman thinks the risk of being named and shamed could be a deterrent.

تعتقد ذو يهل الاشخاص تسمية ظاهرة ان السلوك ينف سيءال احراجهم ليتم ف يعلنا تفلح قد تغير يالمجتمع

للافضل؟ .اكتب السلوك بالعربية تعليقك ي

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الانترنت عبر العقاقير شراء مخاطر

. بالعربية کتابته أعيدي ثم النص إقرأيNew research suggests that a lack of regulation of online pharmacies is putting people at risk from fake medicines. Industry fraud advisers MarkMonitor surveyed over 3,000 sites selling medicines over the internet.

They looked at the sales of six popular prescription drugs for problems like weight loss. They found medicines were often sold very cheaply, at around one fifth of the retail price. But unfortunately for consumers, these low prices also carried significant risks: Medicines were likely to be counterfeit, out of date, or diluted Some medicines were completely different to what was promoted on the label More than half the sites did not safeguard customer details They found medicines for sale without a prescription Out of 3,160 sites, only four had proper accreditation Each of the sites had an average of 32,000 visitors daily, so for the six drugs they looked at this could mean £2 billion ($4 billion) in annual sales.

Charlie Abrahams from MarkMonitor said buying online, "puts your health at risk as well as your wallet."

تشتري اكتب نهل الإنترنت؟ طريق عن تعليقك يالعقاقير عربية.بال

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الجيد؟ القائد شروط ما

. بالعربية کتابته أعيدي ثم النص إقرأيWhat makes a good leader?

Many people think leadership is about having special qualities or characteristics, such as integrity, vision or courage. But a group of social psychologists is offering a different answer to the question in a new study on leadership.

They say that to become a successful leader you have to be like, and behave like the group you are trying to influence. The psychologists say good leaders 'embody the qualities and opinions of the group they are trying to influence.'

This includes personal appearance, as looking the part puts you in a stronger position to influence the group you lead. In their opinion leadership isn't 'a quality' but a 'social relationship' between leaders and followers, which is different in different groups. .

اكتب الجيد؟ القائد شروط .ما بالعربية تعليقك ي

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صغيرة اذن سماعة باستخدام الامتحانات في الغش

بالعربية کتابته أعيدي ثم النص .إقرأيA tiny earpiece which is being marketed as something that can help students cheat in exams has been called "disgraceful" by England's exam watchdog. The wireless device is called Examear, literally 'exam ear', and is sold by a Canadian company. Their website contains slogans such as "helping students succeed worldwide" and "no more memorizing long and boring speeches." The problem for exam invigilators is that these tiny devices would be very difficult to spot.

England's exam watchdog admits it is not obvious how someone taking an exam would communicate the questions to someone outside the exam room who might then transmit the answers back.

One possibility is that the earpiece could be used to receive information from an MP3 player or via a mobile phone. But the controversy caused by this earpiece prompts us to ask; given advances in technology, can we ever beat cheating in exams?

We asked students in London the same question and here are some of their responses. Everyone manages to cheat somehow whether they have technology or not. It's up to people whether they cheat or not, but in the end they only cheat themselves. You cannot stop it, it's a trend. Cheating might help people in the short term but not in the long term. Surely you will have to be vetted before you take an exam? .

تعتقد في ينهل الغش قضية نكافح ان يمكن اننا.اكتب الامتحانات؟ بالعربية تعليقك ي

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المتغيرة الاحتجاج صورة

. بالعربية کتابته أعيدي ثم النص إقرأيRecent demonstrations over the expansion of London's Heathrow Airport have captured headlines but have also led to comparisons with protests of the 1960s and 70s. Some people point to the more prominent anti-Vietnam War protests, which also produced many memorable protest songs.

You can hear some by listening to the program, with explicitly anti-war lyrics such as:

"Where have all the soldiers gone? Gone to graveyards every one."

From Where Have All The Flowers Gone by Pete Seeger

"You put a gun in my hand and you hide from my eyes and you turn and run further when the fast bullets fly."

