Page 1: WHAT – DEMO DEMO 2. WHAT – Demo Scenario Disaster Happens: Terrorist attack in an Iraqi marketplace and civilians are hurt. Assistance is needed by support




Page 2: WHAT – DEMO DEMO 2. WHAT – Demo Scenario Disaster Happens: Terrorist attack in an Iraqi marketplace and civilians are hurt. Assistance is needed by support

WHAT – Demo Scenario

• Disaster Happens: Terrorist attack in an Iraqi marketplace and civilians are hurt. Assistance is needed by support resources.

• US Navy has collected high resolution sensor imagery over the Iraq area to assess collateral damage and identify a viable location to distribute medical supplies

• Navy Analyst drops a map point, visible to American Red Cross and United Nations personnel, to mark medical supply distribution site

• American Red Cross drops map points, visible to Navy Analysts United Nations to indicate the deployment of assets


Page 3: WHAT – DEMO DEMO 2. WHAT – Demo Scenario Disaster Happens: Terrorist attack in an Iraqi marketplace and civilians are hurt. Assistance is needed by support

Demo Scenario – Navy Analyst Perspective

• High resolution imagery is collected by the Navy of the Iraqi Market

• Analyst uses the CGS-E Widget to query the DIB for imagery over the attack area

• DIB returns metadata regarding imagery and the Analyst chooses an image

• Analyst uses CGS-E to pull imagery from IPL

• Analyst marks an area to drop supplies

• CGS-E sends plot data to OWF Eventing Channel

• Plot reflected on NRO Map Widget



Page 4: WHAT – DEMO DEMO 2. WHAT – Demo Scenario Disaster Happens: Terrorist attack in an Iraqi marketplace and civilians are hurt. Assistance is needed by support

Demo Scenario – UN Perspective

• CGS-E plot event broadcast to all widgets subscribed to eventing channel.

• Shouter Widget receives plot event and relays it to the Android Mobile App via the Shouter Web App and Enterprise Messaging Component

• UN Personnel receive a notification and see the drop point plotted on their map

• UN team takes up a position near the medical supply drop point


Page 5: WHAT – DEMO DEMO 2. WHAT – Demo Scenario Disaster Happens: Terrorist attack in an Iraqi marketplace and civilians are hurt. Assistance is needed by support

Demo Scenario – Red Cross Perspective

• CGS-E plot event broadcast to all widgets subscribed to eventing channel.

• Navy’s Event Relay Widget receives plot event and sends it to all other subscribed Event Relay Widgets

• Event Relay Widget on the Red Cross server receives the remote

event and converts it back to a local event• Red Cross Personnel see the medical supply drop point plotted on

their map• Red Cross deploys a medical team to recover the supplies


Page 6: WHAT – DEMO DEMO 2. WHAT – Demo Scenario Disaster Happens: Terrorist attack in an Iraqi marketplace and civilians are hurt. Assistance is needed by support

Demo Scenario – Red Cross Perspective

• Red Cross Personnel approach the drop site and turn on their GPS Beacon Widget

• Beacon Widget sends its plot event to the local OWF eventing channel

• Red Cross Map widget receives event and plots beacon point

• Event Relay Widget receives the local plot event and sends it back out as a remote event to other listening Event Relay Widgets


Page 7: WHAT – DEMO DEMO 2. WHAT – Demo Scenario Disaster Happens: Terrorist attack in an Iraqi marketplace and civilians are hurt. Assistance is needed by support

Demo Scenario – UN Perspective

• Event Relay Widget on the Navy server receives the remote event and converts it back to a local event

• Shouter Widget receives plot event and relays it to the Android Mobile App via the Shouter Web App and Enterprise Messaging Component

• UN Personnel receive a notification and see the Red Cross drop point plotted on their map

• UN Personnel intercept the Red Cross team and provide a security escort


Page 8: WHAT – DEMO DEMO 2. WHAT – Demo Scenario Disaster Happens: Terrorist attack in an Iraqi marketplace and civilians are hurt. Assistance is needed by support

Demo Scenario – Navy Analyst Perspective

• Event Relay Widget on the Navy server receives the remote event and converts it back to a local event

• NRO Map Widget receives local event and plots Red Cross location • Navy Analyst relays updated situation report


Page 9: WHAT – DEMO DEMO 2. WHAT – Demo Scenario Disaster Happens: Terrorist attack in an Iraqi marketplace and civilians are hurt. Assistance is needed by support

Questions – Demo Architecture



Page 10: WHAT – DEMO DEMO 2. WHAT – Demo Scenario Disaster Happens: Terrorist attack in an Iraqi marketplace and civilians are hurt. Assistance is needed by support


• Ozone Widget Framework is well positioned to be quickly picked up by new development resources

• OWF Widgets can work with and in a mobile environment

• A formal Remote Eventing specification is an important near-term evolution needed to standardize cross-desktop and cross-server widget communication