From Masters of War by Bob Dylan

"And I dreamed I saw the bombers ... turning into butterflies above our nation."

From Woodstock by Matthews Southern Comfort

Guardian columnist Polly Toynbee says that there is "less sense of political engagement", and less feeling that you can "make a difference" than there used to be.

But environmental campaigner Joss Garman says that we are seeing "a real resurgence" in protesting, at least when it comes to environmental issues.

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He suggests the "nature of protest has changed since Vietnam, because it's no longer about mass movements or marching from A to B, but about much more creative protests."

اكتب الاحتجاج؟ طبيعة تغيرت هل رأيك؟ تعليقك ما ي بالعربية.

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للغرق؟ لندن تتعرض هل

. بالعربية کتابته أعيدي ثم النص إقرأيA movie launched in the UK today seems strangely topical after the heavy rain that's been falling in England. The Flood is a £25 million ($50 million) disaster movie that looks at what happens after a raging storm and giant tidal wave drown London.

In the film the famous Thames Barrier, which protects London from flooding, is overwhelmed by a surge of water. You see London landmarks like the Big Ben and the Houses of Parliament surrounded by flood water, with a state of emergency declared in the capital.

The film is based on fiction. But the film's director, Tony Mitchell, says that as they were making the film "science fiction" soon became "science prediction". He said that what's happening with global warming and the increased frequency of powerful storms could make the story a "frightening reality".

But some experts disagree. They say if a tidal wave came up the Thames and overwhelmed the Thames Barrier, the water would end up in the nearby counties of Kent and Essex, rather than London itself.

اكتب الكوارث؟ بأفلام الناس يستمتع رأيك في يلماذا. بالعربية تعليقك

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الاجور فى التفاوت

. بالعربية کتابته أعيدي ثم النص إقرأيVery soon, the women's football World Cup will kick off in China and England are taking part. The team's midfielder Vicky Exley is very skilful and has been called the equivalent of Steven Gerrard but when it comes to earning money they're worlds apart. While Steven Gerrard reportedly earns over £100,000 pounds a week with Liverpool, Vicky Exley has to work at her local post office to support herself. Vicky says that men footballers earn millions where as she has to get up early to pay the bills. But she says she does it because she loves playing football. Pay inequality is a wider social phenomenon. The Fabian Society has been investigating British people's views on what people in various jobs should be paid. It says that most British people thought professional footballers should have a big pay cut.

Tom Hampson from the Fabian Society thinks the British people have an instinct for fairness and that they care about equality. He says the findings suggest that people are unhappy about the kinds of disparity in society between, for example footballers and nurses. Barcelona striker Samuel Eto'o says if you generate a lot of money for your club, then they should be entitled to a share of it!

فى مهن هنالك ال هل ان أان ينتعتقد بلدهذا يجب جرهاالحال عليه هو مما أكثر رأيك الان؟ يكون .أکتبي بالعربية

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! مقعد على اقدام بسبب قضية

. بالعربية کتابته أعيدي ثم النص إقرأي

The teenage maths student Kathleen Jennings has been found guilty of what many people think was a trivial offence. Kathleen was on a train and she put her feet on the seat in front of her and the train company prosecuted her.

She was wearing flip flops and not shoes at the time but the train company say they have a zero tolerance policy to passengers putting feet on seats.

She was told to remove her feet by the train guard and she did so and apologized. But the train company still took her to court.

In the end the court found her guilty but dismissed her without charge and called the train company draconian for pressing charges.

The train company says that they are trying to provide a good service by fighting anti-social behavior.

We asked some people in London what annoys them when they use public transport. Here're some of the answers:

People making loud noise Smelly food Smelly people People who stare at you Finn says he gets annoyed with people dropping litter whereas Louay gets irritated with those who don't offer their seats for elderly people.

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استخدامنا عند فعلها نتجنب ان يجب التى الاشياء ماهىالعامة؟ رأيك للمواصلات .أکتبي بالعربية